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1、uml建模工具中bouml的使用整理版中英文对照这个bouml是基于Qt的,感觉挺好。目前关注的功能:支持windows,linux等多种操作系统,运行快,体积小,可以支持代码生成,可以生成文档,可以导出为图片。感觉真的不错。官方网址是:http:/有一个简易的教程,为了查看方便,转到我的博客里面了,网上也有中文的翻译我传到csdn上面了。网址是:以下是我转载的内容:Bouml TutorialThis tutorial is written to help you to use BOUML for the first time, only fe

2、w features of BOUML are exposed here, but a full description of BOUML is given in the reference manual.本教程主要为了帮助您第一次起用BOUML。在这里仅显露BOUML少数的特点,而BOUML完整描述参见其参考手册。The tutorial must be read in order because I will not repeat each time the general commands to call a menu etc .本教程必须按序阅读,因为我不会每次重复诸如调用菜单等一般性

3、的命令。Starting启动When you execute BOUML the following message appears, hit ok this time, but you will have to define you own identifier for an effective usage of BOUML :当您执行BOUML出现下面消息, 按确定(OK)按钮。但你将不得不定义你自己的有效的BOUML标识:(1127中的整数)。The BOUML window appears (the drawing is dependent on the used release of

4、 Qt, here the 2.4 under Linux to be compatible with the Windows release) :在BOUML视窗显现(图样取决于使用的Qt版本,这里是在Linux下运行的2.4版本,与Windows版本兼容):The bouml window is composed of three parts :bouml窗口由三个部分组成The left sub-window display a browser presenting your project, the navigation may be done by the mouse or the

5、keyboards arrows. The bold font is used when an item is modifiable, an item is read-only when you do not have the write permission for the file(s) supporting it. 左边的子窗口是一个展示您项目的浏览器,可由鼠标或上下左右键进行导航。 黑体的字体表示该项是可修改的,当您没有文件写权限时则一个项是只读。The bottom-right sub-window is used to display/modify the comment asso

6、ciated to the current selected item. 右下角的子窗口是用来显示/修改与当前所选项相关联的注释。The top-right part is used to display/modify the diagrams, these ones may be maximized or minimized. 右上方的部分是用来显示/修改图表,这些窗口可以的最大化或最小化。Obviously the respective sizes of the sub-windows may be changed, placing the mouse on the separation

7、between them. Note : if you have at least a dual monitor configuration the better is to set the environment variable BOUML_LIMIT_DESKTOP, see here.显然地,个别子窗的大小会发生改变,当把鼠标放在它们之间的分拆处时,可以更改窗口大小。注意:如果你有双监视器配置,更好的办法是设置环境变量BOUML_LIMIT_DESKTOP,参见此地。At this level you have to create a new project, or to load a

8、n already existing project.在此水平下你必须创建一个新的项目,或加载一个已经存在的项目。Create a new project创建一个新项目Here we create a new project : in the menu Project choose new, a file dialog appears (its aspect depend on the used system and window manager) and you have to select the directory where the project will be placed and

9、 its name, I choose the project foo placed under /tmp :这儿,我们创建一个新项目:在Project菜单中选择New菜单项,呈现一个文件对话框(它的外观取决于所用的系统和窗口管理器),请求输入项目名称,你必须选择一个目录用以存放项文件,并选择输入项目名字,我输入项目名为foo,放置在/ tmp目录之下: In this case BOUML creates the directory foo under /tmp, and places some files in /tmp/foo including foo.prj which is the

10、 file to load when you will re-load this project. Note : do not rename or delete the files produced by BOUML nor the directory itself !在这种情况下BOUML 在/tmp下创建目录foo(即tmpfoo),并将某些文件(包括foo.prj)放置在/tmp/foo目录之下。当重新加载工程时(foo.prj),这些文件都会加载。!注意: 不要重命名或删除由BOUML产生的文件,以及目录本身!A new dialog appears :接着显示一个新的对话框:Foll

