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1、长难句每日1练1、They also serve who only stand and wait.结构分析:关键是对who引导的从句进行性质定位,多数同学第一反应是把who引导的从句视作成serve的宾语从句,这样理解一方面句意略有瑕疵,另一方面who引导宾语从句时多是疑问词义“谁”,表示疑问,例如:I wonder who stole my wallet.我不知道谁偷了我的钱包。因此,可以转而想到分隔结构,定语和所修饰的名词有三种关系“前定”、“后定”和“分定”,前两种情况大家比较熟悉,“分定”比较陌生,例如:He laughs best (who laughts last).(笑到最后的)

2、人笑得最好。此句本应写成:He (who laughs last) laughs best.,但出于避免头重脚轻,句式结构平衡的需要,将定语从句后置,和前面的名词发生了分隔。本句话就属于“分定”的情形,who引导定语从句修饰主语they。参考译文:那些站在一旁等候的人们也在帮忙。2、They should have known better than to ask about this.a此句话中包含有一个比较结构句型:know better than to do.意思是“(某人)明事理不会做某事”或者“不至于愚蠢到做某事”。b注意时态的使用should have done,“本应该做某事(但

3、没做)”,表示责备。参考译文:我本该知道,不应多此一问。3、Why people are prepared to tolerate a four-hour journey each day for the dubious privilege of living in the country is beyond me.词汇注解:be prepared to do愿意做某事;准备做某事tolerate vt. 容忍dubious adj. 可疑的privilege n. 特权,好处the country 乡下,农村beyond sb. 超出某人的能力范围为了得到生活在乡下的那些难以确定的好处,人们

4、愿意每天忍受四小时的旅途,这让我难以理解!Why people are prepared to tolerate a four-hour journey each day for the dubious privilege of living in the country is beyond me.本句话是主系表结构,括弧里面是why引导的名词性从句,作主语(即主语从句),系动词是is,表语是beyond me.此句话也可以调整为:It is beyond me why.此句话翻译的难点是括弧里面的从句,要记得课堂上所讲的状语前置这一原则,先翻译for.这一目的状语更恰当一些。4、A cult

5、ure in which citizens share similar religious beliefs and values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of the people than is a culture where people come from diverse backgrounds.结构分析:本句的主干是A culture .is more likely to have laws . than is a culture .,括弧表达是定语从句。定语从句可以翻译为“.的”参考译文1公民们拥有相

6、似宗教信仰和价值观的文化比公民们来自不同背景的文化更有可能产生代表民意的法律。参考译文2有的文化中,公民们拥有着相似的宗教信仰和价值观,还有的文化中,公民们来自不同的背景,前一种文化比后一种文化更可能产生代表民意的法律。5、With me, nothing illustrates the contrariness of things better than the matter of sleep.这个句子的要点是nothing . better than.,即否定词+比较级=最高级内容。with me 做范围状语,表示“对于我而言”,再比如:with some children, a smal

7、l sum of money can go a long way.(新概念3,15课)对于一些孩子而言,一小笔钱可以花上很久的时间。things 事物;情况contrary 相反的;contrariness 相反,矛盾(性)illustrate vt. 阐明,阐述译文:对我而言,任何东西都不及睡觉能说明事物的矛盾性。6、The law cannot legislate filial responsibility any more than it can legislatelove.legislate v.立法filial a.子女的,孝顺的此句的要点是“not.any more than.”这

8、一比较结构的表达,意思是“不能.如同.不能.”。(比较结构的相关知识可以参阅考研英语长难句分类突破与句法速成)参考译文:如同法律不能对爱情立法一样,它也不能对孝道立法。7、For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the 80s,downing-shifting in the mid 90s is not so much a search for the mythical good life as a personal recognition of your limitations.词汇注解:u

9、rge vt 督促,催促juggle vi 奔波,忙碌down-shifting n. 减档(速度,车速),减缓生活节奏mythical a.神秘的recognition n.承认;认出limitation n.限制参考译文:我们这一代女性在整个八十年代都被迫忙碌地生活,对于我们而言,九十年代中期的减挡(生活方式)与其说是对神话般美好生活的追求,不如说是对自身局限的承认。结构分析:For the women (of my generation) (who were urged to keep juggling through the 80s),downing-shifting (in the

10、mid 90s) is not so much a search (for the mythical good life) as a personal recognition (of your limitations).此句话的主干是:For the women ., not so much a a personal recognition.,其它的括弧表达都是后置定语,修饰前面的相关名词。本句的关键是对“not so much. as .”的理解,它的意思是“与其说.不如说.”。8. As long as Michael could

