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1、全国高考英语阅读完形与写作考前纠错之完形填空完形填空名题精炼2017年全国高考英语 阅读、完形与写作(考前纠错)之完形填空 完形填空名题精炼Passage 1 (2016宝鸡高三年级期末考试)话题难度词数建议用时夹叙夹议文2815 minsThe tourist bus winded its way into a mountainous area.When it was 1 to make a turn, two passengers a 2 of young lovers were so attracted by the beautiful scenery that they 3 a sto

2、p to get down.They were left behind and the bus went 4 .Suddenly they heard a loud boom 5 of the road.It was a huge rock rolling down in the landslide that hit the bus and fell with it into a deep valley.The lovers were greatly 6 by the news that no passengers on board 7 .When they calmed down they

3、8 and expressed their feelings in a few words.The above story was told by a guide when we were riding a tourist 9 to a scenic mountain. He asked us to guess what the lovers said 10 after the disaster that they had narrowly escaped.Often we read reports about traffic accidents, among which there were

4、 11 ones who missed the bus and 12 the disaster. Those people usually said with a sigh of 13 . “Fortunately I was not on board.” On our bus the passengers 14 to the guide were various.But the answer was quite out of our expectation. “If we hadnt got down and 15 the bus, it would have 16 the dangerou

5、s spot and all the passengers would have survived.”The story passed from person to person as a sort of wit(智慧) test, but I think 17 .It actually serves as a (n) 18 of a persons mind.I pay my heartfelt respect to the couple who, instead of feeling lucky, 19 themselves for causing the loss of lives.Pe

6、ople all have heart for 20 , but it is often a flashing thought across ones mind that decides whether it is good or evil (邪恶的)1A.ready Btime Casked Dabout2A.couple Bgroup Cparty to Bcalled for Ccaught sight of Dlooked for4A.away Bin Con Dby5A.along Bahead Cacross Dopposite6A.shocked Bscar

7、ed Cmoved Dconfused7A.died Bsaved Csurvived Dwitnessed8A.shouted Bscreamed Cfought Bbike Croad Dbus10A.immediately Beven Conly Dever11.A.lazy Bselfish Clucky Dstrange12.A.missed Bavoided Ccaused Dremarked13.A.sorrow Binnocence Crelief Dregret14.A.emotions Bexpressions Creplies Dattitud

8、es15.A.caught Bdelayed Cmissed Dtook16.A.seen Bpassed Cjumped Doverlooked17A.otherwise Bmore Cwhatever Dseriously18A.examination Bchange Cquality Dstate19A.thought Bblamed Cenjoyed Dhelped20A.happiness Bexcuse Chonor DMercyPassage 2 (2016襄阳市高三第一次摸底考试)话题难度词数建议用时夹叙夹议文3295 minsEven when I sit here and

9、write this story, I am still smiling.The past few weeks have been rather 1 , but when a huge set of Smile Cards arrived in my mailbox the other day, having 2 all the way from the United States to my home in the Netherlands, I knew things were about to 3 .I found myself thinking about where to 4 the

10、cards as I went to bed that night the train, benches at the station, libraries, mailboxes, or the gym. I almost thought about any 5 of putting them.I got up and 6 , I went straight to the shop to buy some candies, 7 to leave them as anonymous (匿名的)gifts for people on the early morning train.There we

11、re usually few people on the train.However, 8 my early morning travel, my train today was extremely 9 .An elderly man must have seen me searching for a place to leave a Smile Card, because he asked me if I was looking for something.Right then and there I decided that my 10 Smile Card would not be an

12、onymous.With a smile and red cheeks with 11 , I told him that I had found what I was looking for, 12 him the candy and Smile Card I had in my hand.He had only just finished reading the card as I arrived at my 13 . He was still smiling and enjoying his candy when I 14 at him on the platform. 15 havin

13、g worked a full day, I was feeling joyful.Before I entered my 16 , I delivered a few more Smile Cards and candies to neighbors mailboxes.I added an extra candy bar for one neighbor who was in a 17 nancial situation, but he was working hard to get the best for his young son.I figured they both 18 a t

14、asty little treat.I am 19 from my Smile Card adventure, and am even happier to have Smile Cards 20 , and quite a few ideas as to where to drop them.I believe giving Smile Cards to each other will bring all of us great joy.1A.smooth Bunfair Cinspiring Dtough2A.walked Btraveled Ccalled Dposted3A.turn

15、about Bturn out Cturn down Dturn up4A.sell Bbuy Cget Dleave5A.accident Bimportance Cnecessity Dpossibility6A.meanwhile Bthere Cafterward Danyhow7A.dreaming Bplanning Cpretending Balong Cunlike Don9A.crowded Bempty Cdirty Dclean10A.expensive Bbeautiful Cfirst Dreal11A.anger Bsorrow Cs

