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人教版新目标英语八年级上册Unit 6 单元话题写作教学案.docx

1、人教版新目标英语八年级上册Unit 6 单元话题写作教学案八年级上册Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.写作教学案(教师使用)【话题】生活目标(Life goals)【写作目标】通过围绕讨论将来的目标及实现此目标应采取的措施这一话题,引导学生注意在写此类短文时要进行整体布局,做到详略得当。【课前任务】1、写出下列短语。1、长大 2、坚持做某事 3、上大学 4、取得好成绩 5、能够做某事 6、谈论 7、上表演课 8、确信参考答案:1、grow up 2、keep on doing sth 3、go to college 4、get good gra

2、des 5、be able to do sth 6、talk about 7、take acting lessons 8、 make sure二、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 1、对于这个问题的答案我没有把握。 I _ not _ _ the answer to this question. 2、确保你能按时完成作业,这是最重要的。 _ _ you can finish your homework on time, and this is the most important. 3、如果你继续坚持练习跑步,你会成功的。 If you _ _ running, you will succ

3、eed. 4、下个学期我打算取得好成绩。 Next term, Im going _ _ _ _. 5、下周你打算上钢琴课吗? Are you going to _ _ _ next week?参考答案,sure about 2.Make sure 3. Keep on get good grades 5.take piano lessons三、写出与本话题有关的词汇和句型。常用词汇: grow up、keep on doing sth、finish high school and college、want to be、go to college、New Years res

4、olutions、make the soccer team、get good grades、be going to、be able to do sth、take up、agree with、make promises、make sure经典句型:1.What do you want to be when you grow up ?2.How are you going to do that?3.Well ,Im going to keep on writing stories, of course.4.-Where are you going to work? -Im going to mov

5、e to Shanghai.5.Im going to start to work when I finish high school and college.【课中任务】读写结合1、A. 信息归纳: 阅读下面短文,然后按照项目要求填写所缺信息。Dear Joyce, How are you? Are you busy with your schoolwork? Now, let me tell you something about Chinese childrens dreams. When I grow up, I am going to be a math teacher and wo

6、rk in a good school. I always love studying math. Mary, my best friend, wants to be an actress. She likes movies very much and often watches videos at home. She is going to America to take acting lessons. My classmate, Jack, is going to be a basketball player when he grows up. He says hes going to p

7、ractice basketball every day and go to a sports college after high school. Would you like to tell me your dream? Yours, Linda Information CardLinda wants to be a (1)_ when she grows up.Linda always loves (2)_.Mary wants to be (3)_.Mary is going to America to (4)_.Jacks dream is to be a (5)_.参考答案:1.

8、math teacher 2.studying math actress 4.take acting lessons player B. 赏析 找出上面材料中的好词好句 Useful words: busy, schoolwork, something, dream, always, love, actress, movies, watch, practice, college, would Useful phrases: are you busy with, let me tell you something about, When I grow up ,

9、 I am going to be a, wants to be, watches videos at home, take acting lessons, basketball player, practice basketball every day, after high school. Useful sentences: 1. Let me tell you something about Chinese childrens dreams. 2. When I grow up , I am going to be a math teacher and work in a good sc

10、hool. 3. She is going to America to take acting lessons. 4. He says hes going to practice basketball every day and go to a sports college after high school. 5. Would you like to tell me your dream? 二、书面表达寒假即将来临,请根据以下提示写一篇短文,谈谈你的寒假计划。(1)、陪父母聊天,帮他们做家务.(2)、好好休息并且读书.(3)、参加社会活动(social activities),认识更多的人。

11、要求:可围绕主题作适当发挥,80词左右。 1、写作引导 A. 重点短语 写出下列短语。 1、休息 2、 不仅而且 3、花时间和某人在一起 4、参加 参考答案:1.have a rest 2.not onlybut also 3. spend time with sb 4. take part in B. 重点句型 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 1、我经常帮助父母做家务。 I often _my parents_ _ _. 2、他打算参加校运会。 He _ _ _ _ _ _ sports meeting. 3、你认为这双鞋怎么样? _ _ _ _ _ the shoes? 参考答案

12、, do some housework going to take part in 3.What do you think of C. 写作技能指导写好本文首先要审清楚题目,考虑用第几人称,什么时态来写作,重点是灵活运用be going to句型。 D. 写作思路点拨 、引出话题The winter holiday is coming. Im going to .、详细阐述FirstNextThen . 、表达祝愿I hope you will have a happy winter holiday.2、实践写作(含小组讨论、改评修正、赏析作品)【我的草稿】【我的作品】【我的订正】3

13、、参考范文 The winter holiday is coming. Everyone is going to do what they want to. Let me tell you about my plan. During the holiday, the first thing Ill do is to spend more time talking with my parents. I will also try my best to help them do some housework. Next, Im going to have a good rest and do so

14、me reading. Because I think reading books can not only open up my mind but also help me get more knowledge. Then, Im going to take part in social activities so that I can get to know more people. What do you think of my holiday? I hope you will have a happy winter holiday. 点评: 文章开门见山,为下文作了铺垫。first与下

15、文中next, then 的使用使文章条理清晰,层次分明。Because, so that 等连接词语的巧妙运用使文章更加流畅。最后一段中的问句拉近了作者与读者的距离,作者还表达了自己的祝愿,是我们可以学习的一种结尾方式。【课后任务】读写结合1、A. 信息归纳 阅读下面短文,然后按照项目要求填写所缺信息。 Your junior school years are coming to an end. After this term, you will study in a senior school. What are you expecting from senior school? Lets

