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1、英语习语集锦英语习语集锦1、a bad apple 坏蛋A:Oh, my God! What happened? Why are you black and blue?B:I got beaten by Peters brotherA:Thats a bad apple! Lets think up a way and teach him a lesson甲:噢,天哪!怎么啦?你身上怎么青一块紫一块的?乙:彼得的弟弟把我给打了。甲:这坏蛋,咱们来想个法来教训教训他。2、a dog in the manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人;占有有利条件却不会利用的人A:Give the skates to

2、 me!B:You shut up!A:If you dont know how to skate, why dont you give the skates to me? Dont be a dog in the manger.甲:把冰鞋给我!乙:你闭嘴!甲:你若不知道怎么滑冰,干吗不把冰鞋给我?别占着茅坑不拉屎了!3、a gay dog 快活的人A:Its strange they should get along so well!B:Thats nothing unusual.A:You dont know much about the couple. One likes to be a

3、lone, but the other is a bit of a gay dog.甲:他们居然能处得这么好,太奇怪了。乙:没什么不寻常的。甲:你不了解这俩口子,一个喜欢独处,另一个却喜欢热闹。4、a hard nut 冥顽不化的人;无知无觉的人A:Bob refused all his classmates invitations.B:I really couldnt understand him.A:Hes surely a hard nut, nobody likes approaching him.B:Wed better also leave him alone.甲:鲍勃拒绝了班上所

4、有人的邀请。乙:他这个人我真不明白。甲:他真是个脑子不开窍的人,没人愿意靠近他。乙:我们最好也别惹他。5、a hen-pecked husband 妻管严;怕老婆的男人A:Aunt is scolding uncle again.B:Dont worry. Your uncle wont utter a word back.A:I didnt know my uncle is a hen-pecked husbandB:He isnt. He thinks its not necessary to quarrel with women.甲:婶婶又在骂叔叔了。乙:别着急,你叔叔不会还口的。甲:我

5、还不知道我叔叔是个妻管严。乙:他不是。他觉得和女人吵架没必要。6、big shot 要人A:Do you know Mr. Smith?B:No, but I know of him. Hes a big shot in the local politics.A:Im told hes only a yes-man.B:Yes, I hate that. At present, what we want is a strong, independent leader, not a bunch of yes-man.甲:你认识史密斯先生吗?乙:不认识,但我知道这人,他在本地政界是个举足轻重的人物

6、。甲:我听说他是个和事佬。乙:没错儿,我就恨这个。现在,我们要的是强有力的、有主见的领导人,可不是和事佬儿。7、fat cat 大款A:Wherere those popular actresses in our school time?B:Get into marriage.A:Can everyone find a fat cat?B:Everyone wants to, but not everyone succeeds.甲:咱们上学时的那些女影星都哪去了?乙:结婚了呗!甲:人人都能找到大款吗?乙:人人都想,可并不是人人都能找到。8、bosom friends 知心朋友A:Is Jack

7、 a friend of yours?B:Yes. He is one of my bosom friends.A:Hes a nice guy as far as I knowB:You can be certain of that.甲:杰克是你的朋友吗?乙:是,他是我的一个知心朋友。甲:我也知道他是一个好人。乙:这点毫无疑问。9、con artist 大骗子手A:Is this your first visit to this city?B:Yes, why?A:Perhaps I should warn you that this city is full of con artists.

8、B:Thanks for telling. Ill take care.甲:这是你第一次游览这个城市吗?乙:是呀,怎么了?甲:也许我该提醒你这座城市有许多骗子手。乙:谢谢,我会小心的。10、the long and short of it 概括地说A:Do you know why John left our company?B:Its a complicated story but the long and short of it is that he transferred a large sum of money wrongly.A:Who should be responsible e

9、xactly?B:A crook took advantage of him. Our boss would never forgive such a stupid act. 甲:你知道为什么约翰离开我们公司了吗?乙:这事很复杂,但概括地说,他错转了一大笔资金。甲:确切说谁应负责呢?乙:一个骗子骗了他。我们的老板永远也不会原谅这样愚蠢的行为。11、no point 没理由A:Theres no point in losing temper on me. Its unfair!B:What did you do to him?A:If I did something bad, I wouldnt

10、 blame him for getting angry with me. The point is that I did nothing wrong.B:Maybe he thought you reported him to the manager.甲:没理由向我发火。这太不公平了!乙:你对他怎么了!甲:如果我做了坏事,我不会怪他生我的气。可事实是,我没做什么错事呀。乙:说不定他以为是你向经理打了小报告。12、fat change(反语)微小的机会;极少的可能A:I think it was Jason who stole my document.B:Fat chance!A:Hes th

