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xx省xxxx市xx中学九年级英语上册学案 9a unit 2《colour grammar》6牛津译林.docx

1、xx省xxxx市xx中学九年级英语上册学案 9a unit 2 colour grammar6牛津译林牛津英语(*9A*分册)第2单元讲学案Grammar(2)主备人:李丽萍 最新8月27日【学习目标】1用不定代词someone/somebody, anyone/anybody和no one/nobody谈论人物2用不定代词something, anything, nothing和none谈论事物一,重点难点不定代词的用法“none”与“nothing”的区别【学习过程】 指导与检测】(一)预习指导 1.anyone是不定代词,意为 “任何人”,相当于anybody,常用于否定句和疑问句中.而

2、 someone或 somebody 常用于肯定句中. 2. 不定代词还有 something, nothing, everything, anything, nobody 等.不定代词做主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式. *Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 3. none 也是不定代词,意为 “没有人,没有事”, 与no one 意思相近. none 可与of连用, 而no one 不能; none可表示人或物, 而no one 只可表示人;none 做主语时,谓语代词可以用单数,也可以用复数, 而no one 做主语时,谓语

3、动词只能用单数.(二)预习检测选择题:( ) 1._of them knew about the accident because it has been already reported on TV.A. Each B. None C. Everyone D. Everybody( ) 2.Sorry, I cant _ you my bike because _ is wrong with it.A. borrow, something B. lend, anything C. lend, something D. borrow, nothing( ) 3.I lost his walle

4、t. I didnt feel like talking to _.A. anything B. nothing C.nobodyD. anybody( ) 4. I wanted to buy a story book but there were _ left in that bookstore.A. anyone B. no oneC. noneD. nothing( )5. Mum, can I have _ to eat? Im hungry. Sorry, there is _in the fridge. You can go downstairs to buy . A. anyt

5、hing; nothing; something B. something; none; anything C. something; nothing; something D. anything; none; something【课堂互动探究】Discussion: Discuss the usage of the indefinite pronouns. 【课堂反馈练习】翻译句子:1.我想不起别的什么东西送给你了. I couldnt _ to give you.2.他看起来像我们学校的某个人。He looks _our school.3.冰箱里什么也不剩了。There is _ in t

6、he fridge.4.似乎每个人都有秘密。It _. 5.Kate的运动包里有喝的吗?Does _ 6.为了使你xx心,我把卡片涂上了橙色。I _ to _7.有人告诉过你白色代表纯洁吗?Has _?【小结与质疑】How to use the indefinite pronouns?_【课后拓展练习】 A、用所学的不定代词填空:1. I cant hear _. What about you? 2. There is _ on the floor. Would you pick it up?3. Did _ go roller-skating with you last Sunday?4.

7、If you need_, just let me know and I will try to help you. 5. Why dont you ask_ to help you finish the work?6. Dont worry. Theres _wrong with your eyes. You need more rest.7. Shall we get _ frozen to drink? Its too hot today.8. I had _ to tell you, but I forgot what it was.9. -How many students have

8、 been to the USA? -_B、任务性阅读:Children born after the 1980s take photos with colourful films while children before the 1980s use black and white ones. However, I have special feelings about colours.When I was young, the teacher in the kindergarten asked me what colour I likedbest. I answered quickly w

9、ithout thinking it over “I like green because its the colour of Chinese army which represents bravery.” When I was in the middle school, I was affectedby the lover of literature (文学) and little by little enjoyed them. During that time, I bought many black jackets and white blouses. After leaving sch

10、ool, I set foot on the society. I was amazed at the colourful world. It was quite different from that in the books. I wondered what colours fit me best. Maybe it was grey. When I was in my forties, I liked white or pink lily (百合). Different colours have its characteristics. Colours themselves are le

11、ss important than the ones in different times and different places1. What kind of films did people use in the 1980s?_2. Why did the writer like green when he was young?_3. Why did the writer love black and white during the time in the middle school?_4. 将文中划线部分翻译成中文_5. 将文中斜体部分翻译成中文_ _【教学后记】牛津英语(*9A*分

12、册)第2单元讲学案Integrated skills主备人:李丽萍 最新8月27日【学习目标】培养阅读广告、海报等图表类文章的能力。听电视节目上的一段采访,获取有用的信息并完成相关练习一,重点难点培养听力等综合技能【学习过程】 指导与检测】(一)预习指导1. discover 发现、发觉、察觉的意思。= find out I have discovered why the computer wont print out.2. free空闲、自由、免费的意思 Are you free tomorrow? Could I have a free ticket?(二)预习检测A、翻译词组:1一则色彩

