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Unit1Making friends.docx

1、Unit1Making friendsUnit 1 Making friends (I)一、单元概述1掌握本单元出现的生单词、词组及句型。2掌握如何提出和回答wh-问句。3掌握的发音。4学会用英语来向其他同学介绍自己。5学会给新朋友写电子邮件。二、语音知识Chineseheteacherthree bee seebean Englishitlive thinlittlefish swim can flat manMaths catcatch that breadegg friendlymanyletbed三、单元重难点知识讲解1Friends often write to each other

2、 about their hobbies.译文朋友们经常写信给对方,谈论彼此的爱好。(1)write to sb.写信给某人 Please write to your parents!请给你的父母写信!Can I write to her?我能给她写信吗?(2)each other 彼此;互相They love each other.他们爱着彼此。They know each other.他们彼此认识。延伸:other家族词汇大比拼:another, other, others, the other, the others的用法 another(an other)表示“别的”,“另一个”,泛指

3、众多中的一个,一般后面接单数名词,前面不加定冠词。e.g.This book is too difficult for me. Will you please give me another one? the other表示两个中的一个,常与one连用,onethe othere.g.I have two pencils. One is red;the other is blue. other名词others(别的) e.g.Some are listening to the radio. Others are watching TV. the other名词the others(其余的,相当

4、于the rest)e.g.Some of the students are from the north. The others(the other students) are from the south.(3)hobby 嗜好;业余爱好;hobby的复数形式为hobbies。e.g.Whats your hobby?你的爱好是什么?My hobby is cooking.我的爱好是烹饪。What are your hobbies?你有哪些爱好?My hobbies are reading books and studying English. 我的爱好是读书和学习英语。Do you ha

5、ve any hobbies?你有什么爱好吗?2My name is Anna.译文我的名字叫安娜。My name is表示“我的名字叫;我是”,是向别人介绍自己的句子。“My name is”同样可以改为“Im”或者“I am”(其中“Im”是“I am”的缩写形式)。e.g.My name is Lin Lin. (Im Lin Lin./ I am Lin Lin.)我的名字叫林林。注:“My name is”可以改为“My names”(其中“names”是“name is”的缩写形式)e.g.My names Jimmy.我的名字叫吉米。3Im from Germany.译文我来自德

6、国。(1)Im是I am的缩写形式。be from在句中意思是“从来”或“来自”。常用来询问某人来自何地或某人的籍贯。注意:be from come frome.g.I am from Canada. I come from Canada.我来自加拿大。She is from China. She comes from China.她来自中国。Where are you from? Where do you come from?你来自哪里?Where is she from? Where does she come from?她来自哪里?(2)Germany 德国;German 德国人;德语;

7、德国的e.g.He is/comes from Germany.他来自于德国。He is German.他是德国人。He speaks German. 他讲德语。 延伸:America, Canada, China为国家,是名词。American, Canadian, Chinese是形容词,意为“的”,或是名词意为“人”。e.g.She is from America. She is American. 她来自美国。她是美国人。Jim is from Canada. He is Canadian.吉姆来自加拿大。他是加拿大人。I am from China. I am Chinese. 我来

8、自中国。我是中国人。4Im 11 years old.译文我今年十一岁。“我今年11岁。”可以有以下几种表达方式:I am 11.I am 11 years old.I am an 11yearold boy/girl.延伸:如果你想询问别人的年龄,通常可以使用“How old are you?”这个问句,但针对不同年龄的人在将问话翻译成汉语时要注意其习惯,要讲礼貌。e.g.How old are you, boy? 小朋友,你几岁了?How old is your grandmother? 你奶奶今年高寿?注意:用这句话来提问时要针对问话的主语改变动词be。e.g.How old are y

9、ou? 你多大了? I am 10. 我10岁。 How old is your brother? 你弟弟的年龄是多少? He is 6. 他6岁。 How old are they? 他们多大了? They are 12. 他们12岁。5I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.译文我和我的家人住在离群山很近的房子里。(1)live with sb.表示“与某人住在一起”,同时它还可以表示“与同居;承认;忍受”。e.g.I live with my uncle. 我和叔叔住在一起。He lives with his gi

