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1、自学单元导学Unit4WaitingforacallHnb Unit 4 Waiting for a CallPart 1 Communicative Activities1. Conversions:Aims: 1) Practicing indirect expression in face-saving situations2) Learning to express and perceive subtleties in handling relationships3) Practicing the listening and speaking skill for talking abo

2、ut making friendsLearning suggestions:1) Learning the conversation by heart2) Identifying the places where Jane and Sam use indirect expressions in order to save face Notes: The usages of “wish”.(1) to express general and real wishes1) wish to do sth. (e.g. He wishes to have a car of his own.)2) wis

3、h sb. to do sth. (e.g. She wishes you to come tomorrow.)3) wish sb. sth. (e.g. The teacher wished us an enjoyable holiday.)4) wish for sth. (e.g. I really wish I had some time to relax at the moment.)(2) to express regret over something that can hardly come true1) wish +that clause (e.g. I wish you

4、knew how to do it.)2) He wishes he were handsome. (e.g. Tom really wishes he hadnt taken your advice.)2. Listening:Aims: 1) Learning to get logic of the arguments on both sides 2) Learning some useful words and expressions related to friends and friendshipLearning suggestions:1) Listening and then j

5、udging whether the statement on page 44 is correct.2) Selecting the factors that some people would consider as important for making friendsScripts: Lucas: Hi, everybody. Today, we have a special guest with us. Professor Higgins from the department of social psychology. Our topic today is about frien

6、dship between girls and boys. Now, Professor Higgins, whats your comment on making friends on campus?Higgins: Thank you, Lucas. Speaking about making friends on campus, I discovered that a lot of young students are really experts. When they moved from high schools to the college, they quickly made a

7、djustments to the new life, and found new friends in the new environment. Young people are usually very sociable.Lucas: Of course. But I also hear complaints from some students, especially those in the third or fourth year. They complained that there were too few good boys and girls at college. What

8、 comment would you like to make on this point?Higgins: This opinion about the lack of good boys or girls at college is very personal because each person holds different standards as to what counts as a good boy and a good girl.Lucas: Yes, whats your opinion here?Higgins: Well, different people apply

9、 different standards to their choices. But in general, many young people would like to consider whether they should make friends with those who are just like them or different from them.Lucas: Lets discuss this point. Should we choose someone like us or different from us as our friends?Higgins: Fine

10、. Some people hope that their friends should be like them in taste, interest, personalities, or even social background. But others would like their friends to be different so that they may complement each other when they are together.Lucas: What do you mean by “social background”?Higgins: Well, it u

11、sually refers to ones family background. For instance what do your parents do? Where do they live? Do you come from a big city or a rural area? Some people will choose their friends according to these factors.Higgins: Well, it usually refers to ones family background. For instance what do your paren

12、ts do? Where do they live? Do you come from a big city or a rural area? Some people will choose their friends according to these factors.Lucas: Well, I cant see any reason why they should choose friends according to these factors? for me, I choose someone to be my friends just because I like them. W

13、e may be the same in taste, interest, or social background, or we may be totally different. I dont care about these things as far as I like them as human beings this seems to be an interesting topic. Now some of our audience is calling in Lets pick u line one3. Language points make adjustment to sth

14、.: to change slightly, esp. in order to make right or make suitable for a particular purpose or situationapply to: to bring or put into use or operationWhats your comment on making friends on campus?What comment would you like to make on this point?Now some of our audience is calling in Lets pick up

15、 line one4. KeysA. Statements (a) This statement is not correct because Lucas only said that those who complained were only “some students at the third or fourth year.” (b) This statement is not true. Professor Higgins only said “they quickly made adjustments to the new life, and found new friends”

16、at college. (c) CorrectB. Select the factors that some people would consider as important for making friends (a) Social background (Yes) (b) Financial conditions of their families (No) (c) Taste and interest (Yes) (d) Subjects they study (No) (e) High school (No) C. However, according to Lucas, the

