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新PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit2My Family教案.docx

1、新PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit2My Family教案Unit 2 My Family第一课时【教学内容】Unit 2 Alets talk【教学目标】 1.能够理解对话大意,并能够用正确的语音语调朗读对话.2.能够在语境中运用句型“Whos that man/woman? Hes/Shes my”来交流各家庭成员的信息.3.通过创设“某人是谁”的情景,巩固操练句型“Whos that man/woman? Hes/Shes my”【教学重点】能够掌握句型“Whos that man/woman? Hes/Shes my”【教学难点】能够在情景中自然使用本课所学的内容进行对话,并做到发音准

2、确语调自然【教学准备】畅言教学通、希沃白板5课件课文录音视频人物头饰单词卡片相关照片等2.【教学过程】一、Warm-up精彩展演,生成课堂 1.日常口语练习 A: Good morning/afternoon. Im .Im from. Where are you from? B: Im from. A: Nice to meet you. 向全班同学介绍。 This is B. We have a new friend today. C: Welcome. 【设计意图】 :与学生进行日常会话,进行热身.并引入情景.二、Presenation学习新知,趣味引导 1.让学生带上准备好的头饰,其中

3、一位指着Amy问全班Look! Whos this girl?然后示范回答Oh, shes Amy. Shes my friend. 并强调she的发音,让学生反复跟读 Shes Amy. Shes my friend. 接着请Mike起立,提问其他同学Whos this boy? 让学生做尝试性回答。然后加以纠正。教师示范:Hes Mike. Hes my friend. 2.将其余带头饰的同学叫起来,问相同的问题,全班做答。 3. 教师出示照片,引导学生提问。教师可以说:Look, I have a picture. Do you know who she is? Try to ask m

4、eWhos that woman?重复几遍,直到学生理解。然后回答:Shes my friend. 4. 教师出示全家福,说: This is my family. There are 4 people in my family. Do you know who they are? 鼓励学生指着照片中的人提问。当说到父母时,引出生词 ,mother, mom, father, dad,教读几遍。 【设计意图】 :达到师生互动教学,并充分利用教学情景。三、Practice趣味操练,寓教于乐 1.学生听录音,指出图中相应的句子。 2. 老师不按顺序读句子,学生两人一组比赛,看谁指的对。 3.学生出

5、示照片,另一学生提问,Whos that man?带照片的同学回答:Hes my dad/ Shes my mom.教师注意纠正he和she的误用。 4.学生两人一组,谈论各自的照片,操练Lets practise的内容。 【设计意图】 :通过游戏,即激发了学生兴趣,又使学生在宽松的情景下巩固复习了所学知识。四、Consolidation and extension目标检测,巩固延伸四、Home work1.听录音三遍朗读Lets talk的内容。五、板书设计 Unit 2 My Family第二课时【教学内容】Unit 2 Alets learn【教学目标】 1.能够听说认读表示家庭成员的单

6、词“father/dad, mother/mum, man, woman”2.能够熟练运用句型“Whos? Shes /Hes”3.能够学唱本课Lets chant板块的歌谣,并通过歌谣巩固所学单词【教学重点】能够掌握表示家庭成员的单词“father/dad, mother/mum, man, woman”,要求做到发音准确语调自然【教学难点】能够学会辅音连缀th的发音【教学准备】畅言教学通、希沃白板5、课文视频单词卡片相关照片等【教学过程】一、Warm-up精彩展演,进入课堂 1. 唱第一册Unit6里关于数字的歌曲,简单复习数字。 2.日常口语练习。 T: Hello, Im from.

7、This is my family. A:Whos that man? T: Hes my dad. Im. . This is my family. T: Whos that woman? A: Shes my mom. 然后请两人一组进行操练。 【设计意图】 :与学生进行日常会话,进行热身.并引入情景.二、Presenation学习新知,趣味引导 1.出示一张 family tree的挂图 My family Grandfather (grandpa) grandmother (grandma) father(dad) mother(mom) I sister brother 教师指着家庭

8、树说:This is my family.There are 7people in my family.然后指着本课要学的单词教读,如:granderfather,反复教读几遍,然后将其照片贴在相应位置上。 2.用同样方法教学grandmother(grandma),father(dad),mother,并将人物照片贴在相应位置。 3.听Lets learn部分录音。 【设计意图】 :达到师生互动教学。三、Practice趣味操练,寓教于乐 1.TPR活动。 教师说Show me the picture of your mom.学生立刻高举mom的照片。举错的退出游戏。 2. 让学生在fami

9、ly tree 上展示他的家庭成员情况。 学生将照片放在相应位置,然后介绍。 3.放录音,听Lets sing部分的歌曲,学生学唱。 【设计意图】 :通过游戏,即激发了学生兴趣,又使学生在宽松的情景下巩固复习了所学知识。四、Consolidation and extension目标检测,巩固延伸六、Home work听Lets learn 部分录音三遍.七、板书设计 Unit 2 My Family第三课时【教学内容】Unit 2 Alets spell【教学目标】 1.能够了解元音字母e在单词中的短音发音/e/2.能够通过描红单词初步掌握单词书写的要求【教学重点】能够认读并且在四线三格中正确