16、hyness Dexcitement12A.telling Blending Chanding Dshowing13A.stop Bhouse Clibrary Dschool14A.waved Blaughed Cshouted Dpointed15A.Because of BDespite CApart from Bapartment Cbathroom Bsteady Chopeful Ddifficult18A.suffered Bdeserved Chated Dsupported19A.eager Bcalm Cth

17、rilled Dnervous20A.left Brepaired Cbought DsoldPassage 3 (2016荆州高三第三次质检)话题难度词数建议用时夹叙夹议文4787 minsThe Fish I didnt CatchI still remember my first fishing experience as if it were but yesterday. I have been 1 many times in my life (like when I got admitted to the best school), but never more intensely

18、so than when I received that first fishing 2 from my uncle.My uncle, who knew by long 3 where pickerel(梭鱼)would gather, 4 placed me at the most favorable point.I threw out my line and waited anxiously for a bite, 5 the float up and down rapidly on the surface of the water.But nothing came of it.“Try

19、 again,”said my uncle.Suddenly the float 6 out of sight.“Now for it,” thought I,“here is a fish at last.”I made a strong pull,only to bring up a tangle of weeds.Again and again I cast out my line with aching arms, and drew it back empty. I looked at my uncle 7 . “Try once more,” he said,“we fisherme

20、n must have 8 .”Suddenly something tugged at my line,and swept off with it into deep water.Pulling it up quickly, I saw a fine pickerel wriggling in the sun.“Uncle!” I cried, looking back in uncontrollable 9 , “Ive got a fish!” “Not yet,”said my uncle.Just then, I saw the scared fish shooting into t

21、he middle of the stream, my hook hung 10 from the line. I had lost my prize.My heart sank with it and I felt like a failure. We tend to speak of the 11 of childhood as matters of little importance 12 hose of grownups.Controlled by reason and selfrespect, the sorrows of grownups 13 the social customs

22、 and rules of conduct 14 the sorrows of childhood are a complete abandonment to the passion.The dolls nose is broken, and the whole world 15 with it.So, overcome with my bitter disappointment, I refused to be 16 , even by my uncles guarantee that there were more fish in the river.He refitted my bait

23、, and, putting the pole again in my hands, told me to try my luck once more.“But remember, boy” he said, with a smile, “its no use to boast (自夸) of anything before its done, nor then, either, 17 it speaks for itself.”How often I have been reminded of the fish that I did not catch 18 !When I hear peo

24、ple talking about their distant aims as if they had already been achieved, I call to mind that 19 by the riverside, and the wise caution of my uncle takes the form of a proverb of 20 application: “NEVER BOAST OF YOUR FISH BEFORE YOU CATCH HIM.”1A.happy Bconfident Ccurious Doptimistic2A.basket Bpole

25、Cnet Dboat3A.analysis Bcalculation Cadjustment Dexperience4A.casually Bdesperately Cconsiderately Dunexpectedly5A.kicking Bmoving Creleasing Dfolding6A.sank B.bounced Cflew Dextended7A.understandingly Bappealingly Cseemingly Dapprovingly8A.affection Bimagination Ccompetence Dpatience9A.amusement Bdi

26、sappointment Cexcitement Dastonishment10A.separate Bheavy Cempty Ddull11A.achievements Bsorrows Cremarks comparison with Bin favour of Cin response to Don account of13A.reform Bkeep Cviolate Destablish14A.if Bsince Cwhen Dwhile15A.goes ahead Btakes off Cbreaks up Dcomes out16A.cri

27、ticized Bteased Ccomforted Dprotected17A.for Bonce Cif Dthough18A.just then Bever since Cever after Donly now19A.view Blocation Cconflict Dscene20A.liberal Bpotential Cartificial DUniversalPassage 4 (2016华师一附中高考适应性考试)话题难度词数建议用时记叙文类3335 minsAs a child I was always good at drawing and art.I won 1 , go

28、t constant attention, and even saw my face in the newspaper and on television because of my 2 ability to draw.I internally thought that the entire Metro Detroit area had 3 my artistic talent.I had spent a lot of time drawing and now I was being 4 to the front. Being a shy, nontalkative child, I foun

29、d this had a huge impact on my 5 and my life.Most people who happen to involve themselves in something that they are good at are 6 to take it and run with it.My life was no 7 .From teachers, to principals, to family members, everyone seemingly had a ton of advice to give me in regards to art.Actuall

30、y I was desiring something 8 all the while. 9 I was winning art contests and gaining tracking in the field I had an amazing 10 for writing.I entered poetry and essay contests .and lost them all.It was such a 11 with my artistic competition experience that I didnt even get honorable mention!It was so

31、 12 that a friend of mine told me once,“If youre so good at drawing why do you even 13 about anything else?Stick to it!”At twelve this sounded like a prediction.Though it was well 14 , eighteen years later Im 15 I didnt take his words to heart. 16 passed with me still writing and still occasionally entering contests. It wasnt until my second year in college that I 17 placed in a poetry contest.That doesnt mean I am great.H

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