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高级英语第二册unit 4.docx

1、高级英语第二册unit 4Unit 4 John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) 35th president of the United StatesFamily Background Kennedys ancestors came from Ireland and he was the first Roman Catholic to become president of the U.S. He was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts, where his grandfather had bee

2、n elected to many offices. His father Joseph P. Kennedy became the youngest bank president of the country at the age of 25. On September 12, 1953, Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier were married. They had three children.He wrote Profiles in Courage,勇敢者传略which won a Pulitzer prize.*1947-1952 served as re

3、presentative in the congress 1952 elected to the senate*1960 won the Democratic nomination for president and defeated Richard Nixon, RepublicanAssassination His assassination at Dallas in November 1963 was a shock from which the U.S. has found it hard to recover and the murder is still a riddle. In

4、1963, Kennedy journeyed to Texas for a speech-making tour. on November 22, he and his wife were cheered as their open car passed through the streets. Suddenly, at 12:30 in the afternoon, an assassin fired several shots, striking the president twice in the base of the neck and the head. Kennedy was r

5、ushed to Hospital, where he was pronounced dead about a half hour later. Within two hours, Vice president Johnson took the oath as president.Contributions1. His most important act was his successful demand on Oct.22, 1962 that the Soviet Union dismantle its missile bases in Cuba. 2. He established a

6、 quarantine(隔离检疫期) of arms shipments to Cuba 3. He defied Soviet attempts to force the Allies out of Berlin.4. He made the steel industry rescind(废除) a price rise.5. He backed: civil rights movements; a mental health program; arbitration of railroad disputes; expanded medical care for the aged; astr

7、onaut flights and satellite orbitingLincoln and Kennedy Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven lette

8、rs.Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. shot in the head.Lincolns secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedys secretary was named Lincoln.Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were suc

9、ceeded by Southerners.Both successors were named Johnson.Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.John Wilkes Booth, accused of assassinating Lincoln, was born in 1839.Lee Harvey Oswald, accused of assassinating Kennedy, was born

10、 in 1939.Both names comprise fifteen lettersInauguration Day On April 30,1789, George Washington stepped onto a balcony of Federal Hall in New York City, placed his hand on a Bible and swore to “preserve, protest and defend the constitution of the United States”. He then read an earnest speech, call

11、ing for “united and effective government”. Thus began a unique American institutionInauguration Daythose dramatic hours when a new president faces the people for the first time. He must tell the people what hes going to do as president. The Inauguration Day has been on January 20 since 1937.Inaugura

12、l Address Memorable words have been uttered in inaugural address. It is a speech, lecture officially made by a person on taking office. General Analysis of a Political SpeechThe purpose of a political speech is to explain, convince and persuade the people that what he is saying and planning to do be

13、st represents their interests so they should support him.1. He must try every possible means to arouse the feelings of audience. What he says represents the interests of the whole people. successful appeal to the emotion of the audience2. specific policy The speech must contain high-sounding words a

14、nd empty promises3. The speech must be concise and short4. clever-choice of words to convey different meanings/tones.5. the use of biblical style to make it formal/ rigid.6. the use of a lot of rhetorical devices to make his address as powerful/ impressive as possible As President of the United Stat

15、es, Kennedy has to address a worldwide audience. He has to appeal not only to the American people but also to the different groups of nations in the international communitySocial Background Kennedy became President in 1960sCold war marks the situation in 1960s. The world is mainly divided into two h

16、ostile camps. 1)socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union 2) capitalist campheaded by the U.S.Kennedy was an eloquent speaker. He is specially trained. This speech is very powerful and wonderful. He lays his emphasis on the successful appeal to the emotion of the listeners. In fact, most Americans r

17、egard his inaugural address as one of the best delivery by an American President. Section I (paras.1-5) Introduction, the general statement of the basic policy of the USSection II (paras.6-10) He addresses different groups of allied nations and would-be allied nations; friends and would-be friends.S

18、ection III (paras.11-20) His specific policy toward the enemy.1. point out the danger 2. point out he position of strength 3. point out the situation and need. Both sides feel uneasy. a) Both sides are overburdened with the cost of modern weapons.b) Both sides are anxious with the wide spread arms.c

19、) Both try to change the uncertain balance of military power.Proposals: 1. control arms 2 . use science for peace purpose 3. enjoy human rightsObject: to make a new world orderSection IV (paras.21-27) conclusion He calls on the Americans to support him and to sacrifice their lives for their country.

20、 He calls on the people of the whole world to unit and work for the freedom of menDetailed Study of the TextPara.1: Kennedy is emphasizing the importance of his election as president. It is not simply a victory of the Democratic Party over the Republican Party. It celebrates the freedom of people to

21、 elect freely their own head of state. It symbolizes the end of one presidential term (that of Eisenhower) and the beginning of a new term (that of Kennedy). The presidency or the office of president is renewed.1.freedom: We celebrate freedom. People in the US are free to choose their president.2.en

22、d: the end of Eisenhowers presidential term3.beginning: the beginning of Kennedys presidential term4.renewal: the continuation of presidency and office of president5.change: the change from Eisenhower to Kennedy6.solemn oath: refer to an extremely formal and inspiring religious ritual. very serious.

23、7.a century and three-quarters ago: The first presidential oath taken by Washington on April 30, 1789Para.2: the general situation of this worldQuestion: In what way is the world different? The world is different in the way of science and technology. People have modern and advanced science and techn

24、ology.power: the power of science and technologyScience can be used to get rid of poverty. Science can be used to destroy all human beingsEg. Slavery was abolished in the US in the 19th century. Man has made great progress in science and technology so he has the power (scientific farming, speedy tra

25、nsportation, mass production, etc.) to abolish poverty, but he also has the power (missiles, bombs, nuclear weapons, etc.) to destroy human life. Hence the world is different now.revolutionary belief: it refers to a passage in the American Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be sel

26、f-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of HappinessAnd yet the same. around the globe: Our ancestors fought a revolutionary war to maintain that all men were created equal a

27、nd God had given them certain unalienable rights which no state or ruler could take away from them. But today this issue has not yet been decided in many countries around the world.Para.3: general policy of the USPeople in the US must keep and defend human rights not only in the US but also in the w

28、orld as well.We dare not. first revolution: We dare not forget that we are the descendants of those who fought the war of independence. Hence we must always bear in mind the beliefs and ideals our ancestors fought and died for. We must be prepared, if necessary, to fight and die for them today.torch

29、: metaphor. Its original reference is to the Olympic Games before which a torch is carried from runner to runner. Here it refers to “inspirations and ideals”.temper: v. to cause to become firm 使变坚韧tempered by war: The Americans of the 20th century fought two world wars, so they are well tempereddisc

30、iplined: received training that developed self control and characterhard and bitter peace: peace but cold war, hence “hard and bitterto witness or permit the slow undoing: to see or allow the gradual abolishing of Para.4: strong determination. Kennedy puts the US in the position of the world leader,

31、 and he says in order to keep human rights, “we shall pay any price, bear any burden, .”.The address is to both friends and foes. It promises to support any friend and to oppose any foe.The phrases “pay any price, bear any burden and meet any hardship” are intended to shore up the waning confidence

32、of her allies as much as to warn any prospective foe.Para.5: transition A one sentence paragraph that functions as a transition from the general to the specific. In the following paragraphs he will be addressing different specific groups of nations.Para.6: the specific policy toward his friends and would-be friendsTo those old allies split asunder: In this paragraph Kennedy addresses the white European countries in general but his words are specifically directed to th

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