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sample essays of IELTS.docx

1、sample essays of IELTS SAMPLE ESSAYS4 paragraph model:1. International sport eventsMany people want their country to host an international sporting event. Others believe that international sporting events bring more problems than benefits. Discuss both views and state your opinion.There is frequentl

2、y great competition to host international sporting events. Not everyone, however, believes that the price involved in hosting such events is worthwhile. For me, this is an understandable point of view and perhaps not every country should try and stage international sporting events.The major argument

3、 against hosting international sporting events is financial. Typically, it can cost several million pounds to build the arenas and modernise the infrastructure so that it can cater for the athletes and the spectators. This money, it is argued, would be better spent on welfare and education programme

4、s that provide direct support for the population. Indeed, some governments have incurred so much debt through hosting the Olympic Games that they have had to reduce spending on other social programmes.While there is some merit in that argument, hosting sporting events does also bring significant ben

5、efits. First among these is the honour and prestige it brings to the host country because that country will be the centre of the sporting world for the duration of the event. For many people this is beyond any price. More than that, if the authorities plan carefully, they can use the occasion of the

6、 sporting event to help finance public works that benefit the whole population in the long term. For example, the village for the athletes can be transformed into public housing and the various stadia can be used to build a sporting legacy for future generations.My own view is that it is an honour f

7、or a country to host a major sporting event. However, if a government wishes to bid for an international event to be staged in its country, it should ensure it has sufficient funds to maintain spending on other projects.2. Exams and continuous assessmentSome people believe that exams are an inapprop

8、riate way of measuring students performance and should be replaced by continuous assessment. Do you agree or disagree with this view?There is some dispute whether the best method of assessing students is to use examinations or some form of continuous assessment. This is a complex issue and my belief

9、 is that there is probably no one method that applies to all educational systems.There are three major arguments in favour of retaining exams. One is that they provide a clear and objective measure of what students have learned, whereas any form of continuous assessment is probably going to be far m

10、ore subjective. An additional point is that testing tends to be an excellent way of motivating learners to study harder and to reward the students who do best. Likewise, examinations test the ability of students to work under pressure, and this is a vital life skill for their later careers.On the ot

11、her hand, there are still occasions when it can be better to relieve the students of exam pressure and to measure their abilities through continuous assessment. This is particularly the case in lower age groups where young children can be affected negatively by stress and under-perform in exams. It

12、can also be argued that continuous assessment is a more effective way of testing some subjects such as design and technology, which are more creative and less academic. A further point is that often continuous assessment can allow teachers to reward students who work hard, but who may be less able a

13、nd not do well in more formal testing.In conclusion, while continuous assessment may be fairer in some contexts, there are still times when traditional exams may be more appropriate. A possible compromise would be to use both forms of testing together, allowing teachers to reward both ability and ha

14、rd work.3. Computer technology and the futureWe are becoming increasingly dependent on computer technology. It is used in business, crime detection and even to fly planes. What will it be used for in future? Is this dependence on technology a good thing or should we be suspicious of its benefits?As

15、we move into the twenty-first century, it is clear to see that we have become more and more dependent on computers and information technology. This technology now reaches into almost every area of our lives and it is easy to predict that this phenomenon is only going to grow. My personal belief is t

16、hat this presents a variety of dangers.It is highly likely that in the future there will be comparatively few aspects of our lives that will not be influenced by computer technology. The probability is that it will control more and more forms of communication, transforming fields such as education a

17、nd business when video-conferencing platforms become more stable. It might even affect romance with more people forming relationships online.While there may be benefits to this technological revolution, there are also a number of potential dangers. Perhaps the most serious of these would be that if

18、people rely on computers too much for communication, they could in fact begin to communicate less well. For example, if every member of a family had their own computer screen and smart phone, they might speak less and less often to one another and simply look at a screen. This would be serious becau

19、se our ability to communicate is an essential part of our humanity.My conclusion is that the growth of computer technology is inevitable, but that this may not be entirely positive. Just one area in which it is possible to foresee dangers is communication, and if we are going to ensure that computer

20、s do not become a negative influence, we need to think carefully how we use them.4. Cultural globalisationDifferences between countries become less evident each year. Nowadays, all over the world people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and TV channels. Do the advantages ou

21、tweigh the disadvantages of this?It is undoubtedly the case that the world today has become a global village. One of the effects of this is that increasingly people in all corners of the world are exposed to similar services and products and adopt similar habits. My view is that this is largely a be

22、neficial process and in this essay I will explain why.The first point to make is that there are some downsides to this process of cultural globalisation, but these are relatively minor. The most significant of these disadvantages is that it can weaken national culture and traditions. For example, if

23、 people watch films and television programmes produced in the United States, sometimes they adopt aspects of the lifestyle of the American characters they see on television. Typically, however, this only affects minor details such as clothing and does not seriously threaten national identity.When we

24、 turn to the other side of the argument, there are two major points to make in favour of this process. The first of these is that the more we share habits, products and services, the better we understand each other and this reduces prejudice against other nations. The other point relates to modernit

25、y. It is a sign of progress in a society that people no longer are restricted to brands and advertisements from their own society but are able to access more international goods. If, for example, there were unable to drink Coca Cola or wear Nike, then that would mean their society was not part of th

26、e international community.In conclusion, I understand the point of view of people who worry about cultural globalisation because it is a threat to national traditions. However, this is outweighed by its positive impact on international understanding and the fact that it represents progress within a

27、society.5. Factory farmsIn recent years, farming practice has changed to include methods such as factory farming and the use of technology to improve crops. Some people believe these developments are necessary, while others regard them as dangerous and advocate a return to more traditional farming m

28、ethods. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.There is some controversy about how farming has been revolutionised in the past decades. While it is possible to claim that the net effect of these changes has been for the benefit of mankind, my view is that the disadvantages outweigh th

29、e advantages. In this essay, I shall explain my point of view by analysing both sides of the argument.There are several reasons why these innovations in agriculture can be said to positive. One is that the worlds population has exploded within the past century and that traditional methods of agricul

30、ture could not provide sufficient food for everyone. It can also be argued that we need more efficient methods of farming because many countries in Asia and Africa suffer regular famine and droughts and the people would starve if it was not for genetically modified crops that are drought resistant.

31、It should also not be forgotten that the quality of life of farmers has been improved by these advances which are less labour intensive.Those who argue for a return to smaller scale and more organic farming base their arguments on the impact of agriculture on health and the environment. Firstly, it

32、is claimed that a variety of diseases such as BSE, swine flu and bird flu were caused by conditions in factory farms and that organic food is much healthier. Then, there are concerns about the lack of research into how genetically modified crops might affect the ecosystem for the worse.While there a

33、re strong arguments on both sides of the case, my personal belief is that the long-term dangers of these developments mean that we should be extremely cautious. I suggest that there should be more investment in traditional farming methods to make them more efficient and that there should be stronger legislation to ensure that

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