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1、剑桥少儿英语上册全册教案全册教案 (word文档,下载可编辑修改)剑桥少儿英语上册全册教案9.26 备课人 课程名称 趣味英语 授课时间 剑桥少儿英语一级 授课内容 课时数 第 1 次 unit1 Hello, Im Sam(1) 1. 通过学习,使学生掌握几种打招呼的不同说法 教学目标 2.复习和学习一些外国小朋友的英文名 a pen, a pencil, a pencil-case, a ruler, a book, a bag, an eraser, my, you, his. 教学重点 男孩名字;Sam,Bill,Alex, Tom, Ben, Fan, Dan. 女孩名字;Pat,L

2、ucy, Ann, Sue, May, Jill, Lan, Kim 教学准备 已写好的几张姓名卡片。 教学过程 备 注 Step 1.Sing a song Step 2.Presentation (1)Hello, my name is Wu Zhengyan My name is Wu Zhengyan His name is Her name is (2)T: whats your name? S: Im Step 3.Practice. (1) Ask each pupil to a 10-pound note take out a piece of paper and a pen.

3、 (2) Tell the pupils to go and ask his or her friend whats your name? (3) Tell the pupils to write down the name of his or her friend in Pinyin. (4) Ask ten pupils the same question and write down ten names. Step 4.Presentation. (1)Say the chant (2)Say it. 教学过程 One, two, three, four. Come in, please

4、 and close the door. (3) Tell the pupils to write down the name of his or her friend in Pinyin. (4) Ask ten pupils the same question and write down ten names. Step 5 .Presentation. (1)Say the chant (2)Say it. One, two, three, four. Come in, please and close the door. Five, six, seven, eight. Go to s

5、chool and dont be late. Nine ten. Nine, ten. Learn English again and again. (3)集体说: (4)Say it in boys and girls. (5)指名说 Step 6 .Practice (1)Ask each pupil to take out a piece of paper and a pen. (2)Tell the pupils to go and ask his or her friend How old are you? (3)Tell the pupils to write down the

6、ages of his or her friends T. 8.or 9. 9.30 备课人 邬争艳 课程名称 趣味英语 授课时间 剑桥少儿英语一级 授课内容 课时数 第 2 次 unit1 Hello, Im Sam(2) 1.whats your name? 2. This is my new 教学目标 Hello, your name, please? This is my new book. 教学重点 Hi! Im Pat. His name is Bill. CD-ROM 教学准备 教学过程 备 注 Step 1. Say a chant. Step 2. Listen to the

7、 tape. after the tape. 2.Read it in pairs. 3.Ask somebody to read it. Step3. Presentation. 1.教师让一个男生和女生到前面来,然后说:Hes , shes and Im 重复几遍 2(让学生分成3人一组都用这种方式练习:Im , Shes , Hes 3(教师在学生练习了一会儿后找几组到前面说一说。 Step 4. Play a game .- count It and clap your hands. 教师说一,就用手拍一,这时学生跟着一起做。教师说二就拍二,学生 备 注 教学过程 也跟着

8、一起做,这样一直说到10,拍到10。 Step5 Lets find out. A. How many 3- letter words? Ted. Ben. Meg, Den pen, men, Let, ten bed net get, bet, cat, mat, pat, bad, sat, tap, bag, bat, mad, tag, sad, tab. B. Write the numbers. 1.How many apples? 2.How many dogs? 3.How many bags? 4.How many bananas? 5.How many cats? 6.H

9、ow many pencils? 7.How many buses? 8.How many hats? Step 6. Exercises 3.(Lets act ) Hello, Im Pat. Hello, Im Bill. How old are you? Im nine ,How old are you? Im seven. 1.Read it after the tape. 2.Say it together. 3.Read it by yourself. 4.Act it. 10.9 备课人 邬争艳 课程名称 趣味英语 授课时间 剑桥少儿英语一级 授课内容 课时数 第 3 次 Un

10、it 2 Its a goat(1) 1. 能听懂、会说Look I have a . Oh, really,May I have a look, Sure. Here you are. Oh, its nice I like it. Thank you. / Thanks. 并能在实际情景中进行运用。要求模仿正确,语调自然。 教学目标 2( 能听说、认读一些常见的动物的单词cat, dog, monkey, duck, panda, rabbit, bird, pig, elephant, mouse, bear, squirrel,并能用英文介绍这些小动物。 2( 能听说、认读一些常见的动

