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1、第七节 分译法第七节 分译法分译divisionsplitting 把原文句子中的个别词、短语或从句分离出来,单独译出,自成短句,或使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。例如:For a further explanation of examination-dreams I have to thank a remark made by a colleague who had studied this subject, who once stated, A movie of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a

2、rifleA movement of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle 我离开那个单人掩体速度之快,要是拍成电影的话,会像出膛的子弹一样。(名词译成小句) Alchemists made resultless efforts to transform one metal into another 炼金术士企图把一种金属转变成另一种金属,这完全是徒劳的。(形容词译成小句。)His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accid

3、ent to the machineryThat he failed to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machineryConciseConciseness因为他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。(名词短语译成子句。)The west for a century dirt-farm poor and ignored by the more industrialized eastern provinces of Ontario and Ouebec that control Canada has la

4、tely begun to sway the nations entire economic structure一个世纪以来,加拿大西部是贫困的小农经济地区。工业化程度较高、左右全国的东部省份安大略和魁北克曾对它不屑一顾。但最近以来,西部地区对加拿大的整个经济结构已产生影响。(长句分译成三小句。)分译法主要用于长句的翻译。为了使译文忠实、易懂,有时不得不把一个长句译成两句或更多的句子。division作为一种翻译技巧,它除了指句子分译外,还包括某些词语意义的分译。 一、单词分译:提起分译法这一技巧,一般都指句子分译,很少有著家谈及单词分译。伍华民曾发表一篇文章,题为文学翻译中的单词分译,现摘引

5、其有关部分(略有删改)。(一)单词词义分译:英语有些单词的语义呈综合型,即一个词内集合了几个语义成分。译成汉语时,不易找到合适的对等词,很难将其词义一下全部表达出来。这种情况下,汉译可采用分析型,即“扩展”型的方法分译原语,将其语义成分分布到几个不同的词语上。例如:Donald, who made his fortune as the proud creator of a plastic flamingo, a popular garden ornament in the United States, says he or Nancy will even convert some of the

6、ir clothes into polishing cloths if the other persons identical outfit is no longer wearable.唐纳德靠制作朔料的火烈鸟发了财-他为之自豪;这种产品在美国是很受欢迎的花园装饰品。他说,如果他们俩人中有谁的衣服不能再穿了,另一个甚至会把自己相配的那一条拆了做抹布。that little pink-faced chit Amelia with not half any sense,has ten thousand pounds and an establishment secure,爱米丽亚那粉红脸儿的小不点

7、儿,还没有我一半懂事,倒有一万镑财产,住宅家具奴仆一应俱全She is in wrong situation.I had a weak structure of hope of his not coming, when I heard his footsteps on the stairs.(二)单词搭配分译:英语中有些词语间的搭配关系颇有特点,汉译时要打破原文的结构,按照汉语习惯,将有关词语分别译出。例如:I have a busy day.= I am busy today.In white darkness, it is .I got a successful failure in th

8、e exam.she treated that lady with every demonstration of cool respect,她对那位夫人不冷不热,不失规矩 She had such a kindly,smiling,tender,gentle,generous heart of her own,她心地厚道,性格温柔可疼,器量又大,为人又乐观(heart一词被分译成“心地”、“性格”、“器量”和“为人”四个词,再与它前面的五个形容词搭配。) (三)灵活对等分译:英语中有些单词,如果按其在句中的位置机械地译成汉语,往往意义不够明确。遇到这类情况,应采用灵活对等分译,不拘泥于形式对应

9、,尽量使译文读者对译文的反应等值于原文读者对原文的反应(读者反应论)。例如: Thus it was that our little romantic friend formed visions of the future for herself 我们的小朋友一脑袋幻想,憧憬着美丽的将来如果逐字译成“我们的浪漫的小朋友憧憬着未来”并不能算错,但意思却不甚明了,因为“浪漫”一词在汉语中的含义较多。此处为“想人非非”,所以拆译成“一脑袋幻想”较为明确,既突出了人物性格,又避免了翻译腔。 (四) 突出语言重点:有时逐字翻译虽然也能文从字顺,但却不如分译能传达句内所含的语意重点。例如: there w

10、as in the old library at Queens Crawley a considerable provision of works of light literature of the last century,both in the French and English languages 在女王的克劳莱大厦的书房里,有不少18世纪的文学作品,有英文的,也有法文的,都是些轻松的读物 (五)修辞需要词语分译:有时将单词分译只是为了达到某种修辞效果,如: And in their further disputes she always returned to this point

