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1、林巍你的年龄英译林巍你的年龄英译 摘要: 林巍 译“你知道自己的年龄吗?”如果别人这样问你,你可能觉得问话的人不大礼貌;但是,听清楚,问题是:“你”知道“你自己”的年龄吗?这似乎是一个不需要回答的问题:每个人的年龄似乎都是与生俱来的,还有不知道的吗?那么,下一个问题,可能就更让人迷惑了:“你有几个年龄?”不错,一个人从出生之日起便有了自己的年龄,但那只是人的“部分年龄”。社会心理学家告诉我们,每个人其实有三个年龄生理年龄、心理年龄和社会年龄,且各含义不同。“生理年龄”是无法选择的,但另外两个却可以。所谓“心理年龄”,是自我心态的感受,以及适应环境变化的能力,而“社会年龄”则是社会期待某人所应承

2、担的角色,是别人对你年龄的感觉与评估。这三种年龄可以相互吻合,亦可彼此不同,甚至距离拉得很大。据研究,可以大到相差10岁、20岁,甚至更多。特别是后两种年龄,是非常主观、甚至是“可控”的。我有一位著名老作家朋友,他说自己的年龄永远停留在了32岁,以后再写什么,都离不开那个年龄。还有一些我所认识的朋友,虽年纪不大,但内心沉重,老气呈现。其实,“心理年龄”和“社会年龄”又会反过来影响“生理年龄”。正所谓“心老了人便老了”,而“心高自然年少”。可见,后两种年龄对一个人会有更大的影响。所以,你积极对待生活,生活最终便会积极对待你。 Your Age If you were asked “Do you

3、know your age?” You might feel being intruded. But listen, the question is: Do “you” know “your age”?The question doesnt seem to need an answer. Is there anyone who doesnt know his or her own age? The next question may be even more puzzling: “How many ages do you have?”Sure, everyone was born with a

4、n age, but thats only part of the question. Socio-psychologists tell us everyone has three agesbiological age, psychological age and social age, each with different connotations. Of the three ages, apart from the first one, the other two one can have, to a large degree, discretionarily. The so-calle

5、d “psychological age” refers to the notion of subjective awareness about self-mentality and the ability to adapt to a changing environment. “Social age”, on the other hand, is sensed and judged by others to perform a certain social role of that age. These three ages can be overlapped or torn apart a

6、nd, the discrepancies among them may be as large as twenty, thirty years, or even more, according to some research.The last two ages, in particular, are highly subjective and even “manageable”. A good friend of mine, a well-known senior writer, once told me that his age had “stalled” at thirty-two a

7、nd seemed to have never progressed with his writing of all those years. Some of my other friends, however, though young, are heavy-hearted and old for their ages.In reality, psychological age and social age may in turn affect ones biological age, even ones life in a more significant way. As the sayi

8、ng goes, “people are rejuvenated by high aspiration and aged by disheartenments”.Believe or not, in the end, life always rewards active participants. (林巍 译)林巍注意力的质量英译 2012-9-18 22:23| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 537| 评论: 0|来自: 英语学习 摘要: 林巍 译 人们接收外部的信息,靠的是注意力;而注意力是有质量的这决定了对所接收信息的处理、储存及提取的质量。 同样的信息,对于不同的人,所吸引的注意力

9、是不同的。为什么有时会过目不忘,有时则又视若罔闻?有的细节会记忆深刻,有的部分却又全无印象?人接收的事物,都是经过注意力筛选的;注意力的质量,离不开注意力的选择与分配。对我们注意力产生影响的,有兴趣、经历、能力、情绪、知识结构、环境及时间等等;这些因素的综合搭配,产生了不同效果,有时相差甚远。 一个人的注意力,在一定时段内,其总量是有限的,是个“常数”;但在具体的环节上,又是可以相对集中的,是个“变数”,可“以局部优势”解决问题。所以,我们常可以见到,智力看似平平的人,可以在某些方面有着超群的表现注意力的合理分配,不能不说是其中的一个要素。有人认为,要做翻译主要得学好外语。固然不错,但这还只是

