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1、口译技巧第二次作业问题 1 需要评分I Interpret the following sentences into English. 1. 今天我讲的话题是语言与文化的内在关系,我重点讲第二语言学习与第二文化学习的关系及其重要意义。 答案 所选答案: My topic today is the inherent link between language and culture. I will focus on the relationship between second language learning and second culture learning, as well as o

2、n the significance of the relationship.问题 2 需要评分参考答案:1. My topic today is the inherent link between language and culture. I will focus on the relationship between second language learning and second culture learning, as well as on the significance of the relationship.答案 所选答案: 今天我讲的话题是语言与文化的内在关系,我重点讲

3、第二语言学习与第二文化学习的关系及其重要意义。 问题 3 需要评分3. 由于人类语言是文化的直接表现,所以可以说,第二语言学习涉及对所学语言的民族文化特征的认识和理解。答案 所选答案: Since human language is the direct manifestation of culture, it can be said that the second language learning involves the understanding and understanding of the cultural features of the language of the lang

4、uage. 问题 4 需要评分4. 可以说,西方人学习中国语言和中国文化的浪潮方兴未艾。答案 所选答案: It can be said that the tide of learning Chinese language and Chinese culture is in the ascendant.问题 5 需要评分5. 学习外语的一大好处在于我们可以从所学外语中挖掘和吸收有益的文化内涵。答案 所选答案: The great advantage of learning a foreign language is that we can tap and absorb the cultural

5、connotation from the foreign language.问题 6 需要评分6. 中国作为一个发展中国家,面临着发展经济与保护环境的双重任务。答案 所选答案: As developing country,China is confronted with the dual task of developing its economy adn protecting its environment. 问题 7 需要评分7. 中国在全面推进现代化的过程中,不仅将实现经济持续发展视为一项重要战略,同时也将生态环境的保护视为一项基本国策。答案 所选答案: In the process o

6、f promoting its overall modernization program, China has not only regarded the realization of sustained economic development as an important strategy but also made environmental protection one of its basic state policies. 问题 8 需要评分8. 中国作为国际社会的一员,认真履行国际义务,积极参与国际环保事务,促进国际环保合作。答案 所选答案: As a member of t

7、he international community,China has earnestly fulfilled its international obligations,and taken an active part in the affairs of imternational environmental protection,and promote international environmental protection,and promote international cooperation in environmental protection. 问题 9 需要评分9. 我

8、们必须在人民中宣传环保知识,提高人们对环保道德与行为准则的认识。答案 所选答案: We must popularize knowledge about environmental protection among the people and raise their awareness of environmental ethics and the code of conduct. 问题 10 需要评分10. 我们欣慰地看到,越来越多的珍稀濒危的野生动物和植物在人工照料下保持了稳定的种群,有的已成功回归大自然。答案 所选答案: We are relieved by the fact that

9、more and more stable populations for rare and endangered species of wild fauna and flora are maintained under human watch,some of which have been successfully reintroduced to nature. 问题 11 需要评分11. 我们在解决环境与发展的问题上仍面临着大量的难题,任重而道远。我们将一如既往地为保护我们的生存环境,为人类的幸福和繁荣,为造福下一代而奋斗。答案 所选答案: There is a grand task of

10、perform and a lond way to go in solving the problems of the environment protection and development.We will,as always ,strive for the protection of the environment for human survival, for the happiness and prosperity of humanity, and for the benefits for our children. 问题 12 需要评分12. 我们正处在一个由工业化社会向服务与信

11、息社会转轨的过程中。答案 所选答案: We are in the process of transforming from an industrial society to a service and information society. 问题 13 需要评分13. 拜金主义、自我关注以及对公益事业的淡漠使许多传统美德受到了冲击。答案 所选答案: The phenomenon of money worship and obsession,a growing concern with self-interests,and neglect of public welfare exert neg

12、ative impact on peoples attitude towards many traditional virtues. 问题 14 需要评分14. 这些问题源于经济和社会条件的变化,是都市化和现代化进程中产生的问题。答案 所选答案: Arising from the changed economic and social conditions,these problems are inevitable in the process of urbanization and modernization. 问题 15 需要评分15. 我们要实施科教兴国战略,优先发展教育,形成全民学习、

13、终身学习型社会,促进人的全面发展。答案 所选答案: We will implement the strategy of developing the country through science and education and giving priority to the development of education and build a society of lifelong education for all the people which values highly the all-round development of a person.问题 16 需要评分16. 中华

14、民族素有携幼爱幼的传统美德,中国古语“幼吾幼以及人之幼”流传至今。答案 所选答案: The Chinese nation has long cultivated the traditional virtues of bringing up and caring for the young .An old Chinese saying that Love our own children and love others children in the same manner is still very popular.问题 17 需要评分17. 在全球经济日趋一体化的今天,让我们迎接挑战,拥抱机

