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2、重点对四川城市的著名旅游景点的常见宣传口号进行了英译翻译与整编,规范了现有的某些不恰当的英译。城市宣传口号的中英对照译本的系统汇编系统性强、较有新颖性。汇编的材料的受众群体为四川境内游的中外游客。同时,适合各旅游城市宣传口号制定人员及从事汉英互译的人员及翻译爱好者采用,进一步帮助规范城市宣传口号的翻译以便制定相应翻译标准。本部分的编译过程中,主要以四川个城市及其境内景点的宣传口号为对象,参考国内其它主要旅游城市(如北京,杭州等)宣传语翻译的特点,结合四川地区城市的地域文化特色,对汇编的四川各城市旅游宣传语进行英译。四川省Sichuan Province中文宣传用语英文翻译天下四川熊猫故乡Hea

3、venly Sichuan, Home of the Panda天府之国The Land of Abundance四川好玩Sichuan, a Place for Fun四川依然美丽!Sichuan, as Safe and Beautiful as Always雄秀奇幽看四川 Sichuan Boasts Magnificent, Elegant and Peaceful Scenery.天下四川有爱,熊猫故乡更美Blessed Sichuan- Abundance of Love, Home of Panda - Abundance of Scenery 成都市Chengdu City县区

4、/景区中文宣传用语英文翻译成都市Chengdu City成功之都,多彩之都,美食之都City of Success, City of Diversity, City of Gourmet Food 中国最佳旅游城市Chinas Best Tourist City中国优秀旅游城市One of Chinas Most Excellent Tourist Cities全国历史文化名城 One of Chinas National Historical and Cultural Cities熊猫故乡Home of the Panda财富之城,成功之都Chengdu, Can Do!成都市Chengdu

5、 City世界现代田园城市A Modern Garden City of the World休闲之都,美食之都,时尚之都City of Leisure, City of Gourmet Food and City of Fashion 西部金融中心Financial Center in Western China成都,一座来了就不想离开的城市Chengdu: An Attractive Residence锦江区Jinjiang District大慈寺:震旦第一丛林Daci Monastery: A Beacon in Buddhism水井坊:中国白酒第一坊;活文物Shuijing Liquor

6、 Mill: Top Liquor Mill in China; A Living Antique青羊区Qingyang District西部看成都,成都看城西Chengdu - Focus of Western China; Western Chengdu - Focus of the City蜀韵金沙,锦绣青羊Splendid Qingyang District Boasts the Ethnic Jinsha Site宽窄巷子,最成都Kuanxiangzi Alley and Zhaixiangzi Alley, A Very Typical Taste of Chengdu 走进诗圣,

7、品悟草堂Learn More about the Immortal Poet at Du Fu Thatched Cottage论道成都,青羊宫Perceive Taoism at Qingyang Taoist Temple in Chengdu成都杜甫草堂博物馆:万里桥西一草堂Du Fu Thatched Cottage Museum: A Cottage That Lies in the West of Wanli Bridge金牛区Jinniu District易园博物馆:都市“世外桃源”;昔日成都之微观Yiyuan Gardening Museum: A Shangri-La in

8、Chengdu; A Panoramic View of Former Chengdu成华区Chenghua District生态城区,现代成华Ecological District, Modern Chenghua; 爱生活,爱成华Chenghua District: Your Home, Your Love!昭觉寺:川西“第一禅林”Zhaojue Monastery: “Top Buddhist Monastery in Western Sichuan”龙泉驿区Longquanyi District洛带古镇:中国西部第一镇;东山重镇Luodai Ancient Town: No.1 Hak

9、kas Town in Western China; An Important Point in Eastern Chengdu都江堰市Dujiangyan City拜水都江堰,问道青城山Pay Homage to Holy Water at Dujiang Weir, Cultivate Taoist Mindset in Qingcheng Mountain青山净水,天人合一A Green Mountain in Harmony with Crystal Water, Man in Harmony with Nature中国优秀旅游城市One of Chinas Most Excellen

10、t Tourist Cities全国历史文化名城One of Chinas Most Famous Historical and Cultural Cities青城山:第五洞天;青城天下幽Qingcheng Mountain: The 5th Blessed Land of Taoism; The Most Secluded Mountain under Heaven都江堰水利工程:世界活的水利博物馆解读中华文明的钥匙永久性的灌溉了中华民族独奇千古的“镇川之宝”世界水利文化的鼻祖Dujiang Weir Irrigation System:World Living Water Conserva

