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1、质量计划中英翻译模板文件号: JCPE/HD-QP-N-APS 版本号:A _质量计划_Quality Plan 生产令号:Production Number: 责任人Person in charge人员Personnel签名Signature日期Date编制Prepare技术员technician审核Review质检工程师QC Engineer会审Examine项目负责人Project Leader 批准Approved质量管理部经理QC Manager 第1页 共16页文件号.:Document No. 生产令号.: Production Number: 文件修改记录Document re

2、vision record版本Version日期Date状态State章节Chapter页码Page修改范围及依据Modification range and basisA2011-9-22初版First edition全部章节All chapters16第2页 共16页目 录Table of Contents一、编制说明Formation explain二、质量控制点的定义Definition of Quality control points三、缩写符号Symbols.四、质量计划Quality Plan第3页 共16页一、编制说明Formation explain1、本质量计划编制依据是

3、_采购技术协议、图纸要求,结合_的制造质量控制程序,针对_的质量计划。This quality plan is based on the requirement of _purchasing technical agreement 、drawing requirements,combined with _manufacturing quality control procedures.This is quality plan is formed for _.2、本质量计划仅适用于_的制造,必须经用户审查认可后才能正式用于产品制造控制。 This quality plan is only app

4、ly to the fabrication of_. It must be approved by user ,then it can be used in product manufacturing control.3、本质量计划中制造者见证点.abc公司选点。The maker witness point of this quality plan is decided by abc Co., LTD.4、本质量计划表示执行合同所有制造、装配、检验活动清单的逻辑顺序,在制造过程中,它将逐步地被填写,它是制造完工报告的一部分。This quality plans is carried out

5、for all manufacturing, assembling, inspection. It is logical sequence of the manufacturing process and will be filled gradually. It is a part of the manufacturing report.二、质量控制点的定义The definition of quality control points1、停工待检点(H) Hold Point(H)ABC公司必须提前10个工作日向xx公司发出预通知,然后提前 5个工作日发出正式确认通知xx代表和用户代表到现场

6、对检查和试验过程实施监督,并在质量计划相应栏履行签字手续。如用户代表不能准时到达现场出席见证活动时,abc必须等待 48 小时,在此期间若没有获得用户的书面通知,xx公司将自行进行该项活动,并在合格的情况下转序。 第4页 共16页Abc must advance 10 workdays to notify xx Co., LTD, advance 5 workdays to issued a formal confirmation to xx represent to the site supervision and inspection and test process, and perfo

7、rm signature formalities in the quality plan corresponding column. If XX does not arrive scene on time to attend witness activities, ABC must wait for 48 hours, in this period if no obtains the users written notice, ABC will carry out the campaign by itself, and turn sequence under qualified cases.2

8、、见证点(W)Witness Point (W)ABC 公司必须书面提前10个工作日向XX公司发出预通知,然后提前 5 个工作日发出正式确认通知用户代表到现场对检查和试验过程实施监督,并在质量计划相应栏履行签字手续。如用户代表不能准时到达现场出席见证活动时, XX公司有权自行检查和试验,并在合格的情况下转序。ABC must advance 10 workdays to notifyXX, advance 5 workdays to issued a formal confirmation to XX represent arrive at the site supervision and i

9、nspection and test process, and perform signature formalities in the quality plan corresponding column. If XX does not arrive to scene on time to attend witness activities, ABC has a right to carry out the test and inspection by itself, and turn sequence under qualified cases.3、文件审核点(R)Document appr

10、oval examine point(R)用户派代表到现场对有关检查和试验记录进行审查,并履行签字手续。XX represent arrive at the site to do examination for relevant inspection and testing records and sign.4、检验点(E)examination point(E) ABC 公司自行检验、试验,并在合格的情况下转下道工序。ABC turn to next procedure if all is qualified at the self-examination point.第5页 共16页三、缩

11、写符号Symbols1 ABC-制造者fabricant(ABC公司)ABC Co.,Ltd)2 XX-制造者fabricant(XX限公司)XX Co,Ltd)3 XXX-XXX Company4 W-见证点witness point5 H-停工待检点hold point6 R-文件审核点Document approval examine point7 E-检验点examination point8 UT-超声波探伤Ultrasonic examination9 MT-磁粉探伤Magnetic particle examination10 PT-液体渗透探伤Liquid penetrant

12、examination11 RT-射线探伤 Radiographic examination第6页 共16页章 节 号Chapter No.APS-200版 本VersionA组件名称Assembly Name鞍座Saddle组件图号Assembly DWG.NoAPS-PRZ-00BT-200 名 称 Name鞍座零件Saddle Parts工序Working process工序内容Process content适用文件编号Applicable file Numbers版本VersionABCXXXXX报告号Report备注Note010制造前必要条件Necessary condition

13、before fabricationEH020原材料进厂材质证明书验证verification ofmaterial certificate for raw materials entering into the plantHH030鞍座弧板、鞍座顶板、鞍座支撑板、鞍座筋板、鞍座底板、鞍座腹板下料尺寸检查及进行标识移植Saddle arc plate、saddle upper plate、saddle support plate、saddle rib plate、saddle base plate、saddle web blanking dimension examination and ma

