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1、新概念英语第三册笔记大全For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial useFor personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use新概念笔记第三册笔记大全spot(做动词时候) = see:强调结果、辨别出、看见、识别、发现。find 强调发现的结果。find out 查出事实的真相。discover 做出重大的发现notice 注意到observe 观察watch 观察活动中的人或物on the spot 1,=at once.2,

2、at the place of the action 在现场wherever she is needed , she is quickly on the evidence:显而易见.accumulate 强调积累的过程gather 聚集,把某人召集在某处collect 收集,采集assemble 集合,集会, 装配hoard 大量地贮存The squirrel hoards up nuts for the cold winter.amass 积聚(主要用于诗歌和文学作品)feel obliged to do sth.感觉有必要做某事be obliged to do sth 被迫

3、做某事run after 强调追赶、追求.seek 追寻(梦想,理想)=pursuechase 追赶.be cornered 被逼得走投无路常用于被动语态:The thief was cornered at lastThe problem cornered metrail=follow 跟踪convinced sb. of sth 使sb相信sthsb be convicned sb相信somewhat =a littleat large 1:逃遁的,没有被控制的。2,详细的(in detail)3,总体来讲(as a whole)(An idea)come to sb.某人突然想到了take

4、 sth. seriously=deal with sth. seriously 严肃对待某事take sth. lightly: 草率对待某事声称曾经作过某事: claim to have done sthin the possession of sb=in sbs possession 归某人所有in possession of sth. 拥有某物take possession of 拥有It is disturbing to think that 一想到就心里不安in a trap 落入陷阱中no more than = only equal:A equal B:None of us c

5、an equal her, either in beauty or as a equal to + n: 有能力做某事 to- 介词recognized sb as 认出某人是whatever: ever 用来坚强语气get used to , be used to doget前调渐进的过程,be强调习惯了的状态 In1,表达惊奇,恐惧,失望或生气等感情色彩的名词搭配连用in surprise; in astonishment;in alarm; in embarrassment; in amazement;in despair; in dismay; in anger;

6、indisappointment2,表达以、用; 用于语言,书写材料,色彩或声音等方面in English; in pencil; in ink ; in a few words; in such a high voice; in oil; in red; in code3,用于状态、情况或处境in trouble; in difficulty; in bed; in a hurry; in debt; in love with sb; in tears; in good order; in good repair; in good health;in por health. in the b

7、ad mood; in the good mood; in haste;in a favor of excitement; in poverty; in luxuryrun a shop 经营商店joined at the hip 表示交情极厚的Eg: There two are joined at the hipshoot from the hip 信口开河Eg: Sorry,i said that i shouldnt have shot from the hipdate from (风俗,习惯)从开始happen to do 强调事情的偶然发生Eg: I happen to have d

8、irven that kind of carIt happens thatEg: It happnes that i met her on my way to workhappen on 巧遇,偶然发现Eg: I happend on this old picture in the back of the drawer.Guess, who i happend on while i was in london last month?turn out 表明结果 turn out ( to be) + n/adj.Eg: Our part turned out (to be) a successt

9、he concert turned out to be failure.It turned out that 原来是(表示结果)Eg: It turned out that the diamond had been in the bank all the it turns out 人们后来发现Eg: As it turns out, there was not need to worry.As it turns out, the report was far,up to now 都是现在完成时的标志beforhand:(a.) 事先= in advanc

10、 this distance of/in time : 时隔已久Eg: I can hardly remember him at the distance of timefar more moneyfar-副词,用来强调语气=muchin the case of: 至于,就而言Eg: Stealing is no shame in the case of case of: 万一,以防Eg: You should ensure your house in case of firein a simple way: 简单的,简朴的Eg: She was always dress

11、ed in a simple way.go to extreme (to do)走极端Eg: He went to extreme to say that the play was the best one.journalist (杂志) 新闻记者reproter (电视台) 记者correspondent (电台)记者,通讯员sack(俚语) 解雇,辞退Eg: If you do it wrong again you will be sacked.instruct sb. to do sth =tell sb. formally to do sth. 正式告诉某人做某事refuse: 拒绝(