11、ncy MuseumThe Key to Chinese CultureEternally Nourishing the Chinese NationThe Distinctive Treasure of SichuanThe Ancestor of World Water Conservancy Culture翠月湖:蜀中小西湖Cuiyue Lake: The Mini West Lake in Sichuan龙池国家森林公园:野生植物基因库动物天然乐园Longchi National Forest Park:Wild Life Genetic Research BaseThe Paradi

12、se for Animals彭州市Pengzhou City龙门山:地质科学迷宫Longmen Mountain:A Labyrinth of Geological Science 邛崃市Qionglai City茶马古道第一镇The First Town on the Ancient Tea-Horse Path崇州市Chongzhou City产业新城,品质崇州中国竹编之乡Quality Chongzhou with New IndustriesHome of Bamboo Weaving in China九龙沟:人间龙宫Jiulong Valley: The Dragon Palace

13、on Earth金堂县Jintang County天府水城,人居金堂A Waterside Town of Chengdu, A Suitable Habitat新都县Xindu County宝光寺:峨半堂Baoguang Temple:Mini Emei Taoist Temple郫县Pixian County水润成都,生态郫县西部休闲健康城古蜀之都,人文郫县中国农家乐发源地八河并流的水上城市,成都平原至美的田园Ecological Pixian - Waterhead of ChengduA Leisure Healthy City in Western ChinaThe Capital

14、of Ancient Sichuan, Culture- Enriched PixianThe Origin of Agritainment in ChinaAn Intersection of Eight Rivers, A Perfect Place on the Chengdu Plain安靖:蜀绣之乡Anjing Town: Home of Sichuan Embroidery蒲江县Pujiang County朝阳湖风景名胜区:水上青城Chaoyang Lake Scenic Area: Another Qingcheng Mountain on the Lake大邑县Dayi Cou

15、nty国际旅游目的地大邑,欢迎您的到来Welcome to International Tourist Resort - Dayi County刘氏庄园:百年安仁,馆藏中国川西地主庄园建筑群Lius Manor:The Museum of Anren Preserves the History of China The Landlord Estate Cluster of Western Sichuan安仁古镇:百年安仁,馆藏中国Anren Ancient Town: The Museum of Anren Preserves the History of China建川博物馆聚落:百年安仁,

16、馆藏中国Jianchuan Museum Cluster:The Museum of Anren Preserves the Trace of China西岭雪山:千秋西岭,四季胜景东方的阿尔卑斯Xiling Snow Mountain:Xilings Beauty Lasts All SeasonsThe Alps in the East花水湾温泉度假旅游区:一花一世界,一水一天堂Huashuiwan Hotspring Tourist ResortA Land of Flowers, A Hot Spring Resort新场古镇旅游景区:寻找清源小镇,最后的川西坝子Xinchang An

17、cient Town Tourist Attraction:Tranquil Ancient Town, the Last Shangri-La of the Chengdu Plain雾中山:天下无双地,雾中第一山古佛弥陀道场Wuzhong Mountain:An Unparalleled Mountain Looming in the FrostAncient Amida Taoist Site鹤鸣山:鹤鸣飞舞,道国仙都Heming Mountain: A Paradise for Taoists, A Holy Place for Taoists温江县Wenjiang County鱼凫金

18、温江 国际花园城Wenjiang: An International Garden City, Birth place of Yu Fu自贡市Zigong City县区/景区中文宣传用语英文翻译自贡市Zigong City千年盐都A Millennial City Rich in Salt恐龙之乡The Home of Dinosaurs南国灯城A City Renowned for the Lantern Festival in Southern China贡井区Gongjing District富荣西场The Western Salt Field in Fushun County and

19、Rongxian County大安区Daan District龙之乡The Home of Dinosaurs盐之都A City Rich in Salt长山岭硅化木:大自然的纪念碑Petrified Wood in ChangshanRidge: A Monument of Nature牛佛古镇:九街十二巷,中间有个鸭儿凼Niufo Ancient Town: The Network of Streets and Lanes Tell Its Prosperity from the Ancient Times燊海井:中国第五大发明;世界石油钻井之父Shenhai Salt Well: Chi

20、nas Fifth Fundamental Invention; Father of the Worlds Oil Drilling恐龙博物馆: 中国旅游胜地四十佳Dinosaur Museum: One of the Top 40 Tourism Resorts in China沿滩区Yantan District卢德铭烈士的故乡Martyr Lu Demings Hometown荣县Rongxian County辛亥首义,如来福地The Cradle of the 1911 Revolution, a Land of Blessing富顺县Fushun County千年古县Millenni

21、al Ancient County巴蜀才子之乡The Land of the Wits of Sichuan-Chongqing Region中国豆花之城A County of Chinese Tofu Pudding攀枝花市Panzhihua City县区/景区中文宣传用语英文翻译攀枝花市Panzhihua City中国钒钛之都A City Rich in Vanadium and Titanium中国阳光花城A City of Plenty of Sunshine and Diverse Flowers东区Dongqu District都市阳光休闲核心区An Urban Hot Spot

