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1、绍兴县杨汛桥镇学年八年级英语独立作业试题人教新目标版2017学年第一学期八年级英语学科12月份独立作业试卷1.总分为100分,考试时间90分钟。2.本卷答案必须做在答题纸的对应位置上。3.温馨提示:请仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色的表现! 命题人:陶辞 审核人:房小飞听力部分(20分)一听力(本题15小题。第一、二节每小题1分。第三节每小题2分,共20分)第一节、听小对话,选择正确答案( )1.Where did Jeff go on vacation? A. Visited his uncle. B. Stayed at home. C. Went to a summer camp.

2、( )2.How often does Claire go to see a film? A. Every Saturday. B. Twice a week C. Once a month( )3.What is the girls favorite color? A. Red B. Yellow C. Green( )4.When are they going back from Australia? A. On January 30. B. On February 12. C. On February 28.( )5.What do you know about the boy? A.

3、He has junk food every day. B. He drinks milk once a week. C. He likes junk food.第二节、听长对话,回答问题听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。( ) 6. Which girl is Bellas friend?A. The girl in a blue hat. B. The girl in a white dress. C. The girl in a red hat.( ) 7. Is May the best student in her class?A. Yes, she is. B. No,

4、 she isnt. C. We dont know.听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。( ) 8. How often does Mr. Fat exercise?A. Sometimes. B. Very often. C. Hardly ever.( ) 9. How does he like vegetables and milk?A. He likes them very much. B. He likes them a little. C. He doesnt like them at all.( ) 10. Which one is right?A. He slee

5、ps 9 hours every night. B. He eats junk food three or four times a week.C. Mr. Fat has a healthy lifestyle.第三节:听下面一段独白,请根据提问他的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。( )11、Where is Kate working in America ? A .At a school B. At a summer camp C. At a childrens hospital( ) 12. How many days does Kate work in a week ? A. Fi

6、ve B. Six C .Seven ( )13. Why does Kate like to teach children swimming ? A. She is free on that day . B. She is as old as the children . C. It helps her practice English .( )14. When do they often ride the horses ? A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening( ) 15. How does Kate feel ab

7、out her work ? A Tired and happy B. Excited but worried C. Bored and dangerous笔试部分(80分)二、完形填空(共1题;共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选一个最佳选项。 When I was 18 years old, one morning, my father told me to drive him into a town, about 40 miles away. I had just learned to drive,so I 16 with pleasure.

8、When we came to the town, 17 was wrong with the car. Then I took the car to a nearby garage to have it repaired and promised to 18 at 4 p.m. Because I had a few hours to spend, I decided to go to the 19 . However I became so interested in the film that I 20 the time. When the film finished, it was 6

9、 oclock. I was afraid Dad would be 21 and never let me drive again, so I drove back 22 to meet Dad and made an excuse(借口) 23 my being late. Ill never forget his words Im disappointed that I feel you have to tell a 24 to me, Jack. Im angry, not with 25 but with myself. Im not a success as a father 26

10、 Ive a son who can not even tell the truth to his own father. Im going to walk home now and 27 seriously about where I was wrong all these years. Dad began 28 along the road. I begged(乞求) all the way, I 29 behind him for 40 miles, at a speed of 5 miles an hour. It was the most 30 lesson. I have neve

11、r told a lie to him ever since. ( )16. A. agreed B. disagreed C. said D. brought( )17. A .everything B. anything C. something D. nothing( )18. A. help Dad B. pick Dad up C. ask Dad D. take Dad( )19. A. concert B. bookstore C. shop D. theater( )20. A. forgot B. remembered C. spent D. wasted( )21. A.

12、excited B. angry C. happy D. bored( )22. A. slowly B. quietly C. carefully D. quickly( )23. A. at B. to C. for D. with( )24. A. story B. lesson C. message D. lie( )25. A. me B. it C. you D. him( )26. A. so B. because C. after D. though( )27. A. think B. know C. discuss D. act( )28. A. running B. dri

13、ving C. laughing D. walking( )29. A. drove B. ran C. traveled D. walked( )30. A. serious B. important C. terrible D. dangerous三、阅读理解(本小题有15题,A、B 篇每小题2分,C篇每小题1分,共25分) A A stylist (造型师) is someone who gives advice to people on what they should wear. And being a stylist is a dream job for Mary Jones. S

14、he likes this job very much. Most people likes to spend more money on their clothes and accessories especially for women. As a stylist, Mary helps women with their self-esteem (自尊的) and helps them to feel more confident (自信的) . When you look yourself in the mirror, you may feel bad and lose your con

15、fidence. So you dont want to go out any more. Maybe you dont even want to wear make-up because its just going to show up the lines on your face. Then you may want to know if a bit of surgery (外科手术) can make you feel better about yourself and enjoy your life more? So as a stylist, Mary Jones sometime

