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1、河南省济源平顶山许昌高三第三次质量检测许昌市四模英语试题2020届河南省济源平顶山许昌高三第三次质量检测(许昌市四模)英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读选择 Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the lifestyle books. Here she picks her top reads.Frankly in Love by David YoonThere are some books I would never pick up if it weren t for review purposes and

2、 Frankly in Love is one of therm. I bad heard of this book and seen it all over Goodreads.Within the first few pages of this book, I was all in. I think part of what was so engaging is that its from he viewpoint of Frank Li, a teen of high school.Game of Stars by Sayantani DasguptaJust like any 12-y

3、ear-old girl, Kiran is just tying to figure out who she is. Unlike other 12-year-old girls, however, she has to0 deal with titles like princess and demon slayer (魔鬼杀手)”. She happens to be a princess from the Kingdom Beyond, a world where gods and demons existed. Now it is up to her to save the kingd

4、om and be the hero.Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-SmithThis is a remarkable book. The depth of the story went far beyond my expectations. The author paints a picture of Lincoln, a portrait (肖像) of strength, determination, and sacrifice in the face of personal and national disaster. A

5、lthough some readers may find it rude to use a great leader of the United States in a fictional action book for entertainment, Grahame Smith tries to preserve an air of dignity and honor in the character of Lincoln.1What does the book Frankly in Love probably show to readers?AA world in a teens eye.

6、BThe building of a new country.CThe life of a famous politician.DWays of becoming a top student.2If you dont like to read about sex, which do you prefer?AFrankly in LoveBGame of StarsCAbraham Lincoln: Vampire HunterDCosmopolitan3What is special about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter?AIts about a roma

7、ntic painter.BIt is a collection of pictures.CIt s about a country leader.DIt tells the true life of the author. In a world facing increasing conflict and instability, a Chinese Canadian is sending messages of love and peace through his artwork.William Ho, 60, who arrived in Canada from Hong Kong 42

8、 years ago, teaches Chinese brush-painting near Toronto. The United Nations invited Ho to exhibit his art and his masterpiece at its headquarters in New York in 2006, and he then became a UN global partner. Ho has been doing Chinese art and Chinese brush-painting for more than 50 years and teaching

9、for over 30. He has more than 3, 000 students from around the world.“I actually started in Western art when I was younger, working in pencil drawing, oil painting, water color, etc. However, after I met Chinese brush-painting a couple of years later, my eyes and mind were enlightened,”Ho recalled. C

10、hinese and Western artists should respect, appreciate and learn from each other. Ho said one of his missions (使命) is to bring Chinese culture“back to”the centre stage of the world, as it had been for thousands of years.So one of the themes in Ho s speeches delivered at UN Headquarters was“position w

11、ell China, and position well the world. Ho said that some countries demand special treatment from the world or the international court in the name of democracy (民主) and freedom.“This mentality is sick, selfish and bad. The people of the world and Mother Nature are saying no to the greedy. In fact, t

12、he whole world cannot afford these types of demands. We as a global family wouldn t allow this to happen.Ho said. Contrary to greed, Chinese culture believes that“less is more”.“Chinese culture has been enlightening the world through our art, literature, philosophy, medicine, technologies in astrono

13、my, navigation and four great inventions,”Ho said.4What did Ho wish to do when he learned Chinese art?ATo be UNs partner easier and earlier.BTo make his artwork more enthusiastic.CTo regain its leading position in the world.DTo combine Chinese and Western culture in art.5What does Paragraph 4 mainly

14、 tell us?ADemocracy and freedom.BSome country s special demand.CA famous Chinese proverb.DHos opinion about cultural exchanges.6What does Ho think of artwork according to the passage?AA tool for glory and money.BThe carrier of culture.CA way to the world center.DA stage for artists.7Whats the best t

15、itle for the passage?AAn Artist Whose Heart Beats for WorldBA Chinese Painting LoverCA Pioneer Who Promotes Chinese CultureDA Famous UN Global Partner One of the most critical roles forests play is relieving climate change. Trees suck enormous amounts of carbon dioxide out of the air and fix the car

16、bon in their wood and the soil. A recent study found that planting new trees over an area the size of the US could suck away two thirds of all the carbon dioxide discharge that humans have pumped into the atmosphere.“Without animals, it is harder for forests to absorb carbon, as tree species (种类) im

