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1、旅游翻译译例及翻译技巧句子处理旅游翻译1)武陵源集“山俊、峰奇、水秀、峡幽、洞美”于一体,5, 000座岩峰千姿百态,耸立在沟壑深幽于石林峡谷之间。Wulingyuan is famous for its high mountains,queer crags, clear waters, deep valleys, and fine caves Towering from the valleys are 5,000 crags with 800 streams winding forward through the gullies2)当你步入沟中,便可见林中碧 海澹荡生辉,瀑布舒洒碧玉。一 到

2、金秋,满山枫叶绛红。盛夏, 湖山幽翠。仲春,树绿花艳 , 四时都呈现出它的天然原始,宁 静幽深。神话世界九寨沟,中国翻译 “汉译英练习”Mystic lakes and sparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine The trees are in their greenest in spring when intensified by colourful flowers In summer, warm tints spread over the hills and lakelands As summer me

3、rges into autumn, the maple trees turn fieryred Splashing color through the thick forest hills.Tranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou throughout the year.3)这儿 的峡谷又是另一番景象: 谷中急水奔流,穿峡而过,两岸树木葱 茏,鲜花繁茂,芳草萋萋,活脱脱一幅 生机盎然的天然风景画。各种奇峰异岭, 令人感受各异,遐想万千。It is another gorge through which a rapid stream flows Tree

4、s, flowers and grass, a picture of natural vitality, thrive on both banks. The weird peaks arouse disparate thoughts4)巫峡两岸,群山相拥,云遮雾 绕,奇峰异岭隐没其间,宛如仙 境。景色最妙要数巫山十二峰, 而犹以神女峰独具神韵。巡游于 此恍若漫步于大自然的艺术画廊, 美不胜收。On the banks of the Wu Gorge are mistcovered fairyland-like mountains and grotesque peaks The most mar

5、velous seene here is the twelve mountains peaks and5 in particular, Goddess Mountain Peak. To cruise here is like wandering in a natural art gallery.5)西湖如镜面,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深, 风光绮丽。The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beaut y.6)河面各只彩船上无数五颜六色的 霓

6、虹灯、日光灯齐放光华,闪烁迷 离,和水中倒影连成一片。漂灯点 缀河面,似万点繁星坠落人间。These myriad-lighted boats become a riot of color which blend most subtly with colors from the rivers reflected surface.7)乐ill水光山色独特,地理环境优 越,素有“绿杨夹岸水平铺”之 称,举行龙舟竞渡得天独厚。(中国翻译乐ill龙舟会)Famous for its “tranquil river fringed with rich vegetation: Leshan in Sich

7、uan Province has the ideal setting for its Drag on Boat Festival.n湛蓝的汗水澄澈见底,微波荡漾 中可见水底鱼群无数,珊瑚虹彩生 辉,闪动着一片绚烂的色彩,生机 勃勃,气象万千。大海也随着潮汐 变幻着色彩,时而翠绿,时而碧蓝, 展现出一个迷人的绮丽世界。Crystal clear waters rippled with myriad fish and iridescent corals A kaleidoscope of living colour. An enchanting world where the ocean turn

8、ed from emerald to aquamarine with the changing tides.9)峡内重峦叠嶂,连绵不尽,奇峰异 岭,高插入云,云雾弥漫,迷幻莫测。On both sides of the gorges there are range upon range of rolling mountains Everywhere you can see cliffs of unique shapes and peaks of fantastic aspects towering into the clouds. The mist and the low-lying clou

9、ds add an aura of mystery to the raw natural beauty.10)在那里,古树摇曳春秋,山花自 谢自开,植被茸茸生烟,海子和瀑布随 着季节的推移而变幻多姿。Aged trees wave the seasons by,amid carpets of wild flowers and thick green vegetation Sparkling lakes and waterfalls vary with every seaso n.11) 她(黄河)奔腾不息,勇往直前, 忽而惊涛裂岸,势不可挡,使群山动容; 忽而安如处子,风平浪静,波光澈淞, 气

10、象万千。It tears and boils along turbulently through the mountains and, at some place, flows on quietly with a sedate appearanee and glistening ripples12) 满树金花,芳香四溢的金桂;花白 如雪,香气扑鼻的银桂;红里透黄,花 多味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银,季季有花 的四季桂,竞相开放,争妍媲美。进入 桂林公园,阵阵桂花香扑鼻而来。The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmant

11、hus Flowers form these trees in different colours pervade the whole garden with their fragrance春雨降临,漫坡的野花遍布座 座山腰;低洼处小黄花成千上万竞 相开放;更有蓝色的滕纳霓花,把 草地也随之抹染得一升湛蓝。Spring rains come with a mass of wild flowers covering the slops of every hills, thousands of small yellow flowers in the lowlands compete in bloo

12、m, and other blue flowers, later turned the grasslands into blue.Spring rains bring an abundance of wild flowers on the hillsides. In the lowlands small yellow flowers spring up in their thousands and the blue flowers, later colour the grasslands blue.岛上绿树葱茏,果林成荫,一 丛接一丛的橄榄树、柠檬树、和松 树覆盖全岛,环境凉爽宜人。一到 春天

13、,这遍岛花果成片开放,香气 袭人。The island, covered by groves of olive, lemon and pine trees, is overgrown with a green and shady forest filled with cool air. When in spring,all flowers and fruits in the forest are blooming in mass with a striking fragrance over the island.Covered by groves of olive, lemon and pine trees, the island is cool, green and shady, and, in the spring is a fragrant mass of blossoms.

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