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本文(高中英语体系构建课程非谓语动词讲义教师版高考英语备考宝典.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高中英语体系构建课程非谓语动词讲义教师版高考英语备考宝典 模块简介主要应用:本模块主要考察动词的应用,随着高考英语的改革,英语语法的考点也有所改变,现在主要应用在短文改错和语法填空中模块等级:本模块难度较大,知识点比较散,但是做题只要掌握技巧得分率还是很高的,基础弱的学生需要6-8课时(2h/课)不等,中等学生4课时(2h/课)可以基本掌握,基础好的学生3课时(2h/课)可以搞定知识分布:每节课需要先讲解10个高考重点词汇辨析,之后讲解语法知识,语法知识中的例句与练习题可以相应练习本堂课程中的重点词汇,从而达到复习的效果习题分布:习题包括近几年高考题,辽宁省模拟题并且平均练习各个考点通关确保:

2、本部分习题为课后作业,分为牛刀小试,略有所成,炉火纯青等不同难度的单项选择还包括语法填空与短文改错从而达到最高效的练习易混模块:本模块容易与谓语动词混淆,所以在讲解语法填空和改错的时候还需要给学生总结动词的答题技巧 一、admit v.(1)承认admit+doingWill you admit having broken the windows?他承认偷了这辆汽车He admitted having stolen the car.否认= deny doing.(2) 允许sb进入Each ticket admits two people to the admitted to

3、 +地点狗不允许进入地铁Dogs are not admitted to the subway.He is admitted to Beijing University.二、appreciate(1)appreciate vt 感激Id appreciate it if you let me get on with my job.(口语交际)I really appreciate it!必背:appreciate +doing感激的(a) be grateful/thankful to sb for sth.感激(n) gratitude/appreciation Tears of grati

4、tude run down my face.She had a deep gratitude towards David, but she did not love him.(2)vt理解,体谅I appreciate your problem, but I dont think I can help you.我理解你的困难, 但却爱莫能助.(3)欣赏(脑力欣赏)You cant fully appreciate foreign literature in translation.We stopped halfway to admire(视觉上的欣赏) the view .三、approach

5、 v.(1)靠近;接近圣诞节就要来临了Christmas is approaching=around the corner 临近=draw near=in the air(2)处理;去解决I will approach this matter immediately(1)deal with (2)handle (3)cope with (4)take care of (5)see to(6)process Your deal is processing.(7)address (8) sort out (9) attend to sth.approach (n) 方法 (to)In this w

6、ay/by means of/technique for/strategy for/ method of四、benefit (v)sth benefit sb:使sb受益Im sure the visit will benefit benefit from sth从sth中受益Im sure youll benefit greatly from the visit.类似动词:impress sth impress sb./ sb be impressed wth sth.benefit (n)(1)利益,好处,实惠The new regulations will be of gr

7、eat benefit to us allThe motor industry will be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of the reform(2)优点Advantages and disadvantages Benefit/merit/shortcoming/drawback (3)救济金,低保live on benefit失业救济金unemployment benefit be beneficial to 五、convince v.必背词组(1)convince sb ofRemind sb of sth.Inform sb of

8、sth.Warn sb of sth.Accuse sb of sth.The officials were eager to convince us of the safety of the nuclear reactors.必背词组(2)convince sb to do. = persuade sb to do sth. 说服某人做某事。I convinced him to accept the invitation.Ive been trying to convince Jean to come with me.六、attend v.出席attend the sports meetin

9、gattend university词组(1)attend to sb 照顾 look after/take care of/attend to sb/care for(喜欢、照顾)A nurse attends to a patient.The crew will attend to the passengers needs.词组(2)attend to sth. 处理 deal with/handle/cope with/sort out/address/see to/process Your application is processing.Could you attend to th

