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1、异化在英汉习语翻译中的体现毕业论文题目:异化在英汉习语翻译中的体现Title: Foreignization Tendency in Chinese-English Idiom Translation2009年5月20日AcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, my appreciation goes to my affectionate parents, and the rest of my family. Throughout the development of this paper, they have been there always giving m

2、e continuous support, encouragement and understanding. Their love and support encourage me to pursue progress all the time.I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to all other teachers who gave me lectures during the past four academic years. I have benefited so much not only from their course

3、s and lectures but also from their constant encouragement.Finally, my deepest gratitude and respect go to my supervisor, Zhang Qian. It is for her constant encouragement, critical instructions, her great care and precious advice and suggestions that this paper appears in the present form.Finally, th

4、ank the teachers to read this paper, thank you very much!AbstractIdioms are the cream of a language. They reflect the relationship between language and culture. Language is the carrier and container of culture; language, as a mirror of culture, is strongly influenced and shaped by culture; language

5、and culture is closely related, each influencing and shaping the other. Meanwhile, Language is a part of culture and translation is a bilingual art of cross-cultural communication. In recent years, there has been an increasing tendency in translation practice to regard translation as a kind of inter

6、cultural communication. Translation is no longer looked on as only transformation of language signals, but also of culture. Thus optimization translation, that is, appropriate foreignization, becomes the new trend in the translation circle under the background of cultural globalization, due to the c

7、ultural differences of different languages, the different standards of taste, habits of appreciation and manners of expression in certain period. Meanwhile, to some extent, foreignization can help to spread unique Chinese cultural message and even help to enhance cultural communication between China

8、 and foreign countries.Key words: idioms; cross-culture; translation; foreignization; communication摘要 习语是语言的精粹也是语言的一个重要组成部分,是各国语言文学艺术宝库中的一朵奇葩。谚语体现了语言与文化的关系。语言好比文化的一面镜子,直白的反应了文化,同时也塑造了文化,两者是紧密相连,互相影响。由于人类的普遍社会活动和心理思维过程有许多共同之处,因此英汉谚语也存在着相同之处。但由于各国具体历史文化背景的不同,所以英汉谚语又存在着差异。本文分析了英汉谚语的相同点与不同点,并提出英汉谚语在跨文化交


10、ntroduction1I. Literature reviews. 2II. Characteristics of English Idioms32.1 What is an idiom. 3 2.1.1 Definition and Characteristics of English Idioms32.1.2 Effects of Idioms42.2 Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Idioms52.2.1 Religious differences52.2.2 Social relationship differenc

11、es72.2.3 Taboo differences82.3 Origins of Cultural Differences in English and Chinese Idioms102.3.1 Living Conditions102.3.2 Thinking Patterns13III. Foreignization in Idiom Translation153.1 Domestication and Foreignization153.1.1 Definition of Domestication and Foreignization153.1.2 Tendency in Cros

12、s-Cultural Translation163.2 The Specific Examples between Domestication and Foreignization. 18Conclusion.21Bibliography22IntroductionIdioms are the cream of a language. Language and culture are tightly interacted with each other; each influencing and shaping the other. Language is part of culture. I

13、dioms are the crystal of the national wisdom and experience. As a part of language, Idioms closely integrated with the society and culture. Idioms reflect many aspects of the nation such as geography, history, religious faith and values. Also, they reflect the relationship between language and cultu

14、re. Language as an important carrier of culture seldom is self-sufficient or completely isolated from outside elements. When we do translating, we should try to convey the equivalence of the messages so that the target language readers will respond to the translation similarly as the source language

15、 readers to the original. In the ever-deepened communication among nations and peoples, different cultures clash into each other, shaping and influencing each other, thus encourage each ones development. Nowadays, in the background of cultural globalization, the function of cultural exchange in tran

16、slation becomes stronger and stronger. It is beneficial by appropriately increasing the employment of foreignization to the enrichment of language, the spread of local culture and the acceptance of foreign cultures. With the globalization process, foreignization may become an increasingly important

17、medium among the countries in the world. Generally speaking, foreignizing translation gives the reader more information than the domesticating one. Meanwhile, with the development of high technology and the improved means of communication, more and more people want to learn foreign culture and knowl

18、edge and in assimilating and learning foreign language and culture, foreignization is useful and essential. Foreignization has an active effect on cross-cultural communication,a case in point is the understanding of idioms. This paper explains characteristics, the differences between Chinese and Eng

19、lish idioms, and foreignization tendency in idioms translation.I. Literature reviewsLanguage is a part of culture and translation is a bilingual art of cross-cultural communication. When we do translating, we should try to convey the equivalence of the messages so that the target language readers wi

20、ll respond to the translation similarly as the source language readers to the original.Translation is a bilingual art of cross-cultural communication. Essentially, translation is a process of exchanging information from one language to another. All translation must go through the process of comprehe

21、nsion and expression, i.e. to understand thoroughly the content of the original text and then express the same meaning faithfully in another language. A penetrating comprehension is the foundation of accurate expression, and expression is the embodiment of comprehension. These two processes are clos

22、ely related to each other. If we translate a piece of work word for word without getting the original ideas, it will mean nothing but mechanical transcription of words which are misleading or meaningless.In the broad context of culture, translation means not only one language being transferred into

23、another but also a communication between two cultures. And the purpose of translation is to promote cultural communication. Translation is a kind of cultural activity that translators reproduce the original culture in the target text. Cultural information but not language is the object of translatio

24、n. “During translation, translators should translate the form and essence of the original language into the target language directly and exactly. i.e., translation should reserve the cultural difference and reproduce the original foreignness as much as possible”. Here, “foreignness means that transl

25、ation should keep as much as possible the cultural features and information of the source text”. All in all, in cultural translation, translators should take culture into consideration and reconstruct the source culture as much as possible into the target language during translation.II. Characterist

26、ics of idioms 2.1 What is an Idiom2.1.1 Definition and Effects of IdiomsIdiom is defined as “a phrase which means something different from the meaning of the separate words from which it is formed” (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 1988). In a broad sense, it can include set phrase, slang

27、, proverb, common sayings, and allusion etc. It is said that nothing marks a foreigner more than his unnecessary use of idioms. The trouble in understanding an idiom is that the meaning of the whole phrase cannot be deduced from the individual words which constitute it. It is a fixed phrase with its

28、 own meaning which has to be learned as one unit.The definition of idiom by Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary is “short well- known saying that states a general truth or gives advice.” (精练的俗语,或为普遍道理或为劝诫语) Wu Zhankun said that idioms are the crystal of national wisdom and experience

29、. They are frequently used orally and handed down from generation to generation and usually give people information and speak the truth. They are short sentences with common style, concise structure, and vivid language. Wang Qin said that idioms are the summing up of practical experiences. They are

30、the oral forms of language that give people experience, advice or warning. The great English philosopher Francis Bacon once said:” The genius, wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its idioms.”From these definitions, we can see common characters of Idioms. Idioms are the crystal of the nation

31、al wisdom and experience. Idioms are colloquial, so they are very easy to be remembered and handed down. They usually give people advice and warning. Idioms are the cream of a language. Language and culture are tightly interacted with each other; each influencing and shaping the other. Language is part of culture. The Chinese language is part of China culture and English language is part of English culture. Language is the carrier and container of culture. Human knowledge and experience are described and stored in language. As a part of language, Idioms closely integr

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