16、s recommends (推荐) surgery if it makes people feel better. She sometimes recommends surgery though I would be too scared to have someone cut my face open! How about you? Would you consider it necessary in order to look stylish (时髦的) ? They know so much about fashion and what not to wear. ( )31.A styl

17、ist can make a person _. A、behave more freelyB、more beautifulC、more confidentD、Both B and C( )32.Some women dont want to go out because _. A、they have little money with themB、they are not outgoingC、they feel bad and no-confident on looksD、they are really busy with work( )33.What does the underlined

18、word consider mean in Chinese? A、希望 B、考虑C、同意 D、争论( )34.Which of the following is true according to the passage? A、The writer thinks to be a stylist is very interesting and fullof fun.B、As a stylist, clothes are more important than accessories.C、If you want to make yourself look better, surgery is th

19、e only way you have to take.D、A stylist can make a person more beautiful by surgery.( ) 35.Whats the main idea of the passage? A、How to build confidence.B、A stylist.C、How to dress up.D、A surgery. BMany animals hide to stay alive. They hide in many ways. Some animals hide in leaves; some animals hide

20、 in snow. Usually their colors or shapes help protect them. Its hard to see an Arctic bear in snow. Its white fur helps protect it. Chameleons(变色龙) can hide by changing colors. Their skin turns the same color as what is around them. Some chameleons can change colors in five minutes. Many animals try

21、 to look bigger than they are to stay alive. Some animals can make other animals think they are very big. If they look very big, animals that are looking for food will run away. Bears can walk on two legs. They look very, very scary. Some animals will run away from them. Many animals try to stay aro

22、und other animals. This helps them stay alive. Zebras stay close together so that they can help each other look out of danger. Seeing many stripes at once can also confuse animals that want to eat them. Some birds stay in a circle, each toward a different direction. In this way they can also help ea

23、ch other stay alive by looking around for animals that many want to eat one of them. ( )36.Animals have ways to stay alive. How many of them are mentioned in the passage? A、One B、TwoC、Three D、Five( )37.Why do animals hide? A、Because they like to play hide-and-seek.B、Because they are shy.C、Because th

24、ey want to catch other.D、Because they want to protect themselves.( )38.How do Chameleons hide? A、They change colors.B、They change shapes.C、They hide in snow.D、They hide in leaves.( )39.How do zebras hide? A、Become good friends.B、Talk to each other.C、Help each other look out for danger.D、Eat and play

25、 together.( )40.Why do animals try to look bigger than they are ? A、They want other animals to run away from them.B、They want other animals to follow them.C、They want other animals to see them.D、They want other animals to like them.CTu Youyou, an 84-year-old scientist, became the first female (女性) C

26、hinese to win a Nobel Prize in science on Oct,5. She shared the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine because of the new medicine for malaria. Tu started the research in the 1970s that made her find artemisinin(青蒿素), a kind of medicine that has saved many peoples lives. It comes from Chinese traditional med

27、icine and now is a good way to treat malaria. When the news came that Tu was given the prize, there were cheers as well as questions. Some said that her achievement(成就) was the result of lots of Chinese scientists working together. So it is unfair to give the prize only to Tu. However, Tu was awarde

28、d for “three firsts”. She was the first to bring artemisinin to her team, the first to extract(提取) artemisinin that can stop malaria, and the first to finish the experiment. Giving prizes to scientists with great ideas is the best way to keep national innovation(创新). ( ) 41、What kind of prize did Tu

29、 Youyou win at the Nobel Prize ceremony? A. peace B. .physicsC. medicine D. literature(文学)( ) 42、What kind of illness can artemisinin be used to treat? A. cold B. fluC. malaria D. cancer( ) 43、Why did someone say it was unfair to give the prize only to Tu Youyou? A .because it was many scientists ha

30、rd work together.B .because Tu was a woman .C .because malaria was not a serious illnessD .because artemisinin comes from Chinese medicine.( )44.For what did Tu get the prize? A .for her kindnessB. for the great ideas C. for her old ageD. for her teamwork( )45.Which of the following is NOT RIGHT?A.

31、Tu is a woman scientist from China .B. Tu won a Nobel Prize in science because of the western medicine for malaria.C. Tu was awarded for “three firsts”.D. Some said it is unfair to give the prize only to Tu.四:词汇运用(本题有25小题,每小题1分,共25分。)A.用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空。 cheese break bad nothing careful46.I bought _ because everything was expensive . 47. - How much _ do we need ?- We need one spoon .48.Mother asks us to do our homework _. 49.My shoes are pretty bad, but yours are much _. 50.Im sorry to hear that he _ his leg yesterday. B.根据

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