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1、第十五章法律文书之商务合同翻译教案课 题 第十五讲 :律文书之商务合同翻译需6 课时教学目的要求使学生了解法律文书英译特点及商务合同翻译方法教学重点汉英商务合同词语中的用法及翻译方法。教学难点汉英商务合同翻译之句式结构、篇章翻译教案编写日期3月28日教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程提示与补充一、法律文体翻译的基本原则 公正impartiality准确accuracy合体appropriation简洁,精练clarity体现译入语的语域特征例句:甲方兹保证所供应之货物系在中华人民共和国内制造。Party A ( )certifies that the goods to be supplied

2、are produced in the Peoples Republic of China.汉译英的词汇特点准确。正式、拘谨。比如,不用before而用prior,不用but而用provided that,不用after而用sequent,不用tell而用advise,不用begin或start而用commence,不用use而用employ,不用according to而用in accordance with,不用show而用demonstrate,等等。频繁“因为”一“by virtue of “because of“在之前”“prior to” “before“关于” “as regar

3、ds, with regard to about “其他事项” “miscellaneous” “other matters的使用shall2.惯用副词hereafter = after this time; 今后hereby = by means/reason of this; 特此,兹herein = in this; 此中,于此hereinafter = later in this contract; 在下文thereafter = afterwards; 此后,后来thereby = by that means; 因此;由此;在那方 面3.少用形容词;不用加强性的副词(如very, r

4、ather)4.用法律术语和行话、套话 各个科学领域内,一个术语只表达一个概念,同一个概念只用一个术语来表达。术语最突出的特点是词义单一而固定,每个专业术语所表示的都是一个特定的法律概念,在使用时其他任何词语都不能代替。例如:“termination(终止)”不能用 “finish”代替;“invoke(援引)”不能用“quote”代替;“peremptory(最高)”不能用“supreme”代替;“a material breach(重大违约)”不能用“a serious breach”代替.其他,burden of proof(举证责任),cause of action(案由),lette

5、rs patent(专利证书), 等等。5.经常使用古英语和中古英语 古英语(Old English)是公元约1100年以前的英语,中古英语(Middle English)则是公元约1100年至1500年间的英语。这一点主要体现在大量使用以here, there和where与介词合成的词,比如,hereafter,herein,hereunder,hereafter,thereto,whereby,wherein,等等。6.词语并列 为使国际条约表意准确和规范严谨,条约制定者在行文中大量使用词语并列结构,用“and”或“or”把两个或多个短语并列起来。这种并列结构有更强的包容性,同时也更加具有

6、弹性。二、句法特点及翻译修饰成分多而繁杂多使用长句为避免造成混乱和误解,句中不用代词多用被动结构多用名词化结构 大量状语的使用三、Translation of Contract1、Definition合同是平等主体的自然人、法人、其他组织之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议。Contracts are agreements between equal natural persons, legal persons and other organizations for the purpose of establishing, alteringand terminating mutual c

7、ivil rights and obligations. (Contract Law of Peoples Republic of China)2、国际商务合同的种类Categories of International Business Contracts1) Contracts for International Sale of Goods 国际货物销售合同2) Contracts for International Technology Transfer 国际技术转让合同3) Contracts for Sino-foreign Joint Ventures 中外合资经营企业合同4) C

8、ontracts for International Engineering Projects国际工程承包合同5) Contracts for Compensation Trade 补偿贸易合同6) Contracts for Sino-foreign Cooperative Development of Natural Resources 中外合作开采自然资源合同7) Contracts for International Leasing Affairs 涉外租赁合同8) Contracts for Sino-foreign Credits and Loans 涉外信贷合同9) Contra

9、cts for Foreign Labor Services 涉外劳务合同10) Contracts for International Build-Operate-Transfer 国际BOT投资合同(建设-经营-移交)3、按照格式的繁简程度的不同,国际商务合同可以采取:正式合同(Contract)协议书(Agreement)确认书(Confirmation)备忘录(Memorandum)定单(Order)等书面形式。4、合同的语言特征程式化 准确性 严谨性 一致性 庄重性 简明化程式化例句:出口合同 本合同于由ABC贸易有限公司(以下简称“卖方”)和 XYZ贸易有限公司(以下简称“买方”)

