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精读6 第四课 Nettles 讲解知识讲解.docx

1、精读6 第四课 Nettles 讲解知识讲解精读6 第四课 Nettles 讲解Unit Four Nettles1. Notes on Guide to Reading1) prolific (1.1) 多产的 prolific writer 多产作家 synonyms: fecund, fertile, fruitful, productive.2)prestigious (1.3) esteemed 有名望的,著名的 Prestigious university 名牌大学;名校 Synonyms: celebrated, distinguished, eminent, illustrio

2、us, noted, preeminent, prominent, renowned3)dilemma (2.2)进退两难;困境 To be, or not to be: that is the question (Shakespeare) Synonyms: deep water, hot water, predicament, 4)be confronted with (2.3) face; meet with; encounter 面对;遭遇5)regardless of (2.3) irrespective of 不论;不管6)Love that was not usable, tha

3、t knew its place. Not risking a thing yet staying alive as a sweet trickle, and underground resource. (Last line but one, Para. 2) 空灵的爱,自知的爱;不危及任何东西,却像涓涓细流,地下源泉,永不枯竭。精神之爱,知其进退;无损无害,如源头活水,滋润于心。7)retrospection (3.2) 回顾,回忆8)protagonist (3.2) The main performer in a theatrical production; : lead 主角9)eff

4、ortlessly (3.4) Effortless: easy Easy as ABC, easy as falling off a log, easy as one-two-three, easy as pie, like taking candy from a baby, nothing to it.10)bridge the gap: 搭配11)Thus the reader is apt to identify with the protagonist, feeling what she feels and worrying what worries her. (last line

5、but one, Para. 3) Identify with ?12) address several essential problems (4.1) 搭配13)Once again “Nettles” displays Munros lasting strength and subtle meanings of life. Lasting strength? 在“荨麻”中, Munro再次展示了其,驭繁于简,情节虽然简单,却探索了复杂的人物感情和微妙的人生况味。2Text AnalysisFrom paragraph 1 to paragraph 49A必备语汇 (preparatory

6、 words and expressions)见 词汇测试表B. 逐段讲解1引子:回忆起1979年时见到的一个男人。不交代是谁,留下悬念 (suspense) 词汇:1)ketchup sandwich (1.2)夹番茄酱的三明治2. 数年之后,重寻故地,已物易人非。去年元夜时,花市灯如昼。 月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。 今年元夜时,月与灯依旧。 不见去年人,泪湿春衫袖。-生查子 去年元夜时 欧阳修去年今日此门中 ,人面桃花相映红。人面只今何处去?桃花依旧笑春风题都城南庄 崔护3回忆儿时情景,请人打井,由此开始一场早恋(puppy love)。 词汇: 1)Well (line 1):水井2)Pe

7、nned (line 3):圈养的 Pig sty 猪圈 3)Mug (line 7) : 杯 其他词义: (1) I got mugged/jumped on my way home. (2) The suspect is not among the mug shots. (3) Look at her ugly mug. 4Mike McCallum 出场。交代打井人居无定所的生活,为之后和童年伴侣小Mike McCallum的分离埋下伏笔。5小Mike McCallum出场。交代两人都是8岁。 词汇: 1)boarding house (5.1)提供膳宿的地方 2)at hand (5.

8、2)nearby 附近,手边6. 回忆和小Mike两小无猜的情景之一:在Mike父亲的车里玩耍;给被臭鼬所伤的狗抹番茄汁治伤。 词汇: 1)Cab (6.1):出租车;此处:驾驶室 2)Mucky (6.4): dirty 3) Sour-cheese boots (6.4): 袜子发此臭奶酪的气味 4) Skunk (6.6): 臭鼬 5) Spray (6.6): 喷射 句子: 1) It looked as if we were washing him in blood. (last line) 好像用血给它洗澡一样。7. 回忆农场的树木。 句子: 1)Each of the trees

9、 crabby. (7.2-4) 译:这里每颗树都神气活现的。比如,榆树宁静安详,橡树则杀气腾腾,枫树慈祥可亲,而山楂树则老态龙钟、火气十足。8回忆一起过河情景。 词汇: 1) Scummy (8.3): 长满浮渣的 2) Scum:人渣 scum of the earthscum of the nation? 句子: 1) The river in August was almost as much a stony road as it was a watercourse. (8.1) 译:8月的河是条水道,几乎也是一条石头路。 2)plowing through mats of flat-

10、leafed water lilies, trapping our legs in their snaky roots. (8.3-4)译:吃力地在一团团长着扁平叶子的睡莲中蹚行,两腿被弯曲的睡莲根缠绕。9-11 讲述小孩们玩打仗游戏,我和Mike互生情愫。词汇:1) Harassment (9.4): 骚扰 Sex harassment 2) Dress (10.3):包扎 Administer:to give someone a medicine or medical treatment Painkillers were administered to the boy.句子:1) Ther

11、e was a keen alarm when the cry came, a wire zinging through your whole body, a fanatic feeling of devotion. (10.4-6)Keen: keen interest/desire The need for enlarging our vocabulary is not keenly felt yet.Zing: to move quicklyWire:电线Business wire? Fanatic:狂热的译:当他喊我的名字时,我会紧张万分,全身如触电一般,一种狂热的忠诚感油然而生。2)

