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综合教程第三册课件 Unit3.docx

1、综合教程第三册课件 Unit3Unit Three1、Background Introduction中国人是很重视“吃”的,“民以食为天”这句谚语就说明我们把吃看得与天一样重要。在中国的烹调术中,对美味追求几科达到极致,以至中国人到海外谋生,都以开餐馆为止,成了我们在全世界安身立命的根本!民间有句俗语:“民以食为天,食以味为先”。就是这种对美味的追求,倒使我们忽略了吃饭的真正意义。中国饮食之所以有其独特的魅力,关键就在于它的味。中国烹饪讲究的调和之美,是中国烹饪艺术的精要之处。重菜肴的味而不过分展露菜肴的形和色,这正是中国美性饮食观的最重要的表现。西方人认为菜肴是充饥的,所以专吃大块肉、整块鸡

2、等“硬菜”。中国人吃的菜蔬有600多种,比西方多六倍。中国人的以植物为主菜,与佛教徒的鼓吹有着千缕万丝的联系。西方人在介绍自己国家的饮食特点时,觉得比中国更重视营养的合理搭配,有较为发达的食品工业,如罐头、快餐等,虽口味千篇一律,但节省时间,且营养良好,故他们国家的人身体普遍比中国人健壮;高个、长腿、宽大的肩、发达的肌肉;而中国人则显得材瘦小、肩窄腿短、色黄质弱。由此可见中西方饮食各有其利弊。但到底哪种饮食方式更适合人娄身体健康发展呢?2、Analyzation of the TextParagraphs 1-4作者引用了一段话来开篇,随后对中国人及西方人对待食物的态度进行了比较。Paragr

3、aphs 5-6 作者用两段内容介绍了中国食物已经成为一种国际化的食物。Paragraph 7-9 作者讨论了中国食物的本性。3、Word Study文中出现的重难点单词及短语:attend to , ecstasy, lavish, sensual, contrive, enterprise1.attend to tl deal with, take care of, look after 专心,注意,照顾Mary attended to the childrens stories patiently. 玛莉很耐心地倾听孩子们的故事。I will at- tend you to the cl

4、assroom. 我将陪你到教室去。attene ont attend to 这是两个动介型短语动词,都可以表示“照料,服待(look after, wait on)”的意思,两者可以通用,只是at- tend on 更常见些,例如:The patient has been attended on (to) by murse night and day since the operation.这个病人自动手术以来,一直由护士日夜护理。All theirdaily needs are attended to (on) .他们的日常需要都得到了照顾。He was attended on (to)

5、by a number of servants. 有好多佣人侍候他。At-tend to 还有“处理(deal with),” 注意到(take notice of )意思,例如:He offered to go attend to the matter. 他主动提出来处理这件事。If you had attended to shat we told you, you worldnt be in trouble now.如果听了我们的话,你现在就不会有麻烦了。2. Ecstasy n. sudden in-tense feeling of excitement 狂喜;入迷,出神Speechle

6、ss with ecstasy, the little boys gazed at the toys. 小男孩注视着那些玩具,高兴得说不出话来。ecstasy, bliss, rapture, trans-port 都含“狂喜”的意思。Ecstasy 系正式用语,指“非常高兴、得意,以致心醉迷”,例如:He listened to the music with ecstasy.他听音乐听得入了神。biss指“巨大的幸福”、“狂喜”,多用于文字和比喻中,含有“天堂般的欢乐”的意思,例如:Hes in bliss that hes won the Nobel prize.他非常高兴,因为获得了诺贝

7、尔奖金。Rapture 系下式用语,指“由于注意力完全被吸引,表现出非常喜悦和兴奋”,例如:In rapture some little boys and girls were listening to an interesting story.一些男孩和女孩正非常高兴地听一个有趣的故事。trans-port 常用复数,指“满怀(喜悦、愤怒等)强烈情绪而不能自制”或“被强烈的感情所激动而高兴”,例如:He was thrown into transports of delight.他感到一阵高兴。3.lavish v. to give a lot ,or too much of somethi

8、ng 浪费,滥用,慷慨给予He lavished money on his friends. 他在钱上对朋友过分慷慨。He lavished money on his friends.他为朋友慷慨解囊。点拨与lavish 构成搭配的词组有:a lavish buffet 丰盛的自助餐;lavish praise 溢美之词;lavish gifts 丰富的礼物;a lavish spender 挥霍无度的人;lavishcare and af-fection on ones pleas-ures 乱花钱去寻约会作乐。lavish 用作形容词,可表示“挥霍的,过多的”,例如:Skyscrapers

9、 become lavish consumers, and wasters of e-lectric power.摩天大楼成为电力的消费大户,也成为电力的浪费者。lavish 用作动词,常与on连用,表示“过分慷慨地给予,大量地乱用”,例如:He lavished money on his friends.他对朋友过分慷慨。4.sensual adj. of the feel-ings of the body rather than the mind 肉欲的,世俗的,感觉的A glutton derives sensual pleasure from eating.贪食的人吃中得到肉体上的享受

