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人教版七年级下册英语教案Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from.docx

1、人教版七年级下册英语教案Unit 1 Where is your pen pal fromUnit 1 Where is your pen pal from.The First Period (Section A 1a1c )学习目标: 1、掌握本节课的单词和短语 2、能根据听力材料完成听力任务 3、能应用所学知识进口语交际4、学会谈论人们的国籍、居住城市及所说语言。情感目标:了解世界,了解不同地区的人文风俗,学会理解和尊重异国文化。教学重难点:1. 国家及城市名称。2. come from的用法学法指导:自主学习 交流合作 听力训练 对话操练学习过程:一、复习 口语操练 二、预习检测 : 1

2、、试读以下单词和对话be from 来自 pen pal 笔友= pen friend Canada 加拿大 Canadian 加拿大人 France 法国 French 法国人;法语 Japan 日本 Japanese日本人;日语 Australia 澳大利亚 Australian 澳大利亚人 Singapore 新加坡 Singaporean新加坡人 the United States 美国 the United Kingdom 英国 China 中国 Chinese中国人A: Where is your pen pal from?B: Hes from Australia.2、. 根据答

3、语写问句。1) Q:_?A: Shes from China.2) Q:_?A:My pen pals name is Jodie.三、自主学习 任务一 自学本节课单词并小组记忆单词词汇识别:你认识下面的图片吗?请写出他们的国家的英文名称。 _ _ _ _ 任务二 完成1a 完成P1/Section A, 1c的采访活动。任务三 听录音完成1b听力任务四、合作探究be from是一个固定短语,意为“从来”。 = come fromWhere +be +主语+from ?此句型用于询问“某人来自哪里?” “某人是哪里人?”回答时,from后常跟表示国家或城市的名词。Eg. Where are y

4、ou from? Im from France. Where do you come from? I come from France. Where is she from? Shes from Canada. Where does she come from? She comes from. Canada. 归纳:从上面的例句,从中我们发现:五、课堂检测:1)用正确的单词填空(1).-Where _ your pen pal _? -Hes _ Canada.(2).-Where _she _? -She lives _ Shanghai.(3). I_ a pen pal in China

5、.2)句型转换:1. Where is the boy from?(改为同义句)Where _ the boy _ _?2. She does her homework at home ?( 对划线部分提问)_ _she _her homework?3. I live in Beijing. ( 对划线部分提问)_ _you live?六、总结与反思1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 。2、我的易错点: 。3、我需要提高的是 。The Second Period Section A 2a2d学习目标: 1. 掌握下列单词:

6、Country Sydney New York Paris Toronto Tokyo live2. 掌握句型: -Where is your pen pal from, John? -Where does he live?教学重难点:A: Where does he live? :He lives in .学法指导:自主学习 交流合作 听力训练 对话操练学习过程:一、旧知回顾任务一:请大家回顾我们学过的国家名词:Australia, Japan, Canada, France French, the United States, Singapore, China , the United K

7、ingdom, 二、预习检测Task1: 请大家说一说我们今天要学习的词。检查课前预习本节课生词Country Sydney New York Paris Toronto Tokyo liveTask2:完成教材第二页2a.Task3:听磁带,完成2b,2c,小组自我检查听力答案。三、自主学习:Task1: 小组对话练习。A: Where is Johns pen pal from? B: Hes from Japan .A: Where does he live?:He lives in Tokyo.Task2:小组练习展示。四、合作探究:Task 1.请大家进行小组讨论,总结出你们都不懂的

8、地方, 并提出。Task2 疑难点总结:Where from? Wherelive?五、课堂巩固练习(一). 翻译下列句子: 1. 你的笔友来自哪里? ? 2. 她来自日本。 3. Jim的爷爷住在哪里? 4. 他住在纽约。 5. 他们来自哪里? ? 6. 他们来自加拿大。 .(二).单项选择 ( )1.Where_your pen pal_? Hes from England.A. arefrom B. isfrom C. doesfrom D. isin( )2. _does she live? She lives _ Sydney.A. What/in B. Where/in C. Wh