12、 The game disintegrated, after a long while, in arguments and mass resurrection. (11.1-2)Disintegrate: to break up 散译:许久之后,大家吵个不休,装死的也活了过来,游戏就这样散了。12-14 水井打好,Mike离去句子:1) One morning, of course, the job was all finished, the well capped, the pump reinstated, the fresh water marveled at. (12.1-2)Cap:

13、(vt) 加盖子Marvel at:惊叹译:不用说,一天早上,工作全部完成。井口上了盖子,水泵重新装好了,清新的井水引来一片赞叹。2) The laugh had a lonely boom in it, as if he were still down the well. (Last line, Para. 12)Boom:低沉而有回响的声音译:他的笑声深沉孤独,带着回音,似乎他还在井底一般。3) He had other jobs lined up elsewhere (13.2)Line up: 排队Line up please!Line the kids up!译:其他地方还有很多活等

14、着他。4) Future absence I acceptedit was just that I had no idea, until Mike disappeared, of what absence could be like. How my own territory would be altered, as if a landslide had gone through it and skimmed off all meaning except loss of Mike. (13. 5-8)译:我知道会分开的,也认了,但是到Mike不见了,才知道那是一种什么样的分离。生活面目全非,好

15、像一场山崩抹去了一切,除了失去Mike,其他都无意义了。15 从细节描述对Mike的思念。句子:1) My heart was beating in big thumps, like howls happening in my chest. Thump: 砰砰声1618 时间回到1979年,Sunny去接我。句子:1)she looked not matronly but majestically girlish. (16.3-4)Matronly: 主妇的译:她看上去不像是结了婚的人,而像是气质端庄的女孩子。19 讲述与Sunny在温哥华相识的过程句子:1) Our pregnancies

16、had dovetailed, so we had managed with one set of maternity clothes. (19.1-2)Dovetail: to fit together perfectly or to make two plans, ideas etc fit together perfectly 译:我们的怀孕期正好前后相接,所以我们可以共用一套孕妇服。2) In my kitchen or in hersand our forgone ambitions. (19.2-6)Reel: stagger; feel dizzyStoke: fuelRampa

17、ge: outbreak of violent or raging behavior译:我们大约每周都要在我的厨房或她的厨房聚会一次。孩子们总是不断打扰我们,有时我们还会因为睡眠不足而头晕目眩,于是就不断地喝咖啡、吸烟来提神,开始天南海北地聊大天,什么都谈:我们的婚姻和奋斗、彼此的缺点、以及曾有过的理想抱负。3)During that time of life that is supposed to be a reproductive dazeand “The Cocktail Party”.Daze: a confusing conditionSwamp: floodMaternal jui

18、ces: mothers milk and other juices with which a mother feeds a babyCompel:to force someone to do something译:那段时期,但我们还是会一起聊西蒙-德-波伏娃和库斯特勒和艾略特的诗歌“鸡尾酒会”。2025 两人相识之后的变化:都搬离温哥华。我婚姻出现问题,与丈夫分居,搬到多伦多。小孩来,住不习惯,还是回父亲那了。句子:1)And I have moved for the newfangled reason shame. (20.3-6)Newfangled: novel 新奇的Be parce

19、led about: be dividedDeprivation: the lack of something that you need in order to be healthy, comfortable, or happy译:而我的搬离,原因也许有些离谱,非常人所能理解-丈夫、房子和结婚之后所有的一切(孩子除外,由我和丈夫轮流来带)都不要了,只希望过一种不虚伪、不令人羞耻的生活。2)I was happy with all thisfrom the house of marriage.(21.5-6)译:这一切都令我高兴,觉得自己有了真正的变化,开始迈上摆脱婚姻禁锢的漫漫征途。3)Bu

20、t it was too much to expect of my daughterswho were ten and twelve years oldthat they should feel the same way.(21.6-8)译:但不能期望我两个女儿-一个十岁、一个12岁-和我的感觉一样。4) I would be frightened, not of any hostility, but of a kind of nonexistence. (Last line, Para. 25) 译:我会感到害怕,而是那种自己好像不存在的感觉。26我心情不好,给Sunny电话,受邀去乡下过周

21、末。27-93 在乡下度假,与Mike 重逢所发生的一切,以及我对爱的感悟。修辞:Delicacy or disapproval (29.1)Happy energy (38.1)词汇:1)Tromp (30.2): tramp; to walk heavily and noisily2)Almost in the same breath (32.1):几乎异口同声3)Of all things (34.3):真没想到4)Nap (38.2): a short sleep, especially during the day: take/have a nap5)Civil engineer (

22、41.2): 土木工程师 civil construction土木建筑6)pack up the game (45.3) 收起游戏7)crap(45.5)garbage, rubbish, trash,junk8)Pilot star (45.2): 领航星9)Big dipper (45.2):北斗七星10)Fold-out sofa (47.2): 折叠沙发床11)Unmake the bed(47.3):叠被12)Make up the bed (47.3): 铺床13)sleazy (49.2):不体面的句子:1)It was hard to make the break(29.2)Break:断开,决裂译:和过去的生活决裂是很难的2)I took my overnight bag 译: 我带上装着过夜用品的包3)Lying in the same sheets did not make for a peaceful night.(49.1)Make for: contribute to; lead to译:

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