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Unit 6 scripts.docx

1、Unit 6 scriptsPart OneActivity ATask 2Scripts:Okay, a Visual Aide is something that allows the audience to see what youre talking about. And theres a whole lot of different types of Visual Aides. When I think of Visual Aides the first thing that comes to my mind is maybe a poster board that has a gr

2、aph or a pie chart on it. And those are just a few of the types of Visual Aides there are. Maps, models, pictures, you can use transparencies, you can use slides, you can use computer-enhance technology which also include PowerPoint presentations. And were going to talk briefly about that. You might

3、 need a flow chart or any other kind of chart that demonstrates what is it that youre talking about. You can also use movie clips and any kind of line and bar graph that might enhance what youre talking about especially when youre talking about complicated material that is maybe a little more diffic

4、ult to take in and the Visual Aide will help your audience to understand what it is youre talking about. So, first lets start with short-term Visual Aides.Task 3Im talking about a massacre, a massacre that happens on our doorsteps, at our schools, at our offices, our hotels, day in, day out. Im talk

5、ing about deaths by PowerPoint. More than 30 million PowerPoint presentations happen every day around the world. It even finds its way to weddings, would you believe it? Dont get me wrong. Im not against PowerPoint, per se. but Im really against the way its used, used sloppily and unintelligently. H

6、ow many presentations you see with slides that look something like thiswordy, long, dense slide with lots of different ideas that originally make you want to switch off. Its just a recipe for a disaster. This is the normal effect it has. Im not sure whether this man is actually dead, or just heavily

7、 sedated. But whichever way, its killed his imagination, and has killed his interest. I believe its about the time that we stop this crime thats going on around the country, and do something about it. Id like to share with you today some ways of doing that, because I have another vision in mind. I b

8、elieve we can have a situation where we can use PowerPoint intelligently, still have audiences that are engaged, enthused, and can really understand by entering our world of communicating. To do this, all you need is three simple steps.Step one: ban bullet points. Yeah, I know its a big step, but th

9、ose bullets points just dont work. Its not just me saying that. This is research from Professor Richard Myer. Hes a multi-media specialist, and hes studied the effect of bullet points and what happen when you remove bullet points from traditional slides. He just leaves the headings, leaves the image

10、s particularly the bullet points. Instead of a decrease, we actually get a 28 percent increase in recallaudiences actually remember more when we take the data off the slide. I dont think therere any of you listening to this presentation, who wouldnt like his audience to remember 28 percent more of w

11、hat they are saying. But it goes much further than that. Professor Myer also suggested that when you measure knowledge transfer, i.e. the ability of the audience to utilize that information that they are remembering, it goes up by a staggering 79%. Can you imagine the impact that we would have on bu

12、sinesses, on education, if we all could get something near 79% increase in knowledge transfer. Its just mind blowing. So hopefully by now youre convinced that there is good reason for getting rid of bullet points, for you might still be wondering why they dont work. Well the reason seems to because

13、of the way our memory works. We have three types of memory: sensory memory, long term memory, and working memory. While sensory memory and long term memory can process huge amounts of information at any given time, working memory is a bottleneck. It has a limited capacity, in fact, can only handle b

14、etween three and four pieces of information at any given time. Thats why when we present in rich information dense slides, it goes to overload, and only a fraction of that data get through our long term memory. So what could we do to avoid this problem in the future?All we need to do is get rid of t

15、hese bullet points and use slides that have one simple idea or concept per slide, backed up by suitable visual aids, pictures, graphs and charts, and then supported by an auditory narrative that makes sense, that flows. So step one, ban those bullet points.Step two, but what are going to replace bul

16、let points with? Well replace them with diagrams, with charts, and with appropriate photographs. And yes, I have to admit, those are my fit in that up slide. So what sort of images? Well, quality images that support our verbal messages. Not cheap clip art that looks tacky, but good quality images th

17、at see the same thing as we see verbally but in a visual medium. There is no excuse for not using good quality images. There are lots databases online that allow you to download or purchase, or download free in many cases high-quality images that you can use in your presentations. Secondly, (except