14、rk transplantER第7页 共16页040鞍座弧板成型尺寸检查the dimension examination for the shaped saddle arc plateER050鞍座顶板、鞍座支撑板、鞍座筋板、机加工尺寸检验machining dimension examination for saddle upper plate、saddle support plate、saddle rib plateER060鞍座底板、鞍座腹板冷工校正cold work for saddle base plate、saddle web blankingE070鞍座装配尺寸检查dimens

15、ion examination for saddle assemblyRR080鞍座装焊Saddle assembling welding焊接工艺Weld processRR090焊缝做MT探伤Weld do MT detectingRW100鞍座机加工尺寸检查Saddle machining dimension examinationRR110完工报告审查,质量计划关闭 Cemplete Report Examine, Quality Plan CloseEH第8页 共16页章 节 号Charpter No.版 本VersionA组件名称Assembly name起顶装置jack syste

16、m组件图号Assembly drawing No.名 称name起顶装置零件Jack system parts工序Working process工序内容Process content适用文件编号Applicable file Numbers版本version报告号Report No.备注note010制造前必要条件Necessary condition before fabricationEH020原材料进厂材质证明书验证verification ofmaterial certificate for raw materials entering into the plantHH030起顶装置顶

17、板、起顶装置筋板、起顶装置底板、起顶装置垫板下料尺寸检查及进行标识The dimension examination and mark transplant for the blanking of Jack equipment upper plate、Jack equipment rib plate、Jack equipment base plate、Jack equipment subplateER第9页 共16页040起顶装置顶板、机加工尺寸检验Jack equipment top plate machining dimension examinationER050起顶装置筋板冷工校正Co

18、ld work correction for the Jack equipment rib plate of jack equipmentE060起顶装置装配尺寸检查dimension examination of jack equipment assemblyRR070起顶装置焊妥Jack equipment weld焊接工艺Weld processRR080焊缝做MT探伤Weld do MT detectingRW090起顶装置机加工尺寸检查dimension examination of jack equipment machiningRR100完工报告审查,质量计划关闭 Cemplet

19、e Report Examine, Quality Plan CloseEH第10页 共16页章 节 号Charpter No.APS-400版 本versionA组件名称Assemblyname下封头装置Lower sealing head device组件图号Assembly drawing No.APS-PRZ-00BT- 400名 称name下封头装置零件lower sealing head device parts工序Working process工序内容Process content适用文件编号Applicable file Numbers版本version报告号Report No

20、.备注note010制造前必要条件Necessary condition before fabricationRev:AEH020原材料进厂材质证明书验证verification ofmaterial certificate for raw materials entering into the plantHH030耳板、筋板、管子、耳轴法兰、角钢、补强板、方管下料尺寸检查及进行标识dimension examination and marking for otic placode、rib plate、tube、Trunnion flange、angle steel、reinforcement

21、 plate、square pipe blankingER第11页 共16页040下封头装置筋板、补强板机加工尺寸检验Dimension examination Lower sealing head device rid plate、 reinforcement palte machiningER050下封头装置筋板冷工校正cold work correction of Lower sealing head device rib plate E060两半方管装配尺寸检查dimension examination for the two half square pipe assemblyRR07

22、0两半方管装焊The two half square pipe assembling and welding焊接工艺Weld processRR080焊缝进行RT(或者UT)检查,外表面做MT检查Weld do RT or UT detecting, external surface do MT detectingRW第12页 共16页090机加工尺寸检查Machining dimension examinationRR100下封头装置装配尺寸检查dimension examination of Lower sealing head deviceRR110下封头装置装装焊Assembling

23、and welding of lower sealing head device焊接工艺Welding processRR120焊缝做MT探伤Weld do MT detectingRW130完工报告审查,质量计划关闭 Cemplete Report Examine, Quality Plan CloseEH第13页 共16页章 节 号Charpter No.APS-500版 本VersionA组件名称Assembly name保护罩Protective cover组件图号Assembly drawing No.APS-PRZ-00BT-500名 称Name保护罩零件 protective c

24、over parts工序Working process工序内容Process content适用文件编号Applicable file name版本Version报告号Report No.备注Note010制造前必要条件Necessary condition before fabricationEW020原材料进厂材质证明书验证verification ofmaterial certificate for raw materials entering into the plantHW030保护罩装配尺寸检查Dimension examination of Protective cover as

25、semblyRR040保护罩装焊Protective cover assembling and welding焊接工艺Welding processRR050完工报告审查,质量计划关闭 Cemplete Report Examine, Quality Plan CloseEH第14页 共16页章 节 号Charpter No.APS-600版 本VersionA组件名称Assembly name充氮装置nitrogen charging device组件图号Assembly drawing No.APS-PRZ-00BT-600名 称Name充氮装置零件nitrogen charging de

26、vice parts工序Working Process工序内容Process content适用文件编号Applicable document No.版本Version报告号Report No.备注Note010制造前必要条件Necessary condition before fabricationEW020原材料进厂材质证明书验证verification ofmaterial certificate for raw materials entering into the plantHW030充氮装置装配尺寸检查Dimension examination of nitrogen charging device assemblyRR040充氮装置装焊nitrogen charging device assembling and welding焊接工艺Welding processRR050完工报告审查,质量计划关闭 Cemplete Repor

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