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1、新世纪大学英语第一册第三单元Lesson PlanDepartment of Foreign LanguagesTarget Students: 4-year non-English majors (non-arts)Textbook: Zooming in: An Integrated English CourseUnit ThreeTopic: Knowing yourselfTeaching objectives: (4)By the end of this unit, students should be able to: make clear the writers purpose

2、to write the text and the ideas that the writer desires know how to introduce their personality grasp the key words, phrases and structures master the skills of writing ad reading in the text.Key Points: (2) topic understanding improving students reading ability Difficult points: (2) When students m

3、eet new words, they are more likely to look them up in the dictionary in stead of trying to figure out the meaning by reading through the context. How to use Indefinite PronounArrangement of teaching materials: Zooming in: An Integrated English Course Unit 3 (7 periods) College English Fast Reading

4、Unit 3 (1/2 period)New Horizon College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking Unit 3 (1/2 period) Periods allocation:Get Started (1/2 period)Read and Explore Text A Task ONE-2, Task TWO-1 (4 periods)Text B Checking Your Vocabulary-1 (1 period)Enhance Your Language Awareness (3/2 period) Required exer

5、cises: a. Words in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions-1,2,3Increasing Your word Power-2,4b. Grammar Review, Task 1, Task 2c. Clozed. Translation, 1-1,2,3,7,10e. Theme-Related Writing Assignments for independent study:a. Text B Checking Your Vocabularyb. Translation, 1-4,5,6,8,9,11,12c. Transla

6、tion, 2Important language points: Words and Expressions (12) aspect: n.1.a particular side of a many-sided state of affairs, idea, plan, etc.2. the direction in which a window, room, or front of a building faces3. appearance or lookcircumstance: n.usu. pl. a fact, condition, or event concerned with

7、and influencing another event, person, or course of actionsurround: v. be or go around on every sideimpact: n. 1. the strong effect that something has on something else2. the force of one object hitting anotheraffect: vt. 1. have an influence on (sb./sth.); produce an effect on2. cause (sb.) to have

8、 feelings of sadness or sympathy; touchCF: influence & affectinfluence指通过劝说、催促、举例或行动等间接途径对人的思想、品质、行为或对其成长等产生影响,也可表示对一种形势局面的左右。这种影响可以是好的,也可以是坏的,但经常是不易察觉的, 是潜移默化的。affect指通过某事物本身直接显现影响,具有某种促进因素,足以引起人或事物的反应。当其宾语是人时,常表示心智或情感上的波动,以及健康情况的变化。这种影响多为消极的,通常是能够察觉到的。secure: adj.1. safe; protected against danger

9、or risk2. closed, firm, or tight enough for safetyexert: vt.use strength or skills in a determined way for a particular purposesatisfy: v.1. give (sb.) what sb. wants, demands or needs; make contented 2. fulfill (a need, desire, etc.); do enough to meet (a requirement, etc.)along with: together with

10、compose: v. 1. write something, especially a piece of music or poetry2. make (oneself) calm or tranquil3. make up (something) ; form (something)sum up:give a statement of the main points (of a report, a speech, a trial, etc.) combination: n. the act of combining or state of being combined Sentences

11、and paragraph ( 5)People come in all shapes and sizes. They also come with distinctive personalities. Every person feels the same basic emotions, such as fear, happiness, anxiety and pain, yet each responds to them individually. People are also different in how they relate to others. Usually you nee

12、d to get to know a person well enough before you can discover the full depth of that persons personality. In fact, the combination of these influences may not be the same for every person.Most people have at least some personality adjustments they would like to make.Suggested Classroom activities (4

13、):word competition (put students in pairs and allow them 5 minutes to list as many words as they can)Quiz (get students to work in groups of threes each group forms a sentence using these unit words. Ask each group to write only one sentence on the board, leaving the unit words blank or unfilled.)Di

14、scussion (divide the class into small groups. Choose a group member to lead the discussion)Survey (prepare copies of the survey for students before class and make sure every student will get a copy. Ask students to walk around in class and pose the survey question to as many fellow students as they

15、can reach. Ask students to fill in all the information they have got in the survey question to as many fellow students as they writing practice.)Extended practice and answers: 1. Uses of Indefinite Pronoun 不定代词(Indefinite Pronoun)的用法:不定代词 : 凡不是用来指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫做不定代词。 不定代词代替名词或形容词.在句中可用作主语, 宾语,表语和定语。1

16、.不定代词包括:all , both, every, each, either, neither, more, little, few, much, many, another, other, some, any , one, no 以及some, something, anything, everything, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nothing , nobody, no one, none, everybody, everyone.等。2.不定代词用法为:(重要考点)不定代词+(of + 限定词 )+ 名词注意:of 后一定要有限定词!这

17、是托福语法中的重要考点 both, all可以直接接限定词the!3.all 与 both的用法1) all 都,指三者以上。both都,指两者2) all 的主谓一致:all的单复数由它所修饰或指代的名词的单复数决定。 both 与复数动词连用,但 both and可与单数名词连用与。 All goes well. 一切进展得很好。3) all 通常不与可数名词单数连用,如:不说 all the book,而说 the whole book。 但all可与表时间的可数名词单数连用,如 all day,all night,all the year; 但习惯上不说 all hour,all ce