10、is matter immediately?七、determine v.确定确定会议日期determine a date for the meeting.determine the cause of the fire.必会词组:be determined to do./ be resolved to do .下定决心去做某事。I am determined to study in Germany.=decide to do= make up ones mind He decided to marry his girlfriend.八、direct v.(1)direct sb to somew

11、here.指路。(口语交际)Can you direct me to?我的妈妈给这位老人指去往医院的路My mother directed the old man to the hospital.我给两个外国夫妇指去天坛的路.I directed the foreign couples to the Temple of Heaven.词组:direct ones attention/efforts to:专注于,聚焦于I want to direct my efforts more to my English.Direction(方向,have no sense of direction) P

12、.K directions = instructions 吩咐;指导(2)指挥;管理=He is directing a group of workersMr Turner was directing the investigationdirect a filmDirector 导演;主管 九、ease v./n.(v)减轻,缓解(肉体、精神痛苦)The aspirins eased my headache.减轻痛苦 ease ones pain 减轻压力 ease ones stress 缓解紧张 ease ones tension 他的话减缓我的焦虑His words eased me o

13、f my anxiety.ease sb of sth散步能缓解你的疲劳Walking can ease you of your tirednessease (n)安逸,舒适 a life of easeThe injection brought him immediate ease.核心词组:be/feel at ease (感到)无忧无虑的;I feel at ease with my familyI never feel at ease at school (不自在,坐立不安)十、appeal v.恳求; 呼吁:必会词组(1) appeal to sb for sth.他向公众呼吁帮助H

14、e appealed to the public for financial aid.apply to sb for sth.I apply to the government for helping. apologize to sb for grateful to sb for sth.appeal sb to do.The speaker had appealed to the miners to vote for their union.我们呼吁人们保护环境We appeal public to protect environment.必会词组(2):sth appeals

15、 to sb 吸引 Football appeals to the boy students in my class.= be fond of/be keen on/be enthusiastic about/adore/have a passion for/be addicted to 十一、motivate v. 鼓励,激励,激发The teacher can motivate her work harder.核心词组:motivate sb to do. Encourage sb to do sth. Inspire sb to do sth. motivation n 动力They l

16、ack the motivation to study.motive n. 动机(不纯的动机,贬义词)The police believe the motive for this murder was hatred.I think you should question their motives in offering you the money.十二、 preservePreserve = keep 保存;存放 ;保养;维护 You should preserve the fish in the fridge.Conserve = save 省着点 ; 保护(环境)I have to co

17、nserve my energy.Reserve = book 预定 预留 reserved 已被预订Do not forget to reserve a ticket.The seat is reserved for my classmates.Deserve 应得;应受 You deserve a holiday because you are so tired.Observe 观察 = obey 遵守 Im not being lazy - Im just conserving my strength for later.Putting wax on wood is a way to p

18、reserve it.What has he done to deserve this punishment ?A separate room is reserved for smokers. People must observe the law. Nobody should be an exception.十三、expose v.暴露 expose A to B.把A 暴露在B之下Dont expose your skin to direct sunlight.The tree was exposed to the wind and rain.核心词组:be exposed to 接触=

19、have access to ; have no access to 孩子们应该接触古典音乐The children should be exposed to classical music.我没有接触过微信(Wechat)I have not been exposed to Webchat.同义词:Exposure 揭露 Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful.Exposition十四、blame v.核心词组(1) blame sb for sth. /blame sth on sb.把某事怪在某人身上。 We all

20、blame the driver for the accident. We all blame the accident on the driver.核心词组(2) to blame for / be responsible for /take responsibility for / answer for He is to blame for the fire.Which driver was to blame for the accident?十五、suspect v.(1)辨析doubt/suspectI doubt he is ill. = do not think I suspect

21、 he is ill.= think(2)词组:suspect sb of sth/doing sthWhat made you suspect me of having taken the money?我怀疑他撒谎I suspect him of lying to me.他被怀疑考试作弊He is suspected of cheating the examination.十六、boom v. /n.n.(人口,贸易)激增;繁荣(a sudden increase in trade)an economic boom生育高峰 A baby booma boom in+方面There has b