10、。The scoundrel is very sensual.这个坏蛋是很好色的。sensuous 和 sensual 都是由sense 派生的形容词,均可用作表语,但在含义上有一定差异。Sensuous 指“任何感官所感受到的美(如艺术或音乐)”,例如:The sensuous joy from all thing fair. 从所有美好的事物所感到的感官司上的快乐。而sensual更经常地用于身体的感觉或欲望,尢指与性快乐有关的,例如:Music Dr. Johnson used to say that it ,was the only sensual pleasure without v

11、ice. 音乐博士约翰逊曾说过,那只是毫无罪恶的性快感。5.contrive v to make or invent something in a skillful way 发明,设计,图谋He contrived to make the matter worse. 他图谋使事情恶化。contrive 后面只可接动词不定式,不可接动名词,例如:He contrived cunningly to gain their votes. 他施展巧计赢得了他们的选票。6.enterprise n, readiness to embark on what is new; initiative 事业;事业心

12、,进取心The music festival is a new enterprise. 音乐会演是一项新生事物。Big transcontinental enterprises jostle with one another for world market.巨大的跨国公司(企业)互相争夺国际市场。当enterprise 意为“事业,企(事)业单位”时,是可数名词;当它意为“事业心、进取心”时,是不可数名词。、ext Explanation1. How can one remain indifferent to something which will determine ones physi

13、cal strength and ultimately ones spiritual and moral fibre and well-being: indifferent 意为“冷淡的,不关心的,不积极的”,例如How can you be indifferent to the sufferings of starving people?你怎能对饥民的疾苦无动于衷呢?indifferent 是一固定短语,意为“是好,是坏,还是一般”。good,bad or indifferent 是一固定短语,意为“是好,是坏,还是一般”。determine 意为“决心,决定;确定”,例如:There is

14、 nothing sacred about a market price determined in this way .用这种方法决定市场价格并非神圣不可改变。2. Many people in the west are gourmets and others are gluttons, but scattered among them also is a large number of people who are apparently pretty indifferent to what goes into their stomachs,and so do not regard food

15、 as having any ultimate moral effect on them 为倒装句,so 表示前面所说的情况也适合于后者,表示肯定意义。其正常语序是a large number of people do not re-gard food as having any ultimate moral effect on them. gourmet 意为“能精选品评美食、美酒的人”,例如:The restaurant offers a gourmet menu.这家餐馆备有美食菜单。glutton 意为“暴食者,酷爱的人”,例如:The glutton for two nights n

16、o sleep can get:the first rfom surfeit, the second from regrel. 一次暴食,两夜难眠;一夜不适,一夜悔恨。Scatter意为“散开,散播,散布”,例如:We scattered plates of food around the room before the pary. 我们在聚会前把一盘盘食物摆放在屋中各处。Effect意为“(on)作用,影响;结果”,例如:The new traffic regulations will enter into effect on January 1.新的交通规则自1月1日起生效。Effect,

17、 consequence, result和outcome为一组近义词。Effect强调事物的因果关系,指由于某种原因直接产生的结果,意为“效果;作用;影响”,例如:There is no effect without a cause.没有无原因的结果。Consequence比result更正式,常用复数形式,它跟原因的关系不如effect那么直接,指由于某事而产生的后果,且往往指不良的后果,例如:Should a third World War break out, the consequences would be unthinkable.如果爆发第三次世界大战,其后果是不堪设想的。Resu

18、lt是这组词中最常用的词,指某行动、事态终了时的最后结果,例如:The fire was the result of carelessness.这次火灾是由于疏忽引起的。从下面例句中可以看出以上三词之间的区别:The effect of the accident was the concussion of his brain; the consequence, a rapid deteriorationin his health and the result, his early death.那次事故的影响是他得了脑震荡,后果是健康的急剧恶化,而结果就是他的早逝。Outcome和result意

19、思相近,往往指战争、球赛、科技等有待决定胜负、高低、成败的事件的最后结果,有时侧重明确的结果,例如:Five minutes from the end ,the outcome of the match was still in doubt.比赛进行到最后五分钟时,仍然看不出谁胜谁负。3. How, they might ask, could eating a hamburger, or drinking Coca Cola: they might ask在句中做插入语,插入语是英语口语中很常见的语法现象。通常用一个逗号把它与句子隔开,其位置可在句首、句中或句末,其作用是对一句话、某一个词或词

20、组做些附加的解释和说明,或在两句之间起连结作用。可以用作插入语的有:不定式、分词、副词、介词短语和句子等等。本书中多次出现这种情况。1)不定式做插入语,例如:Once I nearly posted it to Germany, but, to tell you the truth, I didnt want to spend money on a stamp.有一次我差点把它寄到德国去,老实对您说,我不愿花钱去买邮票。2)分词做插入语,例如:Generally speaking, the weather in Britanin is neither too cold in winte nor

21、 too hot in summer.一般来说,不列颠的气修冬天不太冷,夏天不冷热。3)介词短语做插入语,例如:Americans eat a lot of meat, too much in my opinion.美国人吃肉食多;依我看太多了。4)副词做插入语,例如:However, we are lucky to have another world famous expert here at the conference.不过我们很幸运,在这个大会上还有一位举世闻名的专家。5)句子做插入语,例如:Some animals only half-hibernate, that is to s