9、at place/in D. Where/from( )3. These students _ from _.A. is/English B. are/Japanese C. are/France D. is/French( )4. Where does he _ from?A comes B. come C. coming D. /(三)抄写并背诵本课时的单词和句子。(Grammar Focus)六、总结与反思1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 。2、我的易错点: 。3、我需要提高的是 。The Third Period

10、 Section A 3a4学习目标: 1.掌握下列单词: language2. 能力目标:(1)掌握谈论国家,国籍和语言。(2)学会询问并告诉人们住哪里和讲哪种语言。3知识目标:重点词汇: language, Japanese重点句型:1). She is from Australia.2). What language does she speak? She speaks English.学习重点:Where is? She is from Australia.What language does she speak? She speaks English.学习过程:一、完成预习练习1.填

11、好下列表格:CountriesLanguagesCitiesChinaBeijingSydneyFrenchTokyoNew YorkCanadaEngland2完成3a3完成下列对话。A: Where is your _ _(笔友)from? B: Hes from_(加拿大).A: Really? My pen pals from_(澳大利亚). How about you, Lily? Where is your pen pal from?二、新知呈现:T: Hi, , Are you Chinese ? S: Yes, I am. T: So you are from China. S

12、: Yes, I am. T: Can you speak Chinese? S: Yes, I can.T: Do you have a pen pal? S: Yes, I do.T: Where is from? S: is from Australia.T: What language does she speak? S: She/He speaks English.三、自主学习:Task1:完成3bTask2:小组练习新句型:A: Do you have a pen pal? B: Yes, I do. A: Where is from? B: is from Australia.(

13、Singapore , China, England)A: What language does she speak? B: She/He speaks .Task3:Quiz Name that place.A: Where is Sydney? B: Its in Australia.四、合作探究:Task 1.请大家进行小组讨论,总结出你们都不懂的地方, 并提出。Task2 疑难点总结: (sb) be from + 地点”意思是:“(某人)来自某地”,它相当于“ (sb) comes from + 地点”, 句型中的be或come随句子的主语单复数而变化,如:She is from A

14、ustralia. ( = She comes from Australia.) 她来自澳大利亚。What language does she speak? She speaks English. What language do you speak? We speak Chinese. speak是个动词,意思是“讲”,其后常接语言或语种。Sb. speaks +语言(Chinese ,English, Japanese ,French)五、课堂巩固练习1.翻译句子1东京在哪里? 在日本。 2格林先生讲汉语吗? 3你的笔友讲什么语言? 他讲法语。 4我的老师会讲英语和日语。 5悉尼是在美国吗

15、? 不,它在澳大利亚。 六、总结与反思1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 。2、我的易错点: 。3、我需要提高的是 。The Fourth Period Section B 1-2c教学目标:1.掌握下列单词: Japanese, world, French2. 掌握下列句型: 1). Does she have brothers or sisters?2). Where is she from?3). Where does she live?4). Does she speak English?教学重点:1.初步认识or

16、 连接的选择疑问句。2.学会通过听力获取人们询问来自哪里,居住情况,讲哪种语言等。教学过程一、旧知回顾Task1:小组展示预习作业1. 试读下列单词:Japanese, world, French2. 看图,书上第4页完成第一部分。Task2:小组展示预习朗读下列句子:A : Is that your new pen pal, Lucy ? B: Yes, it is. A: Whats her name? B: Her name is Maria.A: Where is she from? B: Shes from Canada.A: Where does she live? B: She

17、lives in Toronto.A: Does she have any brothers or sisters? B: Yes, she does. She has two brothers and two sisters.A: Does she speak English? B: Yes , she speaks English and Spanish.二、新知呈现:Task1: 引入新句型:T: xxx, do you have any brothers? S: Yes, I do. (No, I dont). T: Do you have a pen pal? S: Yes, I d