18、ntury。 all还可以与一些特殊的单数名词连用,如 all China,all the city,all my life, all the way。4) both, all 都可作同位语,其位置在行为动词前, be 动词之后。如果助动词或情态动词后面的实义动词省 去,则位于助动词或情态动词之前。 Who can speak Japanese?We both (all) can.5) all/any/none all (所有的,全部的人或物),any (任何一个), none (都不)。 以上词使用范围为三者以上。 All the flowers are gone.所有的花都谢了。 I do

19、nt like any of the flowers.这些花我都不喜欢。 I like none of the flowers.这些花我都不喜欢。注意:all与none用法一样。跟单数名词,用单数动词;跟复数名词,用复数动词。 All of the students are there. 所有的学生都在那。 All (of) the milk is there. 所有的牛奶都在那。3every 和each的用法(重要考点)1)every 强调全体的概念, each强调个体概念。 Every student in our school works hard.我们学校的学生都很用功。 Each s

20、tudent may have one book.每个学生都可有一本书。2)every 指三个以上的人或物(含三个),each指两个以上的人或物 (含两个)。3)every 只作形容词,不可单独使用。each可作代词或形容词。 Every student has to take one. Each boy has to take one. Each of the boys has to take one.4)every不可以作状语,each可作状语。5)every 有反复重复的意思,如 every two weeks等; each没有。6)every 与not 连用,表示部分否定; each

21、和not连用表示全部否定。 Every man is not honest. 并非每个人都诚实。 Each man is not honest.这儿每个人都不诚实。 4.neither 与 nor的用法1) 如前句是否定式从句,则主句用neither,而不用 nor。 If you dont do it,neither should I.如果你不干,我也不干。2) 如后连续有几个否定句式,则用nor,不用neither。 He cant sing,nor dance,nor skate.5. 代词比较 one,that 和it(重要考点)1) one表示泛指,that和it 表示特指。that

22、与所指名词为同类,但不是同一个,而it 与所指名词为同一个。 I cant find my hat. I think I must buy one.(不定)我找不到我的帽子了。我想我该去买一顶。The hat you bought is bigger than that I bought.(同类但不同个)你买的那顶帽子比我买的大。 I cant find my hat. I don t know where I put it.( 同一物) 我找不到我的帽子。我不知道我把它放在哪了 other的用法 one the other 只有两个 some the oth

23、ers 有三个以上 one another,another some others,others others = other people/things the others = the rest剩余的全部1) 泛指另一个用another。2) 一定范围内两人(物),一个用one,另一个用the other。3) 一定范围内三者,一个用one,另一个用one (another),第三个可用the other,a third。4) 一定范围内,除去一部分人/物,剩余的全部用the others。5) 泛指别的人或物时,用others当在一定范围内,除去一部分后,剩余部分但不是全部时,也用oth

24、ers。7anyone/any one;no one/none的用法1) anyone 和 any one anyone仅指人,any one既可指人,也可指物。2) no one 和none a) none 后跟of短语,既可指人又可指物,而no one只单独使用,只指人。 b) none 作主语,谓语动词用单,复数均可,而no one作主语谓语动词只能是单数。 None of you could lift it. 你们中没有人可举起它。 - Did any one call me up just now?-刚才有人打电话给我吗? - No one. -没有。8 few, little, a

25、 few, a little的用法1) (a) few + 可数名词, (a) little + 不可数名词2) a few / a little 为肯定含义,还有一点3)few / little为否定含义,没有多少了。 He has a few friends.他有几个朋友。 He has few friends. 他几乎没有朋友。 We still have a little time. 我们还有点时间。 There is little time left.几乎没剩下什么时间了。4) 固定搭配:only a few (=few) not a few (=many) quite a few

26、(=many)many a (=many)Many books were sold.Many a book was sold.卖出了许多书。9many, much的用法 Many,much都意为许多, many + 可数名词,much + 不可数名词。 How many people are there at the meeting? How much time has we left? Many of the workers were at the meeting. Much of the time was spent on learning2. Extended Practice and

27、answers1He cant hear you, because there is _ noise hereAvery muchBtoo muchCmuch tooDso many2_ name is Han Meimai. AHerselfBHersCSheDHer3All of us were invited, but _ of us cameAneitherBnoneCboth4The weather in Shanghai is different from _ ABaotouBBaotou weatherCthat in BaotouDthose of Baotou5There i

28、snt _ water in the cup.AanyBmanyCsomeDthe6-Is this _ pen? -No, _ is on my desk.Ayour; myByours; myCyour; mineDyours; mine7The bottle is empty. There is _ in it.AanythingBsomethingCnothing8-Look! We have _ sugar. -Really? Lets go and buy some.AfewBa fewClittleDa little9There isnt _ milk in the fridge

29、. Youd better buy some.AnoBanyCsome10-“There isnt _ water here. Could you get _ for me?”-“All ringht.”Asome; someBany; anyCsome; anyDany; some11Today, _ trees are still being cut down somewhere in the world.Amuch tooBtoo muchCmany tooDtoo many12There are lots of English books here, and _ of them is easy to understand.AbothBallCeveryDeach13Is the shirt on the bed _ ?AyoursByourCyou14Mr Green taught _ English last year.AourBweCus15These sweaters are too small for me. Please show me _ one.AotherBothersCthe othersDanother16Mary cant go with us. _ has to look after

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