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1、汉语祈使句练习题 汉语祈使句练习题 一. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Its an important meeting. _ late. 2. _ any noise! Your mother is sleeping. 3. _ and _ quiet. 4. Please _ aloud. 5. _ your homework now, Sam. 6. _ out! A car is coming. 7. _ us your books. 8. _ the baby cry. 9. _, the car is coming. 10. Lets _ anything about i

2、t. 二. 选择填空 1 .Her doctor said: “_ work so hard” A StopB Dont C Cant D No 2. Jack, _ to be here at oclock A is sure B is sure that C will be sure D be sure 3._ when you cross the road. A Do care B Care C Be careful D To be careful 4. _him the secret. A Dont tell B Not to tell C Not tellingD No tellin

3、g 5. _ in bed. Its bad for your eyes. A Not to readB Dont read C Dont to read D Not read 6. _ Your child. Well look after him. A Not to worry aboutB Dont worry about C Not worry for D Dont worry with 7.You are very tired. _ a rest. A Not have B Do not have C Be haveD Have _ in the street. Its danger

4、ous. A. Not play B. Not to play C. Dont play D. Dont to play _ tell a lie. A Be B Not C No D Dont 10.Please _ look outside. Look at the blackboard. A notB dont C arent D cant 11. Please _ me some money. A. lend B. lending C. to lend D. be lend 1_ go to the bookshop. A Lets B Dont let they C Let we D

5、 No let me 1When you watch a film, please _. A quiet B be quiet C be quietly D quietly 14. _ the boxes. You may use them later. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Kept 15._ up early tomorrow! A. Getting B. Get C. To getD. Got 三.将下列汉语翻译成英语。 1. 请照看好您的包。 _. 2. 让我们去学校吧! _! 3. 小心! _! 4. 不要把书放桌上。 _. 5. 不要让他

6、进来。 _. 祈使句练习 二、选择最佳答案填空: 1. If you are tired, _A_ a rest. A. have B. having C. to have D. had 2. _A_ me go. It is very important for me. A. will you B. shall we C. do youD. do we 5. Never come late again, _A_? A. will you B. wont C. do youD. does he 6. _B_ up early tomorrow, or you cant catch the tr

7、ain. A. Getting B. Get C. To getD. Got 7. _C_ in the street. Its dangerous. A. Not playB. Not to play C. Dont playD. Dont to play 8. Please _A_ me some money, will you? A. lend B. lending C. to lendD. be lend 9. The film is about to begin. Please _A_ seated. A. beB. are C. is D. being 10. _A_ the bo

8、xes. You may use them later. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Kept I. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Its an important meeting. _Dont be_ late. 2. _Dont_make_ any noise! Your mother is sleeping. 3. _Dont_speak_ with your mouth full of food and _be_ polite. 4. _Dont_talk_ and _read_ aloud. 5. _Dont_leave_ your h

9、omework for tomorrow, Larry. 6. _Look_ out! A car is coming. 7. _Give_ us ten years and just see what our country will be like. 8. _Dont_let_ the baby cry. 9. Wear more clothes or you _will catch_ a cold. 10. Lets _not say_ anything about it. II. 选择填空 1 .Her doctor said: “_ work so hard” A Stop B Do

10、nt C Cant D No 2. Sindy, _ to be here at oclock A is sureB is sure that C will be sureD be sure 3._ when you cross the road. A Do care B CareC Do be careful D To be careful 4. _him the secret, will you? A Dont tell B Not to tell C Not telling D No telling 5. _ in bed. Its bad for your eyes. A Not to

11、 readB Dont read C Dont to read D Not read 6. _ Your child. Well look after him. A Not to worry aboutB Dont worry about C Not worry for D Dont worry with 7.They are very tired. Why _ have a rest? A not they B do not they C dont they D not to -You look rather tired. _ stopping to have a rest? - All r

12、ight. A Why not B How about C Why not toDwhy dont _ tell a lie. A Hardly B Not C No D Never 10.Please _ look outside. Look at the blackboard. A notB dontC arent D cant 11. Why dont you join us in the game? A What not B Why notC Why toD How to 1_ go for the book alone, Ms Zhang. A LetsB Let me C Letu

13、s D Allow 1John, read the text for us,_? A does he B will he C do youD will you 14. Lets do it at once, _ ? A shall we B will you C do we D do you 15. Let us do it at once, _ ? A shall we B will you C do we D do you 将下列汉语翻译成英语。 1. 请照看好您的包。 _. 2. 让我们去学校吧! _! 3. 亲爱的,高兴点儿! _! . 不要把书放这儿。 _. . 不要让猫进来。 _.