18、for diagrams and images) is to use clear and simple charts. If you see another chart or graph that looks like this in a presentation, its just unacceptable. Nobody can understand the details on that. Its far too much information. The brain just cannot process it. Youll learn to throng the details yo

19、u need and present only that which is relevant to your audiences and to the messages you are giving. Clear, concise, and simple graphs that we can take in a glance, and then the audience can return to your narrative. Finally, some simple diagrams, using the drawing functions within PowerPoint, to sh

20、ow flows or relationships within the items. Such as this little set of diagram here, which shows the stages that audience might go through during the course of a presentation, i.e. just like you listen to this presentation, you might start as a little skeptical. I want to end up enthused. To get you

21、 there, I hopefully can arouse your curiosity, and got you interested. So weve talked about banning bullet points, and talked about replacing those bullet points with quality images.The third and final point Im going to talk about in this presentation is to link your slides together. To tell a story

22、, to tell a compelling argument that flows step by step logically, that take your audience from where they are at the beginning of the presentation and the problem they are facing, to the solution, to the desired result that they want, by implementing the solution youve provided. You need to think o

23、f your slides as a bit like the images in a roll of a movie film, and your verbal delivery, your script, if you like, as the sound track to that movie. So by telling a story, which takes your audience from point A to point B, compellingly, logically, its so powerful. If you think about it, human bei

24、ng has been using stories for years, to get their messages across. So we should be doing that in our presentations. Just because we choose to use PowerPoint to support that doesnt mean to say that story doesnt still work as well. So there you have it. Bann the bullet points, use quality images and t

25、ell a good story. I hope youll join with me in stopping this needless slaughter, that is, deaths by PowerPoint. I hope Ive inspired you to think about your own use of slides in a whole new different way.Task 4Transcripts:1.So imagine you standing on a street anywhere in America, and a Japanese man c

26、omes up to you and says, “ Excuse me, what is the name of this block?”. You say, “Im sorry, well, this is Oak street , that is Elm street. This is 26th, that is 27th.” He says, “ok, but what is the name of that block?”. You say, “well, blocks dont have names. Streets have names. Blocks are just the

27、unnamed spaces in between streets. ” he leaves a little confused and disappointed.So now imagine youre standing on a street anywhere in Japan, you turn to a person next to you and say, “ Excuse me, what is the name of this street?” and they say, “ oh, well, thats block 17 and this is block 16.” And

28、you say, “ ok. But what is name of this street?” they say, “ well, streets dont have names, blocks have names. Just look at Google maps here, there is block 14,15,16,17,18,19. All of these blocks have names and the streets are just the unnamed spaces in between the blocks.” And you say, “ ok, then,

29、how do you know your home address?” I say, “ well, easy, this is district 8, there is a block 17, house number 1.” I say, “ ok. But walking around the neighborhood, I noticed the houses numbers dont go in order. You say, “of course they do - they go in ordering in which they were built. The first ho

30、use ever built on the block is house number 1, the second house ever built is house number 2, third is number 3, its easy. Its obvious. So, I loved it sometimes we need to go to the opposite side of the world to realize the assumptions we didnt even know we had and realize the opposite of them can a

31、lso be true. So, for example, there are doctors in China who believe that their job to keep you healthy, so any month youre healthy, you pay them and when you are sick you dont have to pay them because they failed off their job. They get rich when you are healthy, not sick. (laughter)In most music w

32、e think of the one as the downbeat to the beginning of the musical phrase: 1,2,3,4. But in West African music, the one is thought of as the end of the phrase like the period at the end of a sentence. So you can hear it not just in the phrasing but the way that they come out of the music: 2,3,4,1. And this map is also accurate.(laughter). There is a saying that whatever true thing you can say about India, the opposite is also true. So lets never forget whether its TED or anyone else, that whatever brilliant ideas you have or hear that the opposite may also be true. Arigato Gozaimasu.

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