17、portant for protecting the climate could be lost without animals, Susanne Winter, a program director said at the WWF.In Africa, many of the tree species that absorb the most carbon rely on large birds and primates (灵长类动物) to eat their fruits and spread their large seeds, according to the report. Wit

18、hout them, those trees would have difficulty reproducing and forests would lose their best carbon-storing trees.“Forests are our greatest natural ally in the fight against global warming, ”Winter said.“If we want to hold back the worldwide decline in biodiversity and prevent the climate crisis,s we

19、need to protect the forests and the species living there.Forests also filter (过滤) water- as water makes its way to lakes or groundwater reserves, the roots and soil separate it from deposits and pollution that it collects along the way. What s more, forests regulate the global water cycle, since tre

20、es leaves, branches, and roots store or send out water vapor.Climate models show that forest-cutting down in Central Africa could lead to a 15% drop in rainfall in the US Midwest, and Amazon deforestation (森林滥伐) could cut Texas rainfall by 25%.Humans also get food, wood, and medicine from the abunda

21、nce of plants and animals in forests. Worldwide, 1.6 billion people rely on forests for their livings, according to the United Nations. About 300 million people live in forests, according to WWF.8Whats the purpose of Paragraph 3?ATo tell where the large seeds go.BTo show the tree species in Africa.C

22、To draw reader s attention to Africa.DTo support Susanne Winters opinion.9What does the underlined word“ally in Paragraph 4 probably mean?AWinner.BCompetitor.CPartner.DVictim.10How do forests change climate according to the passage?ABy affecting air and water.BBy feeding birds and animals.CBy provid

23、ing life necessities.DBy increasing the variety of trees.11What can be inferred from the passage?AWater should be filtered.BThe more forests, the more rain.CForests should be globally protected.DHalf the carbon dioxide is sucked away by trees. If our bodies actually suffer from eating too much sugar

24、, then why do we like it? And why don t we have such a strong eager for food like, say, broccoli (西兰花),which is a great source of Vitamin C,Vitamin K iron, all things our body actually needs? If its so bad for us, then why does sugar taste so good? There are hundreds of journal articles trying to an

25、swer that very question. Let s take a look at what they ve come up with.Studies have shown that the love children have for sugar may be born with. In other words, kids may have a built-in love of all things sweet. The preference for sweet foods is found to be already evident in newborns, who prefer

26、sweeter formulas (配方). It also seems to be shared by children globally across cultures and climates. Theres further evidence that kids taste buds (味蕾) are more sensitive to bitter-tasting foods, further pushing them to reach for the sweets. One study showed that adults tend to maximize their sugar p

27、reference at about the level of sugar in a can of soda, but older children still liked drinks that were twice as sweet. The scientists couldnt find a limit to the concentration of sugar younger children preferred. It turms out that the kids still liked the sugary drink even past the point where ther

28、e was too much sugar to be dissolved (溶解) in water anymore.Sugar gets a bad fame, but it isnt all bad. Sugar provides our bodies with calories, which we can then change into energy. Children, in particular, need this energy to fuel their rapid growth. Sugar also helps us store fat, which can be draw

29、n on later if needed. Our body knows to pursue the things it needs as two way of signaling our brain to start eating what were missing.As a vegetarian (素食主义者),I know that when I start thinking about stealing the peanut butter sandwich thats been floating around in my kid s backpack, it s probably no

30、t because the sandwich is so delicious. It s more likely that I havent gotten enough protein for the day.12What makes so many people study sugar?AHigh sugar intake.BCuriosity about Sugar.CThe love for sugar.DThe magic effect of sugar.13What do the studies show about eating the sweets?ALoving sugar i

31、s humans nature.BA vegetarian doesnt like sugar so much.CThe older one is, the more sugar one needs.DThe love for sugar depends on living habits.14How does sugar impress us according to the text?ADeadly but irresistible.BBeneficial but harmful.CNecessary but not welcome.DUseful but not nutritious.15

32、Why does the author steal his kids food?ATo store more protein,BTo treat his illness.CTo avoid his kid eating more.DTo meet body s needs.二、七选五 Good gift giving is an art. The perfect present can lift mood or improve a relationship. It can repair a wrongdoing, or simply remind a loved one that you care.16 ? We spoke to some

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