15、遇,承担责任,共同建设更美好的未来。答案 所选答案: In the economic globalization today, let us meet challenges,embrace opportunities,shoulder responsibilities,and work together to make tomorrow a better day.问题 18 需要评分18. 武术在我国源远流长,是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝,也是人类的共同财富。答案 所选答案: Wushu,or Chinese martial art ,can trace back to the ancient t

16、imes.It is a gem of the Chinese traditional culture and the shared wealth of all humanity.问题 19 需要评分19. 您在这里可以欣赏精彩、扣人心弦的武术表演,也可以观赏京剧节目和杂技表演。答案 所选答案: Here you will not only enjoy fabulous and exciting performances by martial artists,but also Peking Opera and acrobatics show .问题 20 需要评分20. 我不想说服任何人去习武

17、健身,因为这是个人的事,是人们为将来所作的投资。答案 所选答案: I have no intention of persuading anyone ,nor am I prepared to convince anyone,either,because practicing martial art for your health and fitness is a matter of personal choice,and an investment for your own future.问题 21 需要评分21. 每个民族的文化有不同于其他民族文化的礼仪规范。答案 所选答案: Each na

18、tionalitys culture has a different etiquette to other national culture.问题 22 需要评分22. 不断变化着的社会不仅给我们带来了问题,也给我们带来了机会。答案 所选答案: The changing society not only brings us a problem, but also brings us a chance.问题 23 需要评分23. 人口老龄化将影响我国的经济发展,威胁我国的保健制度、退休制度以及其他一些福利制度的健康发展。答案 所选答案: The aging population will aff

19、ect the economic development of our country, threaten our countrys health system, the retirement system and some other welfare systems health development.问题 24 需要评分24. 中国正处在一个摆脱僵硬的计划经济体制,建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制的改革进程中。答案 所选答案: China is in the process of building and improving the reform of the socialist mark

20、et economic system.问题 25 需要评分II Interpret the following passages into Chinese or English. Passage 1 25. 任何语言都与经济和文化分不开。/ 答案 所选答案: Any language can not divide with the economy and culture.问题 26 需要评分26. 经济和文化发达的国家,其语言所起的作用十分重要。/答案 所选答案: Economically and culturally developed countries, the language of

21、the role is very important.问题 27 需要评分27. 在过去20多年间,中国的国内生成总值年均增长9.7%,未来的中国经济还将持续增长。/答案 所选答案: Over the past 20 years, Chinas GDP grew by an average of 9.7%, the future of the Chinese economy will continue to grow.问题 28 需要评分28. 可以预言,随着中国经济的进一步发展和国际地位的日益提高,世界上学习汉语的人数还会不断增加。答案 所选答案: It can be predicted t

22、hat with the further development of the Chinese economy and the increasing international status, the number of people learning Chinese will continue to increase.问题 29 需要评分Passage 2 29. China has already begun to realize the importance of addressing environmental issues that have a direct and immedia

23、te impact on quality of life, such as water pollution and air-borne particulates./ 答案 所选答案: 中国已经开始意识到解决环境问题对生活质量有直接影响的重要性,如水污染和空气污染问题 30 需要评分30. Global warming as a result of the accumulation of green house gases represents a real threat to the future well-being of all of us who share this planet./答

24、案 所选答案: 全球气候变暖是由于温室气体的积累是对我们所有的人分享这个星球的未来幸福的真正威胁。/ 问题 31 需要评分31. It is true, of course, that the already developed countries are responsible for the large majority of the greenhouse gas accumulation in the atmosphere today./答案 所选答案: 当然是真的,这已经是今天发达国家对大气中温室气体积累的大部分责任,问题 32 需要评分32. Nevertheless, with t

25、he proportion of current greenhouse gas emissions shifting rapidly toward China and other large developing countries, Chinas participation is crucial to the success of any attempt to deal with rising level of those gases.答案 所选答案: 然而,随着目前的温室气体排放量将迅速向中国和其他发展中大国的比例,中国的参与是任何试图处理这些气体上升水平成功的关键。问题 33 需要评分P

26、assage 3 33. In spite of glaring evidence and frequent warnings, the public is smoking more and more./ 答案 所选答案: 尽管明显的证据和频繁的警告,公众吸烟越来越多 问题 34 需要评分34. Why is smoking such an important problem?/答案 所选答案: 为什么吸烟如此重要的问题吗? 问题 35 需要评分35. Because smoking is not a mere habit, as so many think it is. No, it is

27、more serious than that./答案 所选答案: 因为吸烟不是一种仅仅是习惯,所以很多人认为它是。 不,它比这更严重问题 36 需要评分36. If one is addicted to cigarettes, he is dependent upon them physically, as well as psychologically.答案 所选答案: 如果一个人沉迷于香烟,他是依赖于他们的身体以及心理上。问题 37 需要评分Passage 4 37 我很高兴应邀参加本届中外文化交流节,向诸位介绍中国书法这一人类文化财富和中国宝贵的旅游资源。/ 答案 所选答案: Im glad to invited to the sino-foreign cultural exchange festival, to introduce you to C

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