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1、新高三海州讲坛英语导学案参考答案Module 10 Unit 1- Unit 4 &高考题型解题策略参考答案第1讲 M10 U1 Reading(1)II. 文章可以分成3部分。III. 1.1) “destroyed” 和 “killed” 分别作“harvests”和 “cattle”的定语;2) D; D2.1)an Irish musician 作同位语;who organized a charity concert作定语从句;called Live Aid 作后置定语;to raise money 作目的状语。2)这场灾难的严重性让爱尔兰音乐家鲍勃 格尔多夫震惊, 他组织了一场名为“

2、现场援助”的慈善音乐会,为埃塞俄比亚饥荒受难者募集资金。3) B; A;A3.该句的谓语动词:take place; included4. 1)被省略部分:raise; the famine 2) 格尔多夫想通过音乐会为饥荒筹钱,并提高公众对饥荒的意识。3) B 5. 1)“killing” 表原因状语从句;2), as it kills people than any disease.3) Rising; it rises4) B6. 1) (消息、谚语等)说法是;如所说2) that he was once rich 引导同位语从句3)As a saying goes, give a ma

3、n a fish, and you feed him for a day 7. 1)“what developing countries really need to do” 作主语从句;“what makes everything run smoothly” 作表语从句。 2) This is what they think is the best solution.What I want to say is that you are the best.3) D8. 1) 定语从句;有很多这样的成功例子,比如在阿富汗,男性一般是养家糊口的主力,然而家庭主妇和寡妇们现在也开始学习缝制衣服,这些

4、衣服可以出售,也可以供自己家庭穿。先行词分别是:Afghanistan; clothing; 2) 有很多这样的成功例子,比如在阿富汗,男性一般是养家糊口的主力,然而家庭主妇和寡妇们现在也开始学习缝制衣服,这些衣服可以出售,也可以供自己家庭穿。 3) C; B9. 1) make from 2) “to sell to tourists” 作目的状语; 3) D10.1) 这些小的成功是通向更好未来的开端,因为它们并非是给人一条鱼的结果,以便他吃上一天。他们是教人学会捕鱼的结果,以便他可以终身填饱肚子。 2) We are supposed to do what we can so that

5、a greener world can be built for our next generation.IV.1)打算用来做 intend to do (L6) 2)筹集资金 raise money for (L6) 3)提高的意识 raise awareness of (L7)4)给施加压力做 put pressure on to do(L9) 5)另外,此外 on top of (L14)6)夺走某人的生命 claim ones life (L15) 7)以处于危险中的人为目标 target people at risk (L21) 8)的解决方法 the solution to(L31

6、)9)从转变为 switch from to (L28)10)依赖,信任;取决于 be dependent on (L29)11)和一起 together with(L31)12)在某人的支配、控制下 in the hands of (L44)第2讲 M10 U1 Reading(2)II.1. 1) intend to do sth; 打算用.干什么 intend to do sth; 打算干什么 intend that 打算 intend for 打算用干什么 be intended to do sth/for sth 打算干什么 had intended to do sth/ inten

7、ded to do sth 本打算干什么 2) Its not what I intended (it to be). The programme is intended to help the orphans.3) had intended ; had intended to2. 1)抬起、举起:raise ones head唤起、激起:raise ones courage提升、提高:raise ones salary; raise the output饲养、养育:raise chickens and corn征集、筹集(款):raise funds提出:raise a question2)

8、 awareness of : 知晓,对有意识 自我意识 self-awareness 全球意识 global awareness 环境意识 environmental awareness 3. 1) put pressure on sb. to do sth. under pressure 2) Their parents are putting pressure on them to get married.4. 1) (1) apart from; besides On top of borrowing 50, he asked for use of my car. (2) at the

