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1、最新人教版高中英语必修四双基限时练5含答案解析最新教学资料人教版英语双基限时练(五)Unit 2Part .单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1They asked me so many _ (confuse) questions that I got _ (confuse)答案与解析confusing; confused根据句意,他们问了很多“令人迷惑”的问题,我“感到糊涂了”。2John regretted not _ (go) to the meeting last week.答案与解析going本题句意为“约翰后悔上星期没有去参加会议”。动词regret表示“因而后悔”时,后接名词或动名词

2、;后面如接动词不定式,表示“为要做某事而感到抱歉”。3I dont feel like _ (go) to the party, but Im not sure how I can get out of it.答案与解析goingfeel like doing sth.表示“想要做某事”,是固定搭配。4The library needs _ (clean), but itll have to wait until Sunday.答案与解析cleaningneed doing sth.表示“需要被”。want, need, require这三个词后接动名词的主动式具有被动含义。5After _

3、(interview) for the job, you will be required to take a language test.答案与解析being interviewed句意:面试完之后,你还要参加语言测试。after为介词,故要接动名词作宾语, interview和you之间是动宾关系,要用被动语态。6I remembered _ (lock) the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights.答案与解析to lock句意:我离开办公室之前记得关门却忘记关灯了。remember to do表

4、示“记得做”,与后半句中的“forgot to”相对应。7Would you mind _ (turn) down your radio a little,please?答案与解析turningmind doing sth.表示“介意做某事”。8We are all looking forward to _ (visit) your country.答案与解析visitinglook forward to表示“期望;盼望”, to是介词,因此后面要接动名词做宾语。9I must apologize for not _ (let) you know ahead of time.答案与解析lett

5、ing动名词的否定形式是在动名词前加not。10I would appreciate your _ (call) back this afternoon.答案与解析callingappreciate ones doing sth.表示“感激某人做某事”。11Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview. _ (have) the answers ready will be of great help.答案与解析Having句意:做好求职面试准备是必需的。准备好各种问题的答案能有很大的帮助。此处要用动词的ing形式作主语。12One learn

6、s a language by making mistakes and _ (collect) them.答案与解析collecting句意:人通过犯错误并改正错误来学习语言。此处与句中的making并列。.完成句子1_ _ _ (早起床) in the morning is a good habit.答案Getting up early2Its no use _ _ _ _ _ _ (在这个问题上说得过多)答案talking too much over the matter3Would you mind _ _ _(关上门)?Its cold here.答案closing the door4

7、_ _ _ _ _ (我很遗憾地告诉你) that you failed in the driving test.答案I regret to tell you5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (如果你已经读完了报纸), please lend it to me.答案If you have finished reading the newspaper6They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (已经延期开运动会了) because of the rainy weather.答案have put off having the sports meeting7He _ _ _ (开始学法语) four yea

8、rs ago.答案started learning French8I like _ (读书), but I dont read these days.答案reading9Though the problem is difficult to solve, it _ _ _ _ (值得认真考虑)答案is worth thinking over10_ _ _ _ _ _ (玛丽上学经常迟到) makes the teacher angry.答案Marys often being late for school.语法填空I used to like to go to our local cinema.

9、 It was old and rather uncomfortable, but it had character. Now theyre stopped _1_(show) films there. The owner would like to go on _2_(run) the cinema, but he would need _3_(make) a lot of improvements, which would mean _4_(spend) tens of thousands of pounds. I remember _5_(watch) the last film at

10、the cinema. It was a murder mystery. It was five minutes from the end, and we were trying _6_(work) out who the murderer was when suddenly all the lights went out and the film stopped. We sat in the dark for a few minutes, and then the owner appeared with a torch. “I regret _7_(tell) you,” he said,

11、“that our electricity has failed. I dont mean _8_(disappoint) you, but Im afraid we cant show you the end of the film. Weve tried _9_(phone) the electricity company, but they say they cant help.” He went on _10_(explain) to the audience how the film ended. I didnt understand the story. But I dont re

12、gret _11_(go) to the cinema on that last evening.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._11._答案 explain11.going.阅读理解AFishingFishing is a wonderful way to enjoy the sport and see beautiful streams, ocean, lakes and river