10、rl friend.他和他的女朋友同居。We have to live with the fact.我们得承认事实。(2)a house close to some mountains离群山很近的房子。此处的close to some mountains为介词短语,相当于一个形容词,用来修饰名词house。这种类型的介词短语被称为形容词性短语。e.g.Do you know the boy next to her?你认识她旁边的那个男孩子吗?Bring me the cup on the desk.把桌子上的那个杯子拿给我。6I have an elder sister and an elde

11、r brother.译文我有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。old的比较级为older或者elder,最高级为oldest或者eldest。elder是用在比较辈分的,一般是比较有特殊关系的几个人时用的。例如家里有几个孩子,长子就可以用elder来形容。older是主要用于比较年龄的,比较的人可以没有特殊关系,不是亲属等。e.g.She is older than my brother.她比我的哥哥大。She is my elder sister.她是我的姐姐。elder和eldest可用来表示兄弟和子女的长幼顺序。my elder sister 我的姐姐my eldest brother 我的大哥 th

12、eir eldest son 他们的长子7Every day, I go to school by school bus.译文我每天乘坐公交车上学。by school bus的意思是“乘坐校车”,表示的是一种交通方式。英语中常用交通方式的表达方法如下:(1)用“by交通工具”表示交通方式。如:by bike, by bus, by car, by plane, by train, by subway等。但是,“步行”用on foot, 而不是by foot。e.g.They go to school by subway every day.他们每天乘地铁去上学。注意:by后面的交通工具名词是单

13、数,而且名词前面不能加任何修饰词。(2)用“take a 交通工具”表示交通方式。如:take a bus, take a train, take a ship,但“骑自行车”要用ride a bike 来表示。e.g.Mr. White often takes a train to work.怀特先生常坐火车去上班。(3)用某些动词短语来表示交通方式。如:walk to步行去;drive to开车去;ride to骑马/车去;fly to乘飞机去等。注意:如果后面接地点副词here,there,home等,介词to应省去。e.g.I walk to school. You can drive

14、 there.我步行去学校。你们可以开车去那儿。(4)用“by水、陆、空等”来表示交通方式。如:by water从水路;by land经陆路;by sea经海路;by air乘飞机等。e.g.I go to Beijing by air.我坐飞机去北京。8I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly.译文我喜欢我的学校,因为老师们都很友好。这个句子是一个由because引导的原因状语从句。是用来说明引起主句这个结果的原因的从句,在初中阶段引导原因状语从句的从属连词主要的有because,as,since,for等。e.g

15、.I dont like the room because it is very dirty.我不喜欢这个房间,因为它很脏。Since everybody is here, lets begin our lesson.既然大家都来了,让我们开始上课吧。As you are poor, you should save money. 既然你没钱, 你就应该节约。I ask her to stay to tea, for I have something to tell her. 我请她留下来喝茶,因为我有事要告诉她。9I am good at swimming and playing basket

16、ball.译文我擅长游泳和打篮球。“be good at doing sth.”的意思是“擅长做某事”,它与“do well in”可以互换。e.g.She is good at singing./ She dose well in singing. 她擅长唱歌。I am good at driving./ I do well in driving.我擅长驾驶。10I want to make friends with young people from all over the world.译文我想和全世界的年轻人交朋友。make friends with 和交朋友 e.g.Try to m

17、ake friends with Anna. She will be your good friend. 试着与安娜做朋友,她会成为你的好朋友的。You can make friends with them.你可以和他们交朋友。同步练习单项选择。1She is a _ student.A12yearold B12 oldC12 years oldD12 year old2Jimmy _ soccer after school.Alike play Blikes playClike playingDlikes playing3Jimmy and Jim _ twins.AisBamCare D/

18、4Cai Sisi often _ in the morning.Apractice speakBpractice speakingCpractices speak Dpractices speaking5I _ from Canada.Acomes BamCisDare6My sister often plays _ basketball after school.Aa BtheCanD/7Thats not my book. Its _.ALucyBLucy bookCLucys bookDbook Lucy8My uncle likes _ chess after work.AplayB

19、playedCplaying Dplays9He is my _ brother.Athe youngestByoungerCyounggerDyounggest 10I _ Kate. My dog _ Wangwang. Aam, amBam, isCis, amDis, are提示:1A12yearold可以用来修饰名词。2DJimmy是三人称单数,所以like首先要用单数,即加s,而like后接动词要接动词的ing形式,因此正确答案为D。3CJimmy and Jim是两个人,为复数,所以be动词用are。4DCai Sisi是三人称单数,所以practice首先要用单数,即加s,而p