17、best friends are those who: (a) can help you when you need them. (Not true) (b) you appreciate. (Yes) (c) are very useful. (Not true) (d) dont care about your social background. (Not true) 5. What are they for?1. f 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. b b. cPart 2 Reading and Language Activities1. Pre-reading tasks1)

18、How would you feel if you fail to get a promised call from your friends?2) Getting familiar with the vocabulary in the box on page 47.2. Reading suggestions:1) Read through the text and then close your books. Retell the story by yourself to see if you have got both the main points and details.2) Rea

19、d the text again carefully and pick out some colloquial expressions in the text.3) Design a new ending for the story.3. Reading Comprehension Answer the questions on page 48 to check if you have understood the text.4. Language WorkA. Notes 1. The text is written in a style called “stream of consciou

20、sness”, through which the girls thoughts and feelings are expressed exactly as they pass through her mind rather than being ordered in a way that usually appears in novels. The “stream of consciousness” here enables the reader to share the girls tension and emotion in a vivid, realistic way. 2. Mayb

21、e if I counted five hundred by fives: the preposition “by” followed by numbers or figures indicates measurement or quantity. Similar examples are: Eggs are sold here by the dozen. She got her payment by the hour. Very strangely, local shops sell cloth by weight not by length. 3. There are quite a fe

22、w unreal conditional clauses in the text in which the verbs are usually in the past tense, for example: If I didnt think about it, maybe the telephone might ring. If I could think of something else, Maybe if I counted five hundred by fives, it might ring by that time. 4. ask something of somebody= a

23、s somebody for something 5. He couldnt have minded my calling him up: “cant /couldnt have done something” is used for saying that you feel sure something is not possible or true to have happened; while “must have done something” is used for saying that you believe something happened in the past. For

24、 example: Im sure he cant have forgotten about the wedding! The teacher said Tome couldnt have finished his homework that early. B. ExercisesFinish the exercises of The Language Work on pages 48 to 51.1. Comprehension work C. Complete the following tasks.Answers1. illogical 2.rational 3. illogical 4

25、.rational 5. rational 6. illogical 7.iIllogical 8.rational 2. Language workA. Answers1. count2. smash3. hurt4. going on5. shiny6. cared7. relentB. Answers1. You are asking too much of him if you expect him to work at weekends.2. She looked smug when her boy came out first in the race.3. The unexpect

26、ed news that his name was not on the promotion list crushed his hopes.4. We dont mind working in that garage because we can learn something about auto-repairs.5. Women didnt gain the right to vote until the First World War. 6. The company was caught up in some filthy business.7. With the computer, y

27、ou can solve the problem in a little while.8. The students would keep making the same mistake if their teacher didnt point it out.C. Answers for reference1. a. The little boy wont go to bed alone until his mother comes back home.b. I wont give him the check until he puts all the products into my war

28、ehouse.c. The teacher wont let the students leave the classroom until he corrects all the mistakes on the examination paper. 2. a. He couldnt have minded my asking him one or two personal questions. b. She couldnt have minded your comment on her personality because she was deaf. c. His friends could

29、nt have minded Beethovens rude behavior since they knew how painful it was for him to be deaf. 3. a. I dont think it would hurt you to try on this thick coat. b. Wouldnt it hurt you if you try to jump higher? c. It wont hurt you to jump into the swimming pool. 4. a. I tried to use the long knife to

30、cut the watermelon into pieces instead of smashing it with my hands. b. He was so furious that he smashed the vase against the wall. c. Some naughty kids in my neighborhood smashed some bottles to pieces on the wall of my house. 3. Words in similar functions.Feelings and Emotions1. desperate2. anxio

31、us3. overwhelmed4. hilarious5. hopeful6. overjoyed7. depressing4. Cloze Answers1. money2. lose3. score4. for5. in6. first7. fell8. made9. fell10. at11. With12. For Part 3 Extended ActivitiesI. Listening A. Passage dictation (textbook)1. Practicing suggestionsListen to the passage four times. The fir

32、st reading is for you to understand the passage. The second and third readings are for you to write down the passage. The fourth reading is for you to check what you have written down.Read the sentences you have made mistakes with and its better to read after the speaker and reflect on your mistakes.2. Scripts

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