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1、常用低压电器产品英文名称目录 contents一、 断路器类 Circuit Breaker 二、 接触器 Contactor 三、 继电器类 Relays 四、 电源电器类 Power Supply Apparatus五、 开关电器类 Switches Apparatus六、 电机驱动类 Motor Drive七、 仪表及智能家居类 Meter, Intelligent Home八、 照明器类 Lighting九、 熔断器类 Fuse一十、 插座 Socket十一、电器附件 Electric Accessories十二、常用电工电气术语 Terms of Electrics一、断路器类 Ci

2、rcuit Breaker Definition: A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. 主要涉及词汇、短语 Related words and phases Electrical life 电气寿命 Mechanical life 机械寿命 Dielectric strength 介电强度,绝缘强度 rated coil

3、voltage 额定线圈电压 Contact form 触点形式 Contact material 触点材料 contact rating 触点容量 Coil power 线圈功率 Pulse width 脉冲宽度,脉冲持续时间 Pick-up voltage 接触电压,起始电压 Drop-out voltage 开断电压 Contact resistance 接触(接点)电阻,瞬变电阻 Insulation resistance 绝缘电阻 Operation temperature 工作温度 Input voltage 输入电压 Input current 输入电流 Isolating po

4、wer 隔离能力 Rated voltage 额定电压 Rated current 额定电流 rated operational current 额定工作电流 rated operational voltage 额定工作电压 arc extinction 灭弧 nominal insulation voltage 额定绝缘电压 rated insultating voltage 额定绝缘电压 Short-circuit delay protection 短路延时保护 Short-circuit protection 短路保护 Overload protection 过载保护 lack volt

5、age protection 欠电压保护 Thermal relay 热继电器 thermal overload relay 热过载继电器 intermediate relay 中间继电器 contactor relay 接触器式继电器 time relay 时间继电器 short-circuit current 短路电流(SCC) low voltage circuit breaker 低压断路器 high voltage circuit breaker 高压断路器 magnetic circuit breaker 磁断路器 trip breaker 行程断路器 standards and

6、certification 执行标准以及证书 alternating current(AC) 交流电 direct current(DC) 直流电 pollution grade 污染等级 IP code 防护等级 Protecting class 防护等级 Sea level elevation 海拔高度 Ambient air temperature 周围空气温度 Relative air humidity(RH) 空气相对湿度 Transportation and storage condition 运输及存储条件 Impact and vibration 冲击与振动 Economic

7、principle 经济原则 Safety principle 安全原则 Breaking ability 分断能力 Injection 注塑 Punching 冲压 Operation principle figure 工作原理图 Technical parameter 技术参数 Dimension and mounting 外型及安装 Type and specification 型号规格 Mechanical data 机械参数 Installation mode 安装方式 Terminal connection capacity 端子接线能力 Case width 外壳宽度 Two-p

8、ole 两极 Single pole 单极 Pole No. 极数 Installation dimensions 安装尺寸 Case grade rated current 壳架等级电流 Characteristic curve 特征曲线万能式断路器 Air Circuit Breaker (ACB)Rated words and phases Power distribution 配电 Small volume 体积小 Single-phase earthing/ground protection 单相接地保护 Modularization 模块化 Intelligentize 智能化 I

9、nstantaneous release 瞬时脱扣 Environment friendly 环境友好型 Environmental 环保的 Release type 脱扣类型 Characteristic curve 曲线特性(同前面翻译都存在) Power Frequency Voltage-Withstand Test 工频耐压试验 Leakage acting current 漏电动作电流 Range of break-off 动作电流范围 Pure electromagnetic type 纯电磁式 Rated short circuit broken capability 额定短路

10、分断能力 Power factor 功率因数 Tripping curre 脱扣曲线塑料外壳式断路器 Moulded Case Circuit Breaker(MCCB) Operation performance 运行特性 Operational current of magnetic release 运行电流的磁释放 Arcing-over distance 飞弧距离 Design code 设计序号 Breaking capacity grade code 分断能力等级代号 Rated current of frame 壳架等级电流(此种翻译也存在) Small volume, high

