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高考英语一轮复习 Unit9Unit10知识要点聚焦.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习 Unit9Unit10知识要点聚焦2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit9Unit10知识要点聚焦1至点词汇单词:content,access,advise,alternative,poverty,violence,stress equality, affect,responsibility, defend,unfair,worldwide,harmony,frightening,threat,uneasy,unpleasant,upset, terrify,spot,dirt,flee,urge,protection,severely,heart,steady,un

2、believable短语:take action,in harmony with,wipe out,put, an end to,at hand,knockabout,all of a sudden,go up,on end,at a distance,draw ones attention(to), calm(sb)down,1ive through,as though/as if 2.重点句型 be to do sth advise sb.(not) to do sth 3.交际用语 the morethe more What,s up? 单词短语考点精释 1live through活过(

3、某一时期);经历过 It was said that he had little chance to live through the night He was among the few who managed to live through the enemy prison camp. 2flee短语Flee for ones life 逃生Flee for refuge 避难Flee from reality 逃离现实Flee from responsibility 逃脱责任Flee in disorder 仓皇而逃 辨析run away/escape/flee run away逃跑,跑

4、掉 He was afraid and run away escape指“逃脱、逃离(眼前存在的灾难或危险等)”,强调动作 的结果,常与from搭配,表示“逃离某地”。 He escaped from the enemys prison He narrowly escaped being drowned.flee常用作书面语,指因惧怕而仓促逃走,或逃脱危险、追踪等,着重动作本身,其结果可能走脱,或未走脱,平可直接接宾语或接from宾语,表示“逃离某地”: They all fled(from)the burning n现场;斑点;地点 a shady under a t

5、ree树下的阴影 a spot on ones clothes(hat,face,hand)衣服(帽子、脸、手)上的污点 a spot on paper纸上的污迹 on the spot在现场 without a spot on ones reputation良好的声誉 4辨析affect/influence/effect/infect 以人作宾语时, affect表示感染、感动之意;influence指无形的、长期积累的影响力,能决定受影响人的心智: His speech affected the audience deeply He was influenced by his biolog

6、y teacher to take up the study of medicine 这两个词也可以用于对外来刺激或行为作出反应的事物,此时,affect用于有形的物质力量,而influence则用于无形的抽象力量: The drought affected the harvest.The whole country is being influenced by the governments latest decision 另外,affect也用于指不良的影响。例如: Thousands of people were affected by the flood effect主要作名词用,指效

7、果;作动词用时,常用作正式的书面语,指克服困难完成了某一行动: Only three war prisoners effected their escape. infect指“染上(细菌、疾病)”等、也指不良或好的影响,指某物或某人的身体、情绪、行为等不自觉地受到外界因素的影响常与with连用: The wound was infected with disease germs5access to进入的方法或道路;能接近;了解;使用 There is no access to the house from the main road. Students need easy access to

8、books Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case You can easily gain access to him. 辨析access/entrance access是正式用语,指从一处通向另一处的通道。用作比喻意义时,指接近某事物或某人的机会或方法: Students must have access to goody books He is a man of difficult access. entrance是普通用语,指建筑物的出人口处,也用于比喻意义: They came to the entranc

9、e to the railway station. He has passed the school entrance examination.6. wipe vt擦,擦干Wipe away 擦掉;Wipe off 把从擦掉,擦掉;Wipe over 擦一遍;Wipe out 擦干净;消灭;使精疲力竭 She wiped away the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand. She wiped the marks off the table. Make sure the table-top is wiped over before yo

10、u put the cloth on. We always wipe the bottles out before returning them to the milkman The heat had wiped us out. 7content n内容,里面的东西vt使满足adj满足的、高兴的The contents of a book 目录Content sb. With sth.Be content to do sth.Be content with sth. I always read the contents of a book first of all. John contente

11、d himself with one glass of wine. I am quite content to remain where I am now. Im perfectly content with my present salary.8.responsible adj. 负责任的;可靠的(for)responsibility n. 责任;职责;义务 The class should choose a responsible pupil to take care of its money. You are in my care now. Im responsible for you.

12、 I will take the responsibility of/for doing it. I did it on my own responsibility.辨析duty/responsibility duty指“道义上的责任”,比较强调自觉性,和作为一种义务的永恒性,是不可数名词: Every citizen has the duty of defending his country. responsibility 强调“职责,”含有在法律上对后果负责的意味,是不可数名词:He refused all responsibility forte mistake. 在指具体“职务、任务”

13、时,两词有时可以通用,这时它们是可数名词: Both officers and men have discharged their responsibilities(duties)9. take短语 take action采取行动take measures 采取措施 take steps 采取步骤 10:辨析 action/act Action 偏重于抽象的“行动,活动”;往往占用较长时间,包括不同的步骤和许多动作。act指时间较短的个人行动或行为,具有单一性和完满性。action往往指进行中的行为,act往往指完成了的行为。action可数与不可数均可,act多作可数名词。 His acti

14、ons do not agree with his words. Actions speak louder than words That was an act of kindness The young man did another foolish act11辨析defend/guard/protect defend是普通用语,用在军事上,指,防御;保卫”,用于非军事意义时,指“保护;辩护”。defend常见的搭配为:to defend sb/sth against/from.例如: Their duty is to defend the country against its enemy

15、. Every child must learn to defend himself from the aggression of other children. guard指“守卫;监视;戒备”,通常侧重指警惕性非常高地防 范或戒备潜在的危险。宾语后面可跟介词 against 或from;表示保护某人或某物免受某种威胁等,也可用作不及物动词,后面直接跟against,表示防范、防止某事的发生。例如: Several dogs guard the house against strangers All the prisoners are closely guarded protect侧重表示提

