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1、届一轮复习人教版选修八Unit3Inventorsandinventions单元学案30页word版2019届一轮复习人教版选修八Unit3Inventors and inventions单元学案一 单元基础词汇语法回顾.单词拼写1He saw the grey summit of the mountain against a b_ background of the blue sky.答案:brilliant2Later he was for a short time a_ to France.答案:ambassador3The part of the arm between the elb

2、ow and the shoulder is called the u_ arm.答案:upper4If she marries a foreigner,will her s_ as a British citizen be affected?答案:status5I really like the a_ much better than modern art.答案:antique6The _(改编本) of the play for radio was easily done.答案:adaptation7Two men formed a _(阴谋) to rob the bank.答案:plo

3、t8He did not _(犹豫) to ask her to sit beside him.答案:hesitate9_(使人心烦的) financial problems depressed him.答案:Troublesome10This book was the _(结局) of a tremendous amount of scientific work.答案:outcome.完成句子1His illness _(注定他躺在床上) all the time.答案:condemmed him to lie in bed2She _ (发大财) and wore diamonds and

4、 designer clothes.答案:made a fortune3If you should ever need something,_(别犹豫,联系我)Ill do my best to help you.答案:dont hesitate to contact me 4_(就质量和数量而言),the clothes factory in our town is doing much better than last year.答案:In terms of quality and quantity5As the program ended,the music slowly _(渐弱) a

5、nd someone began to speak.答案:faded out 6_(一般而言),prices follow demand;if there is no demand,prices are low.答案:Generally speaking7When he didnt know how to get out of the building,a boy _(把他送出去)答案:showed him out 8How are they getting on with their work?All _ (像计划的那样进展顺利)答案:goes well as planned9_(必要的时候

6、),we will take on more workers.答案:When necessary10As far as I can remember,_(每次我打电话),my son would answer.答案:every time I called单项填空1Have you _?No.I had the wrong number.Agot in Bgot awayCgot off Dgot through解析 考查动词短语的区别。get in“插话,收割”;get away“离开;走开”;get off“下车”;get through“接通电话,完成,到达,通过”,由此可知该题的答案为D

7、项,意思是“你打通电话了吗?”答案 D2So far nobody has claimed the money_in the library.Adiscovered Bto be discoveredCdiscovering Dhaving discovered解析 考查非谓语动词作定语。句意:迄今为止,没有人认领在图书馆里发现的钱。因discover与money之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作定语。答案 A3There were many talented actors out there just waiting_.Ato discover Bto be discoveredCdis

8、covered Dbeing discovered解析 考查不定式的被动式作目的状语。解答这类题时,一定要弄清非谓语动词和主语之间的逻辑关系。句意:在外面有许多有才华的演员等着被发现。to be discovered为不定式短语作目的状语。discover与其逻辑主语actors之间为动宾关系,且discover动作是将要发生,故用动词不定式的被动式。答案 B4After that,he knew he could_any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.Aget away with Bget on wit

9、hCget through Dget across解析 考查get动词短语。句意:(经历过)那件事以后,他知道只要他尽自己所能就能处理任何紧急情况。to the best of尽所能;就的限度。get away with携潜逃;(做了坏事)逍遥法外;get on with进展;相处;get through通过;完成;get across过(马路、桥等);使(人)了解自己的意思。由句意可知,C项为最佳选项。答案 C5Its the sort of work that _ a high level of concentration.Acalls for Bmakes upClies on Dsta

10、nds for解析 考查短语动词辨析。call for需要,需求;make up编(故事、借口等);lie in位于,在于;stand for代表。根据句意,A项符合。答案 A6I tried phoning her office,but I couldnt_.Aget along Bget onCget to Dget through解析 考查动词词组辨析。get along“相处融洽,进展”;get on“继续,进行,上车”;get to“到达,开始”;get through“穿过,通过,读完,打通(电话)”。根据句意:我试着给她办公室打电话,但是没有打通。因此只有get through符

11、合句意。答案 D7It is difficult to_one twin from the other.They almost dont _from each other.Adiffer; distinguish Bdistinguish;differentCdistinguish;differ Dtell;different解析 distinguish表示“区分,辨别”,常构成distinguish A from B,而differ from each other意为“有区别,不同于”,相当于be different from each other。答案 C8Mum,it is nice w

12、eather.I want to skate this afternoon.Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin to _ your weight?Acarry BbearCcatch Dtake解析 这里的bear不表示“忍受”,而是“承受”的意思。答案 B9Hardly could he_this amount of work in such a short time.Aget through Bget offCget into Dget down解析 考查动词短语辨析。句意:在这么短的时间内他几乎完不成这么多工作。get throu

13、gh有完成之意,符合句意。get off下车;get into进入,陷入;get down“下车,吞下,写下”;都与句意不搭配。答案 A10It is hard for young children to distinguish right _ wrong.Awith Bto Cfrom Dbetween解析 distinguish right from wrong“辨别是与非”。答案 C11When we plan our vacation,mother often offers_suggestions.Acareful BpracticalCeffective Dacceptable解析

