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1、HND大综合1GU1答案xSectionlQuestion 1:Part AGiven the competitive nature of the mobile telecommunications market analysethe likely advantagesand disadvantagesto Opal of establishinga partnershipagreement with another company.12Advantages:Firstly, the part nership agreeme ntscan provide Opal with tech no l

2、ogy assistance .It allows Opal for the joint developme nt of new products and the sharing of tech no logy. Sec on dly, a Chin ese part nershipnot only gives Opal access to local kno wledge but also provides an air of acceptability that is imports nt when conducting business in China. Thirdly, local

3、firms well -reputation and wealth of experience will also help Opal to ensure that product development and customer service is specifically targeted at meeti ng the local n eeds and dema nds of the local market. Fourthly, companies in part nership can share the costs and reduce the risk.Disadvantage

4、s:As for the disadvantages, firstly, the own technology of Opal might be leaked because of the sharing of technology which may result in the loss of Opal 1 csompetitive advantages. Sec on dly, in a partnership with others, the control power of Opal company might be distributed because of the s consi

5、deration of other partners Thirdly, firms need to share the profits and there might be conflicts be since those companies are profitable organizations.PARTBIdentify and justify possible options the senior management may have which willenable Opal to maintain its current levels of success and profita

6、bility. 8Firstly, since Chinese market has enormous potential, Opal n eeds con tinue to in vest inChinese market to gain more market shares for its expansion.Secondly, Opal can sign the partnership agreementswith more companies, to gain more comprehensive market information and share the technology

7、and develop new products.Thirdly, in order to maintain the characteristics and good reputation, Opal needs to keep the strong stance in relation to the en vironme nt, use more green and environ mental materials to produceenvironmentally friendly products and servicesand keep offering a comprehensive

8、 mobile phone recycling scheme.Fourthly, it is necessary to deepen the agreement with Huawei, since Huawei is a long established and well-respected player in the Chinese telecoms market. By doing so, Opal can achieve the further expa nsion.Question 2PART AAssessthe strengthsand weaknessesof Opal as

9、they seek to expanding in thecoming years 12StrengthsFirstly, the further deregulation of the telecommunications markets enabled Opal to capitalize on a number of opportunitiesSecondly, Opal has its core markets, and the recent openin-gupof the Chinese market is currently providing Opal with opport

10、un ities for further expansi on.Thirdly, the mobile devices division has allowed Opal to sell their phones to competing networks allowing access to a much larger market.Fourthly, as their characteristic, Opal has adopted a strong stancein relation to the environment, and they were one of the first p

11、hone manufacturers in the world to offer a comprehensive mobile phone recycling scheme and offers environmentally friendly products and services.WeaknessesFirstly, the first hand-held phones were high priced because of the high research and development costs and the need for highly specialized produ

12、ction facilities. And this may cause the needs of a large amount of investment capital and the decrease in sales. Secondly, Opal is a medium sized producer of handsets, which means it owns limited produce resourcesand investme nt capital resources .It may not be able to meet the needs of cooperation

13、 with other companies.Thirdly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market may hinder the development and expansion of Opal.Lastly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market and the fierce competitionmay hin der the expa nsion of Opal and in crease a c

14、ertai n level of risk.PARTBChoose two Key values highlighted in Appendix 3 and for each, explain how ithas impacted upon the company s activities 8Firstly, the customer deserves service excellenee.Opal is a customer- focused organization. Enterprises core value is to focus on customer service and it

15、s quality. By doing so, the customer satisfaction and loyalty can be established and then the growth of sales and profits can be achieved. According to the case, in order to enhanee the quality and satisfaction of customer services, the Opal has established the Service Development Section and Custom

16、er Care Department. With the rapid developme nt of tech no logy, the Service Developme nt Section is tasked to enhance the customer experienee of the mobile and web-based services. And the Customer Care section is tasked to ensure that customer expectations are consistently met. Both of them are aim

17、 to provide customers with excellent services.Secondly, we accept that while we are driven by technology we will always aspire to drive technology. The development of tech no logy can provide Opal with higher tech-competitive ness, and help it to develop new products and expand to larger market. As

