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高中英语 Unit1Word部分教案 译林牛津版必修4.docx

1、高中英语 Unit1Word部分教案 译林牛津版必修42019-2020年高中英语 Unit1(Word部分)教案 译林牛津版必修4教材:牛津高中英语(模块四)高一下学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 1 Advertising板块:Word Power 课堂设计指导思想: 本堂课是以介绍构词法知识为主的词汇教学课。词汇是语言基础知识的重要组成部分,构词法能帮助学生提高掌握词汇的效率,有助于对学生的基础知识和基本能力的培养。但需要注意的是,强调基础知识指的是语言知识的灵活运用,而非拘泥于一条条的规则,必须结合具体语境。教师在语境中教学,学生在语境中学习,语境中运用。Teaching ai

2、ms:1. Get to learn that some words are divided by adding suffixes and prefixes to the root words. 2. Learn more words and expressions related to sales and marketing. 3. Enlarge our vocabulary by thinking about more words that are created by adding suffixes and prefixes.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lea

3、d-in (Blank-filling)Ask students to fill in the blanks with the derivatives of the given words. The short passage is related to the reading passage. 【设计说明】 用短文填空的方式来导入本课,既可复习上一课的内容,又能快速将学生的注意力引到构词法知识上,即在名词和动词后加上后缀可构成形容词。Step 2 Show more examplesShow students more examples of derivatives to impress t

4、hem with the knowledge of word formation. 【设计说明】用更多的例子帮助学生加深对构词法知识的印象,并为下一环节做好准备。Step 3 petitionDivide the whole class into four groups and encourage students to think of more words thatare created by using the knowledge of word formation. The group that has the most words wins【设计说明】通过比赛的形式激励学生开动脑筋,

5、可调节课堂气氛,充分调动学生的积极性,在复习原有词汇知识的同时,为后续的教学环节作好铺垫。Step 4 Create adjectives from nouns and adjectivesTell students that an English word can have several derivatives, some of which are formed by adding suffixes to the nouns and adjectives. 【设计说明】以对话中的三个单词为例,归纳由名词和动词构成形容词的规则加后缀。Step 5 Detailed knowledge of

6、creating adjectives Show students more examples of adjectives so that they can see that there are different forms of suffixes. Encourage students to think of as many of these words as possible.【设计说明】通过例子让学生了解名词和动词后加后缀可以有多种不同的形式,掌握规律即掌握了分类记忆词汇的策略。这样可提高学习效率,扩大词汇量。 Step 6 ConsolidationAsk students to r

7、ead the advertisement at P.6 and fill in the blanks. Form adjectives by adding the correct suffixes to the given words. Check the answers as a class and make sure the students have no problems using the suffixes learnt in this section.【设计说明】这一练习可帮助学生在语境中巩固当堂课所学的构词法知识,在语境中运用构词法知识,让学生品尝成功喜悦,提升自信心。Step

8、 7 Learn more about suffixesIntroduce other mon adjective-forming suffixes to students and tell them each suffix usually has a fixed meaning. The table provides some examples of mon suffixes.【设计说明】根据学生的接受情况,提供给他们更多的构词法相关知识。Step 8 A Word puzzle The students are encouraged to finish the word puzzle wi

9、th the help of the given words. And they can have fun at the same time.【设计说明】填字游戏可以为较枯燥的词汇学习增添活泼的气氛, 可进一步激发学生的兴趣,调动学生的积极性。Step 9 An active show Ask students to work in pairs and make a dialogue about promoting a new book called “English Literature”. Then, have the dialogue presented to the whole cla

10、ss.【设计说明】通过要求学生自编自演对话来激发学生对于市场和营销的兴趣,从而掌握相关词汇。Step 10 Words-matchingAsk students to read the passage at P7 and list these words in blue. Then, ask students to match the words with their Chinese explanation to make sure they understand these words and expressions.【设计说明】要求学生重点掌握与市场营销有关的短语和词组,为完成下一个目标任

11、务铺平道路。Step 11 Consolidation (one)Encourage students to finish Part B at P7 individually and check the answers as a class. 【设计说明】通过这一练习帮助学生巩固有关市场营销的词汇。Step 12 Consolidation (two)Ask Ss to finish the passage by filling in the blanks with the words learnt in this section. 【设计说明】通过这一半开放练习进一步巩固课堂教学的效果。St

12、ep 8 Homework【设计说明】通过家庭作业再次巩固所学内容。并为下一课时的学习作准备。高考练兵场 Parents need to be good role models to help their children make sensible financial decisions, according to Adam Hancock and his team, from East Caronlina University in the US. Their work highlights that parents who argue about finances contribute

13、to increasing credit card debt among their children during their students years. Their work is published online in Springers Journal of Family and Economic Issues. Credit card debt among college students has been a growing concern for researchers and policymakers over the last decade. In addition, t