10、书写“ten, pen, leg, red”这四个例词,并能够初步辨认词形且掌握单词书写的要求【教学难点】能够了解字母e在单词中的发音/e/【教学准备】畅言教学通、希沃白板5课件单词卡片红色钢笔等【教学过程】一、Warm-up精彩展演,进入课堂 1.Sing an English song: Father and Mother 2.TPR活动 学生想象最能体现家中成员grandmother, grandfather, father, mother的表情与动作。每当教师说出一个词, 学生马上模仿出来。说This is my mom. 【设计意图】 :此活动能培养学生的表现力和想象力。二、Pres

11、enation学习新知,趣味引导 1.教师将学过的字母一一展示在黑板上, 让学生认读,然后问:Whats the next ?(引出Ff.)Oh, Its Ff. 教读Ff, 将大小写分开后再教读几遍。用同样方法教读Gg. 2.将这两张字母卡片连同前面学过的五张一同发给学生。教师每念到一个字母,持有者张字母卡的学生就站起来,并响亮的读出来。 3.出示以这些字母为首字母的单词的相关图片,问:Whats this ?教读 Its a fish.同样的方法教goose.并不时出示单词卡片让学生认读。 4.让学生听Lets say 部分的录音并跟读。 【设计意图】 :达到师生互动教学。三、Practi

12、ce趣味操练,寓教于乐 将学过的7个字母按大小写分开,一部分学生拿大写字母卡片,一部分拿小写字母卡,让拿大写字母卡的学生分别起立读出手中的字母,拿对应小写字母卡的学生跑到他跟前举起手中的字母,说Im.(字母)两人握手并进行日常会话。 2.教师在四线格上教写字母,学生观察后在活动手册上描红。 3. 听Lets chant录音,学生跟着节奏一起说。 【设计意图】 :通过游戏,即激发了学生兴趣,又使学生在宽松的情景下巩固复习了所学知识。四、Consolidation and extension目标检测,巩固延伸五、Home work听Lets chant部分的录音并跟读。读字母给家长和

13、朋友听。六、板书设计Unit 2 My Family第四课时【教学内容】Unit 2 My familyB lets talk 【教学目标】1.能够通过观察谈论Lets talk板块的图片,在PPT和教师的帮助下理解对话大意2.能够按照正确的语音语调朗读对话,并能在小组中进行角色表演3.能够在情景中运用句型“Is he/she your? Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.” 询问家庭成员并回答4.能够通过观察照片,操练核心句型“Is he/she your? Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.”【教学重点】能够在情景中正确地运用句型

14、“Is he/she your? Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.”【教学难点】能够在情景中用一般疑问句创编对话【教具准备】畅言教学通、希沃白板5课件课文录音视频单词卡片人物头饰等【教学过程】一 热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)精彩展演,进入课堂1 Read and act教师出示家庭成员的单词卡片,学生大声读出,并演一演。T:“Whos this?”S:“mother”.T“Act like father”.2 Read and match教师出示A/Lets learn部分的大挂图,让学生读词卡,把卡片贴到相应的图旁边。学生当小老师提问:“Who

15、s he?”回答“father/”二 呈现新课 (Presentation)学习新知,趣味引导1 Talk about the pictures学生们出示自己的照片和自己家人的照片学生们自由提问:“Whos he? Whos she?”照片的主人进行回答。教师根据照片的内容发出自己的感叹“Great! Cool! Wow! Come on! Really?”鼓励学生也根据自己的感受运用这些感叹词。2 Watch video播放B Lets talk 录像,教师提问:1)这段对话中,谁向谁介绍了自己的家庭?2) 对话中,一共用到了几个感叹词?3) 学生回答问题。4) 再播放一遍对话,让学生留意语

16、音语调。 3 观看课件1) 教师播放B Lets talk部分的动画课件,先完整播放,然后教师反复点击动画,一幅一幅图,一句一句话学习,学生在观看的过程中试着模仿2) 再次观看,鼓励学生边看边说3) 关闭声音喇叭,学生分角色给课件中的人物配音。4) 小组为单位练习对话,然后上台表演。5) 教师及时奖励表演好的小组。三 趣味操练 (Practice)趣味操练,寓教于乐1 活动一:Talk about the picture学生之间观看彼此家庭成员的有趣照片,边看边根据实际运用对话中的句子2 活动二:Lets practice教师出示一张自己的家庭照片,引导学生提问:“Whos that ?”T:

17、“Guess!”S:“Is she your sister/?”T:“No, This is my”学生之间就彼此的照片提问,运用句型“Is she your sister/?”3 活动三:教师将学生们的家庭成员照片(长的相似的)展台出示,让学生用“Is she your sister/?”猜一猜。四 扩展性活动(Add-activities)目标检测,巩固延伸录像展播播放学生或教师的家庭录像,学生根据录像内容,小组为单词谈论(运用对话中的句子“Is she/he your.? Whos this boy/? Great! Cool! Wow! Come on! Really? Watch T

18、V )五、Homework1. Read the dialogues of “Lets talk” three times. (All the students)2. Recite the dialogues. (A part of the students)六、板书设计Unit 2 My Family第五课时【教学内容】Unit 2 My familyB lets learn 【教学目标】1.能够听说认读单词“sister, brother, grandmother/grandma, grandfather/grandpa”2.能够用句型“This is”介绍他人或事物.3.能够熟练地吟唱L

19、ets chant板块的歌谣.【教学重点】1.能够掌握单词“sister, brother, grandmother/grandma, grandfather/grandpa”2.能够运用句型“This is”介绍他人或事物【教学难点】能够熟练地吟唱Lets chant板块的歌谣【教具准备】畅言教学通、希沃白板5课件视频单词卡片自制家庭成员手偶等【教学过程】Step 1: Warm-up & Revision精彩展演,进入课堂1. Greetings.2. Lets chant.T: Everybody has a family. They are grandma, grandpa, fath

20、er, mother, brother, sister, and yourself. Now, lets watch the video.Play the video of the chant. Students read after it. (课件出示:教材P18 Lets chant的视频)3. Revision.The teacher shows the pictures of Mikes father and Mikes mother. (出示课件)T: Who is he/she?Ss: He is Mikes father. / She is Mikes mother.T: Gre

21、at!The teacher leads students to read the words “father” and “mother” for several times.T: This class, we will learn some more family members. Lets begin!Step 2: Presentation学习新知,趣味引导1. Play the theme song of Peppa Pig.T: Do you know Peppa?Ss: Yes.T: Lets listen to the songPeppa Pig. (出示课件)2. Introd

22、uce Peppas family members on the PPT.T: Now, Peppa is introducing her family now. Do you know them? Lets have a look. (课件出示:小猪佩奇的家庭照)(1)Teach the word “family”.T: You can remember the word “family” like this: Father and mother, I love you. fa-mi-ly, family.(2)When the teacher points to a member of P

23、eppas family. Students say out the name aloud. And the teacher teaches the words “brother, grandfather/grandpa, grandmother/grandma” and leads students to read the words for several times.(3)The teacher shows Peppas family tree, and leads students to introduce the characters by using the sentence st

24、ructure “This is my” (课件出示:小猪佩奇的家庭族谱图)T: This is the family tree of Peppa. Youre Peppa now. Can you introduce them for us?For example: This is my3. Lets learn.(1)Watch the video of “Lets learn”.T: Mike is introducing his family members to us. Lets listen and watch.(课件出示:教材P18 Lets learn的视频)(2)Studen

25、ts read the words and the sentences after the video.Step 3: Practice趣味操练,寓教于乐1. Game 1: Say the words back to back.Show the words on the PPT: father, mother, grandfather, grandpa, grandmother, grandma, brother, sister.T: Two students stand back to back.One, two, three. When time is up, the two stude

26、nts begin to say a word of this lesson they think. If the words are same, they will get a score. If the words are different, they wont get any score. 2. Game 2: Daddy finger, I love you.The teacher wears the finger puppets and sings the song to students. First, every finger is hidden.That finger can

27、 stick out when the teacher sings, “Here I am, here I am.”(出示课件) 3. Retell Mikes family members.The teacher shows the family tree of Mike. Students retell Mikes family members with the sentence structure “This is”.Step 4: Consolidation & Extension目标检测,巩固延伸1. Draw and introduce.Students draw their fa

28、mily trees on the paper, and introduce the family members to their partners.2. Lets chant.Students listen and chant with the video. (课件出示:教材P18 Lets chant的视频)3. Summary.The teacher summarizes the knowledge of this lesson and tells students the importance of every family member.T: Every family member

29、 is important in our life. We must love them.Step 5:homework1. Read all the words and the sentences of “Lets learn”.2. Retell the family tree.板书设计Unit 2 My Family第六课时【教学内容】Unit 2 My family Start to read【教学目标】1.能够通过图片及句子等读懂题意,并能完成连线练习2.能够用句型“This is my”介绍自己的家人。3.能根据图片信息预测听力考查点,并完成相关练习。4.能够唱出Lets sing板块的歌曲。【教学重点】1.能够掌握本单元的重点单词和句子2.能够完成Start to read 和Lets check板块的练习3能够运用句型“This is”介绍自己的家人【教学难点】1.能够区分“he”和“she”的用法2.能够听懂并表演Story time部分的小故事【教具准备】畅言教学通、希沃白板5课件视频单词卡片人物头饰等【教学过程】Step 1: Warm-up & Revision精彩展演,进入课堂1. Greetings.2. Revision.The teacher shows all the word cards of

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