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1、英文电影与英语口语 论文ContentsAcknowledgement.Abstract.I. Introduction. II. How to improve University students Oral English by watching English Movies2.1 Previewing Preparation 2.1.1 The Movie Selection Criteria 2.1.2 Introducing Cultural Background and Related Information 2.2 While-Viewing 2.2.1 Assigning qu

2、estions2.2.2 Playing Movies Reasonably2.2.3 Role Playing2.3 Post-Viewing2.3.1 Discussion 2.3.2 Retelling III. The problems existing in improving University students Oral English through watching English Movies and some solutions3.1 Problems existing in improving University students Oral English thro

3、ugh watching English Movies3.2 Some Solutions IV. Conclusion. References.AcknowledgementFirst of all, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Yang Jianhong, for his constant encouragement and guidance on my thesis. In the preparation of the thesis, she has spent much time reading thro

4、ugh each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. I really dont know what I would have done with my thesis without her help. I also greatly thank the professors and teachers at the Foreign Language & Literature Department who have instructed and helped me a lot. In addition, my gratitude also ex

5、tends to my friends and classmates for their valuable suggestions which are of help and importance in making the thesis a reality.Finally, I am indebted to my parents for their continuous support and encouragementAbstract: Nowadays, English is becoming increasingly important in China. But due to lac

6、k of domestic English environment ,college students spoken English is very difficulty in our country. So, it is very important for us to find an effect way to improve college students Oral English. This article mainly introduced that it is a good way to learn spoken English by watching English movie

7、s and how to use English Movie to improve University Students Oral English. But at present, using English movies to improve college students Oral English still has some problems in our country. Therefore, this article also introduces some related measures to solve these problems. Keywords: Oral Engl

8、ish, English Movie, Solution摘要:如今,英语在中国变得越来越重要。但是,由于缺少国内英语环境使得大学生英语口语学习在我们国家非常困难。所以,对我们来说,寻找一个有效的方法提高大学生的英语口语能力十分重要。本文主要介绍了看英文电影是学习英语口语的好方法以及如何使用英语电影来提高大学生的口语表达能力。但目前,在我们的国家使用英文电影提高学生口语还存在着诸多问题。因此,本文还介绍了一些相关措施来解决这些问题。关键词:英语口语,英文电影,措施How to improve University students Oral English by watching English

9、 MoviesI. IntroductionWith the arrival of the 21st century, the international communication is becoming increasingly frequent. As an international language, English plays an important role in communication. The book College English Curriculum Teaching Requirements issued by The Ministry of Education

10、 in July 2007 proposed developing students comprehensive ability, especially the listening and speaking skills and made them can use English fluently in their work and social interactions in the future. But in our country, the greatest difficulty encountered by the Chinese studying English usually l

11、ies not in reading and writing, but in the improvement of listening and speaking. Oral English-application of speaking and listening-is the basis for learning reading and written language for students who take English as their first language(Brown&Yule,1983). University students Oral English in Chin

12、a exists many shortcomings. Many students spend a lot of time and energy in learning spoken English but the effect is not efficacious. There are a lot of people who have a large vocabulary and good mastery of grammars, but could not open their own mouth. Investigating the reason, it is mainly due to

13、 the lack of domestic English environment. However, film materials can compensate for this flaw. English movies provide learners an English learning environment. According to the psycholinguistic theory of natural second language acquisition, the best environment for learning a second language is in

14、 the language setting, or to say, only when students are exposed to an authentic or natural language can they master it well ( Ellis 1994 ). WuShenSiJi , the famous educator said a study that is forced to learn but without any interest will stifle students wishes to master knowledge. Einstein also s

15、aid“interest is the best teacher.” According to the Affective-Filter Theory by Krashen, the higher motivation they have, the more interested students are in learning, and the better results they can get ( Krashen 1987 ). Thus, study interest is of vital importance. As Jack Longergan points,“When we