14、母亲是长辈,她所拥有的是实用的信息。建议要经过检验之后才知道是否有效,排除C项,可接受的建议不一定实用,排除D项。答案 B12Mum,weve got to be _ and buy only what we need.Oh,Im glad to hear that.Apractical BcontentCfamiliar Dactual解析 前句句意:我们一定要实际些,只要我们需要的东西。practical实际的,符合情况的;content满意的;familiar熟悉的;actual实际的。答案 A13Letterboxes are much more_in the UK than in t

15、he US,where most people have a mailbox instead.Acommon BnormalCordinary Dusual解析 考查同义词辨析。句意:信箱在英国比在美国更常用,在美国大多数人都有一个邮箱。common指“为许多人或事物所共同具有的,因而常见”;ordinary指“由于与一般事物的性质或标准相同,因而显得平常,无奇特之处,反义词为special”; usual指“在某一地方或某一时间内所常见的,往往指常用的东西,或常发生的事情,反义词为unusual”;normal同regular一样,意为“正常的,正规的,标准的”。答案 A14Start ou

16、t right away,_ youll miss the first train.Aand Bbut Cor Dwhich解析 句意:立刻出发,否则你会错过第一班火车的。or否则,符合句意。答案 C15Christmas Day is usually celebrated on December 25th _ the birth of Jesus Christ.Ain praise of Bin honor ofCin terms of Din association with解析 考查介词短语辨析。in praise of称赞;in honor of纪念;in terms of在方面;in

17、 association with与在一起,与联合。由题意知选B项。答案 B单元知识综合测试阅读理解A(2017福州市八县高三上学期期末)A new US government report says more than two million Americans fall ill each year with drugresistant bacterial infections (感染), and 23,000 of them are dying as a result. The head of the United States Centers for Disease Control an

18、d Prevention(CDC) said that the number probably will grow.Officials warn that steps must be taken now to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotic(抗生素) drugs.Without urgent action to stop that trend,warned Tom Frieden whose agency wrote the report,the miracle drugs to fight them wont be available in

19、the future.“If we are not careful,the medicine chest will be empty when we go there to look for a lifesaving antibiotic for someone with a deadly infection.But if we act now,we can preserve these medications while we continue to work on development of new medicines.”The report names a drugresistant

20、abuse of gonorrhea(淋病),which causes about one quarter of a million hospitalizations in the United States annually.Of the number at least 14,000 result in death.Drug resistance develops through the overuse and inappropriate use of antibacterial agents.These can be:doctors prescribing(开药) them to pati

21、ents who have viral infections that are not affected by medicine meant to fight bacteria;patients not taking all of their medicine as prescribed,so the bacteria making them sick are only weakened,not killed;antibiotic use in heahhy farm animals to prevent illness and promote growth.Antibiotic remain

22、ders left in meat and animal products can then lead to drug resistance in humans.To limit the spread of resistant infections, experts recommend wider use of routine immunizations(预防),as well as handwashing in hospitals and other health care facilities.Also,the report urges handwashing by food handle

23、rs.Michael Bell, deputy director of the Division of Heahhcare Quality Promotion at CDC,said patients also can play a role in preserving the effectiveness of antibiotics by asking health care providers a few simple questions.【文章大意】本文为记叙文,主要讲述了美国保护抗菌药物的行动。1. Whats the best title of the passage?A. Drug

24、 Resistance Deveioping Quickly in the USB. Drugresistant Bacterial Infections Growing in the USC. Actions for Preserving Antibacterial Medications in the USD. Preventions of Drugresistant Bacterial Infections in the US解析:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了美国保护抗菌药物的行动。答案:C2. According to Frieden,we must take measures with

25、out delay to preserve effectiveness of antibiotics, or _.Awe will have to develop better medicines in place of antibioticsB. there may be no effective antibacterial drugs for use in the futureC. we cant find other medicines to cure serious illnesses in the futureD. more and more Americans will suffe

26、r from bacterial infections each year解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Without urgent action to stop that trend. the miracle drugs to fight them wont be available in the future.”可判断,Frieden认为我们不立即采取行动的话,将来这种药物就会绝迹。答案:B3Of those patients admitted to the hospital because of a drugresistant abuse of gonorrhea annually, d

27、eaths add up to _.A. at least 5.6% B about 25%C. about 1.4% D at least 2.5%解析:数字计算题。根据第四段内容计算可得知,每25万(one quarter of a million)滥用抗生素的淋病患者中至少有14 000人死亡,死亡率是5.6%。答案:A4One of the approaches through which drug resistance develops is that _.Apeople eat the meat with antibiotic remainder in animalsB. doct

28、ors prescribe less antibiotics than needed for patientsC. doctors prescribe much more antibiotic than needed for patientsD. patients dont take their antibacterial agents that doctors prescribe解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“.antibiotic use in healthy farm animals to prevent illness and promote growth.Antibiotic

29、remainders left in meat and animal products can then lead to drug resistance in humans.”可知,人食用了含有抗生素的肉和动物产品,从而有了抗药性。答案:AB(2018贵州省六校联盟高三第一次联考)It was fifteen past nine as Marie hurried into the office building where she was going to work.Her bus had inched along through heavy morning traffic,making he

30、r a few minutes late for her very first job. She decided to start out half an hour earlier the next day.Once inside the building,she had to stand at the elevators and wait several minutes before she could get on one going to the sixth floor.When she finally reached the office marked “Smith Enterprises”,she knocked at the door nervously and waited.There was no reply.She tapped on the door again,but st

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