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1、维多利亚的秘密内衣秀模特吃什么维多利亚的秘密内衣秀模特吃什么1. KARLIE KLOSS1.卡莉克劳斯So, how do you deal with a Thanksgiving dinner five days before the Victorias Secret Fashion Show?距离“维多利亚的秘密内衣时装秀”还有五天,你是怎样对待感恩节大餐的呢?Thanksgiving is, essentially, the best day of the year in my calendar. Its better than birthdays, its better than a

2、nything. For me, Thanksgiving is about family, food, and football. Oh yeah, football. My day was spent on the couch watching football game, playing with my little cousins, and baking. And then, throughout all those activities, eating.从根本上来讲,感恩节对我来说是一年中最好的一天,比生日或其他任何日子都好。对我来说,感恩节是家人团聚,享受美食,观看足球比赛的节日。

3、是的,足球比赛。感恩节这一天,我窝在沙发上看足球比赛,和年幼的表兄弟姐妹玩耍,烘烤食物。然后,所有活动期间,自始至终都大吃特吃。My mom makes this amazing pumpkin bread. Especially when its warm and soft out of the oven. My favorite thing is on Thanksgiving morning, you wake up to watch the parade, and the smell of this bread in the oven is just, like, its happin

4、ess.我的母亲制作了这款无比美味的南瓜面包。尤其是刚从烤箱里拿出来的时候,热气腾腾,非常柔软。我最喜欢的是感恩节的早上醒来观看游行表演,闻着烤箱里面包香浓的味道,这些都让我觉得非常幸福。I feel like a lot of people would be surprised to know that a Victorias Secret Angel is eating pumpkin bread a week before the show.我觉得,如果知道维多利亚的秘密天使在内衣秀前一周居然吃南瓜面包,许多人会感到惊讶。I dont think people realize half

5、of the things that we do or eat. We are humans, we are normal I live my life, I have a wonderful, happy, healthy life. I indulge! But I also work hard. I work out and I train and Im very active and always healthy, but, you know . I have a sweet tooth. Its about balance, because thats the only way to

6、 keep your routine sustainable. I dont diet; Im not a fan of diets or fasts. I just do my best to stay healthy.我认为,人们对我们做什么(或吃什么)一知半解。我们也是正常的人我有自己的生活,我的生活非常精彩,非常快乐,非常健康。我非常放纵自己!但是我也努力工作。我经常运动,经常锻炼,我非常活跃,非常健康。但是,你知道,我喜爱吃甜食。关键是均衡,因为这是让日常生活习惯持续下去的唯一方法。我不节食,我也不崇尚节食或禁食。我只是尽最大努力保持健康。Have you got to enjoy

7、a full English breakfast this morning, at least?至少,你今天早上有没有尽情享用英式早餐?You know, no, you people have been letting me down. Im thoroughly disappointed. Tomorrow, though, Lily Aldridge and I are having a proper English tea date with scones and jam.你知道,没有,人们总是让我失望。我非常失望。不过明天,我和莉莉奥尔德里奇相约享用英式茶点,吃烤饼和果酱。Karli

8、e squeals. At first I think over the prospect of scones, but it turns out its because her hairdresser burned her scalp a little. Never say the life of a model is all fun and glamour.(卡莉尖叫了一声。最初我以为她是因为想到烤饼而欢呼。后来才发现是因为发型师弄伤了她的头皮。所以,千万不要以为超模的生活全部都是乐趣和光环。)What have you had for breakfast this morning wha

9、t keeps you going on the day of the show?你今天早餐吃了什么是什么让你能够支撑全天的走秀?I stay hydrated; were all really on the go, so you just have to stay hydrated more than anything. Im chugging down fruit juices, and for breakfast, mainly out of necessity because of how early the call time was I had a cookie. A Karlie

10、s Kookie! I eat them for breakfast often, because its almond flour, a handful of almonds, its oats, its agave and olive oil. So you have a bit of clean energy. Its like a power bar.我要保持水分。我们总是非常忙碌,所以补水尤为重要。我正在喝果汁。出于必要,早餐我吃了一些饼干,因为早上起床时间非常早。卡莉饼干!早餐的时候我经常吃,因为这种饼干是用杏仁粉,一把杏仁,燕麦,龙舌兰和橄榄油制作的。所以你可以补充清洁的能量,就

11、像是能量棒一样。Has Taylor Swift not been sending you baked goods on the regs then?泰勒斯威夫特没有送烘焙食品给你吗?No, weve both been so busy and in opposite directions that Ive hardly even seen her. But were going to have fun out on that runway.没有,我们都很忙,又是截然相反的方向,我甚至很少见到她。但是走下T台后我们还是可以一同玩乐。2. JOURDAN DUNN2.卓丹邓As one of t