16、use teaching materials to promote communicative activities, they rest upon the idea of an information gap.” Feature films are more intrinsically motivating than videos made EFL teaching because they embody the notion that a film has a story that wants to be told than needs to be taught ( Ward & Lepe

17、intre 1996 ) Movie can exactly provide learners relaxed atmosphere and minimize the language learners anxiety and negative attitude. Thereby, it can stimulate students interest in learning and improve teaching and learning efficiency.Applying English movies to Oral English teaching is accord with co

18、nstructivism learning theory. Constructivism holds that knowledge is not got through teachers teaching, but in certain situations namely, social culture background, with the help of others (including teachers and co-learner) help, using necessary study material, obtain through the ways of significan

19、ce construction. Movie is a technology that convey information with non - word language and audio -visual language, light and sound. By ZhouChuanJi, the professor in Beijing film academy. Movie with vivid scene, classic and rich dialogue create a good Oral English acquisition environment for foreign

20、 language learners. The “realism” of movies provides a wealth of contextualized linguistic, paralinguistic and authentic cross-cultural information, classroom listening comprehension and fluency practice (Braddock 1966: 22 ). II. How to improve University students Oral English by watching English Mo

21、vies 2.1 Previewing Preparation In this period, the work will finish mainly by teachers. They will choose what to watch and introduce the background, contents and relationship between the characteristics in the movies and to help students build a rough idea about a film. 2.1.1 The Movie Selection Cr

22、iteria Arcario(1992:109) suggests that comprehensibility is a major criteria in selecting a video for language-learning purposes. According to Massi and Merino (1986:90), the selection should be very careful with the content, with respect to accent and well-thought-out criteria and the duration. The

23、refore, teachers should carefully select materials by taking into consideration their language, themes and contents, length, values, and fully mobilize students initiatives. On the language, for many university students in China, listening is usually their weakness. Therefore, teachers ought to choo

24、se some movie clips with clearer and authentic pronunciation and relatively simple dialogue. Only in this way can students learn authentic pronunciation and intonation, while overmuch uncommon words or slang will cause barriers for students to understanding the film content, so that they will have a

25、 kind of fear of difficulty. Besides, the speech speed should be moderate and can understand most of the dialogues. For example, the Sound of Music, One Hundred and One Dalmatians are simple and slow to understand. In Friends, there are many simple sentence structures such as there you go or here yo

26、u go. These sentences seem no clear Chinese meaning. But students can feel the meaning of the sentences according to a specific scene in the films. In contrast, Gone With the Wind and Waterloo Bridge are classics, but their pace of speech and accent are beyond the reach of students. For the themes a

27、nd contents, on the one hand, the themes of films selected by teachers should be distinct, positive, and have certain depth. Movies like this can give students a deep enlightenment and profound education meaning and can also attract students interest in classroom teaching. Whats more, it is easy to

28、lead students to discuss the theme of the filled movie and cultivate their ability of thinking and ability of language expression. On the other hand, the theme of the film should unify the theme of college English. It is helpful for students to master the text. So, in different class, teachers shoul

29、d choose films which have different themes. e.g. if the theme of this unit is about language learning study techniques, we can choose the film My Fair Lady, or the Sound of Music; for the theme of scientists, we can choose the film A Beautiful Mind, or Madame Curie. Moreover, the content of the film

30、 should close to the real life. In addition, the influences of films upon students cannot be underestimated. Currently, the good and bad films are intermingled. Films with positive themes can edify sentiment, while those studded with violence and sex will be misguided. Therefore, the teacher must be

31、 considered whether it can help students physical and mental health in choosing the films.On the plot aspects, teachers should realize that the emphases of learning film materials shall be the language, not plot. Therefore, when choose films, they should try to choose the easy-to-understand material

32、s. Otherwise, students will make their most energy on grasping and understanding the plot. Consequently, it will influence the language learning. And the plot should be vivid and interesting, so that it can arouse students interest. If it is necessary, teachers can cut the film content properly according to different teaching aims and difficulty levels of movies. On the length, the length of the film commonly controlled within 100 minu

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