16、 hear what some teen readers think the future will be. Chen Gang, 14, from Dongguan, Guangdong I hear that although Senior3 is a hard year, Senior1 and Senior2 are less stressful. I hope therell be time then to enjoy sports.Zhao Jie, 16, from Harbin, Heilongjiang I really enjoy science. I am also in

17、terested in UFOs. Im crazy about making model planes, although Im not very good because I dont really have the science knowledge. Ill learn more science in senior school. Anyway, sometime in the future Im going to build an amazing model plane! Wang Lin, 15, from Xiamen, Fujian I hope I can be taller

18、 in senior school. I am only 155 cm. Many children grow faster in senior school and I hope so. I want to be 162cm. But I am not sure, since most girls in my family dont grow any taller than 160cm. I hope I am different. Zhang Chen, 14, Puyang, Henan I expect that Ill make more friends in senior scho

19、ol. I study in a middle school affiliated to(附属)a factory. Most of my classmates live nearby. In senior school, Ill meet people from different areas. I can learn new things from them. Information CardHow old is Chen Gang?1He is _ old.Where is Wang Lin from?2. she _.What does Zhao Jie like doing?

20、e likes _ planes.Whats the name of the oldest kid?4.she is _.What does Zhang Chen hope to do?5.he hopes to _.参考答案:1.fourteen years es from Xiamen 3. making model 4. Zhao Jie 5. make more friends B. 书面表达 每个人都有理想,你的理想是什么?你将来打算从事何种职业?请以I want to be an actor”为题写一篇短文。 要求:1.将来为什么从事这种职业? 2.为了实现理想职业,你将如何做?

21、3.成功之后,你将做什么? 参考范文: I want to be an actor Many young people want to be famous when they grow up. I always think about what I am going to be when Im older. Since I watch some action moves about Jackie Chan , I decide to be a useful and helpful actor like him. But how am I going to do it? First, Im go

22、ing to study English hard because its very important. Next, Im going to take acting lessons at an art school in the USA. Then I will act in some plays to be famous. If I could be famous, I would return to my country and buy a big house for my parents. Next, I will travel all over the world and help

23、people who need help. Then I will retire to a beautiful countryside when I am old. Im sure I can make it. 点评:本文作者由于受到成龙的影响,也想成为一位演员。作者把be going to 运用得非常得当,围绕why(为什么想成为actor)、how( 如何成为actor)、where(去哪里)、以及what(将如何做)来行文。条理清晰,语言精练,是一篇佳作。【教学反思】八年级上册Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.写作学案(学生使用)【课前任

24、务】一、写出下列短语。1、长大 2、坚持做某事 3、上大学 4、取得好成绩 5、能够做某事 6、谈论 7、上表演课 8、确信 2、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 1、对于这个问题的答案我没有把握。 I _ not _ _ the answer to this question. 2、确保你能按时完成作业,这是最重要的。 _ _ you can finish your homework on time, and this is the most important. 3、如果你继续坚持练习跑步,你会成功的。 If you _ _ running, you will succeed. 4、下

25、个学期我打算取得好成绩。 Next term, Im going _ _ _ _. 5、下周你打算上钢琴课吗? Are you going to _ _ _ next week? 三、写出与本话题有关的词汇和句型。常用词汇: 经典句型:.【课中任务】读写结合一、A.信息归纳:阅读下面短文,然后按照项目要求填写所缺信息。Dear Joyce, How are you? Are you busy with your schoolwork? Now, let me tell you something about Chinese childrens dreams. When I grow up, I

26、 am going to be a math teacher and work in a good school. I always love studying math. Mary, my best friend, wants to be an actress. She likes movies very much and often watches videos at home. She is going to America to take acting lessons. My classmate, Jack, is going to be a basketball player whe

27、n he grows up. He says hes going to practice basketball every day and go to a sports college after high school. Would you like to tell me your dream? Yours, Linda Information CardLinda wants to be a (1)_ when she grows up.Linda always loves (2)_.Mary wants to be an (3)_.Mary is going to America to (

28、4)_.Jacks dream is to be a (5)_. B. 找出上面材料中的好词好句 Useful words: Useful phrases: Useful sentences: 二、书面表达寒假即将来临,请根据以下提示写一篇短文,谈谈你的寒假计划。(1)、陪父母聊天,帮他们做家务.(2)、好好休息并且读书.(3)、参加社会活动(social activities),认识更多的人。要求:可围绕主题作适当发挥,80词左右。 1、写作引导 A. 重点短语 写出下列短语。 1、休息 2、 不仅而且 3、花时间和某人在一起 4、参加 B. 重点句型 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 1、我经常

29、帮助父母做家务。 I often _my parents_ _ _. 2、他打算参加校运会。 He _ _ _ _ _ _ sports meeting. 3、你认为这双鞋怎么样? _ _ _ _ _ the shoes? 3、实践写作【我的草稿】【我的作品】 【我的订正】【课后任务】读写结合一、A. 信息归纳 阅读下面短文,然后按照项目要求填写所缺信息。 Your junior school years are coming to an end. After this term, you will study in a senior school. What are you expecting from senior school? Lets hear what some teen readers think the fut

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