11、e only one who left here late.B:I know him. Hell never do that sort of thing.甲:我觉得是詹森偷了我的文件。乙:不会的。甲:他是唯一一个走得晚的人。乙:我了解他,他决不会干这种事儿。13、mark time 原地踏步;停顿A:Why did we stop?B:No, we didnt really stop. We just marked time.A:Marked time?B:Yeah, we have to pause until we get approval.甲:我们为什么停下来?乙:不,我们并没有真的停下

12、来。我们只是原地踏步。甲:原地踏步?乙:是的。我们不得不暂时停下待命。14、have seen better days 有过好日子A:Look, Mrs. Thomas is such a beauty in her early eyes.B:But Mr. Thomas is short, skinny and ugly.A:Why do you think Mrs. Thomas married him?B:Hes certainly very poor now, but I think hes seen better days.甲:看,托马斯夫人年轻时这么漂亮。乙:可托马斯先生又矮、又瘦

13、、又丑。甲:你猜他为什么要嫁给他?乙:他现在固然很穷,可我想他有过好日子。15、a storm in a teacup 风波;小事引起的轩然大波;小题大做A:The husband cant understand why his wife got angry so easily.B:Hes too careless maybe.A:No, its not that. Actually its a storm in a teacup. I also thought its the women who is to blame.B:Anyway the man has to consider his

14、 wifes feelings.甲:丈夫不明白他妻子为什么那么容易生气。乙:可能他太粗心了。甲:不是,不是因为这个。实际上她是小题大做,我也觉得是他妻子不对。乙:不管怎么说男人应该考虑作妻子的情绪。16、the last straw 忍无可忍A:That was the last straw!B:Why did you say that? Did your girlfriend do anything wrong?A:She refused to see me. She must have fallen in love with another guy.B:I dont believe it.

15、 Talk with her, will you? There must be some misunderstanding between you.甲:真是让人忍无可忍!乙:你为什么这么说?你女朋友做什么错事了吗?甲:她拒绝见我,她一定是爱上别人了。乙:我不相信。和她谈谈,好吗?你们之间一定是发生什么误会了。17、make a clean breast of.忏悔A:Youre restless. Are you in trouble?B:Ive done something I shouldnt A:Then make a clean breast of it, you will feel

16、released.B:Ive not decided yet.甲:你老是不安?有麻烦吗?乙:我做了件不该做的事。甲:那就彻底忏悔一下吧。你会感觉轻松一些的。乙:我还没决定呢。18、to my way of thinking 依我看来.A:To my way of thinking, I think you behaved rudely before your dad.B:I couldnt keep my temper then, poor dad, he must be very sad.A:How about apologizing now?B:I hope he can forgive

17、me.甲:依我看来,你在你父亲面前表现得太无礼了。乙:当时我控制不住。可怜的爸爸,他一定很难过。甲:现在去向他道歉怎么样?乙:我希望他能原谅我。19、the same as 同.一样A:Jim, is this the bike you lost?B:Let me see. No, mine has a special symbol on it.A:This is the same bike as yours, I think. I cant tell the difference.B:If you were the owner, you could.甲:吉姆,这是你丢的那辆自行车吗?乙:让我

18、看看。不是,我的车上面有个特别的标记。甲:我想这辆车和你的很像。我看不出有什么区别。乙:如果你是车主,你就能看出区别了。20、the benefit of doubt (在证据不足情况下)假定某人无辜A:Who did it?B:Dont be so angry, Henry?A:It must be Robert.B:Maybe Robert did it, maybe he didnt. If I were you, I would give him the benefit of the doubt. Its not so important anyway.甲:这是谁干的?乙:亨利,别发那

19、么大的火好不好?甲:准是罗伯特干的。乙:也许是罗伯特干的,也许不是。如果我是你,我就先假定不是他干的。不管怎么说这件事也没什么大不了的。21、right up ones alley 正合某人的心意或技能A:David is good at tennis.B:Speaking of tennis, Daniel is the best.A:Thats for sure. All sports are right up his alley. Actually, nobody can get a better hand over him yet.B:Hell make a successful sp

20、ortsman, I think.甲:大卫很擅长网球。乙:谈到网球,丹尼尔是最棒的了。甲:那是肯定的。所有运动他都擅长。事实上,还没人能胜过他。乙:我想他会成为一个成功的运动员的。22、school of hard knocks 艰苦的磨练A:My boss is such a shrewd businessman everyone admires him.B:Which university did he graduate from?A:He never went to high school. He was educated in the school of hard knocks.B:T