12、he British Angels here, have you been recommending all of Londons best restaurants?作为英国天使之一,你有没有推荐过伦敦最好的餐馆?Ive told all the girls they need to go and have Nandos! Editors Note: Nandos is a chain of Portuguese-style chicken restaurants, and the food is good. Theres a Nandos literally right next to ou

13、r hotel I hope by now theyve all listened to me and had some Nandos. You just have to have the chicken.我已经告诉所有女孩去尝试一下Nandos的烤鸡(编辑注:Nandos是一家葡萄牙风情的英国连锁鸡肉餐厅,其食品非常美味)。我们入住的酒店旁边就刚好有一家Nandos连锁店我希望现在他们都听我的话在Nandos里大快朵颐了。你一定要品尝一下鸡肉。Karlie Kloss told me shed been disappointed there was no full English break

14、fast this morning. Whats that about?卡莉克劳斯告诉我她非常失望,今天早上没有足够的英式早餐。是怎么回事呢?Right, like, I really thought there was going to be some bacon and some eggs and some mushrooms. Im like, What the hell? I mean, its great. The catering is great. But Im like, Hold on a second, lets embrace the fact that were in

15、London and have a full English breakfast. Thats what I wanted.对,是这样的,我原本以为今天早上会有一些熏肉,鸡蛋和蘑菇。结果却发现,天哪!怎么回事?我是说,招待得非常好。但是我好像愣了一下才意识到我们是在伦敦,享用的是纯正的英式早餐。我要的就是这样。You know, I saw people wheeling a shopping cart full of baguettes and packs of bacon backstage. I dont know where it went, but maybe therell be

16、some bacon butties Ed note: This is British for sandwich for you all?你知道,我刚刚在后台看到有人推着装满长面包和成袋的熏肉的购物车。我不知道车子去哪里,但是或许你们所有人都会享用一些熏肉三明治?That would be amazing. I could use a bacon butty now.那就太棒了!我可以吃熏肉三明治了。You could eat a bacon butty on the day of the Victorias Secret Fashion Show?你会在维多利亚的秘密内衣时尚秀当天吃熏肉三明

17、治吗?Oh, hell yeah. I need that.是的,我需要。What have you had to eat so far this morning?目前为止,你今天早上吃了什么?To be fair, I was hoping thered be more breakfast catered, so I only had a green tea and some fruit, which is kind of rubbish. It was like a prep for breakfast.公平地说,我原本希望能有更多早餐供应,所以我只喝了一杯绿茶,吃了一些水果,这些毫无用处

18、。就好像是早餐前的开胃菜。And how about in recent weeks? Have you had to monitor what youre eating and keep to a strict food plan?最近几周呢?你是否需要监控自己的饮食,遵守严格的饮食计划?I generally eat well. I dont really follow a crazy diet or anything in the lead-up to the show or at all I want to eat good healthy food, because I want t

19、o have good food in my system. I love a good curry, though; curries can be healthy. Im into South Asian cuisine at the moment I like to make my own Thai curries, Malaysian curries. And a nice stir-fry is always good, or steamed fish.总体来说,我吃得比较好。我从来不会在内衣秀之前或任何时候执行残酷的节食计划我希望食用非常好的健康食品,因为我希望体内拥有好的食物。不过

20、我喜欢咖喱,咖喱也可以很健康。我现在对南亚菜肴情有独钟我喜欢自己制作泰国咖喱,马来西亚咖喱。美味的炒菜或蒸鱼都非常好。3. JOAN SMALLS3.琼斯莫斯Have you had time to enjoy good British food so far this trip?这趟旅程中你是否有时间享用正宗的英国食品?You know, Ive eaten British food when Ive been here before, but I feel like this trip is so intense and so energy-driven that we dont have

21、 time for a proper meal. No fish and chips, can you believe it? I hope catering brings some fish and chips, that would be amazing right before the show. While in London, you should; you know, I did steal some chips from Candice Swanepoel yesterday, during rehearsal. They were good.你知道,我以前来伦敦时曾经吃过英国食

22、品,但是这次我觉得行程安排太紧张了,没有时间好好享用美食。甚至没有吃过炸鱼薯条,是否难以置信?我希望餐饮部门能够提供一些炸鱼薯条,如果能在走秀前吃到就太棒了。来到伦敦就应该吃到这种食品。你知道,昨天彩排期间我偷吃了坎蒂丝斯瓦内普尔的一些薯条。非常美味。Youd enjoy a good ol battered cod before the show?你在走秀前会好好享用英式炸鳕鱼吗?I feel like theres nothing youre going to do last minute thats going to drastically change your body. You s

