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ARKIVOC 投稿须知.docx

1、ARKIVOC 投稿须知ARKIVOC INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORSCONTENTS1. Editorial Policy of Arkivoc1.1 Manuscript requirements1.2 Evaluation of manuscripts1.3 Date of receipt2. Preparation of Manuscript, Supplementary Materials, and Graphical Abstract2.1 Manuscript text2.1.1 The language of publication2.1.2 Word proc

2、essor2.1.3 Macros and bookmarks2.1.4 Text file format2.2 Organization of the manuscript2.2.1 Manuscripts headings for original research papers2.2.2 Manuscripts headings for reviews and accounts2.2.3 Title2.2.4 Authors name(s)2.2.5 Authors address(es), corresponding authors e-mail address2.2.6 Dedica

3、tion2.2.7 Abstract2.2.8 Keywords2.2.9 Headings font size and style, alignment2.2.10 Table of Contents - Reviews and Accounts only2.2.11 Introduction2.2.12 Results and Discussion2.2.13 Conclusions2.2.14 Experimental Section2.2.15 Acknowledgements2.2.16 References2.2.17 Authors Biographies - required

4、for Accounts and Reviews only2.3 Tables2.4 Graphics2.4.1 Schemes, equations, and structure blocks2.4.2 Figures2.5 Supplementary materials2.6 Graphical abstract3. Submission of Manuscript3.1 Submission procedure3.2 Refereeing procedure and editing of the manuscript3.3 Revision of manuscript3.4 Copyri

5、ght agreement4. Model Experimental SectionAUTHOR ALERTAuthors attention is drawn to the new style for listing references cited in manuscripts submitted. MPublishing, which provides publishing services to Arkivoc, is now a member of CrossRef, and consequently, DOIs (digital object identifiers) are be

6、ing assigned to all Arkivoc papers that have been published. This should help to ensure maximum visibility of your work published in Arkivoc since this linking system is used by all major journals. Participation in the system requires that all references cited should include a DOI when one is availa

7、ble. We ask for your cooperation in using the new style to facilitate our work in assigning DOIs to references. It is not necessary for authors to provide DOIs.Please refer to the Arkivoc Instructions to Authors (Section 2.2.16) for full details of the format for reference citing and listing. Manusc

8、ripts that do not use the correct format will be returned to authors for revision prior to review.1. Editorial Policy of Arkivoc1.1 Manuscript requirementsIt is the responsibility of the senior author to ensure that all named authors have made a significant contribution to the work described in the

9、manuscript and that all authorshave seen and approvedthe manuscript prior to submission.The manuscript of a full paper must be based onoriginal researchby the authors and the work must not have been published previously either in print or electronic format (exception: dissertations).Manuscripts shou

10、ld be submitted to Arkivoc on an exclusive basis and must not be under simultaneous consideration by another journal.If reference is made to an unpublished paper (“submitted” or “in press”), a copy of that manuscript should be provided by the author with the submission.Medicinal Chemistry.Arkivoc is

11、 an organic chemistry journal and does not publish papers that are primarily concerned with medicinal chemistry. The journal does publish manuscripts with some medicinal chemistry content if the synthetic chemistry is novel and of general interest to organic chemists. Biological test results, if inc

12、luded, should form only a minor part of the manuscript, and biological results that are particularly significant or promising are more suitable for a medicinal chemistry journal. The final decision to publish such papers resides with the editors.1.2 Evaluation of manuscriptsContributions will be eva

13、luated initially by the Primary Review Committee. Manuscripts that fulfil the essential scientific and editorial requirements for publication in Arkivoc will be reviewed by two or more members of the Editorial Board of Referees who advise the Scientific Editors on the suitability for publication. Au

14、thors are requested to submitthree suggestions for referees.Manuscripts that are unsound or have inadequate characterization of new compounds will not be accepted.1.3 Date of receiptThe date of receipt recorded in the published article will be the date when a complete submission that satisfies all t

15、he requirements of the Technical Editor is received in the editorial office.2. Preparation of Manuscript, Supplementary Materials, and Graphical Abstract(Please note that Communications are not published in Arkivoc)2.1 Manuscript textBecause Arkivoc is published online and in a printed version, it i

16、s essential that the files for both versions are compatible. In order to achieve this, authors are required to use the appropriate template for the preparation of apaper,account, orreview. If, for technical reasons, this is not possible, the following format must be strictly adhered to. Failure to c

17、omply will result in the paper being returned for amendments before further consideration. Authors should refer to the sample paper or review for precise details of layout and format. For guidance on grammar, and chemical-usage in the preparation of manuscripts authors are recommended to consultThe

18、ACS Style Guide, Coghill, A. M.; Garson, L. R. Eds.; 3rd Edn.; Oxford University Press, 2006 (ISBN-13; 978-0-8412-3999-9). In a case of conflict between these sources, follow usage in arecentArkivoc paper on the website.2.1.1 The language of publicationis English.2.1.2 Word processorManuscripts must

19、 be prepared using MS Word as a doc file.Manuscripts in pdf format CANNOT be accepted.2.1.3 Macros and bookmarks:manuscripts containing macros and bookmarks CANNOT be accepted.2.1.4 Text file formatPage setup:page size: US Letter (8.5 by 11 in, 22 by 28 cm.); margins on all sides are 1 in (2.54 cm).