11、 breaking capacity and short flash-over distance小体积,高分断能力,飞弧距离小 More convenient and easier to mount function accessories.更方便以及容易安装功能附件(翻译仅供参考) Can be mounted with hand-operating device or motor-operating device for remote control.可以与hand-operating(手动)设备或motor-operating(自动)装置同时安装用于远程控制。(hand-operatin

12、g跟motor-operating翻译不准,请大家帮忙)塑料外壳式漏电断路器 Residual Current Circuit Breaker(RCCB) Residual operating current range 剩余动作电流动作范围 Rated leakage motion current 额定漏电动作电流 Rated leakage non-motion current 额定漏电不动作电流 Breaking time 分断时间 Rated conditional short circuit current 分断能力 Breaking capacity 分断能力(两种表达都有见到,各

13、位参考下) Rated operating current 额定动作电流 Adopt IEC standard DIN rail 采用IEC标准导轨安装 Application 主要用途 Residual current characteristics 剩余电流特性 Rated residual operating current 额定剩余动作电流 Tripping duration 脱扣时间 Provide protection against earth fault/leakage current and function of isolation.提供漏电保护功能和隔离功能(翻译仅供参考

14、) High short-circuit current withstand capacity.高短路分断能力(翻译仅供参考) Equipped with finger protected connection terminals.触电保护功能(翻译仅供参考) Fire resistant plastic parts endures abnormal heating and strong impact.阻燃的塑料部件可承受异常发热以及强烈冲击。(翻译仅供参考) Automatically disconnect the circuit when earth fault/leakage curre

15、nt occurs and exceeds the rated sensitivity.当发生接地故障或者漏电亦或是超出额定灵敏度时,会自动断开电路(翻译仅供参考) The connecting terminal with both sides double function can simultaneously connect bus row and single-core conductor两侧双功能接线端子,可同事接母线排和单芯导线 It is provided with contact shape indictor.具有触头状态指示器 Multiple leakage operatin

16、g current type, easy to realize selective protection. 多种漏电动作电流规格,容易实现选择性保护。 It can prevent the error operation caused by operating electronic equipment switch. 可防止由于电子设备开关操作引起的误动作。 Independent of power supply and line voltage, and free from external interference, voltage fluctuation.独立的电能供应以及线电压,不受外

17、界的干扰以及电压波动影响。(翻译仅供参考)漏电断路器产品用途以及工作原理中英文对照供大家参考:This residual current device is in conformity with the standard of IEC61008. (some also said as “it conforms to IEC61008”)It can be used in circuit immediately on the occasion of shock hazard or earth leakage of trunk line. It mainly suitable to be used

18、 in the circuit of 50HZ60HZ, single phase 230V, there phase 415V of plant & enterprise, buildings, commerce constructions, hotels and home.该漏电保护开关符合IEC61008标准。当人身触电或者干线网漏电时,该开关能迅速断开故障电路从而避免发生触电伤亡和漏电引起的火灾事故,漏电保护开关适用于工矿企业,建筑业和家庭的交流50HZ60HZ,单相230V,三相415V。When the circuit works normally, residual curren

19、t breaker is in “on” position. When leakage or electric shock hazard occurs in the circuit, the current transformer generates a signal to make electromagnetic release work, and cut off power source within 0.1 second to prevent leakage.线路正常工作时,剩余电流动作断路器处于闭合位置,当线路发生漏电或触电故障时,零序电流互感器输出的信号推动脱扣器动作,并在0.1秒内

20、切断电源,从而实现漏电保护功能。带过电流保护漏电断路器 Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overcurrent Protection Provides protection against direct contact by human body.提供防止人体直接接触的保护功能。小型断路器 Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) Current fuse 电流熔丝 Current limit fuse 限流熔丝 Elective class 可选等级 Working temperature 工作温度 Rated frequen