18、for Opal, they con tinue in vest in other innovative products and market research, and has been very successful in identifying market trends and then using the latest tech no logical developme nts to satisfy customer n eeds. And, there is a Special projects section in Opalwhich requires significant

19、investment and provides the leading-edge technology required for mobile and others.Section 2QuestionlPART AEvaluate possible sources of finance that Gold could access as it seeks to expandits business operationsFirstly, issuing shares are a finan cing way that Opal can access .It can meet a part of

20、the Opal s capital needs during its expansion, even though the amount of share capital issued will be limited to the authorized share capital amount.Secondly, issuing debentures are a useful way too. Debentures are loans made to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest. However, the debenture h

21、olders need to repay the principles on time and they do not participate in the running of the company like shareholders do.Thirdly, even though both issuing shares and dividends are appropriate for Opal, there still some differences betwee n them The shareholders have the control right of the compa

22、ny, but the divide nd holders do not. And, the divide nds holders n eed to repay the principle on time, while it won tbe necessary for shareholders. Lastly, the shareholders can get benefits from the dividends while the debenture holders can get them from the interests.PARTB找到一类可以同时满足Opal公司股东和Opal在中

23、国市场合作伙伴用来检验企业效率的财务数据信息请解释这类数据是如何满足这些利益相尖者要求的。Identify ONE item of information which both a shareholder and any of the organisations Gold works with within the Chinese market, could use as a measure to monitor the effectiveness of the organisatio n.The turnover, profit, costs, divide nd and earnings

24、per share could reflect the effectiveness of a compan y. As for Opal, it has in vested a lot in the high research and developme nt and the need for highly specialized production facilities costs a lot too. Meanwhile, the downward pressure on prices has led to lower profit margins and a reduced rate

25、of growth in turnover. Except for that, the dividends directly affect on the shareholders be nefits, it determines the repayments of investment and whether the investors are willing continue to in vest or not. The dividend and earn ings per share of Opal is increasing which means it is attracting mo

26、re pote ntial shareholders to in vest in Opal and the existi ng shareholders to in vest more, and it is esse ntial for the finance and the expa nsion of Opal.PARTCEXPIain the POSSibleeffeCtS that the expansion into the Chinese market couldhave upon the Profitability of the businessFirstly, i n the l

27、Ong run, the Profitability Of Diam Ond would in crease. BeCauSe Chi na is POte ntially the largest global telecom muni Cati OnS market, and it PrOVideS Diam Ond With an Un rivalled opport Unity to gen erate growth. The SiZe of Chi na huge, and there are room rema ins S populati on for massive expa n

28、siori.Secondly, in the ShOrt-term, the Profitability of Diamond would not grow rapidly. China is an emerging market, the COmPetition is likely to be SeVere With 43 foreign n ati onal manu facturers and n etwork PrOViderS already hav ing a PreSe nee in Chi na and a further 25 medium to large firms Se

29、t to en ter the market over the COming 3 years. Diam ond needs to in vest a number of money in to the new market, and the costs CannOt be take n back in the ShOrt-term.Thirdly, the Profitability of Diamond would not grow rapidly in the ShOrt-term because in order to en ter the new market, Diam ond m

30、ay facing the big fundi ng gap, and it would cost a lot to fina nee the needed CaPital.FOUrthly, the Profitability would not grow rapidly in the ShOrt-term becauseof the loW-PriCe COmPetition. In order to gain a larger market Share and coverage, and SUrViVe in the intense COmPetition, Diamond may ch

31、oose to lower the PriCe at the beg inning of en teri ng the Chin ese market.QUeStiOn 2PART AEXPIain any Changes to the policies of governments that may SUPPOrt the marketPrOgreSSiOn and expansion of Opal. 8AS the nighwatch man the government should not directly intervene the marketPARTCExplain the p

32、ossibleeffects that the expansion into the Chinese market couldhave upon the profitability of the businesss population isFirstly, i n the long run, the profitability of Diam ond would in crease. Because China is potentially the largest global telecommunications market, and it provides Diamond with an unrivalled opportunity to generate growth. The size of China huge, and there are room remai ns for massive expansi on.Secondly, in the short-term, the profitability of Diamond would not grow rapidly. China is an emerging market, th

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