9、 top of the hill 在山顶; reach the top 登峰造极at the top of the tree 居行业、事业顶峰at the top of ones voice 以最大的嗓音on top of the world 非常高兴2) (1) 夺走某人的性命; (2) The storm has caused a lot of damage to the city and claimed thirty lives. (3)声称;认领;请求,要求;需要;5. 1) You are putting the peoples benefits at risk. According

10、 to the weather forecast, the typhoon is on the way, and the coastal cities in the south are at risk.2) at the risk of losing ones life at the risk of losing ones job3) We cant take the risk of losing all the opportunities.4) risk health5) risk getting caught in a heavy rain6. 1) alone 放在名词或代词的后面 on

11、ly 可放在名词或代词的前面2) B7. 1) the solution to financial troubles2) the way of storing information/to store information3) the new approach of language teaching4) various methods of payment5) the answer to ones letter6) the key to good health8. 1) switch from polluting rivers to protecting them 2) n. 开关;转变

12、v. 改变;切断,接通;交换9. 1) depend on 2) Success is dependent on how hard you work.I depend on you coming. 3) A10. 1)A ; 2)B11. 1)provide sb with sth/ sth for sb; supply sb with sth/ sth to sb 2) provide survivors with food and drink 等等12. 1)Your fate lies in the hands of your own.2) The affair is no longer

13、 in my hands.3) There is nothing that we can do in this situation. The decision lies in the hands of the headmaster.第3讲 M10 U1 GrammarI 1)2,6; 2)3,8; 3)1,5; 4)4,7。II1. 1) first of all, to begin with, in the first place, at the same time, meanwhile, finally, above all, last but not least 2)for this r

14、eason, therefore, as a result (of), thus, so , consequently, in consequence, as a consequence 3)in contrast, on the other hand, however, instead, on the contrary, while, nevertheless 4)furthermore, whats more, also, moreover, besides, in addition 2. 1)D;2)A; 3)C; 4)C; 5)C; 6)We have no coffee; would

15、 you please drink tea instead?IV. 1. 1)表结论;2)表例证;3)表观点;4)表让步;5)表条件;2. namely 3. 1) B; 2) B; 3) B. 4. 1) They had a wonderful holiday despite the bad weather. 2)If necessary, I will tell it to you personally. 3)He apologized to me for what he had done. Even so, I wouldnt forgive him.IIV.1. 1) in othe

16、r words; 2)that is; 3)because; 4)or; 5) but; 6)however.2. 1)First of all; 2)Besides/Moreover;3)And;4)Besides/Moreover;5)while;6)Therefore;3. 1)Of course; 2)Firstly; 3)Secondly; 4)Thirdly; 5)Last but not least; 6)However7)For one thing; 8)For another thing; 9)But第4讲 M10 U1 Project(1)II文章可以分成两部分。III.

17、1. It is believed that saving water is the key to protecting resources. 2. 这应该给人们敲响了警钟,因为一个简单明了的事实是,为了让每一个人生存,在全球发展方面必须有重大的改变。3. 1)划线部分作后置定语; 2)being built; being taken away; Being repaired; being operated 3) (1) D; (2) B; (3) C.4. 1) which 引导的定语从句;environment和preserving作on 的宾语。 2) C 5. 1) “主语+系动词+形

18、容词+不定式; 动词+宾语+形容词+不定式”如果是difficult, easy, hard, convenient, cheap, expensive等形容词,不定式用主动表被动。 2) (1) A; (2) B. 6. n. 能力;力量;动力;权势 v. 使有力量; 供以动力; 激励。 7. The best way to learn English well is by reading it aloud every morning. 8. 1) eitheror连接“heated and sent to a storage tank”和“used to boil water” 2) A;

19、 A. 3) (1) If given instant attention, things wouldnt have been so serious.(2) The whole plan is going on well as expected.(3) Though broken, the vase is still of great value. 9. 1)see解释为:见证,目睹,经历; 2) (1) Nantong has seen great changes since 2000.(2) This year saw the World Expo in Shanghai. 3) (1)

