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1、美国卓越绩效评价准则中英文对照版美国卓越绩效评价准则(中英文对照版) -1 领导评论:0 条 查看:86 次 jackiefeng 发表于 2008-12-23 10:131Leadership (120 pts.)1领导( 120 分)The Leadership Category examines HOW your organizations SENIOR LEADERS guideand sustain your organization. Also examined are your organizations GOVERNANCaEn d HOWyo ur organization

2、addresses its ethical, legal, and community responsibilities.领导类目检查组织的高层领导者如何引领组织并保持组织可持续发展。 也检查组织的治 理以及组织如何确立它的道德的、法律的和社会的责任。Leadership: How do your senior leaders lead(70pts.) Process高层领导:高层领导者是如何领导的 (70分) 过程Describe HOWS ENIORL EADERSg uide and sustain your organization. Describe HOWS ENIOR LEADE

3、RS communicate with your WORKFORCE and encourage HIGH PERFORMANCE. 说明高层领导者如何引领组织并保持组织可持续发展。说明高层领导者如何与员工沟通并 鼓励高绩效。Within your response, include answers to the following questions: 在报告中,要答复以下问题:a.VISION and VALUESa.愿景和价值观(1)HOWd o SENIORL EADERSs et organizational VISION and VALUESH OWd o SENIORL EADE

4、RSDEPLOY your organization VISION and VALUES through your LEADERSHIP SYSTEM, to the WORKFORCEto, KEY suppliers and PARTNERS,a nd to CUSTOMERaSn d other STAKEHOLDERS, as appropriate HOW do SENIOR LEADERS personal actions reflect a commitment to the organizations VALUES(1)高层领导者如何确立组织的愿景和价值观高层领导者如何通过组织

5、的领导系统将组 织的愿景和价值观展开到全体员工、 关键供应商和合作伙伴、 顾客和其它利益相关者 (适用 时回答)他们的个人行为如何反映出其对组织价值观的承诺(2)HOW do SENIOR LEADERS personally promote an organizational environment that fosters, requires, and results in legal and ETHICAL BEHAVIOR(2)高层领导者如何身体力行地推动一种培育、要求和实现守法行为和道德行为的环境(3)HOW do SENIOR LEADERS create a SUSTAINABL

6、E organization HOW do SENIOR LEADERS create an environment for organizational PERFORMANCE improvement, the accomplishment of your MISSION and STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES,INNOVATION, competitive or role model PERFORMANCleEa dership, and organizational agility HOWd o they create an environment for organizati

7、onal and WORKFORCE LEARNING HOW do they personally participate in succession planning and the development of future organizational leaders(3)高层领导者如何创建一个具有可持续性的组织高层领导者如何创建一种促进绩效 改进、 使命和战略目标实现、创新、 具有竞争力或领军地位, 以及保持敏捷性的环境如何创 建一种组织和员工学习的环境他们如何亲自参与组织继任计划和培养未来的领导者and Organizational PERFORMANCEb.沟通和组织绩效(1)

8、HOWd o SENIORL EADERSc ommunicate with and engage the entire WORKFORCHEO W do SENIOR LEADERS encourage frank, two-way communication throughout the organization HOWd o SENIORL EADERSc ommunicate KEY decisions HOWd o SENIORL EADERS take an active role in reward and recognition programs to reinforce HI

9、GH PERFORMANCE and a CUSTOMER and business focus(1)高层领导者如何与组织的全体员工沟通并激发他们高层领导如何鼓励在整个组 织内进行坦诚的、 双向的沟通高层领导是如何就关键决策进行沟通高层领导者如何在员工奖 励和认可方面担当积极的角色以促进高绩效和强化以顾客和业务为中心(2) HOW do SENIOR LEADERS create a focus on action to accomplish the organizations objectives, improve PERFORMANCE, and attain its VISION Wha

10、t PERFORMANCE MEASURES do SENIOR LEADERS regularly review to inform them on needed actions HOW do SENIOR LEADERS include a focus on creating and balancing VALUE for CUSTOMERaSn d other STAKEHOLDERinS their organizational PERFORMANCeExp ectations(2)高层领导者如何确立对行动的重视以完成组织的目标、 改进绩效和达成愿景高层领导定期评审哪些绩效指标以便采取

11、必要的行动高层领导者在组织的绩效期望中如何顾及均衡地为顾客及其他利益相关者创造价值Notes:注解:N1. Organizational vision 1) should set the context for strategic objectives and action plans, which are described in Items and .N1. 组织的愿景 (1) 应为在条目和中阐述的战略目标和行动计划设定前提。N2. A sustainable organization 3) is capable of addressing current business needs a

12、nd possesses the agility and strategic management to prepare successfully for its future business and market environment. In this context, the concept of innovation includesboth technological and organizational innovation to succeed in the future. A sustainable organization also ensures a safe and s

13、ecure environment for the workforce and other key stakeholders.N2. 一个可持续性的组织 (3) 有能力处理好当前的业务需要并具备成功应对未来业务和市场环境的 战略管理能力和敏捷性。从整个意义上说,创新的内涵包括未来成功所必需的技术创新和组织创新。一个 可持续组织还要确保为员工和其它关键的利益相关者提供一个安全可靠的环境。N3. A focus on action 2) considers the workforce, the work systems, and the hard assets of yourorganizatio

14、n. It includes ongoing improvements in productivity that may be achieved through eliminating waste or reducing cycle time, and it might use techniques such as Six Sigma and Lean. It also includes the actions to accomplish your organization strategic objectives.N3. 对行动的重视 (2) 考虑了组织的员工、工作系统和固定资产。它不仅包括

15、对生产力的持续改进, 这些改进可以是通过消除废品或减少生产周期来达到,也可导入六西格玛和精益生产等技术;而且它也包 括了为完成组织的战略目标而采取的行动。N4. Your organizational performance results should be reported in Items 组织绩效的结果应在条目中进行报告。N5. For nonprofit organizations that rely on volunteers to accomplish their work, responses to (1) also should discuss your efforts to

16、 communicate with and engage the volunteer workforce.N5. 对于那些依靠志愿者来完成工作的非营利组织, 在(1) 的汇报中应包含组织是如何沟通并激励志愿 者的。and Social Responsibilities:ProcessHow do you govern and address your socialresponsibilities(50pts.)治理和社会责任:组织怎样治理和承担社会责任 (50分) 过程Describe your organization s GOVERNANCE system. Describe HOW your organization addresses its responsibilities to the public, ensures ETHICAL BEHAVIOR,

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