14、 Key: 1. Please look after your bag. 2. Lets go to school. 3. Be glad, dear. Dont put the book here . 5. Dont let the cat come in / Let the cat not come in . Go and wash your hands. Be quiet, please. Be kind to our sister. Watch your steps. Look out!Danger! Keep off the grass. No parking. 祈使句精讲及练习 一

15、、祈使句 定义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句最常用于表 达命令,因此在学校文法中也常称为命令句。 祈使句因对象是第二人称,所以通常都省略。祈使句的动词都为一般 现在时,句末则使用句号来表示结束。例:go and wash your hands.Be quiet, please. Be kind to our sister.Watch your steps. Look out!Danger! Keep off the grass. No parking. 祈使句也常把主语You表达出来,使对方听起来觉得柔和些, 例如: You go and tell him,

16、Chris. 二、相关口令 祈使句无主语, 主语you常省去; 动词原形谓语当, 句首加dont否定变; 朗读应当用降调, 句末常标感叹号。 三、表现形式 肯定结构: 1. Do型+其它成分)。如:Please have a seat here. 请这边坐。 有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,动词可省略。如:This way, please. = Go this way, please. 请 这边走。 2. Be型+其它成分)。如:Be a good boy! 要做一个 好孩子! 3. Let型。如:Let me help you. 让我来 帮你。 否定结构:1. Do型和Be型的否定式都是在句首

17、加dont构成。如:Dont forget me! 不要忘 记我! Dont be late for school! 上学不要迟到! 2. Let型的否定式有两种:“Dont + let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分;和 Let + 宾语 + not + 动词原形 + 其它成分 。如:Dont let him go. / Let him not go. 别让他走。. 有些可用no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。 如:No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No fishing! 禁止钓鱼! 练习:将下列汉语翻译成英语。 1. 请照看好您的包。 _. 让我们去学校吧! _!. 亲爱

18、的,高兴点儿! _!. 不要把书放这儿。 _. 不要让猫进来。 _. 1. Please look after your bag . Lets go to school . Be glad, dear 4. Dont put the book here 5. Dont let the cat come in / Let the cat not come in let带头的祈使句 由let;带头的祈使句是个常见的动词句型,它的主要用法有下列三种: 1.表示“建议” 这个句型里的let后头紧跟着一个第一人称的代词宾语, 如: Let me try. Lets do it.

19、Let me go and look for it. 这个句型语气委婉,比直接的祈使句客气。 试比较a和b: a. Dont disturb him. b. Lets not disturb him. 是直接命令,语气强烈,不如温柔悦耳。.表示间接命令或愿望。 这句型里的动词宾语是第三人称名词或代词,如: Let Robert take charge of the marketing department. Let her join our choir. .表示警告蔑视威胁等。 这种祈使句里的宾语也是第三人称为主。除了口气凶悍之外,有时还语带讽刺,如: Let him try and he w

20、ill expose his inability to work on his own. ; 如果宾语是第一人称,则用Let.not: Dont let this type of things happen again. Its raining now. Lets not go out until after the rain. 二、Let只适用于现在时态,可以有被动语态 ,如: Let the recalcitrant criminals be sent to prison. Let all the dedicated capable staff be promoted. 三、Let;后头除

21、了是不带to的不定式动词 之外,还可以是某些适当的副词,如out, in, down, alone等: Open the windows and let the fresh air in. The room is too sunny. Let the blinds down. Let me alone, please. 四、用Lets时,把谈话者的对象包括在内;用Let us时,并不包括对方,如: Lets try it, shall we? Let us do it by ourselves, will you? 从里的shall we和里的will you,不难知道前者包括听话人,后者并没

22、有。 英语祈使句练习题 I. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Its an important重要的 meeting会议. _ late. _ any noise噪音! Your mother is sleeping. 3. _ with your mouth full of food and _ polite礼貌的. _ and _ aloud大声的. _ your homework for tomorrow, Larry.6. _ out! A car is coming. 7. _ us ten years and just see what our country国家 will

23、 be like.8. _ the baby cry哭. 9. Wear more clothes or you _ a cold感冒. 10. Lets _ anything about关于 it.II. 选择填空 1 .Her doctor said: “_ work so hard辛苦”A Stop B DontC Cant D No 2. Sindy, _ to be here at oclockA is sure B is sure that C will be sure D be sure 3._ when you cross the road马路. A Do careB Care

24、 C Be careful D To be careful4. _him the secret, will you? A Dont tell B Not to tellC Not telling D No telling 5. _ in bed. Its bad for your eyes.A Not to read B Dont read C Dont to read D Not read 6. _ Your child. Well look after him. A Not to worry aboutB Dont worry aboutC Not worry for D Dont wor

25、ry with 7.They are very tired. Why _ have a rest? A not they B do not they C dont theyD not to -You look rather tired. _ stopping to have a rest? - All right. A Why not B How about怎么样_ tell a lie. A Hardly C Why not toD why dont B NotC No D Never绝不 10.Please _ look outside外面. Look at the blackboard黑

26、板. A notB dont C arent D cant 11. join us in the game? A What not B Why not C Why to D How to 1_ go for the book alone, Mrs Zhang. A Lets B Let me C LetusD Allow 1John, read the text for us,_? A does he B will he C do you D will you 14. Lets do it at once, _ ? A shall we B will youC do weD do you 15. Let us do it at once, _ ? A shall we B will youC do we D do you

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