20、ractice后接动词要接动词的ing形式,因此正确答案为D。5Bbe from来自于。此处主语为第一人称,所以不能选A。6Dplay后面加球类名词时中间不要任何的冠词。7C根据句子意思,“那不是我的书,是Lucy的书”。在人名后加s表示名词所有格,表示这个人“的”。8Clike doing sth.表示“喜欢做某事”。9B句子意思为“他是我的弟弟”。10BI后面要用be动词am,my dog是三人称单数,be动词用is。窗体底端B卷一、根据划线部分提问。1He is 11._ old _ he?2My mother comes from America._ does your mother

21、_ _?3She is in Class 4._ class _ _ in?4She goes to school by bike._ _ she go to school?5My hobbies are swimming and reading._ _ your hobbies?二、从II栏中选出与I栏中相应的答语。III()1Good afternoon!AThank you.()2Nice to meet you.BFine, thank you.()3How are you?CGood afternoon.()4How do you do?DNice to meet you, too.

22、()5Welcome to Beijing.EHow do you do?Unit 1 Making friends ()一、单元概述1掌握本单元出现的生单词、词组及句型。2学会正确地使用不定冠词a或者an。3掌握/p/,/b/的发音。4学会阅读和书写电子邮件。二、语音知识/p/ help pen people ship Peter painting picture park/b/ baby big bushobbybathbowl三、单元重难点知识讲解1I want to become Annas e-friend because I want to learn about Germany.

23、译文我想成为安娜的网友,因为我想学习德语(1)want to do sth. 想做某事e.g.I want to see you.我想见你。She wants to go home.她想回家。want sb. to do sth.想让某人做某事e.g.I want you to bring me the book.我想要你把那本书递给我。I want him to live with us.我希望他能跟我们一起住。(2)learn about 学到(知识等);了解e.g.I want to learn about the history of America.我想了解美国历史。We have

24、a lot more to learn about English.关于英语,我们要学习的还有很多。2When you listen to a conversation, you need to pay attention to the wh-questions.译文当你在听一个对话的时候,你需要注意wh-问句。(1)listen to 听;听取(意见等)e.g.Listen to the teacher carefully!认真听老师讲课!We should listen closely to our parents idea.我们需要听取父母的意见。(2)when在这里表示时间,意为“当时

25、;在的时候”。e.g.When you see him, please say hello to him.当你见到他时,请代我向他问好。He looked aside when I spoke to him. 我对他说话的时候,他向旁边看。(3)pay attention to 注意;留心;重视e.g.We should pay attention to this from the very beginning. 我们从一开始就要注意这个问题。He wants people to pay attention to his music, not his family. 他只想让人们注意他的音乐,

26、而不是他的家庭。3I saw your blog on the internet and Id like to be your e-friend.译文我在网上看到了你的博客,我希望能成为你的网友。(1)saw在这里是see的一般过去式,这个句子使用了一般过去时态,表示过去发生的动作。e.g.I fell in love with her when I first saw her.我对她一见钟情。I saw them running together along the road yesterday. 我昨天看见他们沿着马路一起跑。(2)on the internet 在互联网上 e.g.He

27、spends most of his time on the internet.他大部分的时间都在上网。I found this information on the internet.我在网上发现了这个信息。(3)Id like是I would like的缩写形式,would like后面通常接动词不定式,即:would like to do sth.e.g.Id like to have a cup of tea.我想要喝一杯茶。I would like to go with you.我愿意跟你一起去。We are small but we would like to help you.

28、虽然我们个头小,但是我们愿意帮您。(4)e-friend 网友e.g.Hi, I am your new e-friend now! 你好,我是你的新网友!Millie has a new e-friend called Tommy. 米莉有个名叫汤米的新网友。4I have short, black hair.译文我拥有又黑又短的头发。生活中常见发型的表达:long curly hair 长的卷曲的头发short straight hair 短的直发short black hair 短的黑发long blond wavy hair 长的金黄色的波浪发延伸:当要询问某人的外貌时,通常使用:What do/does sb. look like?e.g.What does your father look like?你爸爸看起来是什么样子的?What does Mr.

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