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1、上海高考英语听力原文2018 上海高考听力部分I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten shortconversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a questionwill be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will bespoken only once. After you hear a c

2、onversation and the question about it, readthe four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the bestanswer to the question you have heard.1. M: Goodmorning, can I help you?W: Yes, thisdress is too long. Would you please shorten it for me?Q: Where doesthe conversation most probablytak

3、e place?2. W: Jack, youlook tired.M: Yes, Ive gota pile of work to do, but it gives me a great sense of achievement.Q: What can welearn about the man?3. W: John,Whats up? Why are you standing on the desk?M: The lightssuddenly went off. The bulb must have burnt outQ: What is theman most probably doin

4、g?4. W: I willtake this room. How much is the rent?M: Well, twohundred pounds each month. You need to pay three months rent in advance plusadeposit of one hundred poundsQ: According tothe man, how much should the woman pay in total?5. W: I willtake an interview for a part time librarian tomorrow.M:

5、Dont worry,I will stand no chance if you take the interviewQ:How does the man feel about the womans chance of getting the job?6. M: I couldntsleep at all last night. The bed is not comfortable.W: Dont blamethe bed. You should stop drinking wine.Q: What does thewoman imply?7. W: Andy, Ibought a shirt

6、 for you.M: Thank you. Ihope you kept the receipt. Ive put on some weight.Q: What does theman imply?8. W: I mterribly sorry. But your flight has been cancelled.M: What? In thatcase, I hope you will put me up somewhere tonight.Q: What does theman expect the woman to do for him?9. W: A newhotel is loo

7、king for workers. They need three hundred new workers but over fourthousand people showed up.M: Yes, I sawthe news on TV. I still have my job,thank goodness.Q: What are thespeakers talking about?10. W: ProfessorSmith explained the Physics problem very clearly.M: Did he?Unfortunately, it is still all

8、 Greek to me.Q: What can welearn from the conversation?Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two passagesand one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will beasked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice,but the questions will be spok

9、en only once. When you hear a question, read thefour possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the bestanswer tothe question you have heard.Questions11 through 13 are based on the following passage.With the fascinating past and more than4 centuries of history, St. Augustine is one the n

10、ations oldest cities and anAmerican treasure. Located on Floridas Atlantic coast, it is home to many fineexamples of European architecture and wild scenic views.In 1513, while looking for the storiedfountain of youth, an explorer found this land and called it Le Florida andclaimed it for Spain. Then

11、, in 1565, a Spanish conqueror established asettlement there, and named it St. Augustine. Except for a twenty-year period of English rule, Florida remained under Spanish rule until the United Statestook control in 1821.In the years after its founding, thecity of St.Augustine was attacked by the Fren

12、ch and English, and by nativeAmericans, who are said to have shot flaming arrows at the citys defensivebuilding, setting it on fire.More recently, nature has stricken theregion with hurricanes, Matthew in 2016 and Irma in 2017. Still, St. Augustineinjures. As the region recovers, visitors shouldnt o

13、verlook it. St. Augustinehas suffered much in its long history. Hopefully, visitors will come andperhaps support the Florida coast recovery while discovering its centuries ofhistory and miles of coastal beauty.11. Whichcountry first governed Florida in history?12. Which of thefollowing statements is

14、 true of St. Augustine?13. What is thepassage mainly about?Questions14 through 16 are based on the following passage.Transport for London has a lost propertyoffice, which collects the items left behind as people flow through the citystransport system each day.It is the biggest lost property officein

15、 Europe, beaten globally only by Tokyos. 65 staffs sort through hundreds ofthousands of lost and forgotten items each at the office, which is run by PaulCohen. According to the latest data, Cohens team dealt with over three hundredthousand items in the first quarter of the year.As the data reveals,

16、very few areclaimed. For example, of the nearly thirteen thousand keyshanded in to lostproperty last year, just under one thousand four hundred were returned to theirowners, says Cohen. Overall, twenty percent of stock is claimed within threemonths. After that time, stock becomes the property of Tra

17、nsport for London,and its not necessarily the items youd expect.Wander through the three basement floorsthat make up the lost property office gives us an idea of what we value enoughto recover and what were happy to let go. Cohen has discovered somethinginteresting about the complexity of lost shoes

18、. He said, “If you have one shoe,you are more likely to go looking for the other. If you lose two shoes, well,its slightly out of sight and out of mind.” He guesses many people regard lossas an opportunity to treat themselves to something new.14: What is thepassage mainly about?15: Which of thefollo

19、wing is true of the lost items?16: According toCohen, why dont some people get their lost shoes back?Questions17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.W: I have a goodfeeling about this house.M: If you likethe outside, you are going to really love the inside.W: What abeautiful home and

20、I like the way the window screen gives you privacy from thestreet.M: Follow meinto the kitchen, you will love it.W: Wow, they puta wine storage area in the kitchen. I love it!M: The best partis the bedroom and the attached bathroom.W: I love therelaxing colors of the wall and floor covering. Id like

21、 to make an offer onthis house.M: As your houseagent, Im here to take care of this process. How much will you plan for theoffering?W: I really likethe house and I will pay the full asking price of three hundred and eightythousand dollars.M: Wed betterleave ourselves some bargaining room. Let s offer

22、 three hundred and fiftythousand dollars.W: That soundsgood, but I dont want this house to get away from me.M: The marketeris fairly down right now, so the offer is a realistic one.W: When will weknow if they accept the offer?M: The ownersusually respond to an offer within a few days.W: Should I bec

23、ontacting my bank in the meantime?M: You arealready pre-qualified for your loan, so youre in good shape.17. What is thewoman most probably doing?18. What doesthe woman like best in the kitchen?19. What doesthe woman think of the mans offer on the house at first?20. Which of thefollowing is true according to the passage?

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