14、here is growing concern among educators that more students are dropping out of school, not because of academic failure, but because of financial reasons, and credit card especially. Hancock and colleagues study is the first to examine how parental interactions, and financial knowledge and attitudes

15、may have a cumulative effect(累积效应)on the number of credit cards students own and their level of credit card debt. The researchers analyzed data for 420 undergraduate students from seven different American universities, who took part in the College Student Financial Literacy Survey. According to the

16、online survey, nearly two-thirds of students had a credit card, and nearly a third had more than one. Those students who reported that their parents argued about finances were more likely to have more than two cards than the students whose parents who did not argue about finances.In terms of debt, t

17、hose students who had two or more credit cards were nearly three times more likely to report having credit card debt over 500.The researchers conclude, It is clear that the influence of parents cannot be neglected. Researchers, educators and policymakers should work in finding effective ways to incr

18、ease the positive financial behaviors fo college students. We need to help students learn financial skills and establish healthy financial attitudes at earlier ages to prevent poor financial habits from taking root.26. In Adam Hancocks research, students credit card debt is related to their _. A.kno

19、wledge B.concerns D.parents【答案】D 【解析】细节理解题。由“Their work highlights that parents who argue about finances contribute to increasing credit card debt among their children during their students years.”可知学生的信用卡债务和他们的父母有关。故选D。27. When college students have credit card debt, they may _. A.quit sch

20、ool in their exams financial knowledge D.have more credit cards【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。由“there is growing concern among educators that more students are dropping out of school, not because of academic failure, but because of financial reasons, and credit card especially.”可知大学生有信用卡债务时,他们就可能退学。故

21、选A。28. What can we infer from Paragraph 3? A. More than 400 students i a university took the survey. B. The survey was conducted with the paper questionnaire. C. Nearly all the students in this survey have credit cards. D. Students have fewer cards if their parents argue more.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。由“Accord

22、ing to the online survey, nearly two-thirds of students had a credit card, and nearly a third had more than one.”可知在调查中,几乎所有学生都有信用卡。故选C。29. If you have two or more credit cards, you are more likely to _. A.get wealthy B.have argument more things D.bee in debt【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。由“In terms of debt,

23、those students who had two or more credit cards were nearly three times more likely to report having credit card debt over 500.”说明如果你有两个或两个以上的信用卡,你更有可能负债。故选D。30. As a student, what can yo learn from the passage? A. We need to turn to our parents when we have credit card debt. B. We should build corr

24、ect financial attitudes when we are young. C. We shouldnt have credit cards so that we can avoid argument. D. We can have more credit cards to make life more fortable.【答案】B 【解析】细节理解题。由“We need to help students learn financial skills and establish healthy financial attitudes at earlier ages to preven

25、t poor financial habits from taking root.”可知我们在小的时候就应该树立正确的财政态度。故选B。 Task Writing an advertisementThat is why we are considering designing a new package our chocolate bar as well. (P13)这也是我们考虑重新包装巧克力块的原因。consider 1. vi. & vt. (POSSIBILITY) to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decis

26、ion:Dont make any decisions before youve considered the matter.+ question word Have you considered what youll do if you dont get the job?+ ing form of verb Were considering selling the house.Shes being considered for the job.Id like some time to consider before I make a decision.2. vt. (CARE ABOUT)

27、to care about or respect other people or their feelings and wishes:Have you considered your mother and how shes going to feel about you leaving?She never considers anyone but herself - shes totally selfish!3. vt. often + object + (to be) + noun or adjective (OPINION) to believe someone or sth. to be

28、, or think of them as:He is currently considered (to be) the best British athlete.We dont consider her suitable for the job.passive + object + to infinitive It is considered bad manners in some cultures to speak with your mouth full of food.I consider myself lucky that I only hurt my arm in the acci

29、dent.Do you consider him a friend of yours?+ (that) She considers (that) she has done enough to help already.It is generally considered unwise to give a child whatever he or she wants.4. vt. (SUBJECT/FACT) to give attention to a particular subject or fact when judging sth. else:Youve got to consider

30、 the time element when planning the whole project.+ question word If you consider how long hes been learning the piano, hes not very good.consideration 1. n. U when you think about sth. carefully:After some consideration, weve decided to sell the house.The whole matter needs (to be given) careful co

31、nsideration. 2. n. U when you are kind to people or think about their feelings:Youve got no consideration for others!Could you turn your music down and show a little consideration for the neighbours!We didnt publish the details, out of consideration for the victims family.3. n. C or UIt may be fairl

32、y cheap to buy, but youve got to take into consideration the money youll spend on repairs.fort/Safety is an important consideration.considerate adj. kind and helpful:It wasnt very considerate of you to drink all the milk.NOTE: The opposite is inconsiderate.considering prep., conj., adv. used to mention a particular condition or fact about sth.,

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