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1、爱丽丝漫游奇境 津津有味 中英对照ContentsCHAPTER 1 Down the Rabbit Hole CHAPTER 2 The Pool of Tears CHAPTER 3 Race and a Long Story CHAPTER 4 The Rabbit Sends Alice on an Errand CHAPTER 5 The Caterpillar Gives Alice Some Advice CHAPTER 6 Pig and Pepper CHAPTER 7 The Tea Party CHAPTER 8 The Queens Croquet GardenCHAP

2、TER 9 Who Stole the Tarts?CHAPTER 10 The TrialCHAPTER 1Down the Rabbit HolePreview Questions1. Where do you think Wonderland is?2. Do you think Alice will go down the rabbit hole?3. What do you think will happen in the rabbit hole? Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. She 1Lhad nothing to

3、 do. She was bored. Suddenly, a White Rabbit, wearing white gloves, ran past her. “Oh! Oh! Oh! I shall be late, ” the White Rabbit said to itself. Then it took a watch out of its pocket and looked at it. “How strange, ” Alice thought. She stood up and ran after the White Rabbit. The next moment, she

4、 was falling down a rabbit hole. Down and down and down she went. Along the sides of the hole there were shelves and cupboards. She took a jar from one of the shelves as she passed by. “Orange Marmalade, ” were the words on the jar. Alice opened it. Sadly, it was empty. Down and down and down she we

5、nt. “Dinah will miss me tonight, ” Alice thought. Dinah was her cat. Down and down and down she went. And now she began to feel sleepy. Then bump! She stopped falling and lay on a bed of leaves. She wasnt hurt, so she stood up and looked around. She could see a long corridor and the White Rabbit hur

6、rying along. Alice ran after it as fast as she could, but the rabbit turned a corner and disappeared. Alice was now in a large hall. There were lots of doors, but they were all locked. In the middle of the room, there was a glass table. On the table, there was a golden key. 内容第一章掉进兔子洞第二章泪池第三章赛跑和一个漫长

7、的故事第四章兔子派爱丽丝去办一件事第五章毛毛虫给了爱丽丝一些建议第六章猪和胡椒第七章茶话会第八章女王的槌球花园第九章谁偷了馅饼?第十章审判第一章掉进兔子洞预习题1. 你认为仙境在哪里?2. 你认为爱丽丝会掉进兔子洞里吗?3.你认为在兔子洞里会发生什么?爱丽丝和姐姐坐在河边。她无事可做。她是无聊的。突然,一只戴着白手套的白兔从她身边跑过。“哦!哦!哦!我要迟到了。”白兔自言自语。然后它从口袋里掏出一块表看了看。“真奇怪,”爱丽丝想。她站起来,追着白兔跑。不一会儿,她就掉进了兔子洞里。她往下,往下,往下。洞的两边是架子和碗橱。她经过时从架子上拿了一个罐子。“橘子果酱,”瓶子上写着。爱丽丝打开了它。

8、可悲的是,它是空的。她往下,往下,往下。“黛娜今晚会想念我的,”爱丽丝想。黛娜是她的猫。她往下,往下,往下。现在她开始感到困了。然后撞!她停了下来,躺在树叶堆上。她没有受伤,所以她站起来环顾四周。她看到一条长长的走廊,白兔正匆匆地走着。爱丽丝尽她最大的努力追着兔子,但是兔子拐弯就不见了。爱丽丝现在在一个大厅里。有很多门,但都锁上了。在房间的中央,有一张玻璃桌子。桌子上有一把金钥匙。Alice tried to open all the doors with the key, but she could not unlock them. Then she came to a very small

9、 door, only as tall as her knee. The golden key opened this door. “But how can I go through it?” Alice thought. ”Its too small. Or, Im too big. I dont know which, ” Alice went back to the glass table. “Maybe theres a key to one of the other doors, ” she thought. There was not another key, but Alice

10、did see a bottle with a label. “Drink me, ” the label said. Alice was a clever girl, and she did not drink from the bottle immediately. Instead, she looked at it very carefully. She looked for a label that read “Poison. ” She could not see one, so she opened the bottle and drank from it. She liked t