22、een a boom in house market80年代漫画产业的激增(in the1980s)There was a boom in the cartoon industry in 1980s.v. 迅速增长,迅猛发展 Business is booming.电脑业正在迅猛发展The computer industry is booming.电商正在迅猛发展E - commerce is booming.十七、argue v. (1)争论 argue with sb about/over sth.We argued with the waiter about/over the price

23、 of the meal.我和我的朋友因为钱争论起来I argued with my friend on money.Quarrel 吵架 quarrel with sb about sth.Debate 辩论 debate with sb about / over sth.I debate with William about the future of democracy(民主).What does the author argue in paragraph 2?(2)(议论文专用)认为 firmly/strongly/openly argue that 30% of the studen

24、ts think that the exams should be cancelled= insist/believe/claim/maintain Argument n.(1)争论an argument about who was responsible for the accident.(2)论据,论点a powerful argument against smoking.十八、interrupt v.erupt (断裂) volcanic eruption 火山爆发 erupt vbankrupt a 破产 I am bankrupt.corrupt adj.1.堕落的, 腐败的, 贪赃

25、舞弊的2.不道德的vt. & vi.(使)败坏, (使)腐化a corrupt company abrupt = sudden 打断; 插嘴 Its quite impolite to interrupt when someone is talking.Disturb/bother打扰=词组 cut in =词组 break in 十九、lackHis life seemed to lack direction.vt.缺乏=be short of缺乏创造性 lack creativity 缺乏勇气 lack courage lack (n)缺乏=shortageStudents are suf

26、fering from lack of sleepToo many teachers are treated with a lack of respect.Does their apparent lack of progress mean they are not doing their job properly?Tours are cancel led for lack of bookings.因为缺乏兴趣,我退出了比赛.For lack of interest, I quit the competition.They lost the game, for lack of practice.

27、二十、absorb 吸收 emit 释放 carbon emission 碳排放 The coat absorbs little water.Plants absorb oxygen.同义词组= take in / be absorbed in /give off 必会核心词组:be absorbed in 全神贯注于/ 投身于 = devote oneself to = focus on = concentrate /center on /be immersed in/ be addicted to Now, students are absorbed in playing mobile p

28、hone.二十一、reality /rilti/ n. 真实;现实;逼真in reality实际上;事实上sense of reality真实感If we redouble our efforts, our dream will translate into reality. 如果我们加倍努力,我们的梦想会变成现实。二十二、assess v. 评估Its difficult to assess the influence of the internet.很难评估环境破坏的后果It is difficult to assess the consequences of environment. 评

29、估一个房子Assess your house 评估损伤(定损)= assess the damage assessment n. 评估二十三、inform v.告诉,通知 = tell必会核心词组:inform sb. of sth./Accuse sb of sth./remind sb of sth./warn sb of sth./ suspect sb of sth.I informed her of my coming.Please inform us of any change of address as soon as possible.A well-informed perso

30、n.见识广的,博闻多识的The public is ill-informed about their legal rights.愚昧无知的 adj.消息不灵通的,所知不多的二十四、like /laik/ n.爱好;嗜好look like看起来像feel like想要;感到好似something like有点像;大约;差不多if you like如果你愿意;如果你喜欢的话like what举个例子吧;比如说二十五、influence /influns/ n. 影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事 vt. 影响influence on对的影响under the influence酒醉的influenc

31、e in干涉;介入I thought Sonny would be a good influence on you.我认为桑尼对你会有好的影响。He was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.他因涉嫌酒后驾车而被捕。二十六、talent /tlnt/ n.天分;天赋;才华talent for天才;有的天赋talent development人才开发;才能发展He is talent for music.二十七、lose /lu:z/ vt.(lost, lost) 失去;丢失vi. 失败;受损失lose oneself迷路lo

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