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鲁湘版小学英语五年级Unit5 What do you usually do教学设计.docx

1、鲁湘版小学英语五年级Unit5 What do you usually do教学设计小学 五 年级 英语 教学设计与反思(xxx学年第 学期)xx年月日课题Unit 5 What do you usually do ?集备人使用人教材解读 本单元是鲁湘版小学英语五年级上册Unit5 What do you usually do ? 本单元主要学习句型What do you usually do?以及单词always、sometimes、usually、exercise、homework、housework、wash、learn、night等。本课时虽然容量大但难度不大,主要是强化学生对句型的巩

2、固,并且让学生在轻松愉悦的环境中集思广益,在小组讨论中挖掘与文本有关的知识点,让学生插上记忆的翅膀,碰撞出思维的火花。学情分析经过两年的学习,五年级学生已具备一定的英语水平。这单元的教学内容来源于学生的日常生活,再加上以前学过的单词morning/afternoon/evening,因此在教学时只需强化学生对句型的巩固。使学生学会用所学句型询问别人一天中最喜欢什么时候?在这段时间通常做什么?教学目标知识目标:掌握重点单词always、sometimes、usually、exercise、homework、housework、wash、learn、night ; 重点短语 in the morn

3、ing/afternoon/evening、go fishing、make the bed、at night ; 重点句型What do you usually do ?/I usually 能力目标:会用所学重点句型询问别人上午/下午/晚上干什么?情感目标:培养学生在完成作业后,有意识地去做一些力所能及的家务活。重点识记所学单词和短语难点掌握重点句型并灵活运用课时划分共四课时Lesson one课时目标识记下列单词:always 、sometimes 、 exercise 、homework 、housework、wash 、night 掌握下列短语:do exercises 、do my

4、homework 、do some housework 、at night、wash my clothes、重点掌握上述短语难点正确运用上述短语,理解和区分in the evening 和 at night教学过程一、Warm upGreetings:Good morningGood afternoonGood evening师板书 morning afternoon evening night 上午 下午 晚上 夜晚结合教材下面的图片,重点解释evening和night的区别进而引入下列短语并板书 in the morning in the afternoon in the evening

5、at night教学过程二、Read and learn some new words and phrases:always 总是 sometimes 有时候 usually 经常 老师简单解释一下这3个单词的区别和用法。例如1、我总是早睡早起,总是自己穿衣服。2、我通常晚饭后写家庭作业。3、我有时候做点家务。homework do my homework家庭作业 做家庭作业housework do some housework家务劳动 做一些家务劳动exercise do exercises 锻炼 做锻炼wash wash my clothes 洗 洗衣服make the bed 整理床铺三

6、、Make sentences:1、我会整理床铺。I can make the bed .我总是整理床铺。I always make the bed .我早晨总是整理床铺。I always make the bed in the moring.2、我有时候洗衣服。I sometimes wash my clothes .3、我有时候做一些家务。I sometimes do some housework .四、Homework. 掌握并默写今天所学的单词和短语。 预习的课文,并尝试翻译。板书设计Writing: in the morning in the afternoon in the eve

7、ning at night always sometimes usuallydo my homeworkdo some houseworkdo exerciseswash my clothesmake the bed教学反思Lesson two课时目标理解并表演Section A.1对话会用所学句子询问别人在某个时间通常做什么。教学重点让学生理解并运用Section A.1对话中的重点句型。教学难点熟练表演Section A.1对话教学过程一、Review:提问单词、词组 二、Read 、learn and act .( Section A.1)Li Wei、Zhou Lin and Amy

8、are talking about their day .Li Wei: What do you usually do in the morning ?Zhou Lin: I always make the bed . Then I do exercises .Li Wei: What do you usually do in the afternoon ?Zhou Lin: I usually study in the afternoon .Amy : What do you usually do in the evening ?Zhou Lin: I usually do my homew

9、ork . I sometimes wash my clothes . What about you , Amy ?Amy : I sometimes do some housework . I usually study .教学过程Li Wei: What do you usually do at night ?Zhou Lin: Haha ! I always sleep at night .Amy : Me , too .上节的课后作业是预习对话并让学生尝试翻译,所以本对话需要老师讲解的地方并不多。老师先给学生2分钟时间朗读对话,圈出对话中的短语(共9个),然后找几个同学分角色朗读对话;