16、供各种保护手段或设施,以防遭受危险或伤害,或防御风雨八寒冬、烈日。疾病等的侵袭: At the same time we are taking measures to protect wildlife resources. 12. in harmony (with)与和谐相处;和 一致out of harmony with与 不和谐;和不一致 He lives in harmony with his neighbors. His tastes are in harmony with mine. The music is out of harmony with his tastes13. alt

17、ernative adj二者任择其一的n二者之间的选择,二者选一; 的替换物 We have two alternative courses, surrender or death You haves the alternative of riding or walking. I had no alternative but to accept the offer14. advise v.劝告;出主意;建议advise doingadvise sb.(not) to do sth. advise sbagainst sth/doing sth advise sb. that sb,(shoul

18、d) do sth. He advised waiting till the proper time. I advised him(hot)to do it now I advised him against doing it now I advised(him)that he(should)do it now. Who is the best man to advise me on the question The doctor advised a plete rest He was advised against wrong15. put an end/a stop to:结束,制止 Th

19、e teachers ing put an end to the fighting among the students. Be sure to put a stop to these things. end短语 bring to an end使 终止 e to an end完毕,结束 make an end of把 ,终止make(both)ends meet量入为出 draw to an end结束,完成keep ones 精神饱满地对待 gain/achieve ones end 达到目的 at the end of在末尾;结束by the end of 到末 in the end终于;

20、归根到底on end竖着;连接地 16. observe vt观察;注意到;评论;遵守;庆祝Observe n.Observe sb. Do sth.Observe sb. DoingObserve that 从句 He observed things carefully and never take anything for granted. I observed her go out. He observed a man trying to force the door. He observed that the house seemed to be too small. I have l

21、ittle to observe on what has been said. These rules must be strictly observed. Do you observe Christmas Day in Japan? 17. frighten vt.使惊恐,吓唬 Be frightened by 被吓坏(一跳)Be frightened at (一时)对感到惊恐Be frightened of (长时间)对感到害怕Frighten sb. Into/out of doing sth. 吓得某人做/不做某事Be frightened to do sth. 害怕做某事Be fri

22、ghtened with sth. 对害怕Frighten sb. To death 把某人吓坏 I was frightened by a large dog that day. Some people are frightened of thunder, other people are frightened of snakes. She was frightened into signing the agreement. She was very frightened to look down from the top floor of the building. She was fri

23、ghtened to death when she heard the news Frightening adj令人惊恐的;frightened adj,受到惊恐的 He spoke in a frightening manner. She threw us a quick frightened glance. 辨析frighten/scare/terrify frighten是普通用语,含义最广,往往指由某种原因突然产生的恐惧感,也可指某种心理负担: A shout frightened the boys away care指一般的惊吓、吓唬: Ignore him,hes just try

24、ing to scare us. Terrify 语气最强,常指使之处于恐惧之中或吓得六神无主,通常侧重指无法自控的心理状态: The boy was terrified out of his wits at the hissing snake. 18hand短语 At hand 在手边,在跟前 By hand手工做的;送来的On hand在手边,手头有(事做)、现有 in hand手头有,掌握住,进行中When he writes,he always keeps a dictionary at hand The post office is close at hand My shoes we

25、re made by hand. I have a great deal of important work on hand The work is in hand and will soon be pleted. The situation is well in hand.19. as if/though好像;似乎 as if /though是从属连词,引导方式状语从句或表语从句。在使用时应注意: as if/though引导的从句所表示的情况不是事实,而且如果是主观的想像或夸大性的比喻时,谓语动词通常用虚拟语气。 例如: He speaks English as if he were an

26、 Englishman. 常与feel,seem,look连用,等于连词that,其主语一般是it;如果表示的情况是事实或具有很大的可能性,谓语动词通常用陈述语气。例如: We have missed the busIt looks as if we will have to walk20courage短语 Calm courage 沉着勇敢Cool courage 镇定勇敢Develop courage 培养勇气Dutch courage 酒后之勇Iron courage 钢铁般的勇气Unshaken courage 不可动摇的勇气Courage in the face of danger

27、临危不惧Gain courage 得到勇气 高考样题例释1(xx年上海春季)Time will whether I made the right choice or not. A. see B. say C. know D. tell 【解析】答案为D。tell意为“断定”符合题意:时间将会断定我作出了正确的选择。 2.(xx年上海)As far as I am concerned,education is about learning and the more you learn, . Athe more for life are you equipped Bthe more equippe

28、d for life you are Cthe more life you are equipped for Dyou are equipped the more for life 【解析】答案为B。从所提供语境the more you learn,并结合所给选项可确定此处考查“the形容词/副词比较级+陈述句,the +形容词/副词的比较级陈述句”句型,、意为“越,越”。题意:我以为教育是有关学习的事情,你学得越多,对生活的准备就越充分。3(xx年上海)Alice trusts you: only you can her to give up the foolish idea. A. sug

29、gest B. attract C. tempt D. persuade 【解析】答案为D。句意为“惟有你能说服她放弃这愚蠢的想法”, persuade sbto do sth”劝某人做某事”,其他单词搭配不对。 单选高考模拟1Why did you refuse to accept such a position in the department store? Because I 1ike that A. less than others Bbetter than others Cbest of all D. least of all 2. You cant run a mile in t

30、wo minutes. A. possible B. likely C. perhaps D. maybe3I really wonder he has posted me many packages we worked together. A. how; after Bwhy; when C. why; since D. when; before4. Judging from number of the cars, there are not many people in the club. 一I think so. People would rather stay at home in such bad weather. A. the;/ B. a;/ C. the; a D. a; a5.It was a newspaper of a new type, had never before existed in the history of the labour movement. A. what B. such as C. that D. it6. I failed again. I wish I harder. But you . Ahad worked; hadnt B. worked; do

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