21、cy 额定频率 Rated short-circuit making capacity 额定短路分断能力 Rated withstand current 额定耐受电流 Electro-mechanical endurance 机电寿命 Connection capacity 连接能力 Panel mounting 配电盘装配 Contact position indication 接触位置指示 Applicable to terminal and pin/fork type bus bar connection可用语终端和针形/叉形汇流排连接 Screw terminal 螺旋式接线柱,螺丝接

22、线端 Fastening torque 紧固圈 Novel structure 结构新颖小型断路器的概述(中英文的对照供大家参阅) GeneralThe mini circuit breaker is mainly suitable for avoiding overload and short circuit. It is especially used in illumination and distribution system of industry and commerce. Its appearance is small and exquisite, its capability

23、is favorable and credible. It has high breaking capacity. The shell and parts are made of fire resistance and shock resistance plastics. It has a long life. It is mainly used for avoiding overload and short circuit of AC 50/60 Hz voltage of single pole 230V and two, three or four poles 400V circuit.

24、 It can also be used for unfrequent switch/turn on and off the electrical equipment /apparatus and illumination circuit under normal condition. This products comply with IEC60898、IEC60947 standards.小型断路器主要作为线路的过载及短路保护之用,尤其适用于工业及商业的照明及配电系统中。外观小巧精致,性能优越,质量可靠,具有很高的分段能力。 外壳及其附件是由阻燃及增强塑料制成,寿命长,经久耐用。 主要用作

25、交流50、60Hz, 额定电压单相230V,二,三相及四相400V的线路中作为过载及短路保护。 在正常情况下亦可作为电力及照明线路的不频繁通断开关之用。该产品符合IEC60898、IEC60947标准。电涌保护器 Surge Protective Device(SPD) Voltage protection level up 电压保护水平 Nominal discharge current 标称放电电流 Maximum discharge current 最大放电电流 Response time 响应时间 Test standard 测试依据 The cross section of L/N

26、line 接入导线载面积L/N The cross section of PE line 接入接地线载面积PE Material of outer covering 外壳材料 Relative humidity 相对湿度 Standard rail 标准导轨道 Fiber glass reinforced plastic 玻璃纤维增强塑料 Band width 频带宽度 Impedance 阻抗 Micro wave type 微波类 Horse power/power 功率 Insertion loss 插入损耗 Dynamic residual voltage 动态残压 Stationar

27、y wave ratio 驻波比产品特点 product feature Could be replaced for the module not need power cut.无需停电即可更换保护器单元 Maximum current of endure the lightning stroke 20KA最高可承受20KA雷电流冲击 Time of response 25ns动作响应时间小于25纳秒 The color of visible window shows operating status, green means normal, red means abnormal.可视窗品颜色

28、表示保护的工作状态绿色(正常)、红色(故障) Inside over-current and over-heat protection, temperature control open circuit.内置过流过热,温控断路技术 Module design, convenient installation, could be replaced online.模块设计,安装方便,可在线更换 Smallness leak current, response quickly, less residual voltage.残压低,响应时间快,漏电流小 New technology, highly e

29、nergy, clearance discharge pole.(N-PE)新技术制作,高能量,间隙放电电极。(N-PE) Double protection of over-heat and over-current.热熔过流双重保护 Have the accessory of remote signaling interface, could be remote control.配置遥信接口,能实现远程控制 Large discharge capacity and could be repeated using by being lightning stroke通流量达,雷击后可反复使用

30、Small stationary wave ratio, litter insertion lose.驻波比小,插入损耗低 Convenient installation made by standard interface.标准接插件,安装更方便 Multi-function over-voltage protection, simple structure, less residual voltage, rapid transmission rate.多功能电涌过压保护,具有结构紧凑,低残压,信号传输优越。 Applicable for combination video signal and AC power.适用于视频信号和交流电源组合使用 Convenient installation, maintenance simply, LED indication.安装方便,维护简单,电源防雷实效LED指示 Monitor video with cradle head. 带云台摄像机保护汇流排 Bus Bar A bus bar is a thick strip of copper or aluminium that conducts electricity within a switchboard, distribution board, substation

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