11、,“Get me a situation-we hate each other, and I am ready to go” 从此以后他们每拌一次嘴,她就回到老题目,说道:“给我找个事情,反正咱们你恨我我嫌你,我愿意走。”一个hate分译成“恨”与“嫌”两个字,使得译笔生动,读者似乎如见其人,如闻其声。又如: Not that the parting speech caused Amelia to philosophize,or that it aimed her in any way with a calmness,the result of argument,倒并不是(平克顿小姐的)临别赠


13、英译汉中,如能将定语从句译成前置定语,则尽量避免其他译法;如译成前置定语不合适,则按其他方法翻译,一般是分译成另外一个独立的句子或另一种从句,如状语从句等。如:1“Well, theres never anything happened in my family Im ashamed of” “嘿,我家可从来没出现过见不得人的事。”(译成前置定语。) 2I am going to see my grandmother,who was ill in bed,to take her some butter and eggs and a fresh-baked cake that my mother

14、 has made for her 我去看病在床上的祖母,给她带些奶油、鸡蛋和妈妈刚刚烤好的蛋糕。(译法同上)3Elizabeth was determined to make no effort for conversation with a woman,who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable 伊丽莎白不肯再和这样一个女人说话,这个女人现在异常无礼, 十分令人反感。 (定语从句译成另外一句。)4Its in line with the Charter,which recognizes the value of regio

15、nal efforts to solve problems and settle disputes 它符合宪章精神,因为宪章承认由地区进行排难解纷的作用。(定语从句译成状语从句。)5so my chances of getting to revolutionary China are pretty slim, although I have not given up my efforts to get a passport that will enable us to visit the countries of Socialism 因此,我到革命的中国来的希望相当小了,虽然我并没有放弃努力来

16、争取一张护照,以便访问社会主义国家。(定语从句译成状语。)6They tried to stamp out the revolt, which spread all the more furiously throughout the country 他们企图扑灭反抗,结果反抗愈来愈猛, 遍及全国。(从句译成状语)7In a dispute between two states with which one is friendly, try not to get involved 当两国发生争端时,如与两国都友好,第三国则力避卷入。(定位从句译成状语)8However great the joy

17、 with which he welcomed a new discovery in some theoretical science whose practical application perhaps it was as yet quite impossible to envisage,he experienced quite another kind of joy when the discovery involved immediate revolutionary changes in industry,and in historical development in general

18、 任何一门理论科学中的每一个新发现,即使它的实际应用甚至还无法预见,都使他(马克思)感到由衷地喜悦,但是当有了立即会对工业、对一般历史发展产生革命影响的发现的时候,他的喜悦就完全不同了。 (定语从句仍译为状语)9The cook turned pale,and asked the housemaid to shut the door,who asked Brittle,who asked the tinker,who pretended not to hear 厨子的脸发起白来,要使唤丫头把门关上,丫头叫布立特尔去,布立特尔叫补锅匠去,补锅匠却装着没有听见。(这个长句中有三个定语从句,如果不这

19、样分成几个等立分句来译,那么译出来的句子不一定会让人看得懂。把这一长句分成五个分句,意思既明确又忠实于原文。)10He dropped the mattress against the rough wooden fence which had replaced the iron bars taken up for war efforts,and wiped his brow 他把褥垫扔下,靠着木栏栅(原来是铁栏杆,为了支援战争而换成木头的了),擦了擦额头。(有时候,同一句中的定语从句前后两个动作紧接发生,为了使这两个动作仍显得紧凑,翻译时可将原文中定语从句的译文置于括号中。)11It (The

20、 Peoples Republic of China)must be created by the blood and the work of all of us who believe in the future, who believe in man and his glorious man-made destiny 伟大的中华人民共和国必须用我们大家的鲜血和工作来缔造。我们这些人相信未来, 相信人们, 相信人们能够掌握自己的命运光辉灿烂的命运。(同位语从句译成了单独的句子。) 12But as the song surged up in increasing loudness,even

21、the most timid lost their fear and joined in, and all the things that King had said at the meeting in the ball-room,things that they hadnt believed or had only half-believed, became suddenly and powerfully true. 但是当歌声越来越响的时候,连那些最胆小的人也没有什么恐惧了,他们也跟着唱起来,金在舞厅里开会时所说的一切,那些他们曾经不相信或半信半疑的话,忽然很有力地变成是真的了。(此句的定

22、语从句译成一般的前置定语,整个的译文能按原文顺序译出来而又忠实、清楚,当然就不必采取别的分译方法了。)13He had a set of little tools and saws of various sizes manufactured by himselfWith the aid of these,Issac contrived to make many curious articles,at which he worked with so much skill,that he seemed to have been born with a saw or chisel in his ha