11、he taste, but she began to feel very strange. “Im getting smaller, ” she thought. And she was. She was getting smaller and smaller and smaller. “If I dont stop getting smaller soon, ” she thought, “there wont be anything left of me, ” Luckily, she stopped getting smaller just in time. “Now I can go

12、through the little door, ” she thought. “Where is the key?” She looked in her pocket, but it wasnt there. Then she remembered where it was. It was on the glass table, “I put it down on the table when I picked up the bottle, ” she thought. She hurried back to the glass table, but now it was huge. She

13、 couldnt reach it. She began to cry. Then she was angry with herself. “I mustnt cry, ” she told herself. “Crying wont help me. ” At that moment, she saw a small glass box under the table. She opened it and inside there was a very small cake. It had the words “Eat me” written on it. “Perhaps if I eat

14、 a little, I will grow enough to reach the key, ” she thought. ”Then I can hurry to the little door before I grow too big. ” She picked up the cake and began to eat it. Review Questions 1. Why did Alice fall down?2. What happened to Alice when she drank from the bottle?3. Why did Alice eat the cake?

15、CHAPTER 2The Pool of TearsPreview Questions1. What do you think the cake will make Alice do?2. Where do you think Alice will go?3. What do you think is on the other side of the little door? Alice began to grow larger. She grew taller and taller until she could not see her feet. They were so far away

16、. 爱丽丝试着用这把钥匙打开所有的门,但打不开。然后她来到一扇只有膝盖那么高的小门前。金钥匙打开了这扇门。“可是我怎么才能走过去呢?”爱丽丝想。“这是太小了。或者,我太大了。我不知道是哪一个。”爱丽丝回到玻璃桌旁。“也许还有其他门的钥匙,”她想。没有另一把钥匙了,但爱丽丝看见了一个有标签的瓶子。“喝我,”标签上写着。爱丽丝是个聪明的女孩,她没有马上喝瓶子里的水。相反,她非常仔细地看着它。她找了一个写着“毒药”的标签。她看不见一只,于是她打开瓶子喝了一大口。她喜欢这种味道,但她开始觉得很奇怪。“我越来越小了,”她想。和她。她变得越来越小,越来越小。“如果我不快点变小,”她想,“我就什么也不剩了。

17、”幸运的是,她及时停止了变小。“现在我可以穿过那扇小门了,”她想。“钥匙在哪儿?”她看了看自己的口袋,但它不在那里。然后她想起了它在哪里。杯子在玻璃桌上。“我拿起瓶子时把它放在桌上了,”她想。她急忙跑回玻璃桌子,但现在它已经很大了。她够不着。她开始哭了起来。然后她对自己很生气。“我不能哭,”她对自己说。“哭也帮不了我。”这时,她看到桌子下面有一个小玻璃盒子。她打开它,里面有一个非常小的蛋糕。上面写着“吃我”。她想:“也许我只要吃一点,就会长到能拿到钥匙的程度。”这样我就能在我变得太大之前,赶紧跑到那扇小门那里。”她拿起蛋糕开始吃。复习题1. 爱丽丝为什么跌倒了?2. 爱丽丝从瓶子里喝水时发生了

18、什么事?3.爱丽丝为什么吃蛋糕?第二章泪池预习题1. 你认为蛋糕会让爱丽丝做什么?2. 你认为爱丽丝会去哪里?3.你认为小门的另一边是什么?爱丽丝开始变大。她越来越高,直到她看不见自己的脚。他们离得那么远。“I cant see them, ” she said to herself. She often talked to herself. ”But Ill be kind to them. I need them to walk on. ” At this moment, her head hit the roof of the room she was in. “How can I ge

19、t out of here?” she thought. ”I have the golden key, but now the door is so smallor Im too big. Im not sure which. I still wont be able to get through that door. ” She lay down on the floor and opened the door. She looked through it with one eye. There was a garden on the other side. Oh, I shall nev

20、er get out of here, ” she thought. And she began to cry again. She cried and cried until she was lying in a pool of tears. “If I dont stop crying, ” she thought, “I shall drown in my own tears. They are already over my legs. ” Then she heard the sound of footsteps. She looked up. The White Rabbit wa

