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1、pep四年级英语下册第二单元电子教案四年级英语下册教案第二单元What Time Is It?撰写人: 时间:20*年3月12日目录1.单元内容分析. 第 3页 2.第一课时. 第 4至5页3.第二课时. 第6至7页4.第三课时. 第8至9页5.第四课时. 第10至11页单元内容分析专题:What Time Is It?1.本单元重点学习时间的表达以及描述不同时间进行的日常活动。主要句型有:What Time Is It?Its . Its time for./ Its time to.A、B部分的Lets talk渗透了几个新的句型,应作为本单元的教学难点。2.学生们的日常生活丰富多彩,同时

2、也是有规律的。在授课时要紧密结合学生的生活实际,引导他们用英文表述自己的日常活动。3.课时安排:四课时 Procedures:The 1st lesson: Lets sing Lets learn Lets do The 2nd lesson: Story time Lets talk Lets play The 3rd lesson: Lets learn Lets chant The 4th lesson: Lets check Lets talk The 1st LessonSpecific vocabulary: 三会掌握music class, P.E. class, Englis

3、h class, breakfast, lunch, dinner Specific target sentences: 听懂及正确回答What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for .Specific functional exponents: 能用所学的语言描述时间及活动。Source of material: 钟、词卡、录音带、Assumptions: 学生已掌握一些数字。Step 1 Warm-up 1. Sing a song P24(设计意图:自然引出新课的话题,愉悦教学法。)2. Ask and answerT: Listen, in my s

4、chool bag, Whats that? Guess.Ss: T: Oh, yes. Its a clock.(设计意图:自然引出新课的话题,愉悦教学法。)Step 2 Presentation1. Teach “clock”, “oclock” and review numbers from 1 to 122. Show the picture of A. Lets learn (Just talk)(设计意图:从中自然引入新单词,以旧引新,整体呈现单词,让学生有初步的感知。) T: Look, this is a timetable of Zhangpengs day. Lets se

5、e. What time is it? S1: Its 7 oclock. T: Good. Its 7 oclock. Its time for breakfast. Time for breakfast. Drink some milk. (结合Lets do呈现词汇句型)3. Show the picture of the words (No words)(设计意图:逐个单词击破,能让学生动起来,使学生在实际情景中正确理解、认读单词。) T: Guessing gameSharp eyes What time is it? S: Its 9 oclock. Its time for En

6、glish class. T: Good. Time for English. Read and write. (结合Lets do重现词汇句型)4. Show the words and pictures on Bb (设计意图:整体呈现单词后,让学生一一认读新词,让学生掌握正确的读音。)T: Now, matching game.S: Match the words and the picturesT: Ok. Read together. (结合Lets do巩固词汇句型)Step 3 Practice 1. Listen to the tape and read2. Ss read L

7、ets learn together3. Ss do Lets do together (设计意图:让学生积极动起来,增加趣味性的同时,可让学生掌握Lets do和单词。)Step 4 Sum up今天我们学了什么,你发现了什么?Step 5 Homework1. Copy the words two lines2. Read the text Step 6 板书设计Unit 2 What time is it?A.Lets learn Lets doWhat time is it? Its oclock. Its time for music class. P.E. class Englis

8、h class breakfast lunchdinner The 2nd LessonSpecific vocabulary: 掌握music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch, dinner Specific target sentences: 掌握What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for . Just a minute. Lets run! Go home. School is over.Specific functional exponents: 通过真实的情景复现第一课时的语

9、言点并加以扩展,提高学生对话的能力。Source of material: 单词卡、人物头饰、录音带、课件。Assumptions: 学生已认读了重点句子,并能简单地描述时间。Step 1 Warm-up1. TestListen and fill in the blanks.(听录音,填上所缺的单词或时间。)1). What is ? Its oclock.2). Its . Its time for .3). I have class at .4). I go home at .(设计意图:让学生动手写一写,做一做,巩固所学单词。活动类型R)2. Ask and answer. T: Wh

10、at time is it?S: Its.3. Lets play. P17(设计意图:在短时间内活跃课堂气氛并激活学生的原有知识,不断滚动旧内容,为本课时作铺垫。)Step 2 Presentation1. 承上启下 Ask and answerT: What time is it now?S: Its 5:00.T: Yes. Its 5:00. School is over. But Wu Yifan doesnt go home. Where does he go? Lets watch cartoon and answer. 整体呈现一次课文2. Watch again and an

11、swer再次呈现课文T: Who are the two boys?3. Watch again and answer再次呈现课文T: When do they go home?(设计意图:自然过渡到真实情景中,学生更易理解、掌握,解决重点句子。)Step 3 Practice1. Listen to the tape and read.2. Read in role.3.Matching game match the sentences and the pictures(设计意图:让学生在课堂上动手做,做到现学现用,巩固所学内容。)Step 4 Drill1. Act the dialogu

12、e.2. Make a dialogue.Step 5 Sum up今天我们学了什么,你发现了什么?Step 6 Homework1. Read the text2. Make a dialogue.Step 7 板书设计Unit 2 What time is it?Story time Lets talk Lets play What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for music class. P.E. class English class breakfast lunchdinner Just a minute. Lets run! Go home.