23、nd 艾萨克有一套自制的小工具和各种尺寸的锯子。由于这些工具,加之手很巧,他造出许多罕见的东西,好像他天生就会用锯子或凿子似的。(分译这两句较长的英文句子时,要重新安排词序,译成若干短句。) 14They remarked now he took a different seat from that which he usually occupied when he chose to attend divine worship他往常做礼拜的时候,总坐在固定的座位上,可是那天他们发现他不坐老位置了。(此句使用了逆序分译法,较好地传达了原文的意思。)15He visited many places

24、, in all of which he was received with the usual enthusiasm which attended his arduous labors 他访问了许多地方,到处受到热情的欢迎。他的艰苦努力是经常受到热情欢迎的。(此句原文中有两个定语从句,将这样一个英文长句分译成两个独立的句子,意思显得很清楚。)16Intellectually emancipated at a time when women of good family were not encouraged to do anything more,ambitious than dabble

25、in the arts,she became the editor of a review entitled Correspondence des Familles in which she was bold enough to publish essays by the revolutionary socialist Jules Valles 当时,有教养的人家对于女子至多不过让她们对艺术稍有涉猎,并不鼓励她们去做比此更有抱负的事情。但她不受旧思想的约束,担任了一家名叫家庭通讯杂志的编辑。她在这个刊物上大胆地发表了革命社会主义者朱尔瓦莱斯的文章。(一个英语长句译成三句汉语。)17Distan

26、t thunder greeted this scheme,from the south Pacific,where de Gaulle on his travels sent orders to prepare proposals 当时远在南太平洋地区旅行的戴高乐听到这个计划,大发雷霆,下令提出新的方案。(打散原文的结构,重新组合译文把译文分成几小部分,读来流畅顺口。)18Perhaps,after all,there was no enigma about him,except in the minds of lesser men who found it hard to conceive

27、 such tenacity of purpose. 关于他的谜,也许根本就不存在。所谓谜者,只是那些不及他的人对他那样坚韧不拔的意志感到不可思议而已。(一句译成两句。) (二)其他长句的某些翻译规则: 1一个长句包含作者的多步逻辑推理,英译汉时可用分译法。如: Thus it happened that when the new factories that were springing up required labor,tens of thousands of homeless and hungry agricultural workers,with their wives and ch

28、ildren,were forced into the cities in search of work,any work,under any condition,that would keep them alive 于是,就出现了这样的情况,正当新办的工厂纷纷成立、需要劳动力的时候,成千上万无家可归、饥肠辘辘的从事农业的劳动者,携妻带儿,被迫流入城市;他们要找活干,不管什么活儿,不讲什么条件,只要不让他们饿死就行。 这段译文把原作者的逻辑推理表达得一清二楚:新工厂要求廉价劳动力并容易得到,是因大批农民破产,流往城市,急于找到工作。 2当修饰主语的成分,特别是非限制性定语从句太长时,要分译。如

29、: It had been anticipated that results would now begin to show an increase in living standards in RussiaInstead,the necessity to greatly increase the direct expenditure on armaments and still further raise the already high percentage of the national income devoted to defense means a further postpone

30、ment of reward to the ordinary workers and consumers as a consequence of the great industrial effort since war 原来预料俄国的生活水平现在会因此而提高。可是不然,直接的军费需要大大增加,在国民收入中已占很大比例的国防费用还需要更加提高。这也就是说,由于战后工业方面的巨大努力,普通工人和消费者可得到好处的时间,又要推迟了。 3宾语的修饰成分太长时亦需分译。如: The Prime Minister added“we are now once again regarded by other

31、 states as a power whose judgment can be trusted and whose promises can be relied on” 首相说:“我们这个大国的判断是可以相信的,我们这个大国的诺言是可以信赖的;现在其他国家又把我们当作这样的大国了。”4当状语太长而硬译成一句变得不容易读或不易理解时,应该分译。如:A report of the proposed compromise plan came from a reliable source only a few hours after the presidents special envoy,MrX,

32、emerged from his fifth secret session with the Egyptian Foreign Minister and told newsmen “A solution is in sight.”关于折中方案的消息是一位可靠人士传出来的。在这个消息传出之前不过几小时,总统的特使某先生在与埃及外长进行第五次秘密会谈之后,曾对记者说“解决方案现已在望”。5一个长句的从句实际上起过渡或承上启下作用,即是说此从句可以帮助长句的前一部分向后一部分过渡,这时要分译。例如:This suggestion was made today by the influential New York Times which predicted a change of topic at the forthcom

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