21、s hurrying toward her. “Oh, the Duchess will be so angry, ” he was saying. “I shall be late, and she hates to be kept waiting. ” Alice, who needed help, said, “Excuse me, sir, but can you. . . ?” But she never finished the sentence. The White Rabbit ran off as fast as his legs could carry him. “Well

22、!” Alice thought. “This is a very strange place. Everything seems to be different. Am I different from what I was when I woke up this morning? Im larger, but am I the same? Am I even the same person? Im not my sister. Her hairs longer than mine. Do I know all the things I used to know? Let me think,

23、 Four times five is twelve, and four times six is thirteen, and four times seven is. . . oh, no, thats all wrong. What about Geography? London is the capital of Paris, and Paris is the capital of Rome, and Rome is. . , no, no, no! Thats all wrong. I must be someone different. Maybe Im Mabel. She nev

24、er knows anything. Oh, I hope not. She lives in a very small house and doesnt have any toys to play with. Oh, what can I do?” And Alice started crying again. Then she looked at her hands. She was surprised to see that she was wearing the White Rabbits gloves. “How can I be wearing his gloves?” she t

25、hought. “Hes much smaller than I am. Oh! I must be getting smaller again. ” And she was. She stood up and walked to the table. It was now taller than she was. “Why am I shrinking?” she asked herself. “Oh, it must be because of this fan Im holding. ”She did not know where the fan came from or why she

26、 was holding it, so she dropped it. She stopped shrinking just before she disappeared completely. “我看不见他们,”她自言自语道。她经常自言自语。“但我会善待他们的。我需要它们继续前行。”这时,她的头撞到了屋里的屋顶上。“我怎么才能离开这里呢?”她想。“我有金钥匙,但是现在门太小了或者我太大了。”我不确定是哪一种。我还是进不去那扇门。”她躺在地板上,打开了门。她用一只眼睛透过它看。另一边有一个花园。啊,我永远也出不去了,”她想。她又哭了起来。她哭了又哭,直到躺在一堆眼泪里。“如果我不停止哭泣,”她


28、不!这是完全错误的。我一定是与众不同的人。也许我是梅布尔。她什么都不知道。哦,我希望不是。她住在一个非常小的房子里,没有玩具玩。哦,我该怎么办呢?”爱丽丝又哭了起来。然后她看了看自己的手。她惊讶地发现自己戴着白兔的手套。“我怎么能戴上他的手套呢?”她想。“他比我小得多。哦!我一定又变小了。”和她。她站起来,走到桌旁。现在它比她还高。“为什么我在退缩?”她问自己。“哦,一定是因为我拿着的扇子。她不知道扇子是从哪里来的,也不知道为什么要拿着它,于是她把扇子掉在地上了。就在她完全消失之前,她停止了退缩。But now, she was so small that she was almost dro

29、wning in her own tears. She was soon up to her chin in salt water. “Oh, I was so silly to cry so much, ” she thought. As she was swimming around, she looked for a way out of the pool. Then she heard a splashing noise. She looked around and saw a mouse swimming nearby. “Perhaps the mouse knows the wa

30、y out?” she thought. “Ill ask him. “Excuse me, Mouse, ” she said. “Do you know the way out of this pool?” The Mouse looked at her, but it didnt say anything. “Maybe it doesnt know English, ” she thought. “Ill try French. ” Alice knew only the first lesson in her French textbook, so she said that. “O

31、u est may chatte?” she asked. The Mouse leapt out of the water in fear. “Oh, ” Alice thought. ”Ive asked the wrong thing. Ive asked it Where is my cat? and mice are frightened of cats. “Im sorry, she said to the Mouse. “I forgot you dont like cats. ” “Would you like cats if you were a mouse?” the Mouse demanded angrily. “Perhaps not, ” Alice answered. “But Im sure youd like my cat, Dinah. Shes a beautiful cat and very clever at catching. . . oops! Sorry. I nearly said the wrong thing, We wont talk about Dinah or cats anymore. What about dogs?” But the Mouse began swimming away. “Come back,

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