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科普版英语七上2单元 Topic2 导学案.docx

1、科普版英语七上2单元 Topic2 导学案Unit 2 Looking differentTopic 2 What does she look like?Section A学习目标:一知识1.学习一些表示颜色的词:black,blond,blue,,purple,brown,white,gray,green,yellow.2.学习have 句子的否定形式及what引导的特殊疑问句。二方法彩笔和卡片学习表示颜色的词。三情感让学生热爱丰富多彩的生活。学习重点:学习并掌握表示颜色的词。学习难点及突破策略:学习难点;对颜色的提问及回答。突破策略:运用彩笔和多彩的卡片反复进行练习。学习流

2、程:一.走入新课出示颜料盘导入What color is it?二阅读提示1:介绍图片,听P33 1a的录音,回答问题:(1)Where is Yukio from?(2)What color is Yukios hair?三阅读提示2:1读1a找出新单词和不懂的词汇。 2找出重点短语和含有have 的句子并总结have 的用法。1小组互相交流信息【多元互动 合作探究】1读1a,根据1a完成1b表格。NameFromColor of hairColor of eyesYukioMichaelthe USAblondKangkangChina2分角色朗读1a.1.根据1b复述1a,Eg:Yuko

3、i is from.His hair is .His eyes are.2.学习并操练A:What color is it?B:Its pink.【训练检测 目标探究】1.让学生看2b中的图画,写出响应表示颜色的词。2翻译下列句子:(1)他的头发是什么颜色的?是棕色的。(2)他们的眼睛是什么颜色的?是黑色的。(3)她来自哪里?她来自加拿大。(4)我们长的不一样。(5)The orange is orange.(对划线部分提问)_【迁移运用 拓展探究】一学习连接1:帮动物找家,完成3。例:A:Whatred and yellow?B:Its orange.二学习连接2:用周边的物品造对话:Eg:

4、A:What color is/are? B:It is./They are.学后反思:_Section B学习目标:一.知识1.Learn new words and phrases:give,giveto,letter,like,look like,tall,will,Ill,young,man,woman,snowman2.T描述人的外貌特征。3.Go on learning the negative form of “have/has”,and special questions with”what”.二方法选择学生熟悉的人物形象做道具展开练习。三情感培养学生的细微观察力。学习重点:

5、Learn new words and phrases and talk about peoples appearances.学习难点及突破策略:学习难点; Talk about peoples appearances.突破策略:Practice describing the man looks again and again.学习流程:【阅读质疑 自主探究】一走入新课Find a student to stand in front of the class and ask:what does he look like?What is this? What color is it?Lead i

6、n a new lesson.二阅读提示1:1.出示1a中的图片和词汇,然后练连线。2.Read the dialog in 1a and make similar dialogs using words in 1._3.谈论你的衣服特点,Using What color is /are?然后找同学向大家汇报。三阅读提示2:1.Read 2 and underline the childrens clothes and circle the colors.2.Read 2 and find out some sentences with “in”.Then sum up the use of

7、in.【多元互动 合作探究】1.读 2.2.Read 2 again ,then make up a dialog in pairs.Eg:A;What does Maria look like?B:-yellow-tallA:What color is her hair?B:_【训练检测 目标探究】1.Listen to the conversations and find the children in the picture.and complete the sentences. Finish 3.2. Fill in the blanks. Then practice the conv

8、ersations with your partner.A: What color _ this skirt?B: Its _.A: What color _ that _?B: Its _.A: What color _ these shoes?B: Theyre _.A: What color _ those _?B: Theyre _.【迁移运用 拓展探究】一学习连接1:Lets chant.Finish 4.二学习连接2Describe your good friend like 2.At least 5 sentences._学后反思;_Section D学习目标:一知识1.Lear

9、n the consonants.2. Review some useful sentences:(1)But you look the same.(2)Please give this letter to Maria.(3)Oh, I see.(4)Ill give it to her.(5)The girl in yellow is Maria.(6)Hes in a black cap and blue shoes.3. Review wh-questions.二方法调查法。三情感爱缤纷的生活,关爱每一个人。.学习重点:Review some useful sentences and w

10、h-questions.学习难点及突破策略:学习难点;These consonants are difficult for students.突破策略:Practice a lot.学习流程:【阅读质疑 自主探究】hslx3y3h一走入新课1.Lets chant in P38.2.Have a competion:大家分成三组,第一组写表示衣服的单词,第二组写表示颜色的单词,第三组写表示身体部位的。各选一个代表在黑板上写,至少写10个,先完成并且对的多的组获胜。二阅读提示1;1.Show a picture and the passage in 2 . Ss read it first,th

11、en listen and fill in the blanks.2.Read 2 and color the picture.3.根据所学对话编写相似的对话。_三阅读提示2:1.Listen to 1 and read after the tape several times,and find the rulers of these consonants.2.List some words that have these consonants and let Ss read them,【多元互动 合作探究】1.Listen to 3a and 3b,repeat and remember t

12、hem.2.Students read them together and tranlate them into Chinese.3.Use sentences in 3a to make up dialogs in pairs.Eg:A:What color is /are? B:4. use some keys in 3b to make up dialogs,and find some pairs to act them out .(1)a. Please give to b. Ill give to (2)a. You look the same.b. We dont have the

13、 same looks, but we are good friends.(3)a. The boy in is b. is in Eg:1.S1:please give this pen to Lily.S2: Sorry, I dont know her. What does she look like?S1: She is short. She has long black hair. And her shoes are red.S2: Oh! I see! Ill give it to her.2.S1: Hello, Who is that girl?S2: Oh, she is L

14、ily.S1: Where is she from?S2: She is from Taiyuan.S1: But you look the same.S2: Yes. We are both tall and have long black hair.S3: I have short black hair.S2: We dont have the same looks, but we are good friends.3.S1:Hello, I have a good friend in our class.S2: Who?S1: Guess! He is a boy. He is in a

15、 blue shirt and black pants.S2: Oh, I see. The boy in yellow shoes is your friend, Hu Bin.S1: Yes, youre right.【训练检测 目标探究】一句型转换(1)My T-shirt is yellow. _ _ is your T-shirt?(2)He is tall with blond hair. _ does he _ _?(3)Xiaomings pants are gray. What color _ Xiaomings _?(4)They look different.(同义句)T

16、hey dont_ _ _.(5) He has a gray cap.(否定句)He_ _a gray cap.二书面表达。Describe one of your friends and then write a passage. _【迁移运用 拓展探究】一学习连接1:画一张“通缉犯”的图片,并在图旁写上一些单词,(tall, long, round, small, wide, gray, black, blue),学生帮警察写份通告,描述清楚“通缉犯”的特征。_二学习连接2 小组活动,完成5。(1)画一张自己最喜爱的卡通人物。(2)用图片制作一副面具。(3)戴上面具描述卡通人物。(4)最佳描述者获胜。学后反思:_

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