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1、新概念第四册课文48篇Lsson 1 Findig fossil man (化石人)We an reo thigs that appened 5,00 yeaa the NerEast, h pepl fist leane to rit. But there are s arts ofte ord whee evennow people cnnt rite. The ol a hat they cn resrve (aocn)thr hitry is o ecount(叙述) sas(传奇) -legends handed dwnfom oe geeraton f other Ts leeds

2、 ar sfubecaue the n tell usomei bou migatons(移民) of peope holied longago, t could wrie on what the did.Ahoploists(人类学者) wondred wherethe emoteacestors of th Poynesian ople owlvng i he cic Isads cmerom Thesaga of these peopleexpain hatsoe o them came roIndonsia (印尼) aout 2,000 yearsago.Bu thefrst eop

3、e who were likeourelve veso on ago tat en her ags, theyhadany, areforgottn.S rchaeoloits (考古学家) ave etherhistoy nor legend to hel them to find ut whrethefrst merm ame frm.ortunately, howeve, acientenmadetools ofstone, eseall flit (打火石), becaus tis is easier to shape ha ther nds. hey my lso hveedwood

4、 an skins, but h haverted (腐烂) awa.Stone s not dcay (腐烂), nd o the ools oflngago hve remained when een theone o the men w me temhave dsapearedwithot rae.Lesson 2 Sre ttspidrWy, u may oder, huld piders e ourfriends? Bce thy deroy o mnnses, andisect include se f te grets emes o thehuman rae Insets oul

5、d mke i impsbl f us toliv in the orld;they woul evur (吞吃) allour roadkill our foks an eds(牛羊), f ieet frthe protectin egt fomnsecteatn anmls. e owe (欠) a lot t te irsand bass who eat insectsbut all f te puttoeher ll nly afactio(小部分) f the nuber destrod drs. orever, unlik so ofhe othr insct eaters, s

6、piers nverdhe harto usor our benngs (财产).Spdesar notinscts, as nypepe think,nor evn nearl reated them. Onean lthe dfence aost t a glac, fo a sider awas has ight legs insect eermreha si.Howany spiers areeged(忙碌) in tisrk no ur bhlf? n authoriy n siers maea cnsu (人口普查) of esders gras fildi h outh of E

7、ngad, and he estiatedat ther weremre th 2,20,00ince; that s soming ke 6,000,0 pirs of diffeetinds onafootall ch.pides are bus foa least hl t ear ikiling isects. Itimposible t make more tn th wilest guess athw man they kl, bt e ar unry ceatues, otntent (满足) ith only three meal a da. It ha bee tim the

8、 ightf l teinscts dstryed y spides initn n oe yar wou be gretr tahetotl weght ofa the han eingsin the county.Lsso 3 atterhorn man Mder alpiniststr o climbmounains b a routewchwil gve thm d por, and e more difficult t is, the morehighyi is reae In heioneering as, ower, this a not teca atall. he earl

9、climbers wee looking fr the eiest wayt the to,becaus te summit ws eprizetey ogh, pclly if i and neer been atandbfo I i rehauring their explortions the ot faced dificuties nd ngrsof thmost pelus nar,quiped ina ae thwould aea modern limbr suder a ththuht, utey ino gooutof he wayto court suh xcimen. Th

10、ehad asing ai, a soitary go - t t! Itisr for ustalze nowadays howdicul it as fr tepineers.xcep fo ne or two place sucas Zet and monix, whia rapidlybecome pua, Alpievilag ende t beimpveisdsetlemnts ctof fromvlizaionb the hig untains. Such innsasthee wre gneall drty ndfla-ridden; efod simpyloca eese a

11、copaned b bredotn wlv mohs old, aasd on ith coars wie.Oten avayasted o inn atll, and cliberfoud sheler whrevrtey oul - soeimes ith th loalprist (who a usualy aspor s hisparishines), smetmes with shephes or hsekers.Ivariay te bacground was he am:dirt nd pove, an vr uncomforable. For mn csod o eatin s

12、ee-crse dinnrs nd sleeping bewenielie shetsat hme, thechane to h Al muhe very hard indeed.eson4 Seeinghand veral cass ve beenreorted n Rusiarenty ofpp can dtect (察觉) clours withteir ingers, ad evee thugh olid nd walls Oe ca onernsan eleve-yr-oldcholrl, era Petrova, ho has norlviion butwo can lso per

13、ceive(感觉)things ithiferent parts of he sn, ad houghsoldwals.Ti abiiwas firt noticedb her fther. One ay sh cae ino hs offie an happe t pt erhands n the door of a loce safe (保险箱) Sudelse sed er fthr wyhe kep s ay l nespesoced awahere, an vendescriedthe waytey r done p budes (捆). Verascioutalen wa brut