11、 remember he had always dreamed of flying.参考译文:从迈克尔记事起,他就总是梦想飞翔。结构解析:这句话理解的关键点是as long as,很多同学看到此短语的第一反应是“只要”,例如: I can lend you the money as long as/so long as you promise to return it next week. 只要你答应下周还,我就可以借钱给你。 但是,还可以表示“.一段时间”,例如: Ill stay in New York as long as5 weeks.(试比较) Ill stay

12、 in New York very long.我要在纽约待上很久。 As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.本句中,划线的表达是时间状语,如果置于句尾,结构可以看得更加清楚He had always dreamed of flying as long as Michael could remember .9、I do not admire computer manufacturers much more than I admire the energy industries.参考译文:我对电脑制造商的钦

13、佩并不比我对能源产业的钦佩多多少。结构分析:该句难点是not.more than.结构,即“.不比.多”,将句子分为两部分,第一部分的主语是I,谓语是do not admire,宾语是computer manufacturers;第二部分主语是I,谓语是admire,宾语是the energy industries。注意:翻译时应将否定词not由第一部分转移至第二部分。知识链接:admire 仰慕;manufacturer 制造商,energy industry 能源产业10、There is,of course,no single pattern of American character

14、any more than there is a single English or Turkish or Chinese参考译文:如同不存在单一的英国人、土耳其人和中国人的性格一样,当然也不存在单一的美国人的性格。结构分析:句子理解的难点在于no . any more than.结构,意思是“和.一样没有.”“如同没有.一样,也没有.”。知识链接:single单一的;pattern类型,模式;character性格;Turkish土耳其人的,土耳其的注意:此句和第6句(not .any more than)一样,但和第9句(not .much more than)不同。具体深入的讲解会在系统

15、班进行,也可参考我那本长难句分类突破。现在记下即可。11、Provided a man does not have to work so hard as to impair his vigor, he is likely to have more zest in his free time than an idle man could possibly find.Provided a man does not have to work so hard as to impair his vigor, /he is likely to have more zest in his free time

16、 than an idle man could possibly find.参考译文:假定一个人不必过分劳累,以至损伤元气,那么他在休闲时一定比无所事事的人更加富有活力。结构分析:本句是主从复合句,第一段是Provided引导的条件状语从句(相当于If从句),第二段是主句。第一段注意 to.如此.以至于.;第二段注意more.than.比较结构的逻辑。知识链接:provided conj. 倘若,假如;impair vt. 损害;vigor n. 精力,活力; be likely to do有可能;zest n. 活力;idle adj. 懒散的,无所事事的12、Translatio

17、ns of Greek and Roman classics were poured onto the printed page, and with them thousands of Latin words like capsule and habitual, and Greek words like catastrophe and thermometer.参考译文:希腊罗马经典著作的译文纷纷印成书册,随之,成千上万的拉丁词,如capsule(密封小容器;航天舱)和habitual(习惯的),希腊词,如catastrophe(大灾难)和thermometer(温度计)等也随之涌入。结构分析:

18、Translations (of Greek and Roman classics) were poured onto the printed page, /and with them thousands of Latin words (like capsule and habitual), and Greek words (like catastrophe and thermometer).本句话是并列句,由两段分句组成。第一段分句的主干是划线部分,括弧表达是介词短语(of.)做Translations的后置定语。难点在第二段,也是大家学习的重点。介词短语with them 是伴随状语,两个

19、括弧表达都是介词短语(like.)做后置定语,主干是划线表达thousands of Latin words .and Greek words.。鉴于and双方是并列关系,可以推出and后面的thousands of Latin words .and Greek words.和前面的Translations是并列关系,由于Translations作第一段分句的主语,所以可推出thousands of Latin words .and Greek words 在第二段分句中也是主语成分,谓语之所以没有,是因为出于避免重复的考虑,省略掉了,也就是和前面的谓语是相同的(were poured ont

20、o the printed page)。提炼:并列结构的第二段分句经常出现省略的情形,以避免和第一段的表达发生重复。再比如:His office is on the first floor, and mine (is) on the second.进一步的知识大家可参阅考研英语长难句分类突破与句法速成P35。13、Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.13、Reading makes a full man, /conference a ready man, /and writing

21、an exact man.参考译文:读书使人充实,交谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。知识链接:full a. 充实的;conference n. 交谈;ready a. 敏捷的,即刻的;exact a. 精确的此句主要是为了复习“并列结构的省略”(参见12句的原理解释)这一语法现象,本句中,后两段的谓语动词makes,出于避免重复的目的,都被省略掉了。14、Carlyle was entirely ignorant of what the bottle in his pocket contained, of the nature of the illness from which his frien