23、hould have put in that hard work before to see the results.我认为比赛前最后一刻你做的任何事情都不会严重改变身材。要得到好的结果,你就应该早做努力。What did you have for breakfast this morning?你今天早餐吃了什么?I made sure I got fruits, because I need the sugar. I dont do caffeine I dont like what it does to my heart. Let me see, what else . yogurt, g

24、ranola, and some eggs. They didnt have much else here today in our buffet.我保证自己吃一些水果,因为我需要糖分。我没有喝咖啡,因为我不希望咖啡对心脏造成影响。让我想想还有什么酸奶,格兰诺拉麦片和一些鸡蛋。今天的自助餐没有太多选择。I was telling Jourdan Dunn I saw a lot of baguettes and bacon coming backstage earlier.我刚刚告诉卓丹邓,我看到了许多长面包和熏肉来到后台。WHEN WAS THAT? Oh my gosh, I was ta

25、lking to Jacquelyn Jablonski and Lindsay Ellingson at breakfast earlier and I was like, Wheres the bacon?什么时候?我的天啊!我刚刚还跟杰奎琳雅布隆斯基和琳赛艾林森说,“熏肉在哪里呢?”I hope I havent spread a false bacon rumor.我希望我没有散播关于熏肉的虚假谣言。If you have, Im coming after you.如果是谣言,我不会放过你。4. LILY DONALDSON4.丽丽唐纳森As one of the British mo

26、dels, are you shouldering extra responsibilities? Youre the hometown hero!作为一名英国模特,你是否肩负着额外的责任?你是家乡英雄!Ive always wanted to be the hometown hero! And, you know, this year the after-after-party is in my hands. Its the secret Angel party.我一直想做家乡英雄!你知道,今年的走秀后派对是由我筹办的,就是“秘密天使派对”。What happens at the secre

27、t Angel after-after-party? It sounds so glamorous.“秘密天使走秀后派对”有什么活动和美食?听上去非常诱人。I cannot tell you. What happens at the secret Angel party stays at the secret Angel party. But if Im in charge theres going to be sausage and mash and sausage rolls! Thats easier, actually, as when were done well just be a

28、ble to eat sausage rolls out of the packets.我不能告诉你。一切要等到聚会时揭晓。但是如果我负责的话会有香肠和麦芽浆还有香肠卷!这更加简单,走秀结束后直接从袋子里拿出香肠卷就可以吃了。Can we talk about the breakfast situation here? Whats been happening?我们可以说一下这里早餐的情况吗?发生了什么事?I was on the bus coming here and I said thered better be an English breakfast, and we got here

29、and there wasnt even eggs! There was only hard-boiled eggs so I think the caterers had to go make some more eggs because there was some . discord. Ive heard the lunch is really nice.我是搭乘巴士来这里的,我说最好能有英式早餐,结果我们到达之后甚至连鸡蛋都没有!只有水煮蛋,所以我认为餐饮人员应该多做一些鸡蛋,因为有些不和谐。我听说午餐相当不错。What did you have for breakfast?你早餐吃了

30、什么?I had a big bowl of porridge this morning from room service. Is that weird? I woke up early and sat in bed with a big bowl of porridge. I like maple syrup and milk with my porridge, sometimes some honey.我吃了客房服务提供的一大碗麦片粥。是否很奇怪?我很早醒过来,就坐在床上解决一大碗粥。我喜欢在粥里加一些糖浆和牛奶,有时加一些蜂蜜。I just wanted something warm

31、and comforting; its a rainy day I knew I wasnt going to . well, I didnt know what the breakfast situation was going to be here, lets say. And I like to have a few breakfasts. My boyfriend often asks me, Have you had second breakfast yet?And Im like, Haha, Im on my third. Second breakfast should be c

32、oming up now, actually; Ill be rooting around. Oh, Ive already had one of Karlies Kookies! She brought them with her. I was feeling peckish, so there we go.我希望吃一些温暖舒适的东西。这里是下雨天,我不知道这里的早餐怎么样。我喜欢吃几次早餐。我男朋友经常问我,“你吃过第二次早餐了吗?”我有时会回答,“哈哈,我正在吃第三次早餐。”现在我马上就要吃第二次早餐了。我正满心期待着。实际上,我刚刚吃了一份卡莉饼干,她随身携带的。我觉得非常饿,所以吃了一点。5. DEVON WINDSOR

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