12、态度严厉)decline: 婉言谢绝repudiate: 断然拒绝set out to do sth.=decide and try to do 决定,打算,着手做=set about doingEga: He set out to make his first 1,000,000 in 5 years 倒装简述:not only 位于句首,必须采用倒装形式否定副词位于句首,要倒装。Never have i read such stories.Nowhere can he find the book he wantsHardly did I think it possible.常用的否定副词:

13、never,seledom,rarely,little,hardly,scarcely,nowhere,no sooner含有only的状语位于句首,句子要倒装Only then did he realize that he had made a mistake.Only when a great deal more information has been obtained will it be possible to plan a trip.还有not的副词短语位于句首,要倒装。not for a moment, not in the least , not for an instant,

14、not untilNOt in the least is he interested in Englsh literrature.Not for an instant did i believe he had lied.含有no的短语位于句首,也要倒装。at no tim, in no way, in no sence, by no means, in no case, on no account, on no condition , under no circumstances.Under no circumstances can we accpet the check.On no acco

15、unt must you leave the baby in the,suh位于句首,句子也要倒装。smash into: 撞到某处catch: get hold of sth./sb. moving snatch: catch sth./sb suddenly and violentlyseize: 强调抓住、抓到的结果grasp: 强调“掌握”hold: 强调抓牢,抓紧grab: seize suddenlyon the background of sth. 以什么为背景挡住了某人的道路 in sbs waymutilate 经常用于被动语态1,毁伤,残害。He was

16、mutilated in he accdient, and now has only one leg.2, 把搞砸了Youve already mutilated the novel by making such changes.chew the fat: 聊天chewed up: 着急的,担心的Dont get chewed up about your exmaination.whiter than white=damaged, mutilated.损坏,残缺不全make a claim 提出索求pay back 1, 把钱归还回去 pay money back2, 报仇,报复 pay so

17、mebody backNow that:既然 用做时间连接词时,后面通常跟完成式Now that you have left university, you have to find a job.用做原因连接词时,后面时态不限。Now that you wont help me, I must do the job myself.quite the opposite 恰恰相反whenever=if everwhenever(if ever) you pour oil on water, it fascinated with被迷住了,被吸引住了submit oneself t

18、o sb/sth屈服于,顺从于nver fail to do 双重否定肯定If you aks for help in the polite way, you never fail to succeed.If you receive requests like this, youll never fail to accept.常用的双重否定结构(加强语气)1,never fail to, cant fail to, dont fail to , 否定词+fail to2, 否定的形容词之前加以否定 unreasonable- not unreasonableEg: What he said i

19、s not unreasonable.3,not + without Eg: You cant obtain english without working hard.4,no+not Eg: There is no cat that doesnt like fish. There is nothing that he cant do. have learned to:学会了,习惯了Eg: Children have learned to expect that their parents are very ablebe suspicious of sb.对表示怀疑,存有戒心be based

20、on基于事实基础上的base sth on 把某事加强在什么基础之上Eg: We base the theory on the fact.The theory is based on fact.make a study of sth对作出研究die of 死于(疾病) ,自然的死亡用ofdie from 死于 (非自然的死亡)suffer from 遭受痛苦be likely to do有可能如何,强调可能性In cold winter, we are likely ot catch a cold. during在期间(时间较短) Eg: during our holiday; during

21、the weekthrough侧重强调从空间穿过Eg: through the crowd 穿过人群; through the doorthroughout their lives贯穿始终even so 虽然如此although 让步,虽然,但是in spite of 尽管,只用来连接名词,动名词或代词 moreover更有甚者He is very tired, even so he keeps studing English hard.colossal 庞大的 large in size,强调物体的雄伟庞大Eg: A ship Titanic was colossal.a colossal

22、monument;big 大并且很重Eg: You give me a big surprise.The box is big.large 体积大,数量大(但并不指重量大)Eg: an empty large boxa large number of peoplegreat 伟大vast 辽阔,广阔 Eg: vast desertimmense: immeasurable 无法衡量的,无边无际的Eg: an immense stadium; enormous重点突出数量,程度,体积;强调程度时, 语意强于bigEg: He made a big success/ He made an enor

23、mous success.giant 巨大的,高大的,巨人gigantic像巨人一样高大tremendous: big, fast,powerful,侧重体积大,速度快,力量大。Eg: The plane is travelling at tremendous speed.tatanic用于修饰人和物,体积大,力量大huge强调体积大,数量大in flood河水泛滥;引申表示连续不断Eg: During the rains, the river is in a flood of words滔滔不绝的Eg: She blamed her husband in a flood o

