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1、SCI结果写作技巧一、结果小标题1.MEK inhibitors decrease constitutive ERK activity and cause NSCLC cell cycle arrest in G0/G12.Flow cytometry assays3.Effect of Znf179 knockdown on the cell cycle profile and cell cycle regulatory proteins. 4.Flow cytometric analysis of cell cycle distribution5.Effect of LY2940 02,

2、PD98059 and rapamycin , on the growth of gag-I R/IGFR- RIE, and v-Src-RI E cells in monolayer6.Effects of ONOO -on morphological changes in FaDu cells7.Effects of curcumin on morphological changes in FaDu cells8.Effects of ONOO -on cell viability in FaDu cells9.Curcumin inhibits cell viability of Fa

3、Du cells10.MEK1 inhibition suppresses ERK1/2 activation and inhibits myeloma cell proliferation11.Curcumin inhibits the migration and invasion ability of FaDu cells12.Targeted NOX4 knockdown with a specific siRNA blocks RMF-EG stimulus on MCF-7 migration13.EGFR-MSC demonstrated enhanced migratory re

4、sponses toward tumor-conditioned media, which was partially dependent on EGF and EGFR 14.Effects of curcumin on mRNA expressions of metastasis-related genes in FaDu cells15.Effects of ONOO -on mRNA expression of PDCD4 in FaDu cells 16.Downregulation of T bRII in non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLC) 1

5、7.KLF8 Promotes Cell Proliferation and Invasion, Inhibits Apoptosis, and Induces EMT In Vitro18.二、结果开头句评估.效果,运用.方法,在.药物浓度以及在.时间作用于.细胞1.In order to assess the cytotoxic effect of curcumin on the human hypopharyngeal cancercells, FaDu cells were cultured with curcumin at final concentrations of 10, 20

6、, 40, 60, 80, and 100 M for 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h, then, MTT assay was carried out respectively.2.Morphological changes of FaDu cells were examined by acridine orange cytochemistry staining at 48 h after treatment with curcumin at 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 M, respectively.3.The FaDu cell cycle distributi

7、on was analyzed by MultiCycle software to investigate the effect of curcumin on the cell cycle.4.The anti-metastatic activity of curcumin was evaluated using the Transwell assay.5.Western-blot analyses were performed to estimate the levels of caspase-9, caspase-3, Bcl-2 and Bax in FaDu cells in resp

8、onse to curcumin (Fig. 5 A).6.As curcumin inhibited FaDu cells migration and invasion, we further investigated its effect on the metastasis-related genes.7.SGNs were exposed to ONOO(100mM) for 24 h with or without curcumin pretreatment.8.To delineate描绘 the signaling pathway of mitochondria-related a

9、poptosis, we investigated the effect of ONOO on the activation of Apaf-1, Caspase-9 and Caspase-3 genes which are involved in the mitochondrion-dependent apoptosis pathway.9.Flow cytometry assay with Annexin V/PI double staining showed that the apoptotic rate increased to 50.273.26% after treating w

10、ith 100mM ONOO for 24 h (Fig. 4B)10.To examine the role of Znf179 in the cell cycle during neuronal differentiation, P19 cells were infected with negative control and Znf179 shRNA viruses. 11.We evaluated cell cycle parameters after PD98059 modulation in four cases: three cases had high ERK activity

11、, one case was ERK negative. 12.To study the possible role of NOX4 in the RMF-EG-mediated stimulus on MCF-7 migration, we used a targeted knockdown by siRNA approach to downregulate the enzyme expression. 13.In order to test our hypothesis that EGFR transfection enhances migration of MSCs toward tum

12、or cells, we employed in vitro two-chamber migration assays. First, we tested migratory responses of primary MSCs and EGFR-MSC toward GL261- or B16-conditioned media (Fig 2a). 14.RT-PCR analyses of the mRNA levels of PDCD4 were performed to estimate the effect of ONOO -on the expression of PDCD4 gen

13、e (Fig.4 A). 15.To verify whether TbRII level is downregulated in human lung tumours, we analysed for TbRII expression by RT -PCR using RNA samples from 46 lung tumour specimens (20 squamous cell carcinoma, 19 adeno carcinoma, and seven large cell carcinoma) (Figure 1A). 16.Since we observed reduced

14、 TbRII mRNA expression in NSCLC, we tested the expression of T b RII protein in lysates made from tumour specimens by Western blot analysis. 17.The 1D Ca 2 mRNA level during heart development was carried out by real-time RT-PCR using total RNA isolated from fetal, neonatal, 4- to 6-wk-old, and 6- to

15、 8-mo-old rat atrial tissue using 18S rRNA as an internal control. 18.To investigate the effect of KLF8 in EMT, the expression of EMT markers were assessed.19.As telomerase activity is frequently proposed to be associated with the malignant phenotype, we attempted to determine whether a correlation

16、exists between ionizing radiation-induced cell death and telomerase activity.20.good Cells collected at different times postirradiation were examined for cell viability and telomerase activity.21.Since cells in an actively growing tumor are distributed in different cycle stages, we also attempted to

17、 determine whether the telomerase activity in exponentially growing cells is affected by ionizing radiation. We first evaluated cell cycle phase distributions in growing HeLa cells by flow cytometry.22.In view of the correlation between the expression status of hTERT and telomerase activity三、结果表达:1.