20、Line spacing:settingat least 16 pt.Font:Times New Roman.Text:12 pt, normal, justified (left and right).Symbols:Special characters (Greek letters, accents, mathematical symbols) must belong to the Times New Roman character set, i.e. must belong to the normal text Font in the Symbol selection window.2

21、.2 Organization of the manuscripts2.2.1 Manuscripts for original research papers should have the following headings:TitleAuthors name(s)Authors address(es), affiliation(s), corresponding authors addressDedication (optional)AbstractKeywordsIntroductionResults and DiscussionExperimental SectionSupplem

22、entary Material Available (optional)Acknowledgements (optional)References2.2.2 Manuscripts comprising reviews and accounts should have the following headings:TitleAuthors name(s)Authors address(es), affiliation(s), corresponding authors addressDedication (optional)AbstractKeywordsTable of Contents(T

23、oC)IntroductionMain Headings of ContentsAcknowledgements (optional)ReferencesAuthors Biographies2.2.3 TitleThe title should clearly describe the purpose of the paper and should not include abbreviations (16 pt, bold, centered; followed by one empty line). Only the first letter of the title and of pr

24、oper names in the title (e.g., Lewis acid) should be capitalized.标题应该清晰地描述文章的目的,不应包括缩略语(16磅,加粗,居中,后面跟着一个空行)。仅在标题(例如,路易斯酸)专有名称的标题和首字母应该大写。2.2.4 Authors name(s)Typically, the following should be provided for each author:Given name, middle initial and surname (12 pt, bold, centered; followed by one emp

25、ty line).The name of the corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*). If authors are from different institutions their surnames should be labeled after the name with a lower case superscript letter referring to the authors addresses.Example: Albert J. Jones,aDalpat Patel,band Arthur O

26、therb*The senior author must have the agreement of all authors for their names to appear on the paper.通常情况下,以下应为每个作者: 给定的名字,中间名首字母和姓(12磅,加粗,居中,后面跟着一个空行)。 对应的作者的名称应标有星号(*)。如果作者是来自不同的机构,但他们的姓氏应该以小写字母上标指的是作者的地址,名称后加上标签。 例如:阿尔伯特J.琼斯,Dalpat帕特尔,b和亚瑟Otherb* 资深作家必须具有的所有作者对他们的名字的协议出现在纸上。2.2.5 Authors address

27、(es), corresponding authors e-mail addressThe complete mailing address(es) of author(s) should include the name of the institutional affiliation, street or P.O. box number, city, postal code, and country (12 pt, italic, centered).The address line should be followed by the e-mail address of the corre

28、sponding author (12 pt, italic, centered; with hyperlink; followed by one empty line).的作者(S)的完整的邮寄地址(ES)应包括工作单位,街道的名称或PO箱号,城市,邮政编码和国家(12磅,斜体,居中)。 地址线应遵循的通讯作者(12磅,斜体,居中,与超链接,后面跟着一个空行)的电子邮件地址。2.2.6If aDedicationis desired, it should appear after a one line space below the e-mail address (12 pt, bold,

29、centered).2.2.7 AbstractAll manuscripts must be accompanied by a written abstract, which should state the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. The use of numbers in the abstract identifying formulas or tables is discouraged because the abstract text should be compreh

30、ensible when read alone. A typical abstract should contain no more than 100 words.Abstract:Heading: 12 pt, bold, justified. Abstract text (on next line): 12 pt, normal, justified; followed by two empty lines.所有稿件必须附有一份书面摘要,其中应说明研究的主要结果和主要结论的目的。使用在抽象的识别公式或表的数字是不鼓励,因为当独自阅读抽象的文字应该是可以理解的。一个典型的抽象应该包含不超过1

31、00字。 摘要:标题:12磅,加粗,合理的。摘要文本(下一行):12磅,正常的,合理的;其次是两个空行。2.2.8 Keywords:the Abstract should be followed four to six keywords.Keywords subheading:12 pt, bold, colon, followed by keywords (first one capitalized and separated by commas): 12 pt, Times New Roman, left justified. There should be two spaces before the next heading.关键词:摘要应遵循四到六个关键字。 关键词副标题:12磅,加粗,冒号,然后是关键字(第一资本化,并以逗号分隔):12磅,宋体,左对齐。应该有两个空格的下一个标题之前。2.2.9 Headings font size and style, alignment:Major section headings(Introduction, Results and Discussion, Experimental Section, References, etc.): 14 pt

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