20、feel; singing; improved (2) C; C.IV. 1. 使某人开始干某事 set sb doing sth (L4)2.为了让某人干某事 in order for sb to do sth (L5)3.付诸实施 put into practice (L20)4.用完 run out (L45)5.促进,引发 contribute to (L49)6.努力争取 push for (L52)7.意识到 become conscious of (L59)第5讲 M10 U1 Project(2)II1. 1) barking; beating. His remarks set

21、 me thinking over my plan. 2) set me to finish the task by myself 2. 1) The teacher pointed out my mistake in person in order for me to avoid it next time. My mother set the alarm clock so as for me to catch the early bus. 2) C; 3.1) Its very necessary to try to put what you learn in class into prac

22、tice. 2)put his words into action把说的话落实到行动上 put the ban into effect 开始实施禁令 put the plan into operation使计划付诸实施 put the bar into service 让酒吧投入使用 put sb in trouble 给某人带来麻烦 put his idea to test 试验他的想法 4.1) run out 用完;耗尽。常用主动 2) We are running out of time. Our time is running out. We are using up our tim

23、e. Our time is being used up. 3) (1) turn out (to be); (2) pay off; (3) go out; (4) The task turned out to be more difficult than we had expected. (5) All of sudden, all the lights went out. (6)In the end, our efforts paid off. 5. 1) The open policy contributed a lot to the development of the Chines

24、e economy. The incident contributed to their misunderstanding. 2)捐款;贡献;投稿。 3) C 4)to:介词 take to 喜欢上; lead to 通向,导致; stick to坚持; devote to 专心致力于 get down to着手;be used to 习惯;look forward to 盼望; pay attention to 注意 6. 1) push for the reform; push for an early answer 2) (1) alternative: adj. 另一选用的;其他的;n

25、. 选择;可能性之一 (2) have no alternative but to do sthFaced with such a hard task, he had no alternative but to give up. 7. 1) He was conscious of being watched. He was conscious that he was being watched. 2) more; play an increasing role in第6讲 M10 U1 ConsolidationII. 15 ADCAB; 610 BACAA; 1115 DCBCCIII.1.

26、will take place take place 2. risk to miss the trainrisk missing 3.introducingto introduce 4. a solution of a solution to 5.It was believedIt is believed 6. set all of us laughset all of us laughing 7. was run outran out 8.are conscious ofis conscious of 9. into depended onis dependent onIV.1.

27、But 2.because 3.However 4.And 7.that 8.Besides 9.And 10.but 11.Last but not leastIIV. 1.Who are the papers intended for?2. The workers in our factory are under great pressure, working day and night.3. They devoted quite a lot of time to drilling to pass the exam.4. This is perhaps the sh

28、ortest bridge over two countries, measuring only 10 meters long.5. As a saying goes, Rome is not built in a day.6. This is what I dont believe to be true. /This is what I dont believe is true.7. Another thing to remember is that the future of China lies in the hands of children.8. Now more and more

29、people have become conscious of the importance of healthy lifestyle and regular exercise.9. With the increase of the population, people are afraid that natural resources will run out some time in the future. 10. Having lost his key, he couldnt enter the room.第7讲 M10 U2 Reading(1)II. 1. 1) According

30、to Chinas law, children aged between 6 and 15 must go to school. 2) Its said that this IT company only employs men aged 20 to 30.2. 1) A 2) D3. 1) C 2) A4. 1) A 2) D5. 句中连接词that 和which 分别引出宾语从句和非限制性定语从句。 A6. 1) have a house to live in 2) for Father Christmas to put presents in7. 1) with the number o

31、f older Americans moving there increasing 2) As the economy develops / With the development of the economy8. 1) Nowadays, many cities have special passages designed for the blind. 2) Tom has a popular science book specially written for children.9. such as用于罗列,后接名词、代词、doing形式,置于句末;for example用于举例说明, 位置较为灵活。 10. 1) there be的完成时态结构。 2)“分数或百分数 + of +名词或

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