10、于2012年8月5日签订。买卖双方同意按以下条款购买、出售下述商品。Export Contract This Contract is entered into this 5th day of August 2012 between ABC Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following te

11、rms and conditions.5、may、shall、should、will、may not、shall not 等词语的法律内涵a. May:在表示合同上的权利(Right)、权限(Power)或特权(Privilege)的场合中使用。若表示某种权利在法律上具有强制性的时候,更多的是“be entitled”。b. Shall:在合同中并不是单纯的将来时,一般用它来表示法律上可以强制执行的义务(Obligation)。如未履行,即视为违约,并构成某种赔偿责任。所以,shall在译文里,通常表示“应该”或“必须”,当然,也有不翻译的时候。例如: c. Should:在合同中通常只用来表

12、示语气较弱的假设,多翻译成“万一”或“如果”,极少译成“应该”。 例句:The board meeting shall be convened and presided over by the Chairman. Should the chairman be absent, the vice-Chairman shall, in principle, convene and preside over the board meeting.董事会会议应由董事长召集、主持;若董事长缺席,原则上应由副董事长召集、主持。d. Will:一般使用在没有法律强制的情况下,也用做表示承担义务的声明,但语气和强

13、制力比Shall弱。e. May not(或shall not):用于禁止性义务,即“不得做什么”。 严谨性例句:本协议自签订之日起生效。This agreement shall come into force on and from the day of signature. 经友好协商,双方本着互利的原则,XX和YY特签订合同。Through friendly negotiations, Party XX and Party YY, on the principle of mutual benefits, have hereby reached the contract as follow

14、s:(宾馆)12岁以下儿童可免费与父母同住。No extra charge for one child under 12 years of age sharing same room with parents.固定的英译法规名称的英译法:Law;条例:Regulation;规定:provisions for 办法:Measures; Procedures说明:Explanations (on) 决定:Decision 草案:Draft修正案:Amendment(to)实施细则:Implementing Rules; Rules for Implementation of暂行规定:Interim

15、 Provisions; Provisional Regulations试行办法:Trial Measures管理规定:Provisions for the Administration of 补充规定/附则: Supplementary Provisions例句:本协议自2010年8月20日生效至2012年6月30日终止。除本协议另有规定,不得提前终止本协议。如承租人从租住的单元移至另一单元,承租人自“终止本协议”之日起将有连续3日时间搬离,如超出3日,超出部分均按日计租。庄重性Term:The term of this lease shall commence on august 20,

16、2010 and shall terminate on June 30, 2012 unless terminated sooner as herein provided. In the event that the Tenant transfers from the unit rented under this lease to another unit the Tenant shall have three consecutive calendar days from the “termination of this lease” to move to the new unit and s

17、hall be billed on all additional days on a per-diem basis. 使用有here 或 there,或where+后缀in 或by 或after等构成的复合词 要强化记忆)Hereafter hereby herein hereinafter hereinbefore hereof heretoHerebefore hereunder hereupon herewith thereafter thereby therefromTherein thereinafter thereinbefore thereon课堂翻译举例:兹确认(特此)按下列条

18、款授予贵公司下述商品。We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on the terms and conditions as specified below.如果由此产生的争论不能解决,任何一方认为必要的话,可以提出仲裁。In case no settlement can be reached thereby the dispute may, if either party so requires, be resolved by arbitration.汉语一般用语合同正式用语责任、义务dutyObligation, li

19、ability请求、申请askRequire, request结束、终止endTerminate, conclude, expire自日起fromAs from/of关于about In respect to/ as for简明化any and all(全部)、any duties, obligations or liabilities(所有责任)、applicable laws, regulations, decrees, directives, and rules(适用法律法规)、charges, fees, costs and expenses(各种费用)、covenants and a

20、greements(合同,协议)、customs and usages(惯例)、free and clear keep secret and confidential(保密)、licenses and permits(许可)、null and void(无效)、packing and wrapping expenses(包装费)、rights and interests(权益)、settle claims and debts(清理债务)、ships and vessels(船只)、sign and issue(签发)、support and maintenance(维护)、use and wo