13、疗法的广告_ 2. 色彩的力量_ 3. 治疗中心 _4. 保证你成功_5. 保证帮助你 _6. 取回你的钱_7. 把油擦在人们的头上 _8.苍白皮肤的人_9. 建议某人干某事_10. 用颜色来改变人们的心情_B、单项选择:( ) 1. I think not difficult English every morning.A. that; keep reading B. its; keep reading C. that; to keep read D. it; to keep reading( ) 2. - Will Jim be here soon? I cant tell. Lets g

14、o and _ when the train arrives. A. look B. look at C. find D. find out( ) 3. Usually before exams, the students _ two minutes to write down their names. A. are given B. were given C. gave D. give( ) 4. What do you think _ her a good pupil? A. to make B. made C. making D. make( ) *5. You havent read

15、the notice to the students, and _.A. either have I B. neither have I C. neither I have D. so have I( ) *6. The teacher found him _ and gave him some different homework to do . A. was cleverB. was a clever boy C. a clever boy D. clever boy( ) 7. Please tell us _ about your new friend May. A. as much

16、as possible B. as many as possible C. as more as possible D. so often as possible( ) 8. It is _ easy work that we can finish it in a short time. A. so B. such C. so an D. such an( ) 9.-How do you like the story? - _. A. Its so interesting. B. No problem. C. I like the end very much. D. Yes, wonderfu

17、l.( ) 10. _ of the students has an English exercise book. A. None B. Both C. All D. Every【课堂互动探究】 Pair work.: Work in pairs, talk about if the colour therapy is useful.【课堂反馈练习】A、用所给单词适当形式填空:1. Orange can bring you _( succeed )and cheer you up.2. Yellow is also the colour of _( wise )3. Nanjing is so

18、 hot in summer ,I like to live in _(cool) climate .4. Every time my father drinks tea after supper, he feels very_( satisfy )5. When I saw the old picture ,it_(使想起 )me of my childhood.B、完成句子: 1. 橙色能带给你成功,它也象征着快乐。Orange can _and _ 。2. 绿色是大自然的颜色,但是它也是金钱和嫉妒的颜色。Green is _, but it is also _3. 穿警服使得采取行动对你

19、来说困难了。Wearing _ for you _.4. 她担心很多,所以常常感到不快乐。She _ and often _.【小结与质疑】谈谈颜色疗法的功能._【课后拓展练习】A、任务性阅读: Stress & Colour therapyStressed out at work, its amazing how colour therapy jumps into my head and just cant leave until I get something of a cheerful colour. I guess it helps. It is one of the results

20、of my effort(努力), even a little. I always prefer wearing black to other colours. I mean to cover my discontented parts that I wouldnt like to show outside. Sometimes I think, how much I want to be seen reflects how much I want to be known. Being, me, would, maybe, known, a, busier, person, make. May

21、be that will keep me walking and have no time to be free and feel blue. Sometimes I do think so, but Im not a sociable person. I am reminded again and againit, how, is, important.1. 划线部分的中文意思是:_2. Why does the writer wear black instead of others?_3. 斜体部分正确的语序是:_4. Whats the writers characteristic?_5

22、. 将划线斜体部分连成句子:_【教学后记】牛津英语(*9A*分册)第2单元讲学案9A Unit 2 Colour Reading(1)主备人:李丽萍 最新8月27日【学习目标】1了解颜色所代表的含义2通读整篇文章,培养阅读理解能力3认知有关情感的词汇(一)预习指导1. sleep动词或名词,意思是“睡觉”。如:*I had a sound sleep last night. asleep是形容词,在句中作表语,不能放在被修饰词前作定语,意为“睡着的,入睡的”。He was very tired and soon fell asleep. sleepy用作形容词,意为“欲睡的”“困乏的”,在句子

23、中可作定语,修饰名词。I shall go to bed because I am so sleepy. 我要睡觉了,因为我很困。2. preferto 与.比起来,更喜欢.,后接动词的ing形式,相当于like better than I prefer swimming than skating.(二)预习检测A、翻译下列短语:1.颜色与情绪之间的关系_2.影响我们的情绪_3.对我们的思想有好处_4.创造和谐的感觉_5.代表悲伤_ 6.纯洁的颜色_7.在寒冷的气候_8.智慧的颜色_9.带给你成功 _10.为考试学习_B、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. I think you need some

24、one like me _ ( cheer ) you up. 2. We need to listen to someone else _ when we feel angry. (quiet )3. Its a good idea _ ( wear ) jeans. 4. Knowledge will make herself look more _. ( power )5. A good diet is very important for childrens _. (grow)6. _(sleep) in a blue room is good for your mind and bo

25、dy.7. Colours can make us feel happy or sad, energetic or _(sleep).8. You cant learn well without enough physical _(strong).9.His mother langue was very poor and he spoke with_(difficult).10. Let us sit around the table and make a _(decide) today.【课堂互动探究】Ask and answer: What are warm colours? What are cold colours?Can you s

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