11、owing the recommendation, I set for instance the toggle for C+ and Java in the Language menu (we will see why later) :遵循以下的建议,通过Language菜单我为此例切换为C + +和Java的语言(以后我们将看到为什么这样做):The name of the project appears in the browser, the project is the top level package, a right mouse click on it produces the m

12、enu :该项目的名称显示在浏览器中,该项目是顶级包 ,其上点击鼠标右键产生的菜单:As you can see, a package may contain other packages and some views : use case view, class view, component view and deployment view.你将看到,一个包(package)可能包含其他包和一些视图: 用例视图(use case view),类视图(class view),构件视图(component view)和部署视图(deployment view) 。View, Use case视

13、图(View,) 用例(Use case)Bouml uses views in a project to organize and structure the model elements and diagrams. The different types of views provide different context menus listing the diagrams and model elements that can be created in it. Bouml在一个bouml工程中使用视图来组织和结构化模型元素和图。不同类型视图依据上下文提供不同的菜单,以列出在其中可以创

14、建图和模型元素。To define use cases we need to have a use case view, so we choose new use case view :若要定义用例,我们需要有一个用例视图(use case view) ,所以我们选择新的用例视图 (new use case view):Bouml asks for the name of the view, to change it later the use case view must be edited through a double mouse click, or choosing edit in

15、the menu appearing on a right mouse click, showing the use case editor :Bouml要求提供的视图名。在以后要想修改它,必须鼠标双击用例视图 (new use case view),或点鼠标右键出现菜单,从菜单中选择edit,则显示了用例编辑器。Diagram图To create a use case diagram in this view, do a right click on the use case view and choose new use case diagram :要在此视图创建用例图(use case

16、diagram) ,在用例视图上右击鼠标,弹出菜单,并选择新的用例图(new use case diagram) :The name is also asked, to change it the use case diagram must be edited choosing edit in the menu appearing on a right mouse click. Contrary to the non diagram items, a double click on a diagram show it :同样还要输入用例图的名字。要修改用例图,在用例图上右击鼠标键,显示一菜单此

17、菜单为元素的关联菜单,以后简称关联菜单,从菜单中选择edit。相对于非图项,在图上双击显示。Add elements in a diagram在图中添加元素To create and place a use case in the use case diagram you have two ways :在用例图中创建并放置用例你有两种方法可选 :to do a right click on the use case view and to choose new use case, then to drag it from the browser to the diagram, 在用例视图右击鼠

18、标,在菜单中选择新的用例(new use case) ,然后从浏览器拖放到图中。or to hit the ellipsis button in the top of the diagram sub-windows, then to hit somewhere in the diagram sub-window. 或点击图子窗口顶上的用例功能(椭圆)按钮,然后在图中某个点点击鼠标即可。 Note that the use case is created in the view containing the diagram, this will be the same thing in the

19、others case whatever the diagram except for the states machine.请注意, 用例是包含用例图的视图中创建的,除状态机(states machine.)外,不论何种图皆与此类似。Lets Withdraw the name of the use case. 我们将用例的名字取为 Withdraw。 To move the use case in the diagram, do a left click on it and move the mouse click down, the name follow the use case bu

20、t the name may be moved independently, for instance to place it in the middle of the ellipsis. You may also select the use case and to use the arrows of the keyboard.要移动图中的use case ,在use case上按鼠标左键,保持按下状态移动鼠标,用例名跟着用例移动 ,但用例名也可以独立移动。例如,将用例名放置在椭圆的中间。您也可以选中用例后使用键盘上的箭头移动。Create an actor named Customer l

21、ike you create the use case, to have :创建一个名为Customer的角色如同你创建用例一样,结果如下:Note that an actor is in fact a class, when the stereotype is actor the icon shown in the browser is an actor, else a class. To change the stereotype edit the class (double mouse click on the class, or choosing edit in the menu ap