21、nt(习惯,惯例),等等。 of(无)、import duty and tax(进口税捐)、6、合同翻译涉及到的因素1. Name of Commodity 货物名称2. Specifications, Quantity and Unit Price 规格、数量和单价3. Total Value (USD) 总金额 (按美元计)4. Country of Origin and Manufacturers 生产国和制造商5. Packing 包装6. Shipping Mark 唛头:用文字、图形和记号标明在货物的包装上,以便识别一批货物不同于另一批的标记。内容有批号、件号、港口、目的地、收货人

22、、生产国名、合同号码、货名、数量等.7. Time of Shipment: 装运日期 2000年3月下旬装运。但要以卖方2000年1月下旬以前收到可接受信用证为条件,不允许分批装运。 Shipment within the last ten-day period of March, 2000, subject to acceptable L/C reaches Sellers before the last ten-day period of January, 2000, and partial shipment is not allowed.8. Port of Shipment 装运港9

23、. Port of Destination 目的港10. Payment: 支付条款 凭一流银行开出的不可撤消的即期信用证付款,信用证以卖方为受益人,并按照货物金额100%开具。By a prime bankers Irrevocable Sight Letter of Credit in Sellers favor, for 100% value of goods.11. Insurance: 保险买方委托卖方按发票全额的120%投保水渍险和偷窃提货不着险,保险费由买方承担。The Buyer hereby entrusts the Seller to insure the goods ag

24、ainst W.P.A. and T.P.N.D. for 120% of the invoice value. The insurance premium should be borne by the Buyer.12. Documents: 单据卖方应准备以下单据提交买方(主语变换)The following documents shall be prepared by the Seller and submitted to the Buyer: 1. Commercial Invoice in _Copies 商业发票_份2. 全套清洁已装船提单,提货人为_.Full set of cl

25、ean on board ocean Bills of Lading made out to_.3. Insurance Policy; 保险单质量检验证 Quality Inspection Certificate 原产地证 Certificate of Origin装箱单 Packing List 装船通知 Notice of Shipment 以下其他单据:The following other Documents:_ 13. Overdue Interest: 过期利息 如买方未能按期支付到期款项,买方应支付未付款项,否则,应从到期日算至实际支付日之间的过期利息,按年利率5% 计算。一

26、经卖方提出,买方应该支付该利息。If the Buyer fails to pay any amount when due, the Buyer shall be liable to pay to the Seller overdue interest or such unpaid amount from the due date until the actual date of payment at the rate of 5 percent per annum. Such overdue interest shall be paid upon demand of the Seller.14

27、. Inspection: 检验15. Penalty: 违约金1) 未按期交货 如果卖方由于自身原因未能按合同规定按期交付全部货物,卖方应向买方支付违约金。Failure to Make Timely Delivery In the event of the Seller for its own sake fails to make delivery of all the goods on time as stipulated in this contract, the Seller shall pay a penalty to the Buyer.例句:Failure to Timely

28、Open the Letter of CreditIn the event that the Buyer for its own sake fails to open the Letter of Credit on time as stipulated in this contract, the Buyer shall pay penalty to the Seller. 如果买方由于自身原因未能按合同规定按期开具信用证,买方应向卖方支付违约金。16. Force Majeure: 不可抗力任何一方如果由于洪水、火灾、地震、雪暴、雹暴、飓风、战争、政策禁令或其他在合同执行时无法预见并不能控制、

29、不可避免或无法克服的事件致使不能或迟延履行合同的全部或一部分时,该方不承担责任。 Neither party shall be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this Contract due to flood, fire, earthquake, snowstorm, hailstorm, hurricane, war, government prohibition or any other events that are unforeseeable at the time of the

30、 execution of this Contract and could not be controlled, avoided or overcome by such party.In the event that the Buyer does not make such claim within the above-mentioned time-limit, the Buyer shall forfeit its right to make a claim with respect to the quantity deficiency or the apparent quality def

31、ect. 如果买方未在上述期限内提出索赔,则买方将视为放弃对货物数量不足或明显的质量瑕疵索赔的权利。 17. Termination: 合同的解除 除非另有约定,该合同将在下述情况下解除: Except as provided elsewhere, this Contract may be terminated in either of the following case: 双方共同达成书面协议;Through mutual written agreement by both parties; 如果另一方未能在合同约定的时间内履行其义务,并且在收到未违约方通知后起七天内未能消除违约或采取补救措施 If the other party fails to perform its obligations within the time-limit agreed upon in this Contr

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