22、for Relaxation西区Xiqu District魅力西区The Charming Western Region仁和区Renhe District中国苴却砚之乡The Home of Juque Inkstone岩神山:攀枝花的青城山Yanshen Mountain: Another Qingcheng Mountain in Panzhihua 米易县Miyi County魅力米易Charming Miyi盐边县Yanbian County绚丽索玛花 激情格萨拉Gorgeous Azalea, Passionate Gesala泸州市Luzhou City县区/景区中文宣传用语英文翻

23、译泸州市Luzhou City风过泸州带酒香The Wind Passes while the Aroma Remains中国酒城醉美泸州A City of Chinese Liquor, the Intoxicating City of Luzhou玉蟾山:川南明珠Yuchan Mountain: A Pearl in the South of Sichuan江阳区Jiangyang District酒城之美 醉在江阳Intoxicating Jiangyang District, A Highlight of Luzhou古蔺县Gulin County走长征路,品中国郞Travel Alo

24、ng the Trail of the Long March, Have a Taste of Langjiu Liquor四渡赤水长征地, 神采飞扬郎酒乡The Former Battlefield of Red Army Enjoys the Reputation of Best Liquor Manufacturer美丽古蔺 郎酒之乡Fascinating Gulin, Home of Langjiu Liquor追寻红色记忆,畅游纯美山水间Tracing Back from the Communist Revolution, Enjoy the Unlimited Landscape

25、of Gulin情为郎酒醉,心为古蔺留Lingering for the Fascinating Langjiu Liquor梦里郎酒,画里古蔺Lang Liquor in the Dream, Gulin in the Mind郎酒故乡,山水古蔺Home of Langjiu Liquor - Scenic Gulin County相约古蔺,与“郎”共舞Have Lang Liquor in Your Dreams, Have Gulin on Your Mind醉游泸州,最美古蔺Be Enamored with the Beauty of Gulin County, Luzhou.畅饮红花

26、郎,醉游美酒河古蔺欢迎你Come to Gulin County to Drink Honghualang Liquor and Appreciate Scenery.走进生态古蔺,体验酒乡风情Eco-friendly Gulin, a Place to Experience the Custom of the Liquor Town绿色心,红色情!四川古蔺Revolutionary and Ecological Tourism - Gulin, Sichuan.品味多彩文化,畅游生态古蔺Eco-Friendly and Culturally-Loaded Gulin.自“游”,自在,自然古蔺

27、Gulin: An Idyllic and Ecological Tourist Destination游红色古蔺,享绿色心情An Attraction of Revolutionary Approach to Tourism, a Refreshing and Cool Destination好景好酒好生态,游山游水游古蔺Welcome to Gulin - a Place with Good Scenery, Good Liquor, Good Ecological Environment四渡赤水传佳话,郎酒之乡美如画Gulin, a Picturesque Land for Revolu

28、tionary Approach to Tourism黄荆红龙天上景,百年郎酒人间醉Here You Can Enjoy Not Only the Scenery of Huangjin Virgin Forest and Honglong Lake But Also the Time-honored Langjiu Liquor郎酒故乡,醉美古蔺Home of Langjiu Liquor - Fascinating Gulin County.合江县Hejiang County中国荔城,幸福合江Hejiang County: City of Lychee, City of Happiness

29、泸县Luxian County天下龙桥城,古今石刻乡醉美泸县City of Dragon Bridges, Town of Stone Carvings - Intoxicating Luxian County千年古县,山水龙城A Millennial County Known for Dragon Culture - Luxian County千年龙城,山水泸县A Millennial County Known for Dragon Culture - Luxian County游龙湖,观龙桥,看龙舞,龙城泸县欢迎你Come to Luxian Known for the Dragon La

30、ke, Dragon Bridge, and Dragon Dance 千年古县,龙桥之乡泸县A Millennial County with the Historical Dragon Bridge - Luxian County桥通古今,灵聚龙城Bridging the Past and Future to Gather an Aura of Luck - Luxian County, Home of Dragon Culture龙舞天下,石刻古今四川泸县欢迎你!Welcome to Luxian County Known for Dragon Dances and Stone Carvings 赏宋代石刻,观明清龙桥,醉山水泸县Welcome to Luxian County Known for Stone Carvings from the Song Dynasty and Dragon Bridge from the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty龙桥龙舞天下秀,美石美刻泸县游Come to Luxian County to Enjoy the Dragon Dances

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