10、老师给学生3分钟时间,小组讨论本段对话,交流一下对话中各句子的汉语意思。老师出示下列问题,让学生带着下列问题,再次朗读课文:Question 1 :What does Zhou Lin do in the morning ?Question 2 :What does Zhou Lin do in the evening ?Question 3 :What does Amy do in the evening ?Question 4 :What does Amy do at night ?三、Read the dialogue again and act .四、Homework1、Section

11、 A.1对话抄一遍,带汉语翻译。2、课文中的短语每个写2遍。3、表演对话。板书设计Writing:in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at night do my homeworkdo some houseworkdo exerciseswash my clothesmake the bedWhat does Zhou Lin do in the morning ?What does Zhou Lin do in the evening ?What does Amy do in the evening ?What does Amy do

12、 at night ?教学反思Lesson three课时目标知识目标:掌握单词learn、with、tomorrow ; 短语 go fishing 重点句型What do you usually do ?/I usually 能力目标:会用所学句型询问别人一天中最喜欢什么时候?在这段时间通常做什么?情感目标:培养学生在完成作业后,有意识地去做一些力所能及的家务活。重点学会用所学句型询问别人一天中最喜欢什么时候?在这段时间通常做什么?难点能根据句中的主语,正确选择助动词do或does.教学过程一、Review. 提问SectionA 1 中的短语和重点句子, 检查对话的表演情况。二、Read

13、 and learn.learn with tomorrow学,学习 和,跟,同 明天go fishing I sometimes go fishing on Sunday.教学过程三、Listen , tick and talk (Section A.3)What do they usually do in the afternoon?师口述:Zhou Lin usually learns drawing in the afternoon.Li Wei usually studies maths in the afternoon.What about you? Please write it

14、 down.四、Talk and write Work in groups. Ask your group members the questions and write down the answers.Whats your favourite time of the day ?What do you usually do in the ? Whats your favourite time of the day ? I like evening . What do you usually do in the evening ? I sometimes watch TV .五、Chant (

15、Section B.8)aysWhat do you do at night?Sleep, sleep, sleep!Often, usually, always!教学过程Often, usually, always!What do you do in the afternoon?Play, play, play!Often, usually, always!Often, usually, always!六、Homework预习 Section B.5 ,抄一遍。板书设计Writing:learn with tomorrow学,学习 和,跟,同 明天go fishing I sometimes

16、 go fishing on Sunday. Whats your favourite time of the day ? I like What do you usually do ?I usually 教学反思Lesson four教学目标读懂Section B.5中的句子,学会带着问题有针对性地看短文。能熟练完成Section B.7的3个任务。教学重点进一步巩固本单元重点单词、词组和句子查漏补缺教学难点熟练掌握He/She usually 后的动词要用第三人称单数形式教学过程一、Warm up1、师问生答2、学生两人一组互问互答,并做好记录。 Whats your favourite

17、time of the day ? I like What do you usually do ? I usually 3、老师提问学生询问A同学有关其同桌B的一些情况师 Whats his/her favourite time of the day ?生 师 What does usually do ?生 He/She usually 教学过程二、Talk , write and tell (Section B.7)a、Ask your group numbers : What do you usually doin the morning/afternoon and evening ? b

18、、Write the answers in the form .NameMorningAfternoonEveningSong Meirunc、Tell the class about the form . What does Song Mei usually do in the morning? Song Mei usually runs in the morning.小组合作完成,老师巡视指导。三、Read and tick (Section B.5)先让学生朗读问题,再看小短文。几分钟后,找学生回答a、b、c三个问题的答案。做的好的,及时给予鼓励和表扬。四、自我评测 (Section B

19、.9)1、I can say :What do you usually do in the morning? I always make my bed. Then I do exercises.教学过程Whats your favourite time of the day ?2、I can read and spell: make morning wash what3、I can read write and say:morning afternoon evening night wash make the bed如果三个任务都能完成,为自己鼓掌。五、Homework 仿照Section B.6 用英语写一篇小短文,做 Unit 5活动手册板书设计1. Whats your favourite time of the day ? I like What do you usually do ? I usually 2. Whats his/her favourite time of the day ? What does usually do ?He/She usually 教学反思

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