22、pearing on a right mouse click on the class), choose among the predefined list of stereotypes or enter a new one, read the reference manual to change the predefined list of stereotypes.请注意,一个角色(actor)其实是一个类 ,当板型是角色时,在浏览器中显示的图标是一个角色,否则是一个类。要改变板型,编辑类(在类上双击鼠标,或在类上点击鼠标右键出现的菜单,选择edit),从预定义列表中选择板型或输入一个新的板

23、型。关于修改预定义的板型列表,请阅读参考手册。The use case picture may be resized moving the points appearing when you click on the use case. The actor cant be resized.用例可以改变大小:点击用例,移动的出现点即可。然而角色不能调整大小You have to ways to draw the association : a simple line as UML recommendation, or an arrow. Hit on the desired icon, left

24、 click on the actor, move the mouse click down up to the use case and release the click :你有多种方法画出关联关系:UML的推荐(一条简单线条或有箭头),点击所需图标按钮,在角色上点击(不松开),移动鼠标到用例上,松开鼠标。The lines may be broken during the initial construction if you release the click out of any item, or after the construction with a left mouse cl

25、ick on the line and moving the mouse click down. 在最初的构建线条时,如果你在元素之外松开鼠标左键,线条变成折线。或在线条构建完成之后,在线上点击鼠标左键,拖动原线条亦变为折线。To remove a point in a line, double left click on it, or right click to show the menu and choose remove from view. To abort a line during its construction : double click.要删除线上的一个点,双击此点,或右

26、键单击此点显示菜单并选择remove from view菜单项。在线条的构建过程中,双击将终止构建Add new elements in the diagram like this (edit the dependency to set the stereotype include) :同样方式在图中添加新元素,如下图(编辑依赖性以设置其板型)As you can see, the generalizations and dependencies are visible on the browser, their menu (on a right click) in the browser a

27、llows to navigate to the target.正如你所看到的, 在浏览器上可见到范化(generalizations)和依赖(dependencies)关系,它们关联菜单(在其上鼠标右键单击)允许浏览到你要找的目标。If you edit the generalization from Withdraw you will have a simple dialog, this is not the case for the generalization between the actors because this inheritance may produce source

28、code : an actor is a class.如果您从WithDraw来编辑泛化关联,将有一个简单的对话框,这与角色之间的泛化关系不是一回事,因为继承会产生源代码: 一个角色是一个类。Remove an element in a diagram删除图中的一个元素To remove something in the diagram, select the desired elements (left click on it) and press Suppr or call the menu and choose remove from view. Note that this is no

29、t possible to remove a label.从图中删除一些元素,选择要删除元素(左键点击),然后按DEL或从关联菜单选择remove from view。请注意,不可能的删除图中的标签(label)。Delete / undelete browser element删除/恢复浏览器中的元素To delete something from the model, use control-d or choose delete from model, you may also do that on the item in the browser. For instance if I de

30、lete the Administrator :要从模型中删除元素,按ctrol+d或从关联菜单选择delete from model,,你也可以在浏览器中如此做。:例如删除的Administrator :Obviously the Administrator and the generalization disappear from the diagram, but this is not the case in the browser : they are just marked deleted. Their menu is modified : you may undelete just

31、 the Administrator or this one and all his children (undelete recursively), you have no menu for the generalization because it cant be undeleted while Administrator is deleted !显然,Administrator 和generalization从图中消失,但在浏览器中并非如此:它们只是加上删除标记,相对应的菜单的也发生了改变。你可仅恢复(undelete) Administrator或者它和它的全部子孙(递归性恢复)。当A

32、dministrator被删除时,generalizationr 没有关联菜单,在Administrator被删除时,是不可以单单恢复它的子孙Note that the deleted elements are not saved, if you reload the project the deleted elements will be definitively lost.注意:所有删除的元素是不保存的,如果你重新调入工程,被删除的元素一定丢失了。Undelete the actor and the generalization, they do not reappears in the diagram.恢复角色和它的子孙,它们将不会在图中。Reinsert the actor in the diagram, using a drag&drop from the b

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