10、注意力分配中的一部分,还有两部分母语的质量和在两种语言间转换的质量。特别是在口译中,注意力合理分配的作用就更加突出。 令人欣慰的是,在生理学上讲,人的注意力是可以塑造、训练和加强的。所以,不断提高我们注意力的质量,是个值得重视的问题。 Information is received into our sensory system by attention and its quality determines how well it will be processed, stored and retrieved afterward. The same information may attrac

11、t different forms and levels of attention from different people. We may all have experienced times when information has been photographically retained, or ignored. It may be vividly imbedded in detail, or discarded as we turn a blind eye. All information we receive in fact is filtered by our attenti

12、on, and the way to select and distribute attention determines its quality. Factors affecting our attention are personal interest, experience, ability, emotion, knowledge structure, environment and timing and so on, and the combination of these may lead to results which are sometimes vastly divergent

13、. A persons attention capacity as a “constant” is limited within a certain time-span. In dealing with certain issues, however, it can be organized as a “variable”, concentrating on a targeted area by its comparative edge. Therefore, it is not surprising to observe that somebody with an average intel

14、ligence can have an outstanding performance in certain fields, supported presumably by a rational attention distribution, psychologically speaking. Learning translation has long been regarded as learning a foreign language, which is not wrong but is not in itself adequate. Concerning the quality of

15、attention, the package should include foreign language, mother tongue and the convertibility between the two languages. When it comes to oral interpretation, rational attention distribution plays an even more crucial role. The good news is that biologically speaking, a persons attention can be shape

16、d, trained and strengthened by effective exercises. With that in mind, we should constantly improve the quality of our attention.林巍“相对优势”的优势英译 2013-10-6 02:01| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 316| 评论: 0|来自: 英语学习 摘要: 林巍 译 世界上,在某一领域有着绝对优势的人或产业永远是少数,大部分,是有着“相对优势”。正因为利用了相对优势,才有了各领域的杰出人才,有了不同行业的分工,也才有了国际间的贸易,有了全球化的经济。

17、美国的佛罗里达州适合种植柑橘,中国的温州擅长做鞋子。两地的人们同样都需要柑橘和鞋子。若将温州地区的土壤改造成可种植进口柑橘的条件,或者将佛罗里达州地区的工人训练成可做温州人质量的鞋子,不是不可以,但是成本太高了。所以,不如两个地区的人都集中做本地区适宜病擅长做的事,在满足自己需要后,将其余的出口,结果双方都获得了比各自经营两种产品更为合算的成本低二质量高的产品。不言而喻,这其中双方利用的是自己的绝对优势。 然而,即便是有了绝对优势,也不一定要利用。例如,我认识一位出色的公司老板,他很爱车,并精通如何给汽车换油,甚至比专业技工还快,但是他自己的车,大部分时间,还是开到专业车店去换油。原因是,他可

18、以利用那段时间做一些更有价值的事。这里,利用的不是他的绝对优势,而是相对优势。 同样道理,也适用于个人事业。每个人在某一领域,可能不是最好的,但他一定会有自己的相对优势。这种优势并不会因为别人的绝对优势而减弱,但却会因为自己的弱势小于别人的弱势而增强。 一个在才智方面平平的人,可以因为认准、用对了自己的“相对优势”而成就甚大。所以,在某种意义上,“相对优势”的优势才是真正的优势。 The Advantage of “Comparative Advantage”Lin Wei There are always minorities, either people or enterprises, t

19、hat have absolute advantage in a field; the majority apply their comparative advantage to professions where they do their best to be effective players. Based on comparative advantages, different divisions are formed as international trade and the globalized economy develop. Oranges are flourishing i

20、n Florida in the United States, for example, shoes are made perfectly in Wenzhou of China, and people in both areas need oranges and shoes. In Wenzhou, one could try to create an artificial environment for citrus trees of an international standard, and in Florida workers could be trained to make sho

21、es as effectively as workers in Wenzhou using the same resources. However, the costs would be too high. The best solution, therefore, is to allow each location to specialize in its own product, producing enough to meet local needs and exporting the rest. As a result, people in both areas end up with