13、 School is over.The 3rd LessonSpecific vocabulary: 能够听、说、认读get up , go to school , go home , go to bedSpecific target sentences: 能够理解并正确使用Its time to .Specific functional exponents: 掌握单词句型并能吟唱Lets chant的歌谣。Source of material: 单词卡,图片, 闹钟, 录音带 Assumptions and Anticipated problems : 学生之前已经掌握一些有关时间表达的词汇

14、和句型, 本课时要引导学生在此基础上学习新内容,在教学中要保证落实好活动,突破难点。Step 1:Warm-up 1. Review numbers from one to sixty Game: Guessing what number T writes on the Bb(设计意图: 不断重现,滚雪球式的复习学过的知识以求学生掌握并会运用。)2. Ask and answer with a clock (整点时间)T:What time is it?Step 2:Presentation1. Lets chant(设计意图:节奏性强的歌谣让学生更好地感知并巩固整点的时间表达。活动类型A)2

15、. Guessing Game (Just watch and listen)T: What time is it?(T摆弄钟面引出非整点时间)3. Competition (Just say and write) 一人摆弄钟面全班读出时间一人在黑板上写出时间(设计意图:趣味游戏操练句型,自然过渡到真实情景中,学生更易理解、掌握,解决重点句子。活动类型R)4. Read the time on the Bb together (Just read)Step 3 :Practice 1. Read and finish the timetable.(阅读小短文,完成时间表。)(设计意图:让学生在

16、课堂上动手,做到现学现用,巩固所学内容。活动类型C)Hello! Im Zhang Peng. I have a timetable. I get up 6:30. I have a breakfast at six forty-five. Then I go to school at 7:15. I have six classes today. I have English class at nine oclock. I have P.E. class at 4:10 p.m. I go home at five thirty. I eat dinner at 18:00. Its 21:

17、30 now. Its time to go to bed. I like my day.Zhang Pengs Timetable6:30breakfast7:15classclassgo home18:00go to bed2. Teach the phrases3. Read after the tape Step 4: DrillTry to writeWrite sentences about your timetable.(请根据自己的时间表,写句子。) Step 5:Sum-up:今天我们学了什么,你发现了什么?Step7:Homework 1. Read the text2.

18、Copy the words two linesStep 8 板书设计Unit 2 What time is it?Lets learn Lets chantIts time to .get up , go to school , go home , go to bedThe 4th LessonSpecific vocabulary: 能够听、说、认读get up , go to school , go home , go to bedSpecific target sentences: 听懂、会说主要句型:Its oclock. Its time for/to .Specific func

19、tional exponents: 掌握单词和句型在情景中的正确使用。Source of material: 单词卡,挂图,录音带 Assumptions and Anticipated problems : 学生之前已经掌握一些有关时间表达的词汇和句型, 本课时要引导学生在此基础上巩固新内容,在教学中要保证落实好活动,突破难点。Step 1:Warm-up 1. Oral worksT: What time is it? (复习整点与非整点时间)(设计意图: 不断重现,滚雪球式的复习学过的知识以求学生掌握并会运用。)2. Lets check P23 (设计意图:让学生上一节课听过录音的基础

20、上再看,检测学生的听力并掌握句子的正确读音。活动类型C) Step 2:Presentation1. Show the pictures one by one , ask Ss to guess what sentenses they used2. T write the sentences on Bb, then watch cartoons to check the answers3. Listen to the tapes and read together(设计意图:对学生布置不一样的任务,逐步递进,让每个学生都跳一跳就能摘到苹果。)Step 3 :Practice 1. Read i

21、n roles2. Please write down your timetable!(请用英语写出你自己的时间表。)My Timetable (设计意图:动手的活动集中学生注意力,趣味性游戏让较弱的学生也参与进来,帮助他们掌握。)3. Act the dialogue with the timetableStep 4: DrillLets find out (Pay attention to “a.m.” and “p.m.”)Step 5:Sum-up:今天我们学了什么,你发现了什么?Step6:Homework 1 Read the text2 Test paperStep 8 板书设计Unit 2 What time is it?Lets check Lets talk Its oclock. Its time for/to .get up , go to school , go home , go to bed

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