13、s all over the United States. National Parks offer both freshwater and saltwater fishing. Check with the state fishing rules for the dates and more fishing information, and you should have license. It is always important to respect the park you are fishing in to keep the clear waters that protect th

14、e natural fish populations and food sources. Cross country skiingIt is another popular way for the whole family to visit and see beautiful winter landscapes. Many parks have several excellent lines for cross country skiing. Several National Parks will offer advanced trails for skiing. Cross country

15、skiing is a wonderful way to experience natural life of the parks during the winter season.Rock climbingThe US National Parks offer some of the rock climbing and mountaineering in the world. Rock climbing and mountaineering are usually sports kept for people with a bit of experience. Both sports nee

16、d having the proper equipment and knowledge for safety reasons. Many National Parks offer established climbing routes that will have a wide range of difficulty levels. It is important to check weather conditions beforehand and whats more, never climb alone.CyclingCycling is an excellent and convenie

17、nt way to travel around the National Park or area where you are staying. Bringing along bicycles allows you to just get up and go wherever you are. It is important to check beforehand as to where cycling is allowed. Most National Parks only allow biking on the paved and backcountry dirty roads throu

18、ghout the parks. Look into the area you will be camping in, there may be roads specifically for cycling.1. If you go fishing in the National Parks you should _.A. show respect for the workersB. fix a date and place ahead of timeC. do anything according to the ordersD. protect the number of the fish答

19、案与解析C根据Fishing一节中的“Check with the state fishing rules for the dates and more fishing information, and you should have license.”可知答案。2. All the following are important to rock climbing EXCEPT _.A. knowledge for safety B. weather conditionsC. climbing experience D. modern equipment答案与解析D根据Rock climbin

20、g一节分析,该部分提到了攀岩需要具备的若干条件,其中提到设备,但没有说明是指现代设备。3. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?A. You can go fishing any time as you like.B. It is good to have some experience for climbing.C. You can go anywhere by bike in the parks.D. It is interesting to climb rocks by yourself.答案与解析B根据Roc

21、k climbing一节,由“Rock climbing and mountaineering with a bit of experience.”说明这种运动需要有一定的经验。4. What would be the best title for this passage?A. Which Is More Wonderful?B. Activities in the National ParksC. A Good Plan for TravelingD. Where to Go for Your Vacation?答案与解析B综合全文内容看,本文主要介绍了在国家公园的几个有益的活动。BDid

22、 you know that vegetables can grow in the climates they are not used to? Cool climate vegetables like asparagus (芦笋) are now able to be grown in places as hot as Hawaii. In Hawaii, marine (海的) engineers have been able to actually let you believe such vegetables are living in hotter climates. In that

23、 way they grow faster and taste better. What these engineers have been using is simply cold sea water. How did they use it? They place pipes in the soil and cold water flowing through them cools the earth. This causes plantgrowth and enables gardeners in tropical climates (热带气候) to grow crops from c

24、ooler climates. Also some of these pipes are exposed to the air and they make the air “wet” and thus water the gardens. What especially makes people happy about this process (过程) is that nothing bad to the natural conditions is being used. Another new use of cold ocean water is to coolbuildings. Eng

25、ineers believe that the entire west coast of the United States could be airconditioned by using sea water.5. What does the new system enable the gardeners to do?A. Water the field with sea water.B. Grow asparagus in hot places.C. Grow cool climate vegetables in hot areas.D. Cool the soil.答案与解析C由“Coo

26、l climate vegetables . are now able to be grown in places as hot as Hawaii.”可知应选C项。6. Sea water mentioned in the passage is mainly used to _.A. water the farms B. water the gardensC. cool the air D. make the earth cool答案与解析D由“They place pipes in the soil and cold water flowing through them cools the

27、 earth.”可知。7. What is the report mainly about?A. How to grow vegetables in hot areas.B. How to grow crops in tropical climates.C. How to cool the soil.D. How to use sea water.答案与解析D由文中“What these engineers have been using is simply cold sea water. How did they use it?”可知。8. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. sea water can act as an airconditionerB. asparagus are only grown in hot placesC. the writer wants to tell us something about scientific advanceD. sea water has advantages答案与解析C此题为根据文章内容推理,而A、D两项为作者文中明确提出的正确观点,B项文章中明确表明asparagus可在夏威夷那么热的地方种植,故A、B、D三项均被排除。

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