22、 lower cost and higher quality goods than if each tried to produce both. It is self-evident that absolute advantage occurs in this process. However, absolute advantage may not necessarily apply everywhere. For instance, I know a capable company boss, who is also an expert in private cars and very sk

23、illful at changing car oil, even more efficiently than a mechanic. But, almost every time he drives his car to a garage to have the oil changed by a mechanic since he believes he can use the time to do something more valuable. What he uses here is his comparative advantage rather than absolute advan

24、tage. The same rationale may also apply to individual careers. You may not be the best in a certain area, but still have a comparative advantage, which will not be reduced in relation to others absolute advantage, and you can still find an advantaged position in which your disadvantages is smaller r

25、elative to others. An ordinary talent can, therefore, achieve outstanding results by rightfully exploring his or her comparative advantage. In this sense, we may say that comparative advantage really works. (林巍 译)林巍日本人的极端英译日本人做事极其认真,对此我有着切身的体会。在澳大利亚,我为一个日本代表团做导游时,接到两个“私人”电话,聊过一阵。之后,一个团员走到我跟前说,“仕事仕事!

26、分?”(工作就是工作!你懂吗?)。对此我刻骨铭心。 无疑,日本人的这种工作态度是值得推崇的。他们不做则矣,做则要做到最好。当然,这种民族性格,若用对了地方是好事,若方向错了,也很危险。一位日本朋友对我说,对于日本人的这种极端性格,他们自己甚至也会怀疑自己,即需要某种外力加以约束。所以,二战后取消了日本的军队,无疑是一种保险的做法。 就历史渊源而言,日本人没有中国人的“自我中心主义”,即认识到自己没有深厚的文化底蕴,所以必须以他人之先进,补自己之不足,但却由此形成了“最新主义”。 日本人一般的对外借鉴原则是“守”、“破”、“离”。“守”是指基本功要扎实,“破”是要在此基础上打破原有模式,而“离”

27、则是要脱离原本,以达到最高境界。 日本人并不满足于一般的“拿来主义”,而是在内容、至少在外观上加以改造,以制出有自己特色的made in Japan的产品,从而追求“最新”。 The Japanese Extreme Lin Wei From my experience, I know the Japanese are very serious about their work. In Australia, I was once a tour guide for a Japanese group. After receiving two private phone calls for a fe

28、w minutes, one of the team members came to me and said: “Shi go to was hi go to de su! W aka ri ma su ka?” (“Business is business, do you understand?”) which left me an indelible impression. Surely, the Japanese work ethics is highly desirable. Once they decide to do something, they want to be the b

29、est. National characteristics of this kind can be both good and bad depending on their orientation. A Japanese friend of mine told me that they cant even trust themselves since it is so easy for them to go to extremes if not confined by external forces. Abolishing Japans military troops after World

30、War II was undoubtedly one of the safest ways to ensure peace. Historically, given the fact that the Japanese culture didnt encourage egocentrism in the way the Chinese had profoundly, they developed “novelism” to embrace advantages of other nations to complement this cultural difference. The guidin

31、g principles for the Japanese to capture foreign advantages are summarized in three words: preservation, innovation and culmination. Preservation, is to firmly lay a solid national foundation; innovation, to break through the original pattern and create something new; and culmination, to reach the t

32、op of all achievements. Japanese borrowing is not an ordinary practice; it always pursues the highest standard of Japanese products, retaining their best qualities but adding new features. (林巍 译)林巍我读莫言英译我读第一次读到莫言,是他的红高粱,大约是在20世纪80年代末。那时我想它应是上了年纪的作家,因为他知道那么多过去的故事,如抗日战争,辛亥革命等。后来见了面才知,他其实比我大不了多少。然而,他的经历和想象何以如此丰富? 我印象最深的是,是他忒能讲故事,且叙事的方式很特别。他经常是一气呵成,不循规蹈矩,又颇带自我嘲讽与哲理意味。例如,红高粱中有一段:“秋风苍凉,阳光很旺,瓦蓝的天上游荡着一朵朵丰满的云,高粱上滑动着一朵朵丰满白云的紫红色影子。一队队暗红色的人在高粱棵子里

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