11、物的单词cat, dog, monkey, duck, panda, rabbit, bird, pig, elephant, mouse, bear, squirrel,并能用英文介绍这些教学重点 小动物。 教学准备 教学过程 备 注 Step 1 Warm-up/ Revision (1) 教师播放How are you 的歌曲录音,师生对唱。 (2) 师生互致问候。 (3) 用开火车的方式进行学生之间的日常会话练习 Step2 Presentation (1) 播放第一单元Let?s chant的录音,学生拿出文具跟读并表演。 (2) 请学生用Look I have a . 复习所学的文

12、具。 (3)教师通过动物玩具教有关动物的新单词:rabbit, panda, monkey, dog, cat, duck (这些单词本课时只要求学生会听,会说。认读放在第二课教学过程 备 注 时完成。) (4)感叹语Great Cool Wow Super&可采取自然引入的方法。比如当学生突然看到老师变出了一只可爱的兔公仔时,很可能发出情不自禁的感叹Wow或 Great。 (5) 听录音来展示Lets talk 部分的教学内容。学生跟读、模仿,教师要求学生注意语音语调。 Step3 Practice (1)教师将动物玩具放在讲桌上,并将动物的图片卡贴在黑板上。请一同学上讲台,教师说:A ca

13、t. 学生就从黑板上取下画有猫的图片,然后说:This is a cat. 接着再从动物玩具中拿起猫说:Look, I have a cat. 全班同学可以同时用Cool Super Great Wow中的任何一种做出回应。用同样的方法操练新单词rabbit, panda, monkey, dog, duck等。 (2)对Let?s play部分的操练: 按照课本中所呈现的方式,请学生们来扮演这些小动物,模仿它 们的动作及声音。 Step4 Add-activities (1) 听录音,仿读会话,并在实际情景中运用所学内容。 (2) 在日常生活中能正确使用学过的感叹语。 (3) 模仿学过的动物

14、,将它们的名称及表示它们叫声的词说给朋友和家长听 10.14 备课人 邬争艳 课程名称 趣味英语 授课时间 剑桥少儿英语一级 授课内容 课时数 第 4 次 Unit 2 Its a goat(2) 进一步学习常见的几种动物的单词 monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat, rabbit 教学目标 a horse, a fish, a duck, a turtle, , a cow, a rabbit, a cat, a 教学重点 chicken, a dog, a sheep, a frog, a goat, Ppt radio 教学准备 教学过程 备 注 Step1 Let

15、s talk about it. Look, there are lots of animals in the zoo. Lets go and see them. I dont like spiders But the spiders like you. Bill, there are some chicks here. Yes, there are four. Im tall. No, youre short. Jane, there are two snakes. Yes. But I dont like snakes. Do you want to take a bath? Yes!

16、Tom, there are some birds. Yes. Theres a monkey too. I love monkeys. 教学过程 备 注 I love this horse. Its beautiful. Thank you. Youre beautiful, too. Step2 Lets chant. I like sheep. I like goats. I like horses. I like dogs. I like chickens. I like ducks. I like cows. I like cats. I like sheep .I like goa

17、ts. I like horses. I like dogs. I like chickens. I like ducks. I like cows. I like cats. Step3 Listen and write. What animal is it? a cat a duck a snake a dog a sheep a horse Step4 Act it. Dog: Hello, Kitty. Have got any friends. Kitty: Yes. Look, they are all my friends. Sheep: Hi, Im Sheep. Monkey

18、: Hello, Im Monkey. Goat: Im Goat. Mouse: Hi, Im Mouse. Dog: Nice to see you all. How do you do? All: How do you do? Dog: Lets be friends. All: Good, lets befriends. Step5 Exercises 10.16 备课人 邬争艳 课程名称 趣味英语 授课时间 剑桥少儿英语一级 授课内容 课时数 第 5 次 Unit 3 I like apples(1) 1.使学生初步掌握选择疑问句的用法。 教学目标 2.使学生掌握有关水果单词的拼法。

19、 句型:Do you want 教学重点 I want . CD-ROM pictures 教学准备 教学过程 备 注 Step 1 preparation 1 Greetings 2 read words Step 2 Presentation T:(show pictures ) Now class .This is a pear 学生答 T: Now, please answer my questions. Whats this? 学生依次回答 (This is ) T: ( Show apple and banana ) Now ,look, a banana ,an apple, a

20、 banana, an apple. Now, Say a banana ,an apple. Students read T: This is a banana. This is an apple. Now say it after me. Students read接着练习an egg an ice cream a pear a banana a pineapple 教学过程 备 注 a watermelon ,可将单复数分行排列在黑板上. Step 3 read it Step 4 Lets talk T: Do you want a banana? 学生答. (出示Do you wan