22、d was suffering, and of what had previously been wrong with his wife.14、Carlyle was entirely ignorant of what the bottle (in his pocket) contained, of the nature (of the illness) (from which his friend was suffering), and of what had previously been wrong with his wife.参考译文:Carlyle全然不知道他口袋里的瓶子(药瓶)装的

23、是什么,也不清楚他朋友患的是什么性质的病,亦不了解他妻子以前有什么不舒服。结构分析:本句话的主体结构是Carlyle was entirely ignorant of ., of., and of.知识链接:entirely=adv 完全地,彻底地be ignorant of=不知pocket n. 衣兜contain vt. 容纳nature=性质、本质;(大写)自然、自然界suffer from=患病,遭受.之苦previously=事先,以前whats wrong with sb./sth. 某人有什么不适/某物有什么问题15、It has expanded without any id

24、ea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines, and without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants by the artificial mode of existence imposed by the factory.结构分析:句子的主干结构是It has expanded, without any idea of the true nature, /and

25、without giving any consideration to the effects “它的发展丝毫没有考虑到.的真正本质,也根本没有考虑到.的影响”。本句理解的关键是两个介词短语的并列,它们共同作谓语动词expanded的伴随状语。把主干理清楚之后,再处理相关细节,就能做到大方向不出现偏差,导致大量失分。提炼:本句和前几个句子一样主要是强调“并列结构”的学习。参考译文:它的发展丝毫没有考虑到(操作机器的)(人的)真正本质,也根本没有考虑到(工厂强加在人们身上的)(人为生存方式)(对个人及其后代)(所产生)的影响。知识链接:expand=扩大the human beings=人类co

26、nsideration=考虑;动机,原因;体贴,关心effects on.=对.的效果,影响individual n. 个人descendant=子孙,后裔artificial=人造的,人工的,人为的mode=方式,方法,做法existence=存在;生存impose=把强加于16、The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of dark, narrow streets full of petrol fumes, coal dust, and toxic gases, torn by the noise of the taxi-cab

27、s, lorries and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds.翻译自测:现代化的都市,畸形的大厦,充满汽油烟气、煤灰的狭窄街道,公车、卡车和出租车的噪音,构成了现代的都市monstrous a. 怪诞的;畸形的;奇大的edifice n. 大厦,宏伟的建筑物petrol n. 汽油fume n. 气味浓烈的烟、气、汽coal dust 煤尘toxic a. 有毒的tear v. 撕裂;破坏taxi-cab 出租车throng v. 拥挤ceaseless a. 不停的The modern city consists of mons

28、trous edifices and of dark, narrow streets (full of petrol fumes, coal dust, and toxic gases), (torn by the noise of the taxi-cabs, lorries and buses), and (thronged ceaselessly by great crowds).(考研英语长难句分类突破与句法速成P270N11) 结构解析:本句话学习的重点仍然是并列结构,注意两个and的用法。本句话主干是The modern city consists of .and of.;此外,需

29、关注streets的三个并列的后置定语:形容词短语full of.,过去分词短语torn by.,以及过去分词短语thronged by.。参考译文:构成现代城市的是一些畸形建筑群和阴暗而又狭窄的街道,街上充满汽油味、煤尘和有毒气体,充斥着出租汽车、大卡车和公共汽车的喧闹声,熙熙攘攘的人群川流不息。知识链接:monstrous a. 怪诞的;畸形的;奇大的edifice n. 大厦,宏伟的建筑物petrol n. 汽油fume n. 气味浓烈的烟、气、汽coal dust 煤尘toxic a. 有毒的tear v. 撕裂;破坏taxi-cab 出租车throng v. 拥挤ceaseless

30、a. 不停的17、A man who has received a kindness cannot be too grateful for it.17、A man who has received a kindness cannot be too grateful for it.(此句摘自考研英语长难句分类突破与句法速成P284 No.3)参考译文:得到别人恩惠的人无论怎样感谢都不为过。结构分析:cannot.too.意为It is impossible to overdo.,或the more.the better,即“无论怎样也不为过”;其中的can表可能性,too有over之意,可换用e

31、nough,或sufficient等;不用not而用其它否定词,如hardly,scarcely等也可;主语是A man,谓语是cannot be,表语是grateful for it,it代前面的kindness,who引导的是主语的定于从句。知识链接:kindness 恩惠,善意; be grateful for sth.为某事而感激。英语中的 “正话反说”,即“形式否定,意义肯定”。 几种“正话反说”的常用句式:1. not.without 必然They never meet without quarrelling. 他们每次见面必然吵架。One cannot think of Africa without thinking of Egypt

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