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1、英语词汇学第六单元测试1C6 Test-1I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alterna-tive answers. Choose the one that would best complete the state-ment.1. Sense relations include .A. polysemy, analogy, amelioration, homonymy and hyponymy B. tautology, analogy, synonymy, antonymy and homonymy C. polyse

2、my, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy D. inconsistency, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy and hypon-ymy2. is a common feature peculiar to all natural languag-es because overwhelming majority of words have more than one meaning.A. Polysemy B. Hyponymy C. Synonymy D. Homonymy3. The two approaches t

3、o polysemy are approach and approach.A. syntagmatic, paradigmatic B. diachronic, synchronic C. dichronic, syntagmatic D. synchronic, paradigmatic4. At the time when the word was created, it was endowed with only one meaning. This first meaning is the mean-ing.A. associative B. stylistic C. primary D

4、. affective5. The later meanings added to the first meaning of the word are called meanings.A. lexical B. conceptual C. secondary D. derived6. Synchronically, the basic meaning of a word is the core of word meaning called the meaning.A. primary B. secondary C. central D. derived7. The development of

5、 word meaning from monosemy to polysemy follows two courses, traditionally called and .A. elevation, degradation B. extension, narrowing C. radiation, concatenation D. radiation, extension8. Radiation is a semantic process in which the mean-ing stands at the center and the meanings proceed out of it

6、 in every direction like rays.A. secondary, primary B. primary, secondaryC. conceptual, associative D. lexical, grammatical9. In the derived meanings are directly connected to the meaning.A. concatenation, central B. radiation, primaryC. radiation, secondary D. concatenation, associative10. Generall

7、y, precedes .A. concatenation, radiation B. widening, concatenationC. narrowing, widening D. radiation, concatenation11. are words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling.A. Homographs B. Homonyms C. Perfect homonyms D. Homophones12

8、. Perfect homonyms are .A. homographs B. both homophones and homographs C. homophones D. identical both in sound and spelling, but different in meaning13. All of the following are the sources of homonyms except .A. change in sound and spelling B. shortening C. borrowing D. extension14. The sources o

9、f English synonyms exclude . A. dialects and regional English B. figurative and euphemistic use of words C. extension, narrowing, elevation and degradation of words D. coincidence with idiomatic expressions15. The differences between synonyms boil down to three areas: .A. elevation, connotation, app

10、lication B. connotation, elevation, degradation C. connotation, denotation, application D. amelioration, deterioration, denotation16. By connotation we mean the and co-louring of words.A. derogatory, commendatoryB. stylistic, emotiveC. rhetoric, semanticD. emotive, collocative17. “lump”, “slice”, “c

11、hunk”, “sheet” and “cake” have the same meaning, “piece”, but they are different in .A. conceptual, connotation B. lexical, denotation C. conceptual, application D. associative, collocation18. The two features of contradictory terms are and .A. mutually exclusive, non-gradable B. inclusive, exchange

12、able C. relative, interdependent D. relational, interdependent19. “east/west” are .A. contrary terms B. contradictory terms C. relative terms D. co-hyponyms20. People use antonyms in idioms to .A. express ideas economically for the sake of contrast B. form antithesis to achieve emphasis C. both A an

13、d B D. reach climax21. Contrary terms are gradable antonyms, differing in degree of .A. formality B. rhetoric colouring C. assimilation D. intensity22. “hate/love” are .A. contrary terms B. contradictory termsC. relative terms D. complementary antonyms23. Least antonyms are found among nouns which a

14、re names of .A. objects B. ideas C. domains D. all the above24. “compounding” and “composition” are .A. absolute synonyms B. relative synonyms C. stylistic synonyms D. emotive synonyms25. Homonyms, particularly, are often employed to create for desired effect of, say, humour, sarcasm or ridicule.A.