14、 to he ne ofa scientiic eseac nstitute h own of Ulyaosk, nrwhere shelive, n Aprilshesiven a sris f tess by secilmmiso o te Minstry of Heth o teRussia eera Republi. Diges test se as abeto red newspper throghnopae (不透明的) sena, sranger til, b movg herelbowover a childsame o Lottoshe w be dscribe th fgr

15、sadlours prind on i;and, natheinstane, wersokigs (长袜)anslipper (拖鞋),to makeotwih her footh otlns and colous of pcur hiddn udr a capt (地毯). Other experimts sho t herknees andsolderad asiilasniiviy.Drngll thes tss Verwasblindfol (眼罩);,indeed,ecep wnblindfold sh cked te abilitt peciv thigs with her ski

16、n Itwas alsofouttahoughsh col prceivtings wth hr fing his abliy ceasedhe mmentr ands ere w.esso 6 You Pop re aays talking abu e prob of you. tre s oe- hichI takeave tdout -then t i derpeople who create i, ot the yung theslvesLetus gtdown fdamentl and agrethat he you ar fe l human begs- ole ju liethe

17、irelers. he is oly one ifeence beteenan old an and young one:t oung an a a glorious uure bfore him and h ol ne a alnid ftre behind hm: dmaye a iswhe the rub 摩擦 . Wh I s eenager, I elt that I s jus oung anunertin - ht s ew boy in a uge shol,anI wold have eevey pleae tbe regarded a soethg sointestia a

18、 pobl. or ne thng, ben a rblem gie yu a ertain intt一致性, and that isone ofthe ins heyoug rebusilyngage i seeing I fid yog pople exciing. Thhave anair freem, ndtheynot a dary 沉闷的 comitment o mean ambitios or loveofomfrt 安慰. Tey arnot anius socil liers, ndthy have nodvton mteritings.All thi sems t me t

19、oink thm wth le,ad the origsof thins. It astewer, nsesense, osmic宇宙的eing in volet ad loely onra th us suburba 郊外的 reatues All tht is m min when met a young pro He may beconeited 逞能的, il-nnered, premptuo 专横的 or faou 愚昧的, ut I o not turn frptectin dreay clichs 陈词滥调 aoutrspect feles - s if mre age wer

20、a rasn or repc I aeptat e are equals, adI will rgue i hi, as an el, fI thinke swong.Lesson 7 The sportngspirt I am alwys amazed wn Ier eopl aing tatsprt reaes gooill (善意) twe the nations, ndht if oly the commopeoples of tewuld could metne aother t ftbal or crik (板球),thy wouldhve noinclinao (倾向)o et

21、n the tlefied战场. Evnf onedidnt kow frm ocret 具体的 xample (t 196Olyic Games, forinstance) thatiteratina sporting cotests leado orgies 放荡 atre, coulddedce 推论 ro gal principles. e all the sortpracs owadasarompetitv Yu plyt win, ad the game haslil meanng nessyo do youutms to wn. On the villag gree, whre

22、you pick u sidesand n fen of loa ptriotsm 爱国精神 is invl, it is possb to py simyr tefn an execise: bu assoo a a hequestio of restie 声望aies, as so as you feel that youn some larger ut il b digae 耻辱f youle, e mos sava 野蛮的cmbative instincts are rued (唤起)Anynwho as paydev ina school fotllmat knws s At t i

23、nternaional evel,sport is frankly (坦白的)mimic 模仿的rare(战争). Bt tinfantthng is ot he aviour ft lays he tiudeo t spctatos 观众: nd, bhind thesectat, o the ations wo okthemselves nt furie vr thes absur荒谬的 cntest (竞赛), nd seriousbelev - tany rate fr short priod - that runnng, jumpgandkickg a bl aretstsofnat

24、ional vrtue (美德).Leon 9 BatsNt al sond ady animals eve sangua, ade hve onlytoun o hatextraordnary discove of echo-locatn inbas tsee se nwhich the voie plays tricly utlitaiane oget ful ppreiton of ha hi meas eust fs toe recet hmaninvenions Everone knowstht f he sts ine viiiy f awall o mountainide, neho will cme back Therthe off hissldobtution, the lge ti wll las ort eturn f heecho. A sonadebytappig o tehullof a pwill b reflected from t se ottom, an by msring the tieinerval betwenh taps and the rceitof he ecoes,t deth te eatthat oinan calclatd. So wasbrn te eho-soundi appru, w

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