24、f words on seeing him.tragic 悲惨的miserable 苦难的bitter 痛苦的in tragedy以悲惨的形式comedy喜剧,comic喜剧的,滑稽的,comical古怪的,可笑的(贬义)voyage海上航行,flight飞行,journey长途行程naviation航海,航海术Eg: The voyage is more than the old lady can bear.collide (with)碰撞,抵触Eg:The plane collided with the moutain.crash v.坠毁Eg: Its said that there i

25、s an airplane that crashed in the mountain.conflict 和sb/sth相抵触Eg: My idea conflicts with yoursclash vi.相冲突Eg: His wedding clashed with my examination,so I couldnt go.tremble 有规律的,小幅度的抖动Eg: Look, your hands are trembling, whats wrong with you?shiver 强调由于寒冷、恐惧而一连串的抖动Eg: I found hes shivering in a cold

26、.shudder vi. 强调全身的颤栗Eg: The boy is shuddering, why? Because he was frightened.sail for航海去往某处set out(off) for 出发去往某处by regulation依据规则by rules依据条例by our estimate依据我们的估计by ones looks/by ones appearance根据某人的长相according to依据(事实,客观存在的现实)=in accordance with(后者更加正式)regard sb./sth as +(n/pron./adj/doing/done

27、) 把看作为to ones horror使某人感到惊骇,惊恐in next to no time=at once,immediatelyon a sudden impulse:凭一时的冲动hardened有经验的(侧重于老练的)experienced 有经验的(侧重于经验丰富的)gain confidence 获得信心的take sb into ones confidence 以某人为心腹在运用形容词,动词时,往往需要用副词来强调表示“真正的” -really强调“特别的,尤其是”-particularly强调“绝对的” -absolutely强调“完全的,彻底的”-completely,en

28、tirely,fully,thoroughly强调“特别,特别是” extremlyfairly-强调“一般般”very -语气程度“非常”rather-语意程度接近fairly,可以跟too连用,rather too.quite -quite right/wrong/mistaken/surelook sb in the eye/ look sb. in the face/ stare sb. in the eye=look directly at sb. 直视某人,两眼直盯盯的注视某人with great care-强调相当的仔细in a mess: 乱作一团介词in和名词搭配,表示一种状

29、态秩序井然: in good order身体健康: in good health心情好: in a good mood脾气好: in a good temperlight up:喜气洋洋,容光焕发Eg: Mashas face lit up when she saw her old friend.His face lighted up at the small triumph.Tom really lighted up when he saw the new bike.light有两种过去分词,过去式形式:lit, lighted但是如果运用过去分词作定语,表示被点燃的。要用lighted 一

30、只被点燃的雪茄:a lighted cigar点燃的火炬: a lighted stick.介词短语with delight “欣喜若狂的”with和抽象名词搭配,表示内心充满了一种感情自信地: with confidence细心地: with care骄傲的: with pride欣喜若狂的:with delight惊讶的: with surprisepounce on:向猛扑过去,对大做文章Eg: The policeman pounced on the thief.Dont pounce on my sb. mentioned 正如所提及的Would you kin

31、dly do sth. please?opportunity of/ to do golden opportunity绝佳的机会opportunity knocks only once千载难逢的机会form an unrealistic picture of sth. 对抱有不切实际的幻想imagine sth to be/ imagine sth. asquite the opposite: 恰恰相反if only要比 wish 更富有戏剧性和感情色彩load with 把装载到上Eg: The workers are loading the truck with goods.hardly

32、any: very little/fewEg: Hardly anybody likes him becaues he is so rude.You hardly eat anything, whats wrong?prove to be=turn out to befend for oneself: 独立的照料某人after-介词,其后要和名词,动名词搭配Eg: After rowing a few miles across the Caribbean, they arrived at a small coral island.consist of-由组成(表示被动概念)=be made up of =comprise =be composed of Eg: Our class consist of 100 students.constitue-强调由部分构成整体comprise-整体由部分组成be composed of-强调由什么成分所组成Eg: G.B. and Northern Ireland constitue the United Kingdom.influential:有潜移默化影响力的Eg: What our parents do is influential to children.effi

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