21、t I want) (1)T: Do you want 学生答. (2)radio say : Do you want 学生答 Students say :Do you want 学生答 Step5 Chant it Is it an apple or is it a banana? Its a banana. Its a banana. Is it an egg or is it a sausage? Its a sausage. Its a sausage. Is it an orange or is it a potato? Its a potato. Its a potato. Is

22、it an ice cream or is it a lemonade? Its a lemonade. Its a lemonade. 10.21 备课人 邬争艳 课程名称 趣味英语 授课时间 剑桥少儿英语一级 授课内容 课时数 第 6 次 Unit 3 I like apples(2) 词汇:a an 教学目标 句型:Do you want I want . 教学重点 初步掌握Do you want 教学准备 有关一些水果的图片。 教学过程 备 注 Step 1 preparation 1 Greetings 2 read words Step 2 read and act. The te

23、acher or one student read ,students read and act. Step 2 Lets play T: My boys and girls ,lets play a game ,ok? 教室里放6把椅子,从每组找一个学生坐在椅子上,每个学生发一张水果图片. T: Now ,listen to me. If I say apple stands up, banana .sits down ,then apple students up .But banana just sits there. If I say apple sits down, orange s

24、tands up, then orange stands up. Students play the game. 教学过程 备 注 Step 3 Ask and answer A: what this? B: its an apple A: do you like apples? B: no, I dont A: What fruit do you like? B: I like? Step4. Do some exercises 1. Do you want a pear? _ 2. Do you want a pear or a banana? _ 3. Is it a banana or

25、 a mango? _ 4. Do you like green or yellow? _ 10.23 备课人 邬争艳 课程名称 趣味英语 授课时间 剑桥少儿英语一级 授课内容 课时数 第 7 次 Unit4 Whats in my hat? 通过学习,要求学生首先学会有关词汇的发音,做到读音准确。保证见图能说英文教学目标 名称,见词能反应大概是什么意思。 1(使学生能初步了解元音字母及其读音。 教学重点 2(使学生能认读所给的全部缩写字母。 教学准备 字母卡片 教学过程 备 注 Step 1 .Show the letters on the blackboard. 1.Sing a song

26、 A. B,.C. 1)Listen to the tape. 2)Sing it together. 3)Ask somebody to sing it. 2.Read the letters. 3.Jump and say. 1)找一组(3人)到前面来,每人手中拿一个字母站成一排。 2)让3人一起蹦,全班学生起说bag. b-a-g, bag, 再整个重复一遍。 3)再找6个人到前面来,各拿一个含有字母A的单词卡片,如:cat, bag, hand, lamp, man, mat. 先让第一个蹦,同时说Bag! Bag! bag, bag, bag. 学生跟着说一遍。 备 注 教学过程 4

27、)用类似的方法完成EIOU的教学。 Step 2. Show the picture. Say it in pairs. Whats this? Its a cup. Whats that? Its a bus. Whats this? Its a brush. Step3. Read the words. 1)ABC美国广播公司 BBC英国广播公司 CCTV中国中央电视台 BTV北京电视台 VOA美国之音 PC个人电脑 AM上午 PM下午 UN联合国 SOS拯救我的灵魂 AC交流电 DC直流电 CD光盘 BC公元前 CBS哥伦比亚广播公司 CIA中央情报局 FBI联邦调查局 WTO世界贸易组

28、织 PhD博士 PRC中华人民共和国 USA美利坚合众国 2) Read after the teacher. 3)发给学生一张字母卡片,说ABC,拿ABC字母的学生应立刻站起来,跑到前面站成一排,大家一起再读一遍。 Step 4. Write the letters. 1) The teacher writes them. 2) The students write them. 3) Copy the letters. 10.28 备课人 邬争艳 课程名称 趣味英语 授课时间 剑桥少儿英语一级 授课内容 课时数 第 8 次 Unit 5 My body and the monsters (1

29、) 1.使学生初步掌握人体各部分的单词 教学目标 2.使学生能掌握e e字母组合的读音 教学重点 初步掌握人体各部分的单词: head hair arm leg hand foot eye Card pictures 教学准备 教学过程 备 注 Step 1 preparation 教师用自己做范例 A: This is my head. B: This is my hair. C: This is my mouth. D: This is my eye. E: This is my arm. F: This is my hand. Step 2 Lets talk. T: ( show pi

30、ctures )Whats that? S: This is his leg. 教学过程 备 注 T: (show pictures )Whats that? S: This is his leg, too. T: (show pictures )Whats that? S: This is his big foot. (教师指着插图,学生练说) T:Whats this? S: This is his mouth T:Whats this? S: This is his hair. S: This is his nose. S: These are my eyes. S: These are my ears. S: These are my feet. Step3 Chant and act Touch your nose,

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