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1、六大基本句型六大基本句型清艳金榜密钥一对多学科教师辅导讲义 Where there is a will, there is a way. 学生姓名:年 级:老 师:_ 沙晓光 上课日期:20_-3-29 上课时间:_8-10_ 课 次:次 动词梳理/句子三大结构/六大基本句型讲解 :课前检查:作业完成情况:优 ( )良 ( )中 ( )差 ( )复习预习情况:优 ( )良 ( )中 ( )差 ( ):知识点、考点:动词梳理 句式三大结构 简单句六大基本句型结构的使用 重点、难点:动词梳理 :把一下句子变成否定句。 She is a student. I can speak English. I

2、 like English. :知识网络详解:一 动词梳理 动词包括:1.系动词 be动词 状态的保持和变化:keep/stay/become/get/turn/go 感官系动词(6大感官):look/smell/taste/sound/feel/touch seem 2.助动词(do/have)3.情态动词 (can/could/may/might/must/shall/should/will/would/need/have to/had better)4.行为动词 排序:句子变否定和疑问的方式:二句子的三大句式:be动句:行动句:情动句:三简单句的六大结构 简单句在英语中,只含有 并且句子

3、各成分都只由 构成的独立句子或分句叫做简单句。在简单句中 是句子的主干,是句子的核心。 句子成分认识:主语:。 谓语:。 宾语:。 系动词:。 表语:。 定语:。 状语:。 补语:分为宾语补足语和主语补足语。是对宾语和主语的补充说明,与其有主动或被动的逻辑关系。 1.主语+系动词+表语 (be动句/系动词句子) 功能:_。 例:I am a teacher. 我是一名老师分析:“我”(主语)“是”(系动词)“一名老师”(表语即表明主语的身份)。 Mr. Turner is an artist. The milk went sour. She became a lawyer. 2.主语+谓语 (

4、行动句) 功能:_。 例:They arrived . Things change.Nobody went.-Did you go by sea? -NO,we flew. 3. 主语+谓语+宾语 (行动句) 功能:_ 例:I study English. We never beat children.My sister will fix everything. 4、 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 (行动句) 功能:_ 例:Our teacher taught us English. He gave the book to his sister. Ill write you a long l

5、etter. 5. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补 (行动句) 功能:_ 例:He asked her to go there. I found the book easy. Ill let him go. 例:China and other countries in the east Asia are developing rapidly.中国和东亚其它国家正在迅速地发展。(China and other countries并列主语)Mr. Wang and I often work together and help each other.王先生和我常在一起工作互相帮助。 6. There be

6、句型 (存在) 功能:如:河里有一条船。 肯定式:_。 否定式:_ 疑问式: -肯回:_ -否回:_ be动词的选择用 原则。 1.There (be)some milk in the bottle. There (be)a pen on the desk. 2.There (be)some flowers in the basket. 3. There (be)a mouse and two pens on the desk. 4.There (be)two pens and a box on the desk. 1.对主语提问一律用“Whats+某地/某时?“结构,其中谓语动词须用is,且

7、there要省略。 如:There are some pictures on the wall.- ? 2.对地点提问要用“Where is/are there?“ 如:There is a black car under the tree.- ? 3.对主语的数量提问要用“How many+主语(复数)+are there?/How much+主语(不可数)+is there?“ 如:There are three people in my family. - ? Theres some rice in the bag.- ? there be结构在改为否定或疑问句时,一般将some改为an

8、y. 如:There are some dishes on the desk. - (否定句). ?(一般疑问句)总结:1.S+V+P(主语+系动词+表语)Yourfatherisillinbed. 2.S+V+O(主语+谓语+宾语)Yourteamwonabasketballgameagain. 3. S+V(主语+谓语)Shelaughshappily. 4.S+V+IO+DO(主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语)Yourfatherboughtyouanewcomputer. 5.S+V+O+OC(主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语)Youseeasnakelyingontheroad. 6.Th

9、ere be 句型 Thereissomuchhomeworkontheweekend. 练一练 连词成句 1. aunt,find,passport,my,her,cant 2. all,day,the boss,the workers,makes,work 3. near,my house,is,a river,there 4. green,the trees,turn 5. flying,birds,some,are,happily 6. her grandson,a present,buy,she 答疑环节 课堂练习 写出下面句子的结构:The children are listeni

10、ng quietly. He runs fast in the street. He didnt like the film. She often helps him. The mooncake tastes very delicious. The days get shorter and shorter. Please give me a few apples. Ill show you my photos. We call him Tom for short. At first I found Chinese quite hard. Tell him not to be late tomo

11、rrow. He made all of us laugh. The little girl often helps her mother (to) do the housework. We found a cat lying under the chair. The six students keep their hands behind their backs. Summary:课后自检自测:一将下列句子改为同义句。 1. Tom gave me a nice pen. Tom _ a nice pen _ me. 2. My mother bought my little sister

12、a pink skirt. My mother _ a pink skirt _ my little sister. 3. She cooked us a delicious meal. She _ a delicious meal _ _ us. 4. Tim showed me his nice T-shirt. Tim _ his nice T-shirt _ me. 5. She made me a cup of coffee. She _ a cup of coffee _ me. 二找出下列句子中的宾语补足语。 1. They call their daughter Mary. _

13、 2. Dont leave me behind. _ 3. I wish you to be happy. _ 4. I saw her chatting with Nancy. _ 5. Good food keeps you healthy. _ 三根据汉语完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 6. 一个男孩正在院子里和一只小狗玩。 _ _ a boy _ with a dog in the yard. 7. 以前在街道拐角处有一家商店。 _ _ _ _ a shop on the corner of the street. 8. 可能会有一个更好的办法来做这件事。 _ _ _ a better

14、 way to do this. 9. 没有空气就没有声音. _ _ _ sound without air. 10. 没有时间再等你了。 _ _ no time _ _ _ you. 完形填空 Mike did not like to clean his room. Every day, his mom asked him to clean up, but Mike did not_36_. Mikes dad did not go to Mikes room often. And he always said to his wife,“_37_ I was at his age, my r

15、oom was in a mess, too. I dont think we should_ 38_ about it.“One day, Mikes mom said to him, “Son, Ill be away_ 39_ about half a month. I have only one worry.“Whats _40_,Mom?“ asked Mike.“I worry your room is too dirty. Please keep your room clean. When I come_ 41_ ,I dont want it to be in a mess,“

16、 Mom said.“Great!“ Mike thought,“Shes not going to make me stop watching TV.“ He gave his mom a hug and said OK. But could Mike keep his_ 42_ ? Of course not! He ate food in his room and watched TV every day. Several days_ 43_ , his room was so dirty that he couldnt even find a place_44_. One day wh

17、en he got home from school, he saw his mother_ 45_ at the front door.He knew thats the end of the day. ( )36.A. refuse B. agree C. forget D. listen ( )37. A. Although B. Since C When D. Because ( )38. A. worry B. think C. talk D. learn ( )39.A. after B. for C. with D. off ( )40.A.he B. one C.this D. that ( )41.A. again B. out C. back D. down ( )42. A. words B. letter C. room D. mind ( ) 43. A. before B. ago C. after D. later ( )44. A. sleep B. to sleep C. slept D; sleeping ( )45. A. to stand B. stand C. standing D. stood :1. 掌握讲义内容 2. 完成讲义后习题 :教学组长:家 长:

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