21、hats incredible.甲:我的老板是个非常精明的生意人,每个人都很欣赏他。乙:他是从哪所大学毕业的?甲:连高中都没上过。他是受了艰苦的磨练而成长起来的。乙:真是难以置信。23、something the matter with 出问题A:Hey, Richard! Whatre you doing right here?B:My recorder has something the matter with its speaker; I want to have it fixed.A:It broke down again? You really need a new one.甲:嘿,

22、里查德!你在这儿干什么呢?乙:我录音机的喇叭坏了。我想找人把它修好。甲:又坏了?你真该买个新的了。24、under age 未成年A:Why not take me to the party, Mom?B:Youre too young, dear.A:Oh, Im really as tall as you.B:Oh, youre still under age.甲:为什么不带我去参加晚会,妈妈?乙:你还未成年,亲爱的。甲:不,我都快和您一般高了。乙:但你还是没长大啊。25、the matter 麻烦A:Is the anything matter?B:Ive been watching t

23、he game on TV. One of our athletes is seriously injured.A:My goodness! Has she been sent to hospital?B:Yes, poor girl. Shes only your age.甲:出什么事了吗?乙:我一直在看电视上的比赛,我们的一个队员严重受伤了。甲:天哪!她被送往医院了吗?乙:送了。可怜孩子,她只有你这么大。26、rat race 激烈的竞争A:America is a rich country. Many people are dreaming of going there but you

24、came back.B:To tell you the truth, Im very happy with my modest job here and the peaceful life.A:New York is exciting, isnt it?B:Yes, but I have no desire to take part in the rat race there.甲:美国是个富裕的国读。很多人都梦想去那儿,但你却回来了。乙:坦白地说,我很满意自己在这里的普通工作和平静生活。甲:纽约很令人兴奋,不是吗?乙:是的。但我却无心卷入那种你死我活的竞争。27、take someones m

25、ind off something 使某人忘记某事A:I need a weeks vacation so that I can take my mind of my troubles.B:Yeah, maybe things will changes for the better.A:I am hoping so.甲:我需要一周的假期,这样我可以忘记我的烦恼。乙:是啊,也许事情会有转机。甲:我正希望如此。28、think twice about 仔细考虑A:Youre a native of the city and you have lived here for many years. H

26、ow do you like it?B:Well, Id have to think twice about that.A:Its familiar to you, isnt it?B:Well, I think its beautiful. I especially like the weather here.甲:你是本市人,在这儿呆了很多年,你觉得这座城市怎么样?乙:恩,我得好好想一想。甲:你不陌生吧?乙:恩,我想,这儿很美,我特别喜欢这儿的天气。29、Take the turning 拐弯A:Could you tell me how to get to the bank?B:Let m

27、e think. Well, take the second turning on the right and its opposite the supermarket.A:I see. Is it far?B:No, not really, only a few minutes.A:Oh, good, thank your very much.A:请告诉去银行怎么走,好吗?B:让我想想,恩,在第二个路口向右拐,就在超市的对面。A:我明白了,很远吗?B:不太远,只有几分钟的路程。A:非常感谢。30、search me (非正式)不知道A:Wheres Annie?B:In the house.

28、A:In the house? Where is she?B:Search me, I dont know where she is now.A:安妮呢?B:在屋里。A:在屋里?在哪儿呢?B:不知道,我也搞不清。31、have it in one 有能力(做某事)A:Harry was elected monitor at the class meeting yesterday.B:Do you think he has it in him to be a good monitor?A:Hes a good student as far as his achievement is concer

29、ned. But I really cant tell whether hell make a good monitor.A:昨天哈里在班会上被选为班长。B:你认为他有能力成为一名好班长吗?A:就他的成绩来说他是一名好学生。但他是不是能当个好班长,我也说不好。32、have it over 比.好些;胜过A:Its pity that I havent been to many countries.B:But I think you have it over me. Ive never been out of China.A:Never?B:Never. I am not joking.A:真

30、遗憾很多国家我都没去过。B:但我想你总比我要好。我从来都没出过中国。A:从来都没出去过?B:从来都没有。我没有开玩笑。33、Have had enough 对.发腻;厌烦A:What do you think of the Prof. Smith lecture?B:Ive have had enough of that kind of stuff.A:So have I. I decided not to go next time.A:你认为史密斯教授的课上得怎么样?B:我对他讲的课已经厌烦了。A:我也是。我决定下节课不去了。34、serve somebody right 自作自受A:Wou

31、ld you please find me another job, Dad?B:Whats wrong with your job?A:Ive lost it.B:I once told you to work hard, but you always turned a deaf ears to me. It serves you right.A:爸爸,能请您为我另找份工作吗?B:你的工作怎么了?A:我丢了这份工作。B:以前我告诉过你要努力工作,但你总是当耳边风,你这是自作自受。35、for that matter 而且A:His parents wont trust him and for that matter,

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