22、ay, their sleep is not such a deep one.有些动物只是半冬眠,就是说它们睡的不那么深沉。6)名词或代词做插入语,例如;England, the largest country in Britain, is in the southeast of this inland.英格兰是不列颠岛上最大的一个国家,位于这个岛的东南部。7)形容词做插入语,例如:The pieces of stone were then carried to the new place for the temple, 60 meters higher up the hill.然后把石头搬运

23、到寺庙的新址比原址高出60米的山上。8)连词做插入语,例如:A satellite is an object, either natural of man-made, which travels in an orbit round another object in space.卫星是一种物体,或是天然的,或是人造的,它围绕太空另一物体在轨道上运行。9)省略句做插入语,例如:He said that, if andy ,there was only a few,他说,如果有的话,也就有几本了。4. Food is quite simply a fuel:quite的程度比fairly稍强一些,

24、可以译为“还算”、“相当”、“很”。Quite在程度上小于very,一般能用very修饰的成分就可以用quite,但是能用quite修饰的成分不一定能用very修饰。此外,quite还可以修饰动词,而very却不能,例如:The book is quite good. 这本书相当不错。(肯定值得一看,含推荐之意)I quite like that film.我很喜欢那部电影。(不能笔very,但可以用very much)在修饰名词时,口语中常是“quite+限制词+n.”或“限制词+very+n.”,试比较:quite a nice day; a very nice day; quitea s

25、mall boy; a very small boy。“quite+n.”表示“不寻常,出众,相当”,例如:She made quite an effort, but is wasnt good enough.她作了很大的努力,但还不够好。5. The London restaurateur Fu Tong, for example, quotes no less an authority than Confucius(the ancient sage known in Chinese as Kung-Fu Tzu)with regard to the primal importance of

26、 food:从某种意义上来讲,no lessthan含有程度和数量超出之意,因此后接名词时,常常表示“不亚于”或者“和 一样”,例如:This dictionary is not less useful than that one.这本词典的用处不亚于那本词典。There were no lees than one hundred people at the meeting .到会的人竟达100多人之多。另外,如果不表示与另一事物或另一方面相比较,只是说明其后的名词时,可以用no less than,这时作“正式”解,往往含有敬重或重视的意味,例如:He is no less than a g

27、eneral.他正是一位将军。Authority意为“权威,威信;权威者”,例如:It has been revealed that some government leaders abuse their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.据透露,一些政府领导人滥用其权力和职位为自己谋取非法利益。6. In fact, one can assert with some justice that Chinese food is , nowadays, the only truly imtemational f

28、ood. It is ubiquitous:assert 意为“富称,断言,维护,坚持”,例如:Some critics assert that hes the worlds greatest pianist. 有些评论家坚持认为他是世界上最伟大的钢琴家。Affirm, assert, protest都有“断言”或“肯定地说”的意思,但三者有所区别。Affirm是say that something is true的意思,断言某一情况是事实,表示坚信不移,加以肯定,但并不是包含对对方所说的话表示怀或反驳。Affirm的依据通常是事实,是个人的经验或信仰等,例如:From my own expe

29、rience, I confidently affirm what he said is true.根据我的经验,我可以肯定地说,他所说的是真实的。Assert是say positively的意思,坚决申述自己的意见或要求,常常包含对对方所说的话表示怀疑或反驳。Assert的内容通常缺乏真凭实据,多凭自己的主观认识或判断,例如:He asserted that is could be done in an hour.他肯定地说这件事可以在一小时内完成。Protest是declare strongly的意思,比affirm或assert的词义更强,更郑重,后面加against是提出抗议的意思,例

30、如:He protested that he thought otherwise.他强烈声明他有不同意见。Ie protested that the charges a gainst him were untrue. 对他的控告他提议抗议,说这是不真实的。Justice 意为“公平,公正”,例如:To do her justice, we must admit that she did deserve to win.说句公道话,我们得承认她应该获胜。Ubiquitous意为“无所不在的,普遍存在的”,例如:The struggle between opposites is ubiquitous

31、.对立面的斗争无所不在。5、Excercises.Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets.1.You should have told me in advance that you would further your studies in America.2.He lavished too much care on his grandchildren.3.Various new technology industries have spru

32、ng up.4.Many English words derive from Latin, Greek and French words.5.A philosopher holds that contradictory oppositions are ubiquitous6.His kindness is part and parcel of his nature.7.He is possessed of phenomenal memory and intelligence.8.He is fastidious about his food and clothes.Thanslate the following passage into Chinese.一个典型中国人的观点是:吃是第一乐事。中国人非常重视吃,许多还把它看成是人生快事之一。这里有一个很有趣的例子,它说明了西方人和中国人对待吃的不同态度。西方人上餐馆时,他们最关心的往往是找一张好餐桌,更确切地说,找一个可以看见别人,又能让人看见的位置。然而,中国人上餐馆时,他们则喜欢找一间公共场合的人所看不见的小房间。这种差异的原因在于,前者在用餐

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