18、o. T: Does she /he have any brothers or sisters? S: Yes, she/he doesTask2:模仿one by one 对话练习Task1。三、自主学习:Task1:小组对话练习。Task2:小组练习展示。Task3:小组检查Section B, 1的完成情况。Task4:听磁带,完成2a, 2b。Task5:小组自评听力后的答案。Task6:完成2c的问答结对活动。四、合作探究:Task 1.请大家进行小组讨论,总结出你们都不懂的地方, 并提出。Task2 疑难点总结五、课堂巩固练习一、汉译英1. Tom来自哪里?他来自美国。 .2. 你

19、的笔友住在哪里?她住在多伦多。 3. Bob 有兄弟姐妹吗? 4.他最喜爱的运动是什么? _ 5.那位是你的新笔友吗? 他讲日语吗? 二、句型转换1.Her cousin lives in Japanese对划线部分提问)_ _her cousin live?2.My brother can speak Chinese and English .(对划线部分提问)_ _ can your brother speak?3.Tony is from Australia.(对划线部分提问)_is Tony _?4.Is he from Japan? (改为同义句)_he _from Japan?六、

20、总结与反思1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 。2、我的易错点: 。3、我需要提高的是 。The Fifth period (Section B, 3aSelf Check)教学目标: 1.掌握下列单词和短语:like, dislike, a little, write to sb. tell sb. about sth likes and dislikes2.掌握下列句型: 1). I live in Toronto, Canada. 2). I can speak English and a little French

21、. 3). I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. 4). Can you write to me soon? 5). Please write and tell me about yourself.教学重难点:1. a little 和 little 的用法like和dislike做动词的用法2.学会如何征笔友。3.熟悉掌握写信或发电子邮件的格式。教学过程:一、旧知回顾Task1:小组展示预习作业1Task2:小组展示预习作业2二、新知呈现:Task1:听短文3a,完成下列听力题。( )1.Bob is f

22、rom the United Kingdom .( )2.Bob wants a pen pal in Japan.( )3.Bob has a brother and a sister.( )4.Bob can speak English and a little Chinese.( )5.Bob likes going to the movies and playing sports.Task2:小组展示听力练习结果。三、自主学习:Task1:听3a的磁带,注意句子的连读.Task2:小组朗读并回答3a问题.Task3:小组讨论完成3b短文空格.Task4:小组展示3b讨论的成果.四、合作

23、探究:Task 1.请大家进行小组讨论,总结出你们都不懂的地方, 并提出。Task2. 疑难点总结1. little (表示否定意义) 几乎没有,少。I have little ice cream. 我几乎没有冰激凌。a little (表示肯定意义) 有些,一点儿。She has a little ice cream.她有些冰激凌。注little 和a little都 只能修饰不可数名词。2. like有两种接动词的结构:1)like doing sth.表示习惯性、一般经常动作;2)like to do 表示具体动作。都译为“喜欢做某事”例: I like visting friends

24、on Sundays and I like to visit Tom this Sunday.3.dislike意为“讨厌,不喜欢。”其后接-ing形式。Maria dislikes eating vegetables.五、课堂巩固练习(一)翻译句子1. 你的笔友来自哪里?_ _ your pen pal _ _?2. Mary 和Tony来自美国。Mary and Tony _ _ _.3.他讲日语,也讲一点英语。He _ _and _ _ _.4.她住在法国,巴黎。She _ _ _, France.5你的笔友讲什么语言?_ _ _ your pen pal_?(二)完型填空。 Dadao

25、 is a 1 boy .He is 2 Tokyo. He 3 speak Chinese. But he wants study 4 . So he comes to 5 . Every morning, he 6 in a middle school and teaches Chinese students 7 . Every evening, he goes to Chinese classes . He works very hard. Now he can speak 8 Chinese. 9 teacher likes him 10 . 1. A. Canada B. Ameri

26、can C. Japanese D. Australian 2. A. from B. on C. at D. to 3. A. must B. cant C. can D. isnt 4. A. this B. them C. they D. it 5. A. Canada B. London C. China D. Japan 6. A. work B. helps C. studies D. runs 7. A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Japanese 8. A. a little B. a lot C. many D. a lots 9. A. Him B. His C. He D. Her 10. A. very B. at all C. so D. very much六、总结与反思1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 。2、我的易错点: 。3、我需要提高的是 。

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