18、主系表结构:结果做主语主语the trend, the proportions, the percentages, the levels, the expressions, cell viability, the rate, the activity, 系表/谓语1)was significantly observed,2)升高increased to 50.273.26%,were gradually increased,were increased significantly ,was significantly higher,was amplified in glomeruli, 3)降

19、低were reduced,were reduced to73.41 5.84 %,was decreased obviously, was markedly reduced to,were unable to generate a migratory stimulus on MCF-7 cells, 程度副词用于有显著性统计学差异的词significantly, markedly,remarkably;用于形态学表现有差异的词obviously,apparently;其他gradually逐渐地;mildly轻微地, greatly, appreciably可感觉到地; 1)As shown

20、 in Figure 1, a trend of decreasing viability with increasing curcumin concentration and expending treatment-time was significantly observed in FaDu cells, indicating that curcumin inhibited the cell viability in a dose- and time-dependent manner.2)FaDu cells were treated with 0, 20, and 40 M curcum

21、in for 48 h respectively, as shown in Figure 3, the proportions of FaDu cells in S phase were gradually increased (from 14.23 2.17 % to 23.10 2.33 %, 35.13 3.35 %), meanwhile, the percentages of cells at G0/G1 phase were gradually decreased (from 67.03 3.37 % to 57.87 4.60 %, 46.10 2.98 %,).3)The le

22、vels of migration were reduced to73.41 5.84 % and 58.54 7.76 % of the control (fresh medium alone) level at 10 and 20 M curcumin, respectively (Fig. 4 A, C).4)The protein expressions of cleaved caspase-9 (37 kDa), cleaved caspase-3 (17 kDa) and Bax were increased significantly in FaDu cells treated

23、with curcumin 20 M and 40 M compared to that of control (Fig. 5 B), while, the expression of Bcl-2 gene was decreased obviously (Fig. 5 B), as well as the decrease of ratio of Bcl-2/Bax (data not shown).5)mRNA expression levels of pro-metastasis genes MMP-2 and MMP-9 were reduced, whereas, Ecadherin

24、, an anti-metastasis gene, was increased significantly by curcumin at concentrations of 10 M and 20 M, respectively (Fig. 6)6)Cell viability was markedly reduced to approximately 59.573.02% after exposure to 100mM ONOO for 24 h compared with the control group (Fig. 2A,B).7)Flow cytometry assay with

25、Annexin V/PI double staining showed that the apoptotic rate increased to 50.273.26% after treating with 100mM ONOO for 24 h (Fig. 4B), while, the rates of control group and curcumin-pretreated group were 4.361.47% and 7.310.99% respectively (Fig. 4A,C). Statistic analyses revealed that the apoptotic

26、 rate was significantly higher in ONOO group compared with that in control group (Fig. 4D,p0.001), and that the apoptotic rate in the curcumin-pretreated group declined remarkably in comparison with that in ONOO group (Fig. 4D,p0.001).8)The SOD activity of the ONOO -treated group was 36.783.62% of t

27、he control group. In SGNs pretreated with curcumin (15mM, 12 h), the level of SOD activity was 86.193.13% of control group.9)The mRNA expression of Apaf-1, Caspase-9, Caspase-3 was increased significantly after exposure to ONOO 100mM for 24 h as evidenced by RT-PCR (Fig. 7). Moreover, the mRNA expre

28、ssion of anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-2 was decreased while the Bax gene expression was increased.10)As Figure 3A shows, RMF-EG cells transiently transfected with siNOX4 were unable to generate a migratory stimulus on MCF-7 cells. 11)The T b RII expression was found to be decreased in 80% of squamous cel

29、l carcinoma, 42% adenocarcinoma, and 72% large cell carcinoma12)The PCR product for Hip1 was amplified in glomeruli, whereas no expression was detected in the rest of the kidney lacking glomeruli (Figure 1). 13)The reaction intensity of the immunocytochemistry was in accordance with qRTPCR and Weste

30、rn blot analyses14)We examined 2 hallmarks of EMT: E-cadherin was down-regulated, and Vimentin was up-regulated in HCC cell lines with high KLF8-expression by qRT-PCR analysis.15)Down-regulation of mesenchymal markers (N-cadherin, vimentin, and fibronectin) and upregulation of the epithelial marker

31、(E-cadherin) were observed by RT-PCR after KLF8 siRNA (Figure 2F).16)Good The survival of different cell types after exposure to graded doses of radiation (137Cesium gamma rays at 1.1 Gy/min) as determined by clonogenic assay is shown in Fig. 1.17)Good A strong correlation was detected between telom

32、erase activity and cell viability in HeLa cells treated with ionizing radiation.18)Good A similar pattern of decrease in telomerase activity (Fig. 6) and cell viability (data not shown) with an increase in radiation dose treatment was observed in the colorectal carcinoma (RKO) cell line.19)Telomerase activity is detectable in most human tumor tissue and in tumor-derived cell lines, but not in normal cells adjacent to tumors or mixed with tumor-derived cell lines (29).20)2.主谓宾结构:药物做主语主语药物名称curcumin,treatment, pr

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