15、homographs, puns B. homophones, antithesis C. homophones, puns D. homographs, antithesis26. When a word is first coined, it is always .A. monosemic B. polysemicC. neutral D. informal27. A/an has more semantic: components than a/an .A. superordinate term, subordinate termB. subordinate term, superord

16、inate termC. grammatical wont, lexical word D. native wonl, loan word28.“teacher” anti “student” are .A. relative terms B. contrary terms C. contradictory D. superordinates29. “piglet ”, “chicken”, “child” and “duckling” share the same semantic component .A. animal B. adult C. male D. young30. A/an

17、is general and a/an is specific.A. hyponym, subordinate termB. superordinate, subordinate termC. polysemant, monosemantD. lower term, upper term31. The differences between synonyms lie in three aspects except .A. grammatical meaning B. applicationC. connotation D. denotation32. “widow/widower” are .

18、A. eontradictory antonyms B. relative antonymsC. contrary antonyms D. not antonyms33. Absolute synonyms are .A. numerous B. rare C. popular D. common34. Associative meaning comprises several types except .A. connotative meaning B. stylistic meaning C. affective meaning D. lexieal meaning35. Homonyms

19、 are generally words different in but ei-ther identical both in or identical only in .A. sound; meaning and spelling; meaning or spelling B. meaning; sound and spelling; sound or spelling C. spelling; meaning and sound; sound or spelling D. meaning; sound and spelling; sound36. Relative synonyms als

20、o called near-synonyms are similar or nearly the same in .A. affective meaning B. conceptual meaning C. eollocative meaning D. stylistic meaning37. The origins of homonyms are .A. change in sound B. shorteningC. borrowing D. all the above38. In concatenation, between the latest sense and the origina

21、l sense, there is in many cases.A. a sign of connection between themB. some signs of connection between themC. not a sign of connection between themD. many signs of connection between them39. In diachronic approach, other meanings apart from the pri-mary meaning of a word were acquired by .A. extens

22、ion and transfer B. narrowing C. analogy D. all the above40. The most important sources of synonyms is perhaps .A. dialects and regional English B. borrowing C. figurative and euphemistic use of words D. eoincidence with idiomatic expressionsII. Complete the following statements with proper words or

23、 expressions according to the course book.1. “some” and “sum” are . 2. “date” and “date” are identical both in sound and spelling, but differ in meaning .They are . 3. From the point of view, polysemy is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of the one and same

24、 word.4. Synonyms share a likeness in as well as in part of speech.5. The development of word meaning from monosemy to polysemy follows two courses, traditionally known as radiation and .6. Perfect homonyms and polysemants are fully identical with re-gard to spelling and .7. Synchronically, polyscmy

25、 is viewed as the of various meanings of the same word in a certain historical period of time.8. Synonyms can be classified into two major types: absolute syn-onyms and synonyms.9.The original meaning of “pain” was “ ”. 10.When a word is first coined, it is always .11. Words are arbitrary symbols an

26、d are independent entities so far as their outer facet spelling and , is concerned.12. Diachronically, the meanings of a polysemant include a pti-mary meaning and meanings.13. Synchronically, the meanings of a polysemant include a cen-tral meaning and meanings.14.Concatenation describes a process wh

27、ere each of the later meanings is related only to the preceding one like .15. Homophones and homographs are homonyms.16. Of perfect homonyms, homographs and homophones, constitute the largest number and are most common.17. Synonyms are the words which have the same or very nearly the same meaning.18

28、. Relative synonyms are different in denotation, and application.19. Synonyms can be defined as words different in sound and but most nearly alike or exactly the same in meaning.20. Difference in connotation between synonyms refers to the dif-ference in and emotive colouring of words.21. “policeman”

29、 and “constable” are stylistically , yet the former is used both in British English and Ameri-can English while the latter is only in British English.22.“big” is generally used to show the bigness of size, volume, extent, weight, number, and so on, any emotive colouring.23. Contrary terms are antony

30、ms, differing in degree of intensity, so each has its own corresponding opposite.24. In each pair of contradictory terms, the of one is the denial of the other.25. Contrary terms are best viewed in terms of a scale running be-tween two poles or .26. With regard to contrary terms, the two opposites a

31、re gradable and one exists the other.27. There is a/an opposition between contradictory terms.28. In the case of relative terms, the opposition is only .29. Semantic is one characteristic of contrary terms.30. Words denoting nature, quality or state of things have many antonyms. This accounts for the large number of antonyms among .31 .The hyponyms under the same superordinate are .32. On the basis of opposition, antonyms are classified into contradictory terms, contrary terms and relative terms.33. “do

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